Study Design. An immunohistological study of surgical specimens of human intervertebral disc.Objective.To examine the presence of pleiotrophin in diseased or damaged intervertebral disc tissue and the association between its presence and the extent of tissue vascularization and innervation.Summary of Background Data. Increased levels of pleiotrophin, a growth and differentiation factor that is active in various pathophysiologic processes, including angiogenesis, has been associated with osteoarthritic changes of human articular cartilage. The association between pleiotrophin expression and pathologic conditions of the human intervertebral disc is unknown.Methods. Specimens of human lumbar intervertebral discs, obtained following surgical discectomy, were divided into 3 groups: nondegenerated discs (n = 7), degenerated discs (n = 6), and prolapsed discs (n = 11). Serial tissue sections of each specimen were immunostained to determine the presence of pleiotrophin, blood vessels (CD34-positive endothelial cells), and nerves (neurofilament 200 kDa [NF200]-positive nerve fibers).Results. Pleiotrophin immunoreactivity was seen in disc cells, endothelial cells, and in the extracellular matrix in most specimens of intervertebral disc but was most prevalent in vascularized tissue in prolapsed discs. There was a significant correlation between the presence of pleiotrophin-positive disc cells and that of CD34-positive blood vessels. NF200-positive nerves were seen in vascularized areas of more degenerated discs, but nerves did not appear to codistribute with blood vessels or pleiotrophin positivity in prolapsed discs.Conclusions. Pleiotrophin is present in pathologic human intervertebral discs, and its prevalence and distribution suggest that it may play a role in neovascularization of diseased or damaged disc tissue.
The diagnosis of Von Willebrand's disease (VWD) may sometimes be difficult because of the variability of the results obtained over time in individuals. Moreover, blood group, age, pregnancy and inflammatory stimuli influence the level of Von Willebrand Factor (VWF). The purpose of this thesis was to screen and characterize antibodies to Von Willebrand factor and to evaluate the most promising ones in a gold- Sol assay for VWF on the CA-6000 analyzer. Seven different lots of Anti-VWF antibodies, 3 polyclonal and 4 monoclonal Ab's were screened and evaluated. Two of these antibodies (Sunol R01358 and MAVWF-AP) were selected for preparation of a Gold coated antibody solution. The preliminary testing of these gold coated antibodies on CA-6000 Analyzer showed no immunoreactivity toward VWF for both individual and pooled plasma (from normal healthy donors). Although measurement of VWF for normal plasma with this technique was not demonstrated, these data will be valuable for future work on the design of sensitive and accurate automated sol Gold Immunoassays for the diagnosis of VWD.
The development and progression of odontogenic tumors have been associated with an imbalance in the activity of growth factors, adhesion molecules, extracellular matrix proteins and their degradation enzymes, angiogenic factors and osteolytic. Some studies have shown that interaction relationships inductive epithelial / mesenchymal determinants of Odontogenesis are mimicked by these tumors. The objective of this research was to investigate the immunolocalization of growth factors (BMP-4 and FGF-8) and Sindecan-1 structural protein in a series of odontogenic tumors presenting different biological behaviors, to contribute to a better understanding of the role of these proteins in tumor development. The sample consisted of 21 of the solid ameloblastoma, odontogenic keratocysts 19 and 14 odontogenic adenomatoid tumors. Increased Sindecan-1 immunostaining was seen in the epithelium of the lesions when compared with mesenchyme. In ameloblastoma and odontogenic keratocysts, this expression was higher than in AOT. Epithelial expression of BMP4 showed quantitatively similar in the three studied lesions; however, when anlisada mesenchymal immunoreactivity, was detected significant higher expression when compared to the ameloblastoma keratocysts. In ameloblastoma, mesenchymal expression was predominantly (p = 0.008), while in keratocyst higher expression in the epithelium was observed (p = 0.046). In all injuries, strong or moderate correlation was observed in the BMP-4 immunoreactivity in the epithelium and mesenchyme. FGF-8, no injury was observed difference between the immunoreactivity in the epithelium or mesenchyme, however in ameloblastoma positive correlation was found (Spearman correlation, rho = 0.857, p <0.001). The results of this study suggest that the three evaluated biomarkers actively involved in the pathogenesis of lesions, especially the expression of ameloblastomas indicating a strong interaction between parenchymal and stromal cells which may contribute to its marked aggressiveness.
