954 resultados para POISONING PSP TOXINS


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Wednesday 12th March 2014 Speaker(s): Dr Tim Chown Organiser: Time: 12/03/2014 11:00-11:50 Location: B32/3077 File size: 642 Mb Abstract The WAIS seminar series is designed to be a blend of classic seminars, research discussions, debates and tutorials. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical part of the Internet infrastructure. In this talk we begin by explaining the basic model of operation of the DNS, including how domain names are delegated and how a DNS resolver performs a DNS lookup. We then take a tour of DNS-related topics, including caching, poisoning, governance, the increasing misuse of the DNS in DDoS attacks, and the expansion of the DNS namespace to new top level domains and internationalised domain names. We also present the latest work in the IETF on DNS privacy. The talk will be pitched such that no detailed technical knowledge is required. We hope that attendees will gain some familiarity with how the DNS works, some key issues surrounding DNS operation, and how the DNS might touch on various areas of research within WAIS.


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Durante los siglos XVII y XVIII se presentaron varias querellas ante el Tribunal de Justicia Criminal del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en las que se denunciaba que había personas que ejercían los oficios médicos sin tener títulos que los acreditaran como facultativos en las artes curativas. Por ese entonces, se creía que quienes utilizaban yerbas y conjuros como métodos terapéuticos, por lo general mujeres, debían ser juzgadas como yerbateras-envenenadoras, porque no pretendían curar sino matar a quien consumiera sus preparados. El texto establece que los procesos criminales por envenenamiento constituyen un prisma en el que convergen diferentes problemáticas del periodo colonial neogranadino, relacionadas con la salud, los oficios médicos, las enfermedades, las creencias mágico-religiosas, el ideal de mujer en la época, la delincuencia, y las dinámicas de las instituciones españolas, entre otras. De esta manera, se estudió cómo fue la relación entre los aspectos jurídicos, las leyes criminales (dictadas por la Corona) y las conductas “desviadas” (relacionadas con el crimen por envenenamiento) de los habitantes del Nuevo Reino de Granada, entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. Para ello se revistaron desde diferentes perspectivas, varios temas del mundo colonial neogranadino, relacionados con los rumores, la comidilla, los chismes y la importancia de la comunicación hablada en el virreinato; el problema de la honra, como una de las virtudes más sobresalientes de la época y las creencias de la cultura popular con relación al envenenamiento y los diferentes métodos curativos.


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Introducción: Es una necesidad para los países del mundo, tener información epidemiológica mucho más precisa y oportuna sobre las sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), partiendo del conocimiento científico de porqué unas personas abusan de las sustancias y otras no. El objetivo de investigación es establecer el perfil epidemiológico y evolución de los pacientes consumidores de SPA que acuden al servicio de toxicología de Colsubsidio durante el 2011 y 2012. Caracterizar la población, identificar su patrón de consumo y explorar las tendencias, para poder generar estrategias dirigidas de atención y prevención. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo observacional exploratorio retrospectivo. 610 historias clínicas fueron analizadas para variables epidemiológicas y clínicas, por medio de análisis univariados acorde al tipo de variable y análisis bivariados exploratorios en los cuales se compararon proporciones. Resultados: Se evaluaron un total de 610 pacientes, 475 hombres y 135 mujeres. El promedio de edad, la mediana y la moda fue de 24,9, 17 y 16 años respectivamente; la mayoría solteros y cursando bachillerato; la mayoría menores de 18 años fueron remitidos por ICBF y psiquiatría. Los patrones de abuso y dependencia representaron los porcentajes más elevados. Las sustancias más consumidas fueron marihuana, etanol y tabaco. El tratamiento para el 44,3% de los pacientes fue valoración por especialidades, seguido de básico (33,1%), y sólo 1,1% asistieron para prevención en el consumo de SPA. Discusión: Es necesario dirigir los esfuerzos y recursos a la generación de campañas de diagnóstico temprano y prevención en el consumo de SPA principalmente para la población adolescente.


