1000 resultados para Pedagogia do Diálogo
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This paper was developed through literacy events (Barton, 2000) about English language, understood as a social practice of writing and reading. The subjects involved in this research were women, between forty and seventy years old, students of a Young and Adult Education Project (PEJA) that occurs at UNESP/Rio Claro, whose are looking forward to conclude basic school. We intended to see in their speeches reflections about the English language presence in our society and how they deal with this foreign language. Thus, we optimize this contact exposing those women to daily situations where English language was present. To foment dialog and ideas discussions, we brought to the classes common elements, materials such as street advertisements photos with words in English. We noticed that most students recognize the constant English presence and, even they never had formal English education, they were able to establish relations between the uses of English words in everyday Portuguese at most different spheres of life. And, at many times, foreign word comprehension is related to English words use instead of a native one leading to an English naturalization process in the Brazilians speeches world.
The present work aims to expand and contribute to the understanding of issues related to social demands urgent today as regards of teachers’ formation of kindergarten and initial series. Through a survey of the profile of students in four years (2007-2010) of Pedagogy, UNESP, Bauru, I propose to trace discussions about the student profile that seeks to train teacher in higher education. This process will reveal the profile of the student who is preparing to enter the teaching profession and who in later years will work in public and private spheres of education as a teacher, coordinator and manager in the kindergarten and elementary education. For this research will develop both qualitative approach in that it analyzes the profile to the light of the literature and studied quantitatively the extent that is based on the results
This study aimed to gather information about the social and linguistic reality of students 1. years of elementary school and community that came, in order to identify aspects of their lexical phonological levels, morphological and morphosyntactic and thus identify and describe the alternative variants of non-standard rule. The methodology chosen was that of variational sociolinguistics addressing quantitative and qualitative aspects in the treatment of the data collected through participant observation and audio recordings of speeches of the students. The results indicate that the level of phonological variants are the most frequent in the speech of students. Because the literacy phase, how the student speaks serves you a guide to the act of writing, so it is necessary to work with the students the difference between oral and written form and monitoring of these two modes according to the context of the discourse
Several aspects interfere when it comes to choose a career. Some of which are family and cultural influence; and even lack of opportunities. Such aspects were greatly taken into consideration for defining the subject of this research which is to analyze the reasoning Pedagogy students from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista – University of São Paulo State) used when choosing their academic career, and to assess the students’ profile who were taking this course in 2011 as well as the influence of students’ socioeconomic conditions. An empiric approach with a qualitative survey was chosen to develop this research which was conducted with a questionnaire appliance and with a semi-structured interview with randomly selected students. A theoretical study about the specifics of the academic career and a fully comprehension of the legal / regulatory aspects of this profession in Brazil were also conducted. The survey results showed that most students were women, supporting the fact that this career has become a female profession. Characteristics such as vocation and mission, presented on literatures as the specifics of this profession were clearly seen in the survey results. Several students went to public schools and are labeled into the classes C and D in social economical status; furthermore almost 50% had not chosen Pedagogy as a first choice for a major. However, most of the students do not think that their social economical status had influence in their choice. Nevertheless some students claimed that their options were not their first wish and their choice was made by the easier possibility of entering and concluding the course besides the prompt need of these professionals after graduating in the job market. The students’ education background were also discussed in the research... