995 resultados para Pessoa juridica - Brasil - 1994-2007


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A cultura da macieira no Brasil iniciou seu desenvolvimento comercial na década de 70, sendo que até esta data foram poucos os plantios comerciais, representando menos de 100 ha. Com a iniciativa de alguns produtores pioneiros, incentivos fiscais que permitiam aplicar parte do Imposto de Renda na implantação de pomares e pelo apoio dos governos estaduais com projetos de desenvolvimento, a cultura da macieira teve grande impulso a partir da década de 80. Destaca-se que, na década de 70, o Brasil dependia de importações, representando na época mais de 100 milhões de dólares. Nessa década, produzíamos 13.263 t, passando para 183.299 t e 857.615 t na década de 80 e 90, respectivamente. Atualmente, o Brasil conta com uma área em torno de 37.000 ha, com 3.450 produtores, sendo que, na safra de 2009/2010, foram colhidas 1.253 mil toneladas. Desde 1994, o Brasil passou a exportador de maçãs, sendo que, a partir do ano de 2000,as exportações vêm superando as importações. A cultura da macieira é uma importante fonte de geração de emprego, com três empregos diretos e indiretos por ha, o que representa mais de 100 mil empregos na cadeia produtiva da maçã. Estes avanços devem-se a importantes tecnologias que foram introduzidas ao longo dos anos, que também permitiram um aumento de qualidade e produtividade por unidade de área, onde, na década de 70 e 80, era inferior a 15t e atualmente está próxima de 40 t/ha, com alguns pomares produzindo acima de 50 t/ha. A evolução ocorreu com as cultivares, com os primeiros plantios realizados com as cultivares Golden Delicious, Starkrimson, Blackjon, entre outras, as quais logo foram substituídas por 'Gala" e 'Fuji, e, na década de 90, plantando-se os clones destas cultivares com melhor coloração vermelha dos frutos. Grande evolução ocorreu com a qualidade do material vegetativo em que porta-enxerto e copas estavam infectados com viroses. A introdução de material livre de vírus propiciou aumento na produtividade, permitindo também a utilização de porta-enxertos ananizantes, com plantios em alta densidade. No início dos plantios de macieira, eram plantadas de 500 a 800 plantas por ha, sendo que atualmente são utilizadas 2.500 a 3.000 plantas em média por ha. Como a região produtora de maçã no Sul do Brasil não tem o frio suficiente para atender às necessidades para a saída da dormência, tecnologias foram desenvolvidas para a indução de brotação e floração, permitindo estabilidade na produção. Afora estas tecnologias, devem ser ressaltados os avanços nos sistemas de condução e poda, manejo de colheita, raleio químico, polinização, controle fitossanitário e conservação e armazenagem da fruta, sendo que esta última permitiu o abastecimento do mercado nos 12 meses do ano com fruta de ótima qualidade. A maçã foi pioneira na implantação do sistema de produção integrada, sendo a primeira fruta brasileira a ser certificada neste sistema.


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BOLOS, O. DE, A.C. CERVI & G. HATSCHBACH (1991). Estudios sobre la vegetación del estado de Paraná (Brasil meridional). Collect. Bot. (Barcelona) 20: 79-182. Aportación al conocimiento de la vegetación del estado de Paraná en el Brasil meridional (Serra do Mar, Planaltos, valle del Iguacú). Se describen numerosas asociaciones vegetales agrupadas en las clases siguientes: Pistio-Eichhornietea (comunidades de cormófitas flotantes). Xyrido-Typhetea (vegetación herbácea helofítica). Polypodio-Tillandsietea (vegetación epifitica y comofítica). Ruderali-Manihotetea (vegetación ruderal, viaria y arvense). Andropogono-Baccharidetea (vegetación sabanoide). Rhizophoretea (manglar). Lantano-Chusqueetea (manto marginal leñoso de la selva). Cedrelo-Ocoteetea (selva pluvial y mesófila). Se dedica atención especial al estudio de la fisionomía, estructura y dinamismo de la vegetación y a su significación biogeográfica. Palabras clave: comunidades vegetales, Paraná, Brasil.