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La pobreza, la mala nutrición, la injusticia social y ambiental predominan en América Latina como factores que condicionan la acción de sustancias contaminantes sobre los niños. La intoxicación con plomo y la contaminación ambiental constituyen problemas de salud pública en todo el mundo, afectando múltiples sistemas del organismo, en especial los sistemas nervioso central (SNC), hematopoyético, renal, endocrino y óseo, entre otros, en las primeras etapas de la vida. Objetivo: evaluar los efectos clínicos, bioquímicos y vasculares en niños expuestos a fuente conocida de plomo. Materiales y métodos: se estudiaron siete niños con fuente definida de exposición a plomo y se realizó laboratorio general y específico para plomo. Se valoraron función endotelial y parámetros electrocardiográficos. Estadística descriptiva. Resultados: media de edad: 6,2 años (DE± 1,6), hematocrito promedio 31% (DE±0,02); hemoglobina promedio 10,2 gr/dl (DE± 0,78). La totalidad de las muestras, 100%, presentó anemia, hipocromía, microcitosis y anisocitosis marcadas. Plombemia promedio: 37,9 ug/dl (DE± 6,22), ALA-D promedio: 8,9 U/L (DE±4,5). No se encontraron modificaciones en el perfil lipídico ni en función renal. Todos presentaron microalbuminuria y disfunción endotelial. Conclusión: estos resultados evidencian los efectos que la exposición ambiental al plomo puede producir en niños no expuestos laboralmente.


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El fentión es un insecticida organofosforado usado en todo el mundo cuya aplicación puede derivar en contaminación de aguas y efectos potenciales en salud humana y animal. Objetivos: para evaluar los efectos tóxicos, la actividad colinesterasa plasmática tipo butiril (BChE) y el uso potencial en monitoreo ambiental se distribuyeron al azar treinta y cuatro juveniles de cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus) en tres tratamientos (control, 0,13 ppm y 2 ppm fentión) por un período de 96 horas. Materiales y métodos: los ejemplares fueron expuestos al fentión en tanques de diez galones, evaluando sintomatología, cambios post-mortem, índice viscero-somático (IVS) y actividad BChE. Se compararon las medias de cada variable para determinar significancia estadística (ANAVA, α=0,05). Resultados: se presentaron signos clínicos severos (nado frenético, tremores musculares y pérdida de eje de nado) en tres individuos (2 ppm) hacia las 11 y 34 horas. En 0,13 ppm hubo signos leves a moderados (tremores y movimiento de aleta caudal). Los IVS (control = 5,3 ± 0,5; 0,13 ppm = 6,9 ± 0,3 y 2 ppm = 7,3 ± 0,6) fueron significativamente diferentes entre los expuestos a fentión y los controles. La actividad BChE (control = 185,0 ± 20,4; 0,13 ppm = 12,5 ± 2,3 y 2 ppm = 9,8 ± 1,8 nmoles / ml plasma / min) mostró inhibición significativa en los expuestos a fentión con respecto a controles. Conclusiones: se demostraron los efectos tóxicos agudos del fentión en juveniles de cachama blanca. Los resultados en BChE mostraron su utilidad en monitoreo ambiental por exposición a insecticidas organofosforados.


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Os agentes de Policia, são elementos expostos a vários fatores de Vulnerabilidade ao Stress, sendo este vivenciado de diferentes formas. Neste estudo procurou-se conhecer a relação entre a vulnerabilidade ao Stress, a Depressão e a Agressividade nas forças policiais. Participaram 350 indivíduos, 34 do sexo feminino e 316 do sexo maculino com uma média de idades de 25.80 (DP=5.28) e com uma média de serviço na PSP de 1.99 anos (DP=.46), selecionados por conveniência. Todos os participantes trabalham há um ano no serviço operacional. As medidas utilizadas no presente estudo foram a Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (D.A.S.S), criada por Lovibond e Lovibond em (1995), tendo sida traduzida e validada para portugês por Ribeiro e colaboradores (2004), a Escala de Vulnerabilidade ao Stress (23QVS) - foi desenvolvida por Vaz Serra, (2000), com o objectivo de auto-avaliar a vulnerabilidade ao stress em relação com a psicopatologia e o questionário de Agressividade (Aggression Questionnaire) foi criado por Buss e Perry (1992) , tendo sido traduzida e validada para a população portuguesa por Simões (1993). Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo indicam, em termos gerais e quanto maior é a vulnerabilidade ao stress maior é a agressividade e a sintomatologia depressiva.