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The large flow of businesses going abroad generates an ever more diverse internal multicultural organizational scenario. Different national cultures inside an organization can directly influence the management of people. Human values, languages, customs, work modes/routines and different habits can create conflicts among parties. This study deals with the role of Public Relations as a tool/strategy to deal with conflicting intercultural communication inside business organizations. The analysis is grounded on theoretical principles concerning the roles of communication professionals as the individuals responsible for the relationship between an institution and the internal public. The study introduces intercultural communication as a growing area to be explored by the Public Relations professional and highlights the possibility of emerging innovative solutions for organizational problems. It also brings reports by professionals that have intercultural experience concerning Brazil and Germany in an attempt to illustrate conflicts that might have been prevented by actions taken by a specialist in Communication in order to promote mutual understanding
O estudo busca, num ato comprometido, aproximar-se das questões da autonomia na prática docente a partir do diálogo com autores(as) e com professoras(es) da rede pública de Ensino Básico com vistas no repensar da noção de autonomia na prática docente. Na primeira parte, familiarizo-me com o cenário no qual estamos inseridos: influências da globalização e da política neoliberal sobre as políticas educacionais brasileiras, como nos discursos dos PCNs e os currículos oficiais. Em seguida, dialogo com alguns autores sobre o que se compreende por autonomia e as questões da autonomia na prática docente. Com eles, vou descobrindo afinidades. Na segunda parte, em busca do diálogo com e entre professoras(es), organizei um grupo de discussão por meio de um curso. O Curso de Difusão Cultural - Leituras de Paulo Freire: autonomia e subjetividade - foi um espaço criado no intuito de fomentar o diálogo, a reflexão e a troca de saberes entre professoras(es) e alunas(os) de licenciatura a partir de escritos de Paulo Freire. A escolha dos textos pautou-se no entendimento destes como disparadores de reflexões que pudessem acercar-se do tema em estudo. Cada encontro apresentava uma leitura antecipada na qual sugeri que destacassem trechos a serem compartilhados e discutidos com os demais colegas no encontro seguinte. Durante as leituras, para cada texto, propus que escrevessem algo relacionando os trechos destacados com suas práticas docentes; nomeei esta atividade de produção escrita. Após o término dos encontros, os materiais de registros – gravações em audiovisual, produções escritas e anotações em caderno de registros – foram analisados. Nota-se que, mesmo diante de tantas incoerências de uma política educacional que pouco promove a legitimação de seu discurso, a autonomia na prática docente, como a compreendo neste estudo, não pode ser exclusivamente dada nem... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Neste estudo desenvolvemos uma análise das relações entre a ideologia e as políticas de subjetivação na sociedade moderna através do rastreamento de marcas discursivas em peças publicitárias próprias das práticas de governo vinculadas ao autoritarismo. O corpus da pesquisa se delimita no diálogo com os registros que chegaram até nós por meio dos esforços de Victor Klempere, em seu livro “A linguagem do terceiro Reich”. Este autor nos coloca em contato com propagandas utilizadas na imprensa escrita e falada. Por meio da Análise do Discurso discutimos o sentido de “convencer”, enquanto recurso de argumentação e cartografamos os recursos simbólicos utilizados nas estratégias de “vencer” sobre o público alvo das propagandas políticas. Queremos observar as marcas dos processos de subjetivação que acompanham os deslizamentos das práticas políticas de convencimento para o exercício da violência concentrada nos termos daquilo que se expressou como um ato de “vencer” pela força física. Que processos de subjetivação se consolidam sob o jugo da força colocada em exercício por formas autoritárias de governos sobre os cidadãos? Como estas marcas reverberam em nossos corpos e limitam as possibilidades de expressão da vida? Estas são as nossas perguntas que nos acompanharam nas leituras, no trabalho do pensamento e da escrita.
Buscou-se com o presente trabalho investigar o perfil do professor-leitor que se revela nos impressos dirigidos aos professores no Programa Pedagogia Cidadã (Curso de Licenciatura para a Formação Continuada de Professores em Serviço da Educação Infantil e do Ensino Fundamental), tendo-se por foco principal a materialidade dos impressos e, os protocolos de leitura neles presentes (CHARTIER, 2001). Buscou também desvendar as representações presentes nesses volumes referente ao professor, enquanto profissional e enquanto leitor e ainda as concepções de leitura presentes nesses materiais. O trabalho teve como base metodológica a pesquisa de natureza documental. Ao atentar-se para a conceituação do ato de ler como um processo formador e para envolvimento do professor como mesmo, em especial para as práticas de leituras propostas nos cursos de formação docente, verificou-se que o professor é identificado como um tipo peculiar de leitor. Observou-se também que a materialidade dos impressos (Cadernos de Formação) dirigidos aos professoresalunos no Programa Pedagogia Cidadã constitui-se como elemento essencial para a produção de sentidos na leitura e, portanto, como fonte reveladora do ideal de formação docente almejado, por este programa.
