1000 resultados para Planejamento municipal


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The plating process generates solid waste rich in heavy metals and aiming to reduce environmental impact of such waste, this work suggests a methodology for zinc reduction, through a 2(4) factorial planning, studying the influence of the following variables: acid concentration (15, 20 or 30% v/v), acid type (sulfuric or hydrochloric), acid volume (15, 20 or 25 mL) and extraction time (12, 24 or 36 h). Through this methodology it is possible to establish the optimal conditions (15 mL of a 30% hydrochloric acid concentration during 12 h) to get a 100% efficiency in zinc extraction.


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Els negocis relacionats amb les activitats de lleure i els esports d’aventura actualment es troben en expansió, buscant majoritàriament el contacte amb la natura. Les rutes a cavall formen part del gran ventall d’opcions, per aquesta qüestió s’ha pensat en construir un refugi utilitzat com a final d’etapa per a rutes a cavall. En la major part del territori, la presència de població humana es manifesta en pobles, viles i ciutats, les quals disposes d’aigua sanitària, corrent elèctric i sistema de clavegueram. Per altra banda en les urbanitzacions o cases aïllades poder gaudir d’aquests serveis suposa una inversió econòmica elevada, que implica la utilització de sistemes alternatius. En el present projecte s’ha triat un emplaçament on portar a terme el final d’etapa amb una sèrie de requisits a complir : bosc a les proximitats, disposar d’un o varis accessos per a vehicles (transport del material d’intendència), tranquil•litat, bones vistes, i cobertura de telèfon mòbil. S’han acceptat les següents limitacions : no disposar de xarxa pública d’electricitat ni d’aigua. I s’han dimensionat les instal•lacions per a un màxim de dotze persones i els seus respectius cavalls. El principal objectiu del projecte és el dimensionament de les necessitats elèctriques, d’aigua i d’aiguacalenta sanitària en condicions autònomes, i utilitzant energies renovables. La valoració de les possibles solucions per condicionar les instal•lacions, i oferir una resposta eficient per la demanda. No és un objectiu específic del treball la potabilització de l’aigua ni el tractament dels residus produïts. S’han aprofitat els diferents desnivells que presenta l’emplaçament triat a l’hora de distribuir les instal•lacions, i s’ha utilitzat un antic cobert de dos pisos ja existent. Com a residència s’ha triat un model de casa prefabricada de muntanya. Com a sistema de subministrament elèctric, s’instal•laran plaques solars fotovoltaiques i un generador de corrent com a sistema auxiliar. La captació d’aigua s’efectuarà a partir d’un pou que es troba en el terreny i de la recollida d el’aigua pluvial, instal•lant dipòsits d’emmagatzemament d’aigua segons les necessitats. S’utilitzarà un equip de cloració per potabilitzar l’aigua de consum utilitzada a la residència. En la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària s’utilitzaran plaques solars tèrmiques i una caldera instantània de gas propà com a suport. Per cuinar s’ha triat una cuina de gas propà i una barbacoa que s’instal•larà a l’exterior. S’instal•larà una llar de foc amb recuperador d’aire a la residència i una fosa sèptica amb un sistema d’infiltració per poder abocar les aigües provinents de la residència. Els fems dels cavalls podran ser utilitzats com adob pel terreny.


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Inversors però, principalment professionals de l'àmbit agrari, per tal de buscar una diversificació de l'activitat agrícola i ramadera que desenvolupen a les seves finques, sobretot joves emprenedors, poden estar interessats en produccions alternatives com la producció d'ànecs per a foie-gras, per tal de complementar la seva renda agrària. Actualment cal augmentar la competitivitat de les finques agrícoles per tal que aquestes siguin econòmicament viables. L’objectiu de l'estudi és determinar la viabilitat econòmica d’una explotació ramadera d’ànecs per a la producció de foie-gras, en el terme municipal de Fontanals de Cerdanya, analitzant les diverses alternatives en quant a dimensionament i disseny de les instal·lacions, segons el cicle productiu de l’animal. L'alternativa escollida per realitzar l'estudi es la de semi-integració (cria, engreix i embocat), de règim semi-intensiu (durant l'etapa de l'engreix), amb animals mascles de la raça híbrida Mulard. Les instal·lacions tindran una capacitat de 6.500 animals, amb lots de 250 caps. Aquest dimensionament permet, durant la fase d'embocat, en la qual es requereix més dedicació, que la demanda de mà d'obra pugui ser satisfeta per un únic treballador. La principal conclusió que es pot extreure de l'estudi és que la inversió projectada és massa elevada i que aquesta econòmicament no és viable o rendible, ja que la despesa és massa elevada. Es mouen uns fluxos de caixa molt elevats i el marge comercial és molt reduït. Únicament si l'objectiu del promotor és obtenir una remuneració per la seva feina, sempre i quan és produeixi un augment del preu actual de la carn i una disminució del preu del pinso, es podria recomanar que es portés a terme la implantació de l'explotació, intentant, però, reduir la despesa d'execució de construccions i instal·lacions.


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The objective of this work was to optimize the derivatization reaction for determining deoxynivalenol (DON) by gas chromatography employing an experimental planning procedure. The factors were: temperature, reaction time, catalyst and trifluoroacetic anhydride concentration. The relative peak areas were used to evaluated the effects. The best conditions for DON derivatization were 200 µL TFAA and 18 mg sodium bicarbonate for 6 min at 74 ºC for 7 to 21 µg of DON. Under these conditions, the detection limit was 1.4 µg of DON.


