935 resultados para Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase


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The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) activated protein kinase, PKR, is one of the several enzymes induced by interferons and a key molecule mediating the antiviral effects of interferons. PKR contain an N-terminal, double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD), which has two tandem copies of the motifs (dsRBM I and dsRBM II). Upon binding to viral dsRNA, PKR is activated via autophosphorylation. Activated PKR has several substrates; one of the examples is eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2a). The phosphorylation of eIF2a leads to the termination of cell growth by inhibiting protein synthesis in response to viral infection. The objective of this project was to characterize the dsRBM I and define the dsRNA binding using biophysical methods. First, the dsRBM I gene was cloned from a pET-28b to a pET-11a expression plasmid. N-terminal poly-histidine tags on pET-28b are for affinity purification; however, these tags can alter the structure and function of proteins, thus the gene of dsRBM I was transferred into the plasmid without tags (pET-11a) and expressed as a native protein. The dsRBM I was transformed into and expressed by Rosetta DE3plyS expression cells. Purification was done by FPLC using a Sepharose IEX ion exchange followed by Heparin affinity column; yielding pure protein was assayed by PAGE. Analytical Ultracentrifugation, Sedimentation Velocity, was used to characterize free solution association state and hydrodynamic properties of the protein. The slight decrease in S-value with concentration is due to the hydrodynamic non-ideality. No self association was observed. The obtained molecule weight was 10,079 Da. The calculated sedimentation constant at zero concentration at 20°C in water was 1.23 and its friction coefficient was 3.575 ´ 10-8. The frictional ratio of sphere and dsRBM I became 1.30. Therefore, dsRBM I must be non-globular and more asymmetric shape. Isolated dsRBM I exhibits the same tertiary fold as compared to context in the full domain but it exhibited weaker binding affinity than full domain to a 20 bp dsRNA. However, when the conditions allowed for its saturation, dsRBM I to 20 bp dsRNA has similar stoichiometry as full dsRBD.


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14-3-3 is a family of highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed proteins in eukaryotic organisms. 14-3-3 isoforms bind in a phospho-serine/threonine-dependent manner to a host of proteins involved in essential cellular processes including cell cycle, signal transduction and apoptosis. We fortuitously discovered 14-3-3 zeta overexpression in many human primary cancers, such as breast, lung, and sarcoma, and in a majority of cancer cell lines. To determine 14-3-3 zeta involvement in breast cancer progression, we used immunohistochemical analysis to examine 14-3-3 zeta expression in human primary invasive breast carcinomas. High 14-3-3 zeta expression was significantly correlated with poor prognosis of breast cancer patients. Increased expression of 14-3-3 zeta was also significantly correlated with elevated PKB/Akt activation in patient samples. Thus, 14-3-3 zeta is a marker of poor prognosis in breast cancers. Furthermore, up-regulation of 14-3-3 zeta enhanced malignant transformation of cancer cells in vitro. ^ To determine the biological significance of 14-3-3 zeta in human cancers, small interfering RNAs (siRNA) were used to specifically block 14-3-3 zeta expression in cancer cells. 14-3-3 zeta siRNA inhibited cellular proliferation by inducing a G1 arrest associated with up-regulation of p27 KIP1 and p21CIP1 cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors. Reduced 14-3-3 zeta inhibited PKB/Akt activation while stimulating the p38 signaling pathway. Silencing 14-3-3 zeta expression also increased stress-induced apoptosis by caspase activation. Notably, 14-3-3 zeta siRNA inhibited transformation related properties of breast cancer cells in vitro and inhibited tumor progression of breast cancer cells in vivo. 14-3-3 zeta may be a key regulatory factor controlling multiple signaling pathways leading to tumor progression. ^ The data indicate 14-3-3 zeta is a major regulator of cell growth and apoptosis and may play a critical role in the development of multiple cancer types. Hence, blocking 14-3-3 zeta may be a promising therapeutic approach for numerous cancers. ^