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Abstract: Ecocentric or technocentric views? Attitudes among environmental civil servants 1994 och 2004


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Abstract: President or female president? Gender and presidency in 'Letters to the Editor' in Helsingin Sanomat 1994-2006


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Two new marine metabolites, 3Z, 6Z, 9Z-dodecatrien-1-ol (1) from the ascidian Botrylloides giganteum and 4H-pyran-2ol acetate from the sponge Ircinia felix (4) are herein reported. The known bromotyrosine compounds, 2-(3,5-dibromo-4-methoxyphenyl)-N,N,N-dimethylethanammonium (2) and 2,6-dibromo-4-(2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl)phenol (3), have been isolated from the sponge Verongula gigantea. Serotonin (5) is reported for the first time from the sponge Cliona delitrix, and tambjamines A (15) and D (16) isolated as their respective salts from the nudibranch Tambja eliora. Only tambjamine D presented cytotoxicity against CEM (IC50 12.2 µg/mL) and HL60 (IC50 13.2 µg/mL) human leukemya cells, MCF-7 breast cancer cells (IC50 13.2 µg/mL), colon HCT-8 cancer cells (IC50 10.1 µg/mL) and murine melanoma B16 cancer cells (IC50 6.7 µg/mL).


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The objective of this study consists, firstly, of quantifying differences between Spanish universities' output (in terms of publications and citations), and secondly, analysing its determinants. The results obtained show that there are factors which have a positive influence on these indicators, such as having a third-cycle programme, with public financing obtained in competitive selection procedures, having a large number of full-time researchers or involvement in collaborations with international institutions. However, other factors which appear to have the opposite effect were also noted. These include a higher number of students per lecturer or a lower proportion of lecturers with recognised six-year periods.


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Increasing natural gas use in Brazil triggered a discussion of its role as a Hg source. We show that Hg emissions to the atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion for power generation in Brazil contribute with 6.2% (4.2 t yr-1) to the total anthropogenic Hg atmospheric emissions, with coal combustion and biomass burning as major sources. Natural gas contributes with 0.04 t yr-1, mostly from electricity generation (88%) and industrial uses (7.6%). Preliminary results on Hg concentrations in natural gas suggest that a large fraction of it is trapped during refining and transport, which may create Hg point sources between extraction and consumption.


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Some aspects of the olefin metathesis reactions are summarized here (types of reactions, mechanism and catalysts). In particular, the research groups that have been working on this chemistry in Brazil are presented. The main goal of this paper is to make this type of reaction more widely known in the Brazilian chemical community.


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Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence methodology (EDXRF) was used to determine Al, Ba, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Pb, Rb, S, Si, Sr, Ti, V, Zn in pottery sherds from seven archaeological sites in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The potteries' chemical fingerprints from Ijuí River, Ibicuí Mirim River, Vacacaí Mirim River and Jacuí River were identified. Interactions between sites from the Jacuí River, Vacacaí Mirim River and Ibicui Mirim River could have occurred because some samples from these sites are overlapping in a principal component analysis (PCA) graphic. The pottery provenance could be the same.


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For imparting an intense and long-lasting red to fabrics, cochineal remained in high demand during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This period witnessed, accordingly, several initiatives aimed at producing the precious dye: publication of specialized texts, cultivation of the cactus and the insect from which the dye is extracted, and, also, attempts to obtain the secrets of production through espionage. The present paper analyses certain aspects of the measures adopted by the Portuguese government towards Brazil in this field. The work shows how people sought to take part in the network of cochineal production (yet they were unsuccessful most of the time).


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European naturalists explored Brazil in long scientific expeditions and published accounts that make up a rich and still largely untapped historiographic source for the understanding of the history of chemistry. The production of indigo dye, the manufacture of limestone, extraction and purification of saltpeter and the production of salt are discussed. Lime was used to whitewash walls and, mixed with whale oil, as cement to glue stones in buildings of the colonial period. It was prepared by burning seashells in specifically designed ovens. Saltpeter was produced by reacting naturally occurring calcium and magnesium nitrate with potassium-rich wood ashes to yield KNO3. NaCl was obtained by evaporating seawater under the sun. Indigo, a native plant, was cultivated and processed to produce the renowned dye, which was exported to Europe.


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Microbiológica is a science-based Brazilian Company with its core competence focused on nucleoside process chemistry. This article describes its origin and contributions as well as comments on public policies which impact the Brazilian industrial development.