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Clostridium perfringens é uma bactéria anaeróbia Gram positiva, formadora de esporos e produtora de toxinas capazes de causar um amplo espectro de doenças em humanos e animais. Em frangos de crescimento rápido e de plumagem branca pode causar lesões e manifestações clínicas severas como enterite necrótica aviária (ENA), associada a uma baixa eficiência produtiva e avultadas perdas económicas. Neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar a utilização de um teste de ensaio imunocromatográfico de fluxo lateral, o Clostridium FirstTestTM, para deteção e quantificação precoce de C. perfringens em frangos de crescimento rápido e plumagem branca e posterior relação entre a presença do agente e as características dos bandos (peso médio à chegada, idade dos bandos à amostragem), fatores ambientais (densidade populacional, temperatura ambiente, humidade da cama) e os indicadores de produção (ganho médio diário, Índice de Conversão Alimentar e percentagem de mortalidade). Para tal, foram analisadas amostras fecais de trinta bandos, em dezoito explorações integradas, na Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. De acordo com a classificação do Clostridium FirstTestTM, dos trinta bandos amostrados entre o décimo primeiro e o décimo quinto dia de vida, 30 % foram classificados como “Positivo” (n=9) e 10 % foram classificados como “Muito Positivo” (n=3); apresentando concentrações médias de C. perfringens de 0,1322 ng/ml e 0,3267 ng/ml, respectivamente. Os restantes bandos, 60% (n=18), foram considerados “Normal” e apresentaram concentrações médias de C. perfringens de 0,0283 ng/ml. As amostras fecais dos bandos classificados de “Positivo” e “Muito Positivo” foram posteriormente sujeitas a análise microbiológica apresentando ambos os grupos unidades formadoras de colónias (UFC), identificadas como C. perfringens. Verificou-se que não existe relação entre os resultados do Clostridium FirstTestTM e as características dos bandos, os fatores ambientais e os indicadores de produção. Verificou-se uma diminuição dos níveis de C. perfringens nos bandos sujeitos a tratamento.


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The Sustainably Managing Environmental Health Risk in Ecuador project was launched in 2004 as a partnership linking a large Canadian university with leading Cuban and Mexican institutes to strengthen the capacities of four Ecuadorian universities for leading community-based learning and research in areas as diverse as pesticide poisoning, dengue control, water and sanitation, and disaster preparedness. By 2009, train-the-trainer project initiation involved 27 participatory action research Master’s theses in 15 communities where 1200 community learners participated in the implementation of associated interventions. This led to establishment of innovative Ecuadorian-led master’s and doctoral programs, and a Population Health Observatory on Collective Health, Environment and Society for the Andean region based at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar. Building on this network, numerous initiatives were begun, such as an internationally funded research project to strengthen dengue control in the coastal community of Machala, and establishment of a local community eco-health centre focusing on determinants of health near Cuenca. Alliances of academic and non-academic partners from the South and North provide a promising orientation for learning together about ways of addressing negative trends of development. Assessing the impacts and sustainability of such processes, however, requires longer term monitoring of results and related challenges.


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This paper describes some of the results of a detailed farm-level survey of 32 small-scale cotton farmers in the Makhathini Flats region of South Africa. The aim was to assess and measure some of the impacts (especially in terms of savings in pesticide and labour as well as benefits to human health) attributable to the use of insect-tolerant Bt cotton. The study reveals a direct cost benefit for Bt growers of SAR416 ($51) per hectare per season due to a reduction in the number of insecticide applications. Cost savings emerged in the form of lower requirements for pesticide, but also important were reduced requirements for water and labour. The reduction in the number of sprays was particularly beneficial to women who do some spraying and children who collect water and assist in spraying. The increasing adoption rate of Bt cotton appears to have a health benefit measured in terms of reported rates of accidental insecticide poisoning. These appear to be declining as the uptake of Bt cotton increases. However, the understanding of refugia and their management by local farmers are deficient and need improving. Finally, Bt cotton growers emerge as more resilient in absorbing price fluctuations.