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The p21-activated kinase 5 (PAK5) is a serine/threonine protein kinase associated with the group 2 subfamily of PAKs. Although our understanding about PAK5 is very limited, it is receiving increasing interest due to its tissue specific expression pattern and important signaling properties. PAK5 is highly expressed in brain. Its overexpression induces neurite outgrowth in neuroblastoma cells and promotes survival in fibroblasts. ^ The serine/threonine protein kinase Raf-1 is an essential mediator of Ras-dependent signaling that controls the ERK/MAPK pathway. In contrast to PAK5, Raf-1 has been the subject of intensive investigation. However due to the complexity of its activation mechanism, the biological inputs controlling Raf-1 activation are not fully understood. ^ PAKs 1-3 are the known kinases responsible for phosphorylation of Raf-1 on serine 338, which is a crucial phosphorylation site for Raf-1 activation. However, dominant negative versions of these kinases do not block EGF-induced Raf-1 activation, indicating that other kinases may regulate the phosphorylation of Raf-1 on serine 338. ^ This thesis work was initiated to test whether the group 2 PAKs 4, 5 and 6 are responsible for EGF-induced Raf-1 activation. We found that PAK5, and to a lesser extent PAK4, can activate Raf-1 in cells. Our studies thereafter focused on PAK5. With the progress of our study we found that PAK5 does not significantly stimulate serine 338 phosphorylation of Triton X-100 soluble Raf-1. PAK5, however, constitutively and specifically associates with Raf-1 and targets it to a Triton X-100 insoluble, mitochondrial compartment, where PAK5 phosphorylates serine 338 of Raf-1. We further demonstrated that endogenous PAK5 and Raf-1 colocalize in Hela cells at the mitochondrial outer membrane. In addition, we found that the mitochondria-targeting of PAK5 is determined by its C-terminal kinase domain plus the upstream proximal region, and facilitated by the N-terminal p21 binding domain. We also demonstrated that Rho GTPases Cdc42 and RhoD associate with and regulate the subcellular localization of PAK5. Taken together, this work suggests that the mitochondria-targeting of PAK5 may link Ras and Rho GTPase-mediated signaling pathways, and sheds light on aspects of PAK5 signaling that may be important for regulating neuronal homeostasis. ^


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Proper execution of mitosis requires the accurate segregation of replicated DNA into each daughter cell. The highly conserved mitotic kinase AIR-2/Aurora B is a dynamic protein that interacts with subsets of cofactors and substrates to coordinate chromosome segregation and cytokinesis in Caenorhabdiris elegans. To identify components of the AIR-2 regulatory pathway, a genome-wide RNAi-based screen for suppressors of air-2 temperature-sensitive mutant lethality was conducted. Here, I present evidence that two classes of suppressors identified in this screen are bona fide regulators of the AIR-2 kinase. The strongest suppressor cdc-48.3, encodes an Afg2/Spaf-related Cdc48-like AAA+ ATPase that regulates AIR-2 kinase activity and stability during C. elegans embryogenesis. Loss of CDC-48.3 suppresses the lethality of air-2 mutant embryos, marked by the restoration of the dynamic behavior of AIR-2 and rescue of chromosome segregation and cytokinesis defects. Loss of CDC-48.3 leads to mitotic delays and abnormal accumulation of AIR-2 during late telophase/mitotic exit. In addition, AIR-2 kinase activity is significantly upregulated from metaphase through mitotic exit in CDC-48.3 depleted embryos. Inhibition of the AIR-2 kinase is dependent on (1) a direct physical interaction between CDC-48.3 and AIR-2, and (2) CDC-48.3 ATPase activity. Importantly, the increase in AIR-2 kinase activity does not correlate with the stabilization of AIR-2 in late mitosis. Hence, CDC-48.3 is a bi-functional inhibitor of AIR-2 that is likely to act via distinct mechanisms. The second class of suppressors consists of psy-2/smk-1 and pph-4.1, which encode two components of the conserved PP4 phosphatase complex that is essential for spindle assembly, chromosome segregation, and overall mitotic progression. AIR-2 and its substrates are likely to be targets of this complex since mitotic AIR-2 kinase activity is significantly increased during mitosis when either PSY-2/SMK-1 or PPH-4.l is depleted. Altogether, this study demonstrates that during the C. elegans embryonic cell cycle, regulators including the CDC-48.3 ATPase and PP4 phosphatase complex interact with and control the kinase activity, targeting behavior and protein stability of the Aurora B kinase to ensure accurate and timely progression of mitosis. ^


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The FUS1 tumor suppressor gene (TSG) has been found to be deficient in many human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue samples and cell lines (1,2,3). Studies have shown potent anti-tumor activity of FUS1 in animal models where FUS1 was delivered through a liposomal vector (4) and the use of FUS1 as a therapeutic agent is currently being studied in clinical human trials (5). Currently, the mechanisms of FUS1 activity are being investigated and my studies have shown that c-Abl tyrosine kinase is inhibited by the FUS1 TSG.^ Considering that many NSCLC cell lines are FUS1 deficient, my studies further identified that FUS1 deficient NSCLC cells have an activated c-Abl tyrosine kinase. C-Abl is a known proto-oncogene and while c-Abl kinase is tightly regulated in normal cells, constitutively active Abl kinase is known to contribute to the oncogenic phenotype in some types of hematopoietic cancers. My studies show that the active c-Abl kinase contributes to the oncogenicity of NSCLC cells, particularly in tumors that are deficient in FUS1, and that c-Abl may prove to be a viable target in NSCLC therapy.^ Current studies have shown that growth factor receptors play a role in NSCLC. Over-expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays a significant role in aggressiveness of NSCLC. Current late stage treatments include EFGR tyrosine kinase inhibitors or EGFR antibodies. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) also has been shown to play a role in NSCLC. Of note, both growth factor receptors are known upstream activators of c-Abl kinase. My studies indicate that growth factor receptor simulation along deficiency in FUS1 expression contributes to the activation of c-Abl kinase in NSCLC cells. ^