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi revolucionou a sociedade no século XVIII, com suas ideias educativas. Com uma educação humanitária, tendo como princípio básico a benevolência na formação de seus educandos, Pestalozzi posicionava-se a favor da generalização da instrução, para que esta fosse concebida também aos pobres. Desse modo, Pestalozzi funda escolas que recolhem órfãos, mendigos e pequenos ladrões. Nessas entidades havia uma formação geral e profissional. Para Pestalozzi, as crianças precisam de limites, porém em sua Pedagogia não havia punições, sugerindo uma educação não repressiva, contrapondo com as ideias da época. Esta concepção de educação baseada na repressão ainda continua em parte do século XIX, porém outro educador, assim como Pestalozzi, não concorda com os métodos punitivos. Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco, mais conhecido como Dom Bosco, engloba em suas obras educativas três princípios, que compõem o tripé básico de sua educação: razão, religião e amorevolezza, formando o Sistema Preventivo, ideal de sua arte educativa. Com a intenção de desenvolver esse Sistema, Dom Bosco cria os oratórios. Nestes espaços, crianças e jovens de classe baixa, são acolhidos para estudar, brincar e rezar. Mais tarde, as escolas profissionalizantes são incluídas nessa educação. Desse modo, tornam-se interessantes estas duas perspectivas educacionais, separadas pelo tempo histórico de seus idealizadores, com propostas pedagógicas pautadas em bases preventivas ao invés de repressivas. Neste ponto, pretende-se investigar se há realmente alguma relação entre a Pedagogia de Pestalozzi e o Sistema Preventivo de Dom Bosco. Indaga-se ainda se existe alguma influência direta e/ou indireta do primeiro sobre o segundo. Assim, este trabalho visa analisar comparativamente a pedagogia de Pestalozzi e o Sistema Preventivo de Dom Bosco... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
By showing the absence of concern from schools in developing with students any kind of orality work, and the major importance they give only to reading and writing, this research shows an investigation on how the oral communication is established as learning content and how such education is conceived in the early years of elementary school, verifying if there is balance between the time devoted to written and spoken language activities, and how the oral language is treated in the classroom, this research also identifies which and how the oral genres are used, moreover, see if the teacher explores the emerging students‘ speech during class. This research was held in a government school in Bauru (SP), using three instruments to collect data: direct observation, videotaping observed classes, and a questionnaire. The observation and filming were done in only one classroom, a 3rd year of elementary school, in Portuguese classes; however, the questionnaire was applied to all school teachers, in order to have wider analytical conditions. The research´s approach is qualitative and ground on the bibliography study and field research. The analysis results indicate that school still emphasizes reading and writing method of teaching and does not work as bibliography authors propose in their researches about the studied topic; the reason is that this content has been applied to the curriculum recently, the teachers lack of clarity in some important concepts about speech and don´t have a bibliography basis
At a time when people turn increasingly to technological innovations and virtual networks, a closer interaction with the environment can provide sensitizing experiences. One tool that facilitates this approach is the interpretative trail: its use in a Unit of Conservation (UC) allows more contact between the visitor and the nature elements. This research aimed to propose the establishment of an interpretative trail at the State Florest “Edmundo Navarro de Andrade” (FEENA) in Rio Claro (SP) with theoretical bases from Waldorf Pedagogy. The proposed trail is destined for students with 07-14 years-old, a period that the awareness is more accurate in a person, according to Waldorf tenets. On the path of the trail, we propose some educational activities at the points of interpretation: storytelling about environment; “photograph” the place with a drawing; create a song with sounds produced by the body and by nature elements; blindfold guide and a circle of people to share experiences. The activities aim to provide in the student a close and harmonious contact with oneself, with other people and with the natural world, and also serve as a support for programs of public use and environmental education at UC. The environmental awareness process in the context of FEENA - which has a significant landscape valuation - develops through the sensibilities of exterior and interior world. And also develops with the creation if images, thoughts, feelings and interdependencies relationships. Therefore, the ecologic education allows changes and formation of values and sensitive attitudes to students about the environment