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Chemical pollution of the environment has become a major source of concern. In particular, many studies have investigated the impact of pollution on biota in the environment. Studies on metalliferous contaminated mine spoil wastes have shown that some soil organisms have the capability to become resistant to metal/metalloid toxicity. Earthworms are known to inhabit arsenic-rich metalliferous soils and, due to their intimate contact with the soil, in both the solid and aqueous phases, are likely to accumulate contaminants present in mine spoil. Earthworms that inhabit metalliferous contaminated soils must have developed mechanisms of resistance to the toxins found in these soils. The mechanisms of resistance are not fully understood; they may involve physiological adaptation (acclimation) or be genetic. This review discusses the relationships between earthworms and arsenic-rich mine spoil wastes, looking critically at resistance and possible mechanisms of resistance, in relation to soil edaphic factors and possible trophic transfer routes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper forms part of research that is investigating the migration of young Bajan-Brits to Barbados. Specifically, it explores the role of quality of life issues in the decision-making processes of young Bajan-Brits as they negotiate their 'return' to Barbados. The research, based on 51 in-depth qualitative interviews conducted with an under-researched cohort of young Bajan-Brits living in Barbados, argues from a 'lure of home' conceptualisation that the return of young Bajan-Brits to Barbados can best be understood from the context of a search for a better quality of life in the face of social and economic disenfranchisement in the UK context. Subsequently, the paper examines the extent to which the quality of life factors which formed the basis of return to Barbados have in fact been realised on the part of young Bajan-Brits in their adjustment to life in Barbados. The paper ultimately argues that despite problems of adjustment, young Bajan-Brits have generally been successful in actualising a better quality of life in Barbados. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Against a background of rising adult mortality and morbidity in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, this paper provides both quantitative and qualitative evidence for the existence of a largely neglected group of young people with increased responsibility for caregiving. Using questionnaire surveys, focus groups, storyboards and in-depth interviews in three studies across Southern and Eastern Africa some young people in Lesotho, Tanzania and Zimbabwe are found to devote considerable time and energy to caring for sick members of their households. Examination of the tasks carried out by these youngsters finds them to be burdened beyond usual familial and societal expectations of children's 'normal' contributions to the reproduction of households via domestic chores and suchlike. It is concluded that these young people can be described as 'young carers'. The three studies are presented to illuminate different sociospatial aspects of caregiving by young people. First, using qualitative data from Lesotho the range of caring tasks young caregivers; perform for care recipients - usually a grandmother, parent, or sibling - is identified. Second, the impact caregiving responsibilities have on children's primary school attendance is examined using survey data from Tanzania. Third, the wider negative and positive impacts of caregiving including loss of friends and gaining of emotional maturity for young carers and their households is explored with in-depth individual interviews from Zimbabwe. Finally, suggestions are made for further research to deepen understanding of the geographies of caring within the context of the population geographies of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The development of high throughput techniques ('chip' technology) for measurement of gene expression and gene polymorphisms (genomics), and techniques for measuring global protein expression (proteomics) and metabolite profile (metabolomics) are revolutionising life science research, including research in human nutrition. In particular, the ability to undertake large-scale genotyping and to identify gene polymorphisms that determine risk of chronic disease (candidate genes) could enable definition of an individual's risk at an early age. However, the search for candidate genes has proven to be more complex, and their identification more elusive, than previously thought. This is largely due to the fact that much of the variability in risk results from interactions between the genome and environmental exposures. Whilst the former is now very well defined via the Human Genome Project, the latter (e.g. diet, toxins, physical activity) are poorly characterised, resulting in inability to account for their confounding effects in most large-scale candidate gene studies. The polygenic nature of most chronic diseases offers further complexity, requiring very large studies to disentangle relatively weak impacts of large numbers of potential 'risk' genes. The efficacy of diet as a preventative strategy could also be considerably increased by better information concerning gene polymorphisms that determine variability in responsiveness to specific diet and nutrient changes. Much of the limited available data are based on retrospective genotyping using stored samples from previously conducted intervention trials. Prospective studies are now needed to provide data that can be used as the basis for provision of individualised dietary advice and development of food products that optimise disease prevention. Application of the new technologies in nutrition research offers considerable potential for development of new knowledge and could greatly advance the role of diet as a preventative disease strategy in the 21st century. Given the potential economic and social benefits offered, funding for research in this area needs greater recognition, and a stronger strategic focus, than is presently the case. Application of genomics in human health offers considerable ethical and societal as well as scientific challenges. Economic determinants of health care provision are more likely to resolve such issues than scientific developments or altruistic concerns for human health.


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Recent research in Sub-Saharan Africa has revealed the importance of children’s caring roles in families affected by HIV and AIDS. However, few studies have explored young caregiving in the context of HIV in the UK, where recently arrived African migrant and refugee families are adversely affected by the global epidemic. This paper explores young people’s socio-spatial experiences of caring for a parent with HIV, based on qualitative research with 37 respondents in London and other urban areas in England. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with young people with caring responsibilities and mothers with HIV, who were predominantly African migrants, as well as with service providers. Drawing on their perspectives, the paper discusses the ways that young people and mothers negotiate the boundaries of young people’s care work within and beyond homespace, according to norms of age, gender, generational relations and cultural constructions of childhood. Despite close attachments within the family, the emotional effects of living with a highly stigmatised life-limiting illness, pressures associated with insecure immigration status, transnational migration and low income undermined African mothers’ and young people’s sense of security and belonging to homespace. These factors also restricted their mobility and social participation in school/college and neighbourhood spaces. While young people and mothers valued supportive safe spaces within the community, the stigma surrounding HIV significantly affected their ability to seek support. The article identifies security, privacy, independence and social mobility as key dimensions of African young people’s and mothers’ imagined futures of ‘home’ and ‘family’.