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Nutritional therapy with enteral diets became substantially specialized over the last years. This work's aim was to study the effect of the components of a formulation: fiber, calcium and medium-chain triglycerides for dialysability of minerals. Analysis of multiple variables was carried out using response surface methodology. The level curve showed an antagonic effect of interaction between iron and zinc. TCM was the variable responsible for characterizing competition between the two minerals in the formulation. More studies on foods are needed for knowing the effecs of minerals in formulations.


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This paper reports the development of a methodology for simultaneously determining As, Cd and Pb, employing GF AAS with polarized Zeeman-effect background correction. In order to make the procedure applicable, the influence of pyrolysis and atomization temperatures and the amount of chemical modifiers were studied. Factorial and central composite designs were used to optimize these variables. Precision and accuracy of the method were investigated using Natural Water Reference material, Nist SRM 1640. Results are in agreement with certified values at the 95% confidence limit when the Student t-test is used. This methodology was used for quality control of purified water for hemodialysis.


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In the present work, the influence of the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus and degrees Brix on the yield and productivity of alcoholic fermentation has been evaluated. The methodology used was factorial design and response surface analysis. Within the range studied only for phosphorus a statistically significant effect was observed. The broth of sugar cane of the CB 453 variety already possessed enough nitrogen for the fermentation. The mathematical and empirical model was validated for productivity and not for yield. The concentration of alcohol produced in the fermentation was not enough to cause cellular growth inhibition.


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A chromatographic method was developed for cholesterol determination in feed for ruminants using response surface methodology. Among the five approaches of sample preparation methods tested, the saponification of the sample without heating presented less interference in the gas chromatography. The method presented a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 4.3%, recoveries between 84 and 87% and detection limit of 0.001 mg of cholesterol per g of feed.


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COD is an important parameter to estimate the concentration of organic contaminants. The closed system technique with the use of K2Cr2O7 is the most important one, however, it has the inconvenience to suffer positive chemical interferences from inorganic compounds such as Fe2+ and H2O2 (not enough reported in the literature). This paper considers a statistical-experimental set capable to validate a empirical mathematical model generated from a 23 experimental design, in the presence of Fe2+ and H2O2. The t test shows that mathematical model has 99,99999% confidence degree and the experimental validation test indicates absolute mean error of 4,70%.


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The AVS is defined operationally as acid volatile sulfide, which is a controlling phase on the partition of some metallic species in sediments. A Factorial design was evaluated by means of 16 experiments and using four variables: temperature, extraction time, N2 flow, and volume of the S2- collection solution. The factors that contributed to the efficiency of the process were the extraction time and the N2 flow. Trapping of S2- was efficient in AAB. The S2- was quantified using a potentiometric procedure. Recovery tests for S2- concentrations varying from 1×10-5 to 1×10-4 mol L-1 were in the range from 93 to 116%.


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The effect of precursors on the anticancer alkaloid production by submerged fermentation using M. anisopliae 3935 was studied, according to complete experimental design 2² with three central points. The results showed that lysine was the most important variable, however, when both lysine and glucose were added to the fermentation medium, the alkaloid production reached, approximately, 17 mg L-1 after 120 hours of fermentation. Then, the scale-up of the process was carried out and these results were confirmed. Finally, 35 mg L-1 of alkaloid at 192 h were attained after increment of added aminoacid lysine.


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In this manuscript, seasonal and spatial trends of water collected from two sampling places in the Preto River in the Turvo-Grande watershed were evaluated. Water samples were collected during June/07 to July/08 and parameters sulphate, total organic carbon, ammonia, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, dissolved total solids and nitrate were quantified. Seasonal trend indicated sanitary effluents as a point source of contamination in both sampling points. Vertical trends demonstrated that the Municipal Dam was not stratified and received a diffuse source of pollutants from flooding and agriculture runoffs. It was also verified that there is relatively fast ammonia consumption kinetics having a half-life time of 1.43 h which can explain the low ammonia concentrations found in these aquatic bodies.


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Thermophilic Bacillus sp. SMIA-2, produced protease when grown on apple pectic, whey protein and corn step liquor medium, whose concentration was varied from 3 to 10 gL-1, according to the central composite design 2³. The experiments were conducted in shaker, at 50 °C, 150 rpm and initial pH 6.5. The results revealed that the culture medium affected both, cell growth and enzyme production. After graphical and numerical optimization procedure, the enzyme production reached its maximum value at 30 h fermentation, reaching, approximately, 70 U protein mg-1, suggesting that this process was partially associated to the growth.


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Different parameters of carbon ceramic electrodes (CCE) preparation, such as type of precursor, carbon material, catalyst amount, among others, significantly influence the morphological properties and consequently their electrochemical responses. This paper describes a 2³ factorial design (2 factors and 3 levels with central point replicates), which the factors analyzed were catalyst amount (HCl 12 mol L-1), graphite/precursor ratio, and precursor type (TEOS - tetraethoxysilane and MTMOS - methyltrimetoxysilane). The design resulted in a significant third order interaction for peak current values (Ipa) and a second order interaction for potential difference (ΔE), between thefactors studied, which could not be observed when using an univariated study.


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The decomposition of detergent powder samples in a microwave oven and autoclave was evaluated. To establish the best experimental conditions a 2(5) factorial design was performed, varying the conditions in autoclave and microwave digestion and flow system parameters for the determination of phosphorus. The best composition was: 0.2 mL sulfuric acid; 500 W power and a 2 min time interval; 6 mmol L-1 of ascorbic acid and 16 mmol L-1 of molybdate to flow system. This factor levels use less reagents than the reference method. No statistically significant differences were found between the autoclave and microwave oven responses at the 95% confidence level.