The aim of this study is to investigate the significance of educational practices aimed at children in non formal education, in this case, specifically, the hospital context. The chosen methodology is part of an investigation conducted in two phases. In the first phase was carried out a theoretical stage, scientifically based studies guided by an historical-cultural and Sociology of Childhood, enabling placement on the particularities of children, the playfulness and the positioning of Pedagogy in the hospital. After this theoretical study was performed the second phase, with the completion of an empirical study with a research and intervention in a hospital playroom, in a public hospital considered a regional center in the northwestern city of São Paulo. The methodological procedures adopted for this empirical study were participant observation, interviews, action research and a questionnaire. Participant observation and action research are conducted within the brinquetodeca in five meetings with about 15 children, interviews were conducted with three family members and the questionnaire was applied to a healthcare professional. Among the results we can mention the following findings: a confirmation of the necessity of work in the hospital directing playful adaptations for the preservation and development of children's learning, and recent publications are scarce about the Hospital Education and underscore the need for the professional practice of education in non-school, the educational activities carried out reveals the possibilities of offering the child the continuation of their educational activities involving the playful and educational, the international and national literature on educational practices in the hospital allow to check ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This paper demonstrates that in every society there are limits and these are imposed on its members. However, the awareness and the determination of theses limits are necessarily how they are transmitted by the educator to the learners. Its purpose is to show that autonomous, critical and cooperative individuals are result of the form they were educated and instructed in the classroom. Schools and educators should be concerned with the education of individuals able to reflect, discuss and solve the social and moral conflicts through dialogue, exposition of ideas, suggesting alternatives and the preparation and reworking of the principles and norms that govern society. The goal of this study is identify and highlight the importance of educator language in conflict resolution, its consequences and effects on the process of building the moral autonomy of children in preschool, as well as discussing, in theory the two types of language, evaluative and descriptive. In the same way, show the importance of descriptive language on the construction process from moral autonomy of learner. Several existing research about the chosen subject led to face this challenge, deepening the study to show that and educational system focused on cooperative environment, where teacher actions encourage social interaction, giving the student opportunity to talk, argue and present his thoughts, causes a significant development toward the construction of moral autonomy on the learner
O presente trabalho estuda questões relativas à área da Educação Infantil, no que tange à sua metodologia, em específico, ao método da Roda de Conversa e sua importância na sala de aula. Objetiva-se com este estudo, levantar o aporte teórico dessa estratégia metodológica, considerada por diversos autores e especialistas da educação, como uma ferramenta importante para os educadores, porque contribui no relacionamento e na interação entre professor e aluno e entre alunos e seus colegas, pois com o método da Roda de Conversa, o aluno passa a ter voz, é estimulado a se comunicar, melhor contextualizando seu aprendizado. O processo de ensino aprendizagem centrado nos métodos tradicionais de ensino, em geral, não valorizam o diálogo, ou seja, o professor é o único detentor do “status” do saber. Diversos autores que tratam do assunto foram abordados nessa pesquisa bibliográfica, com o intuito de oferecer subsídios para reflexões sobre a metodologia em pauta, considerando que ela pode se constituir em um importante instrumento para que o professor levante os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos, permitindo a eles, a expressão de suas idéias, o desenvolvimento da imaginação e da curiosidade, superando a relação controladora que normalmente está presente nos processos educacionais tradicionais, além de fomentar conceitos de democracia, respeito, valores, regras, cidadania e facilitar a análise de aspectos importantes do desenvolvimento, como a fala, a postura e a dicção. Parte-se do pressuposto, de que a Roda de Conversa pode auxiliar o aluno a tornar-se mais crítico, participativo e equilibrado na sua relação social