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Advances in therapy for colorectal cancer have been hampered by development of resistance to chemotherapy. The Src family of protein tyrosine kinases has been associated with colorectal cancer development and progression. Activation of the prototypic member of the family, Src, occurs in advanced colorectal cancer and is associated with a worse outcome. This work tests the hypotheses that Src activation contributes to chemoresistance in some colon tumors and that this resistance can be overcome by use of Src inhibitors. The aims of the proposal were to (1) determine if constitutive Src activation is sufficient to induce oxaliplatin resistance; (2) evaluate the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the activation of Src after oxaliplatin treatment; (3) determine the frequency of Src activation in liver metastases after oxaliplatin treatment; and (4) evaluate the safety, preliminary efficacy, and pharmacodynamics of the combination of dasatinib with oxaliplatin-based therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. ^ Using a panel of colon cancer cell lines and murine models, I demonstrate that administration of oxaliplatin, a commonly utilized chemotherapy for colorectal cancer, results in an increased activation of Src. The activation occurs acutely in some, but not all, colorectal carcinoma cell lines. Cell lines selected for oxaliplatin resistance are further increased in Src activity. Treatment of cell lines with dasatinib, a non-selective pharmacologic inhibitor of the Src family kinases synergistically killed some, but not all cell lines. Cell lines with the highest acute activation of Src after oxaliplatin administration were the most sensitive to the combination therapy. Previous work demonstrated that siRNA to Src increased sensitivity to oxaliplatin, suggesting that the effects of dasatinib are primarily due to its ability to inhibit Src in these cell lines. ^ To examine the mechanism underlying these results, I examined the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as previous studies have demonstrated that platinum chemotherapeutics result in intracellular oxidative stress. I demonstrated that oxaliplatin-induced reactive oxygen species were higher in the cell lines with Src activation, relative to those in which Src was not activated. This oxaliplatin-induced Src activation was blocked by the administration of anti-oxidants, thereby demonstrating that synergistic killing between dasatinib and oxaliplatin was associated with the ability of the latter to generate ROS. ^ In a murine model of colorectal cancer metastasis to the liver, the combination of dasatinib and oxaliplatin was more effective in reducing tumor volume than either agent alone. However, when oxaliplatin resistant cell lines were treated with a combination of oxaliplatin and AZD0530, an inhibitor in the clinic with increased specificity for Src, no additional benefit was seen, although Src was activated by oxaliplatin and Src substrates were inhibited. The indolent growth of oxaliplatin-resistant cells, unlike the growth of oxaliplatin resistant tumors in patients, precludes definitive interpretation of these results. ^ To further explore Src activation in patients with oxaliplatin exposure and resistance, an immunohistochemistry analysis of tumor tissue from resected liver metastases of colorectal cancer was performed. Utilizing a tissue microarray, staining for phosphorylated Src and FAK demonstrated strong staining of tumor relative to stromal and normal liver. In patients recently exposed to oxaliplatin, there was increased FAK activation, supporting the clinical relevance of the prior preclinical studies. ^ To pursue the potential clinical benefit of the combination of Src inhibition with oxaliplatin, a phase IB clinical trial was completed. Thirty patients with refractory metastatic colorectal cancer were treated with a combination of 5-FU, oxaliplatin, an epidermal-growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody, and dasatinib. The recommended phase II dose of dasatinib was established, and toxicities were quantified. Pharmacodynamic studies demonstrated increased phosphorylation of the Src substrate paxillin after dasatinib therapy. Tumor biopsies were obtained and Src expression levels were quantitated. Clinical benefit was seen with the combination, including a response rate of 20% and disease control rate of 56%, prompting a larger clinical study. ^ In summary, although Src is constitutively activated in metastatic colorectal cancer, administration of oxaliplatin chemotherapy can further increase its activity, through a reactive oxygen species dependent manner. Inhibition of Src in combination with oxaliplatin provides additional benefit in vitro, in preclinical animal models, and in the clinic. Further study of Src inhibition in the clinic and identification of predictive biomarkers of response will be required to further advance this promising therapeutic target. ^


