870 resultados para Passion fruts
Fifteenth century manuscript named in honor of Dr. H.B. Wheatley.
La cour des Lys.--Danse extatique et Final du 1. acte.--La Passion.--Le Bon Pasteur.
A Jesuit reformer and poet [F. [Spee] (19th cent., August, 1885)--Revelations of the after-world (19th cent., February, 1887)--Savonarola (The Weekly register, September, 1899)--M. Emery, superior of St. Sulpice (1789-1811) (Dub. R., October, 1887)--Auricular confession.--The pope and the Anglican archbishops (19th cent., July, 1897)--Ritualism, Roman Catholicism, and converts (Contemp., February, 1879)--On certain ecclesiastical miracles (19th cent., August 1891)--Irresponsible opinion (Macmil., March, 1885)--The ethics of war (19th cent., May 1899)--The passion of the past (Macmil., September, 1887)--Some memories of a prison chaplain (Macmil., February, 1898)--Purcell's life of Cardinal Manning.--Appendix: Some notes on Fr. Ryder's controversy with Dr. Ward.
"Errata" slip tipped in at v. 1, p. [1]; Addenda slip tipped in at v. 2, p. [413]
"Each passion being the subject of a tragedy and a comedy."
Vol. 1-2: Parte [primera-]segunda, Contiene todos los mysterios de la Passion de Jesu-Christo ... hasta la venida del Espiritu Santo y publicacion del Evangelio.
"Astronomicas reflexiones, por las cuales se intenta persuadir a las gentes, que el sol, luna, y estrellas sirven, y enseñan al hombre por demonstracion de cuenta ... " y "Compendio de la era christiana, y años julianos, en demonstrativas tablas solares, por las quales se acredita el dia, y año cierto de la muerte, y passion de N.tro señor Jesu Christo, y otros misterios ... ", cada uno con portada, paginación y signatura propia pero mismo pie de imprenta.
The fool's revenge.--Jeanne Darc.--Twixt axe and crown.--Lady Clancarty.--Arkwright wife.--Anne Boleyn.--Plot and passion.
A forest orchid.--'Mandy's organ.--The Lord's prayer drinkin' glass.--Euphemy.--The pity of it.--Belindy's one beau.--Mis' Bunnels's funeral.--A passion-flower of the West.--The Arnspiker chickens.--The light that came to Abraham.
Mode of access: Internet.
Texts in Greek; introductory and editorial matter in French.
A tale of two cads.--His right-hand neighbor.--The fall of the fountain.--The basket of Alnaschar.--One joke--and another.--A fin de siècle punchinello.--The metamorphosis of John Lee, freshman.--A poetess of passion.--Misspent.--The '9-"Lit."--A baffled puritan.--At Dwyer's.
Serments de Strasbourg.--Prose de Sainte Eulalie.--Fragment de Valenciennes.--La passion du Christ.--Vie de Saint Léger.--Sponsus.
Bibliography at head of each selection.