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Metastasis is the ultimate cause for the majority of cancer-related deaths. The forkhead box transcription factor FOXC2 is known to be involved in regulating metastasis as well as a variety of developmental processes, including the formation of lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. Previous studies have shown that FOXC2 protein is localized either in the nucleus and/or in the cytoplasm of human breast tumor cells. This pattern of localization is similar to that of another forkhead family member, FOXO3a. Additionally, localization of FOXO3a is known to be differentially regulated by upstream kinase AKT. Therefore, I investigated whether FOXC2 localization could also be regulated by upstream kinases. Analysis of FOXC2 protein sequence revealed two potential phosphorylation sites for GSK-3β. Furthermore, inhibition of GSK-3βsignificantly reduces FOXC2 protein. In addition, exposure of HMLE Twist cells expressing endogenous FOXC2 to the GSK-3β inhibitor, TWS119, results in accumulation of FOXC2 protein in the cytoplasm with concomitant decrease in the nucleus in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, continued treatment with TWS119 eventually induces epithelial morphology and decreased stem cell properties including sphere formation in these cells. Further characterization of FOXC2- GSK-3β interaction and the associated signaling cascade are necessary to determine the effect of FOXC2 phosphorylation by GSK-3β on EMT and metastasis.


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Growth factor signaling promotes anabolic processes via activation of the PI3K-Akt kinase cascade. Deregulation of the growth factor-dependent PI3K-Akt pathway was implicated in tumorigenesis. Akt is an essential serine/threonine protein kinase that controls multiple physiological functions such as cell growth, proliferation, and survival to maintain cellular homeostasis. Recently, the mammalian Target of Rapamycin Complex 2 (mTORC2) was identified as the main Akt Ser-473 kinase, and Ser-473 phosphorylation is required for Akt hyperactivation. However, the detailed mechanism of mTORC2 regulation in response to growth factor stimulation or cellular stresses is not well understood. In the first project, we studied the regulation of the mTORC2-Akt signaling under ER stress. We identified the inactivation of mTORC2 by glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β). Under ER stress, the essential mTORC2 component, rictor, is phosphorylated by GSK-3β at Ser-1235. This phosphorylation event results in the inhibition of mTORC2 kinase activity by interrupting Akt binding to mTORC2. Blocking rictor Ser-1235 phosphorylation can attenuate the negative impacts of GSK-3β on mTORC2/Akt signaling and tumor growth. Thus, our work demonstrated that GSK-3β-mediated rictor Ser-1235 phosphorylation in response to ER stress interferes with Akt signaling by inhibiting mTORC2 kinase activity. In the second project, I investigated the regulation of the mTORC2 integrity. We found that basal mTOR kinase activity depends on ATP level, which is tightly regulated by cell metabolism. The ATP-sensitive mTOR kinase is required for SIN1 protein phosphorylation and stabilization. SIN1 is an indispensable subunit of mTORC2 and is required for the complex assembly and mTORC2 kinase activity. Our findings reveal that mTOR-mediated phosphorylation of SIN1 is critical for maintaining complex integrity by preventing SIN1 from lysosomal degradation. In sum, our findings verify two distinct mTORC2 regulatory mechanisms via its components rictor and SIN1. First, GSK-3β-mediated rictor Ser-1235 phosphorylation results in mTORC2 inactivation by interfering its substrate binding ability. Second, mTOR-mediated Ser-260 phosphorylation of SIN1 preserves its complex integrity. Thus, these two projects provide novel insights into the regulation of mTORC2.


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Uridine-rich small nuclear RNAs (U snRNAs) play essential roles in eukaryotic gene expression by facilitating the removal of introns from mRNA precursors and the processing of the replication-dependent histone pre-mRNAs. Formation of the 3’ end of these snRNAs is carried out by a poorly characterized, twelve-membered protein complex named Integrator Complex. In the effort to understand Integrator Complex function in the formation of the snRNA 3’ end, we performed a functional RNAi screen in Drosophila S2 cells to identify protein factors required for snRNA 3’ end formation. This screen was conducted by using a fluorescence-based reporter that elicits GFP expression in response to a deficiency in snRNA processing. Besides scoring the known Integrator subunits, we identified Asunder and CG4785 as additional core members of the Integrator Complex. Additionally, we also found a conserved requirement for Cyclin C and Cdk8 in both fly and human snRNA 3’ end processing. We have further demonstrated that the kinase activity of Cdk8 is critical for snRNA 3’ end processing and is likely to function independent of its well-documented function within the Mediator Cdk8 module. Taken together, this work functionally defines the Drosophila Integrator Complex and demonstrates a novel function for Cyclin C/Cdk8 in snRNA 3’ end formation. This thesis work has also characterized an important functional interaction mediated by a microdomain within Integrator subunit 12 (IntS12) and IntS1 that is required for the activity of the Integrator Complex in processing the snRNA 3’ end. Through the development of a reporter-based functional RNAi-rescue assay in Drosophila S2 cells, we analyzed domains within IntS12 required for snRNA 3’ end formation. This analysis unexpectedly revealed that an N-terminal 30 amino acid region and not the highly conserved central PHD finger domain, is required for snRNA 3’ end cleavage. The IntS12 microdomain (1-45) functions autonomously, and is sufficient to interact and stabilize the putative scaffold protein IntS1. Our findings provide more details of the Integrator Complex for understanding the molecular mechanism of snRNA 3’ end processing. Moreover, these results lay the foundation for future studies of the complex through the identification of a novel functional domain within one subunit and the identification of additional subunits.


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Men with localized prostate cancer (PCa) have a 100% five-year survival rate, but this rate drops to 33% for men with metastatic disease. A better understanding of the metastatic process is needed to develop better therapies for PCa. Aberrant activation of protein tyrosine kinases, including Src Family Kinases (SFKs) contribute to metastasis through numerous functions, one of which leads to increased expression of cytokines, such as IL-8. However, the relationship between Src activity and IL-8 regulation is not completely understood. In cell line models, I determined that IL-8 activates Src and in turn Src activates IL-8 demonstrating a feed forward loop contributing to the migration and invasion of PCa cells. However, IL-8 is also produced by tumor-associated stromal cells. In bone marrow derived stromal cells (HS5), I demonstrated a feed forward loop occurs as was observed in tumor cells. HS5 conditioned media increased Src activity in PCa cells. By silencing IL-8 in HS5 cells, Src activity was decreased to control levels in PCa cells as was migration and invasion. Thus, stromal cells producing IL-8 contribute to metastatic properties of PCa by a paracrine mechanism. To examine the effect of stromal cells on tumor growth and metastatic potential of PCa in vivo, I mixed HS5 and PCa cells and co-injected them intraprostatically. I determined that tumor growth and metastases were increased. By silencing IL-8 in HS5 cells and co-injecting them with PCa cells intraprostatically, tumor growth and metastases were still increased relative to injection of PCa cells alone, but decreased relative to co-injections with PCa cells and HS5 cells. These studies demonstrated: (1) a feed forward loop in both tumor and stromal cells, whereby IL-8 activates Src, derepressing IL-8 expression in PCa cells in vitro; (2) stromal produced IL-8 activates Src and contributes to the migration and invasion of PCa cells in vitro; and (3) stromal produced IL-8 is responsible, in part, for increases in PCa tumor growth and metastatic potential. Together, these studies demonstrated that IL-8-mediated Src activity increases the metastatic potential of PCa and therapeutic agents interfering with the IL-8/SFK signaling axis may be useful for prevention and treatment of metastases.


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Proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus (Pim) kinases are Ser/Thr/Tyr kinases. They modulate B-cell development but become oncoproteins and promote cancer development once overexpressed. Containing three isoforms, Pim-1, -2 and -3 are known to phosphorylate various substrates that regulate transcription, translation, cell cycle, and survival pathways in both hematological and solid tumors. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B-cell lymphoma. Elevated Pim kinase levels are common in MCL, and it negatively correlates with patient outcome. SGI-1776 is a small molecule inhibitor selective for Pim-1/-3. We hypothesize that SGI-1776 treatment in MCL will inhibit Pim kinase function, and inhibition of downstream substrates phosphorylation will disrupt transcriptional, translational, and cell cycle processes while promoting apoptosis. SGI-1776 treatment induced moderate to high levels of apoptosis in four MCL cell lines (JeKo-1, Mino, SP-53 and Granta-519) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from MCL patients. Phosphorylation of transcription and translation regulators, c-Myc and 4E-BP1 declined in both model systems. Additionally, levels of short-lived Mcl-1 mRNA and protein also decreased and correlated with decline of global RNA synthesis. Collectively, our investigations highlight Pim kinases as viable drug targets in MCL and emphasize their roles in transcriptional and translational regulation. We further investigated a combination strategy using SGI-1776 with bendamustine, an FDA-approved DNA-damaging alkylating agent for treating non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We hypothesized this combination will enhance SGI-1776-induced transcription and translation inhibition, while promoting bendamustine-triggered DNA damage and inducing additive to synergistic cytotoxicity in B-cell lymphoma. Bendamustine alone resulted in moderate levels of apoptosis induction in MCL cell lines (JeKo-1 and Mino), and in MCL and splenic marginal zone lymphoma (a type of B-cell lymphoma) primary cells. An additive effect in cell killing was observed when combined with SGI-1776. Expectedly, SGI-1776 effectively decreased global RNA and protein synthesis levels, while bendamustine significantly inhibited DNA synthesis and generated DNA damage response. In combination, intensified inhibitory effects in DNA, RNA and protein syntheses were observed. Together, these data suggested feasibility of using Pim kinase inhibitor in combination with chemotherapeutic agents such as bendamustine in B-cell lymphoma, and provided foundation of their mechanism of actions in lymphoma cells.


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Objective: The primary objective of our study was to study the effect of metformin in patients of metastatic renal cell cancer (mRCC) and diabetes who are on treatment with frontline therapy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The effect of therapy was described in terms of overall survival and progression free survival. Comparisons were made between group of patients receiving metformin versus group of patients receiving insulin in diabetic patients of metastatic renal cancer on frontline therapy. Exploratory analyses were also done comparing non-diabetic patients of metastatic renal cell cancer receiving frontline therapy compared to diabetic patients of metastatic renal cell cancer receiving metformin therapy. ^ Methods: The study design is a retrospective case series to elaborate the response rate of frontline therapy in combination with metformin for mRCC patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The cohort was selected from a database, which was generated for assessing the effect of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy associated hypertension in metastatic renal cell cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Patients who had been started on frontline therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma from all ethnic and racial backgrounds were selected for the study. The exclusion criteria would be of patients who took frontline therapy for less than 3 months or were lost to follow-up. Our exposure variable was treatment with metformin, which comprised of patients who took metformin for the treatment of type 2 diabetes at any time of diagnosis of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. The outcomes assessed were last available follow-up or date of death for the overall survival and date of progression of disease from their radiological reports for time to progression. The response rates were compared by covariates that are known to be strongly associated with renal cell cancer. ^ Results: For our primary analyses between the insulin and metformin group, there were 82 patients, out of which 50 took insulin therapy and 32 took metformin therapy for type 2 diabetes. For our exploratory analysis, we compared 32 diabetic patients on metformin to 146 non-diabetic patients, not on metformin. Baseline characteristics were compared among the population. The time from the start of treatment until the date of progression of renal cell cancer and date of death or last follow-up were estimated for survival analysis. ^ In our primary analyses, there was a significant difference in the time to progression of patients receiving metformin therapy vs insulin therapy, which was also seen in our exploratory analyses. The median time to progression in primary analyses was 1259 days (95% CI: 659-1832 days) in patients on metformin therapy compared to 540 days (95% CI: 350-894) in patients who were receiving insulin therapy (p=0.024). The median time to progression in exploratory analyses was 1259 days (95% CI: 659-1832 days) in patients on metformin therapy compared to 279 days (95% CI: 202-372 days) in non-diabetic group (p-value <0.0001). ^ The median overall survival was 1004 days in metformin group (95% CI: 761-1212 days) compared to 816 days (95%CI: 558-1405 days) in insulin group (p-value<0.91). For the exploratory analyses, the median overall survival was 1004 days in metformin group (95% CI: 761-1212 days) compared to 766 days (95%CI: 649-965 days) in the non-diabetic group (p-value<0.78). Metformin was observed to increase the progression free survival in both the primary and exploratory analyses (HR=0.52 in metformin Vs insulin group and HR=0.36 in metformin Vs non-diabetic group, respectively). ^ Conclusion: In laboratory studies and a few clinical studies metformin has been proven to have dual benefits in patients suffering from cancer and type 2-diabetes via its action on the mammalian target of Rapamycin pathway and effect in decreasing blood sugar by increasing the sensitivity of the insulin receptors to insulin. Several studies in breast cancer patients have documented a beneficial effect (quantified by pathological remission of cancer) of metformin use in patients taking treatment for breast cancer therapy. Combination of metformin therapy in patients taking frontline therapy for renal cell cancer may provide a significant benefit in prolonging the overall survival in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer and diabetes. ^


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Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive chronic myeloid leukemia is caused by a clonal myeloproliferative expansion of malignant primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells. The Ph results from the reciprocal translocation of the ends of chromosome 9 and 22, which generate Bcr-Abl fusion proteins. The Bcr-Abl proteins possess a constitutively activated Abl tyrosine kinase, which is the driving force responsible for causing leukemia. The activated Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase stimulates multiple signal transduction pathway affecting growth, differentiation and survival of cells. It is known that the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase activates several signaling proteins including Stat5, which is a member of the Jak/Stat pathway that is activated by cytokines that control the growth and differentiation of normal hematopoietic cells. Our laboratory was the first one to report that Jak2 tyrosine kinase is activated in a human Bcr-Abl positive hematopoietic cell line. In this thesis, we further investigated the activation of Jak2 by Bcr-Abl. We found that Jak2 is activated not only in cultured Bcr-abl positive cell lines but also in blood cells from CML blast crisis patients. We also demonstrated that SH2 domain of Bcr-Abl is required for efficient activation Jak2. We further showed that Jak2 binds to the C-terminal domain of Bcr-Abl; tyrosine residue 1007, which is critical for Jak2 activation, is phosphorylated by Bcr-Abl. We searched downstream targets of Jak2 in Bcr-Abl positive cells. We treated Bcr-Abl positive cells with a Jak2 kinase inhibitor AG490 and found that c-Myc protein expression is inhibited by AG490. We further demonstrated that Jak2 inhibitor AG490 not only inhibit C-MYC transcription but also protect c-Myc protein from proteasome-dependent degradation. We also showed that AG490 did not affect Bcr-Abl kinase activity and Stat5 activation and its downstream target Bcl-xL expression. AG490 also induced apoptosis of Bcr-Abl positive cells, similar to Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor STI571 (also termed Gliveec, a very effective drug for CML), but unlike STI571 the apoptosis effects induced by AG490 can not be rescued by IL-3 containing WEHI conditioned medium. We further established several Bcr-Abl positive clones that express a kinase-inactive Jak2 and found that these clones had reduced tumor formation in nude mice assays. Taken together, these results establish that Jak2 is activated in Bcr-Abl positive CML cells and it is required for c-Myc induction and the oncogenic effects of Bcr-Abl. Furthermore, Jak2 and Stat5 are two independent targets of Bcr-Abl. ^


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Plant mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) casca des transduce environmental molecular signals and developmental cues into cellular responses. Among these signals are the pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) that upon recognition by plant pattern recognition receptors (PRR), including Receptor-Like Kinases (RLKs), activate MAPK cascades that regulate PAMP-triggered immunity responses (PTI).


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Las cascadas de señalización mediadas por proteína quinasas activadas por mitógeno (MAP quinasas) son capaces de integrar y transducir señales ambientales en respuestas celulares. Entre estas señales se encuentran los PAMPs/MAMPs (Pathogen/Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns), que son moléculas de patógenos o microorganismos, o los DAMPs (Damaged-Associated Molecular Patterns), que son moléculas derivadas de las plantas producidas en respuesta a daño celular. Tras el reconocimiento de los PAMPs/DAMPs por receptores de membrana denominados PRRs (Pattern Recognition Receptors), como los receptores con dominio quinasa (RLKs) o los receptores sin dominio quinasa (RLPs), se activan respuestas moleculares, incluidas cascadas de MAP quinasas, que regulan la puesta en marcha de la inmunidad activada por PAMPs (PTI). Esta Tesis describe la caracterización funcional de la MAP quinasa quinasa quinasa (MAP3K) YODA (YDA), que actúa como un regulador clave de la PTI en Arabidopsis. Se ha descrito previamente que YDA controla varios procesos de desarrollo, como la regulación del patrón estomático, la elongación del zigoto y la arquitectura floral. Hemos caracterizado un alelo mutante hipomórfico de YDA (elk2 o yda11) que presenta una elevada susceptibilidad a patógenos biótrofos y necrótrofos. Notablemente, plantas que expresan una forma constitutivamente activa de YDA (CA-YDA), con una deleción en el dominio N-terminal, presentan una resistencia de amplio espectro frente a diferentes tipos de patógenos, incluyendo hongos, oomicetos y bacterias, lo que indica que YDA juega un papel importante en la regulación de la resistencia de las plantas a patógenos. Nuestros datos indican que esta función es independiente de las respuestas inmunes mediadas por los receptores previamente caracterizados FLS2 y CERK1, que reconocen los PAMPs flg22 y quitina, respectivamente, y que están implicados en la resistencia de Arabidopsis frente a bacterias y hongos. Hemos demostrado que YDA controla la resistencia frente al hongo necrótrofo Plectosphaerella cucumerina y el patrón estomático mediante su interacción genética con la RLK ERECTA (ER), un PRR implicado en la regulación de estos procesos. Por el contrario, la interacción genética entre ER y YDA en la regulación de otros procesos de desarrollo es aditiva en lugar de epistática. Análisis genéticos indicaron que MPK3, una MAP quinasa que funciona aguas abajo de YDA en el desarrollo estomático, es un componente de la ruta de señalización mediada por YDA para la resistencia frente a P. cucumerina, lo que sugiere que el desarrollo de las plantas y la PTI comparten el módulo de transducción de MAP quinasas asociado a YDA. Nuestros experimentos han revelado que la resistencia mediada por YDA es independiente de las rutas de señalización reguladas por las hormonas de defensa ácido salicílico, ácido jasmónico, ácido abscísico o etileno, y también es independiente de la ruta de metabolitos secundarios derivados del triptófano, que están implicados en inmunidad vegetal. Además, hemos demostrado que respuestas asociadas a PTI, como el aumento en la concentración de calcio citoplásmico, la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno, la fosforilación de MAP quinasas y la expresión de genes de defensa, no están afectadas en el mutante yda11. La expresión constitutiva de la proteína CA-YDA en plantas de Arabidopsis no provoca un aumento de las respuestas PTI, lo que sugiere la existencia de mecanismos de resistencia adicionales regulados por YDA que son diferentes de los regulados por FLS2 y CERK1. En línea con estos resultados, nuestros datos transcriptómicos revelan una sobre-representación en plantas CA-YDA de genes de defensa que codifican, por ejemplo, péptidos antimicrobianos o reguladores de muerte celular, o proteínas implicadas en la biogénesis de la pared celular, lo que sugiere una conexión potencial entre la composición e integridad de la pared celular y la resistencia de amplio espectro mediada por YDA. Además, análisis de fosfoproteómica indican la fosforilación diferencial de proteínas relacionadas con la pared celular en plantas CA-YDA en comparación con plantas silvestres. El posible papel de la ruta ER-YDA en la regulación de la integridad de la pared celular está apoyado por análisis bioquímicos y glicómicos de las paredes celulares de plantas er, yda11 y CA-YDA, que revelaron cambios significativos en la composición de la pared celular de estos genotipos en comparación con la de plantas silvestres. En resumen, nuestros datos indican que ER y YDA forman parte de una nueva ruta de inmunidad que regula la integridad de la pared celular y respuestas defensivas, confiriendo una resistencia de amplio espectro frente a patógenos. ABSTRACT Plant mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades transduce environmental signals and developmental cues into cellular responses. Among these signals are the pathogen- or microbe-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs or MAMPs) and the damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). These PAMPs/DAMPs, upon recognition by plant pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), such as Receptor-Like Kinases (RLKs) and Receptor-Like Proteins (RLPs), activate molecular responses, including MAPK cascades, which regulate the onset of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI). This Thesis describes the functional characterization of the MAPK kinase kinase (MAP3K) YODA (YDA) as a key regulator of Arabidopsis PTI. YDA has been previously described to control several developmental processes, such as stomatal patterning, zygote elongation and inflorescence architecture. We characterized a hypomorphic, non-embryo lethal mutant allele of YDA (elk2 or yda11) that was found to be highly susceptible to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Remarkably, plants expressing a constitutive active form of YDA (CA-YDA), with a deletion in the N-terminal domain, showed broad-spectrum resistance to different types of pathogens, including fungi, oomycetes and bacteria, indicating that YDA plays a relevant function in plant resistance to pathogens. Our data indicated that this function is independent of the immune responses regulated by the well characterized FLS2 and CERK1 RLKs, which are the PRRs recognizing flg22 and chitin PAMPs, respectively, and are required for Arabidopsis resistance to bacteria and fungi. We demonstrate that YDA controls resistance to the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina and stomatal patterning by genetically interacting with ERECTA (ER) RLK, a PRR involved in regulating these processes. In contrast, the genetic interaction between ER and YDA in the regulation of other ER-associated developmental processes was additive, rather than epistatic. Genetic analyses indicated that MPK3, a MAP kinase that functions downstream of YDA in stomatal development, also regulates plant resistance to P. cucumerina in a YDA-dependent manner, suggesting that the YDA-associated MAPK transduction module is shared in plant development and PTI. Our experiments revealed that YDA-mediated resistance was independent of signalling pathways regulated by defensive hormones like salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, abscisic acid or ethylene, and of the tryptophan-derived metabolites pathway, which are involved in plant immunity. In addition, we showed that PAMP-mediated PTI responses, such as the increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration, reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst, MAPK phosphorylation, and expression of defense-related genes are not impaired in the yda11 mutant. Furthermore, the expression of CA-YDA protein does not result in enhanced PTI responses, further suggesting the existence of additional mechanisms of resistance regulated by YDA that differ from those regulated by the PTI receptors FLS2 and CERK1. In line with these observations, our transcriptomic data revealed the over-representation in CA-YDA plants of defensive genes, such as those encoding antimicrobial peptides and cell death regulators, and genes encoding cell wall-related proteins, suggesting a potential link between plant cell wall composition and integrity and broad spectrum resistance mediated by YDA. In addition, phosphoproteomic data revealed an over-representation of genes encoding wall-related proteins in CA-YDA plants in comparison with wild-type plants. The putative role of the ER-YDA pathway in regulating cell wall integrity was further supported by biochemical and glycomics analyses of er, yda11 and CA-YDA cell walls, which revealed significant changes in the cell wall composition of these genotypes compared with that of wild-type plants. In summary, our data indicate that ER and YDA are components of a novel immune pathway that regulates cell wall integrity and defensive responses, which confer broad-spectrum resistance to pathogens.