benign epithelial odontogenic lesions are great clinical importance entities that develop in the jaws from the tissues that form teeth. It has been shown that in benign and malignant tumors, are present in a large number of tumor stem cells, which has great implications in the development of these lesions. Oct-4 and CD44 have been demos as important markers for tumoral stem cells. The objective of this study was to identify epithelial cells expressing stem cell markers by immunohistochemical expression of Oct-4 and CD44 in a series of cases of benign epithelial odontogenic lesions. The sample was comprised of 20 cases of odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), 20 cases of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma and 20 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT). The expression of Oct-4 and CD44 was evaluated in epithelial lesions using the percentage of positive cells (PP) and the intensity of expression (IE), being realized the sum of these scores, resulting in Total Immunostaining Score (TIS) ranging 0 to 7. The results were submitted to the appropriate statistical test (nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation coefficient). All cases were positive for both markers and most showed high expression of both markers. The analysis of Oct-4 expression revealed no statistically significant differences (p = 0.406) among the studied lesions. Regarding the CD44 expression, there was a statistically significant difference between the cases of ameloblastoma and TOA in relation to the CCO, with the latter show more cases in the score 7 (p = 0.034). In the correlation analysis of the immunoreactivity of both markers in the three lesions studied, there was no statistically significant correlation. The results of this study identified the presence of cells with stemness characteristics arranged at various sites in the epithelial component of the studied lesions suggesting their possible role in the histogenesis and differentiation in benign epithelial odontogenic lesions, thus contributing to the development of these lesions.
benign epithelial odontogenic lesions are great clinical importance entities that develop in the jaws from the tissues that form teeth. It has been shown that in benign and malignant tumors, are present in a large number of tumor stem cells, which has great implications in the development of these lesions. Oct-4 and CD44 have been demos as important markers for tumoral stem cells. The objective of this study was to identify epithelial cells expressing stem cell markers by immunohistochemical expression of Oct-4 and CD44 in a series of cases of benign epithelial odontogenic lesions. The sample was comprised of 20 cases of odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), 20 cases of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma and 20 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT). The expression of Oct-4 and CD44 was evaluated in epithelial lesions using the percentage of positive cells (PP) and the intensity of expression (IE), being realized the sum of these scores, resulting in Total Immunostaining Score (TIS) ranging 0 to 7. The results were submitted to the appropriate statistical test (nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation coefficient). All cases were positive for both markers and most showed high expression of both markers. The analysis of Oct-4 expression revealed no statistically significant differences (p = 0.406) among the studied lesions. Regarding the CD44 expression, there was a statistically significant difference between the cases of ameloblastoma and TOA in relation to the CCO, with the latter show more cases in the score 7 (p = 0.034). In the correlation analysis of the immunoreactivity of both markers in the three lesions studied, there was no statistically significant correlation. The results of this study identified the presence of cells with stemness characteristics arranged at various sites in the epithelial component of the studied lesions suggesting their possible role in the histogenesis and differentiation in benign epithelial odontogenic lesions, thus contributing to the development of these lesions.
Introduction: Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1 (APE-1) is an essential protein for DNA base excision repair (BER) pathway and regulation of redox activities. The ability of malignant cells to recognize and repair DNA damage is an important mechanism for tumor survival, and recent studies suggest that APE-1 overexpression is related to poor prognosis in some tumors. Purpose: To analyze the immunoreactivity of APE-1 in Pleomorphic Adenomas (PA) and Carcinomas Ex Pleomorphic Adenomas (CaExPA) of salivary glands. Materials and Methods: A total of 49 tumors fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin (33 PA and 16 CaExPA) underwent immunohistochemical study by the immunoperoxidase technique. APE-1 immunoreactivity was evaluated quantitatively by the percentage of immunopositive cells. For statistical analysis a significance level of 5% (p≤ 0.05) was adopted. Results: All cases of PA and CaExPA (n=49) were positive for APE-1, however, there was a higher expression in CaExPA, with statistically significant difference (p<0.001). There was no association between APE-1 expression and tumors of major or minor salivary gland, however, not encapsulated PA (median expression = 54.2%) showed higher expression when compared to encapsulated tumors (p=0.02). APE-1 overexpression was found mainly in cases of CaExAP with lymph node metastasis (median expression = 90.3% - p=0.002) and invasive pattern (median expression = 89.9% - p=0.003), when compared to cases without metastasis and intracapsular pattern. Conclusion: This study suggests that APE-1 is deregulated in the studied tumors. The increased expression of APE-1 is associated with the absence of complete capsule in PA and it is associated with more aggressive behavior in CaExPA.
Introduction: Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1 (APE-1) is an essential protein for DNA base excision repair (BER) pathway and regulation of redox activities. The ability of malignant cells to recognize and repair DNA damage is an important mechanism for tumor survival, and recent studies suggest that APE-1 overexpression is related to poor prognosis in some tumors. Purpose: To analyze the immunoreactivity of APE-1 in Pleomorphic Adenomas (PA) and Carcinomas Ex Pleomorphic Adenomas (CaExPA) of salivary glands. Materials and Methods: A total of 49 tumors fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin (33 PA and 16 CaExPA) underwent immunohistochemical study by the immunoperoxidase technique. APE-1 immunoreactivity was evaluated quantitatively by the percentage of immunopositive cells. For statistical analysis a significance level of 5% (p≤ 0.05) was adopted. Results: All cases of PA and CaExPA (n=49) were positive for APE-1, however, there was a higher expression in CaExPA, with statistically significant difference (p<0.001). There was no association between APE-1 expression and tumors of major or minor salivary gland, however, not encapsulated PA (median expression = 54.2%) showed higher expression when compared to encapsulated tumors (p=0.02). APE-1 overexpression was found mainly in cases of CaExAP with lymph node metastasis (median expression = 90.3% - p=0.002) and invasive pattern (median expression = 89.9% - p=0.003), when compared to cases without metastasis and intracapsular pattern. Conclusion: This study suggests that APE-1 is deregulated in the studied tumors. The increased expression of APE-1 is associated with the absence of complete capsule in PA and it is associated with more aggressive behavior in CaExPA.
Squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue shows high rates of morbidity and mortality in the population, therefore, great efforts are being made to classify morphological changes and identify biomarkers that have prognostic value and that are able to group patients in individualized therapeutic options. From this perspective, there is the heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which is a heat shock factor transcription protein (HSPs) that allows the cancer to deal with stressors associated with malignancy, acting differently in tumor progression. This research aimed to perform a clinico-pathological analysis of 70 cases of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and immunohistochemical study of the expression of HSF1 protein in OTSCC, comparing it with 30 specimens of normal oral mucosa (NOM), and correlating this immunostaining with clinico-pathological aspects of OTSCC. To analyze the association between immunoexpression of HSF1 and clinicophatoloical aspects, the cases were categorized in minor and major overexpression, based in the median immunostaining score. Regarding the cases of OTSCC, 57.1% showed clinical stage III or IV, 82.9% were graded as high grade according to Bryne (1998) and 47.1% as high risk of malignancy according to Brandwein-Gensler et al., (2005). A disease free survival rate of 47.84% and overall survival rate of 68.20% was observed in the analyzed cases, and the high degree of malignancy according to Bryne’s system (1998) (p=0.05), tumor size T3 or T4 (p=0.04), local recurrence (p=0.02), and perineural invasion (p=0.02) determined negative impacts in survival time. We observed also a statistically significant result (p<0.01) when comparing the immunoreactivity of HSF1 between NOM and OTSCC. This significantly increased expression of HSF1 in cases of OTSCC suggests that this protein acts, indeed, in the pathogenesis of this disease. However, there were no statistically significant associations between this overexpression and the clinico-pathological parameters analyzed. This finding may reflect the influence of epigenetic events on HSF1 gene or a possible stability of this protein expression throughout disease progression.
Squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue shows high rates of morbidity and mortality in the population, therefore, great efforts are being made to classify morphological changes and identify biomarkers that have prognostic value and that are able to group patients in individualized therapeutic options. From this perspective, there is the heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which is a heat shock factor transcription protein (HSPs) that allows the cancer to deal with stressors associated with malignancy, acting differently in tumor progression. This research aimed to perform a clinico-pathological analysis of 70 cases of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and immunohistochemical study of the expression of HSF1 protein in OTSCC, comparing it with 30 specimens of normal oral mucosa (NOM), and correlating this immunostaining with clinico-pathological aspects of OTSCC. To analyze the association between immunoexpression of HSF1 and clinicophatoloical aspects, the cases were categorized in minor and major overexpression, based in the median immunostaining score. Regarding the cases of OTSCC, 57.1% showed clinical stage III or IV, 82.9% were graded as high grade according to Bryne (1998) and 47.1% as high risk of malignancy according to Brandwein-Gensler et al., (2005). A disease free survival rate of 47.84% and overall survival rate of 68.20% was observed in the analyzed cases, and the high degree of malignancy according to Bryne’s system (1998) (p=0.05), tumor size T3 or T4 (p=0.04), local recurrence (p=0.02), and perineural invasion (p=0.02) determined negative impacts in survival time. We observed also a statistically significant result (p<0.01) when comparing the immunoreactivity of HSF1 between NOM and OTSCC. This significantly increased expression of HSF1 in cases of OTSCC suggests that this protein acts, indeed, in the pathogenesis of this disease. However, there were no statistically significant associations between this overexpression and the clinico-pathological parameters analyzed. This finding may reflect the influence of epigenetic events on HSF1 gene or a possible stability of this protein expression throughout disease progression.
The aim of this study was to analyze the immunoexpression of calcitonin (CTR) and glucorticoid (GCR) receptors in aggressive and non-aggressive central giant cell lesions (CGCL). This is an immunohistochemistry study (immunoperoxidase technique) of 52 cases of CGCL of the jaws, in which 12 patients were treated with intralesional triamcinolone injections and one with calcitonin nasal spray. The mean of immunostaining was compared between the cell types and clinical subtype of the lesion. The correlations among means were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Of the 52 cases studied, 53.8% were females, with a mean of 25.69 years. Most lesions were located in the mandible. Thirty patients (57.7%) had aggressive lesions and 22 (42.3%) of the cases consisted of non-aggressive lesions. Surgery was the treatment of choice in 75% of the cases. In 56.7% of the aggressive CGCL surgery was performed, while 43.4% of patients were submitted to conservative treatment. Among cases submitted to conservative treatment, the majority (n = 8; 61.5%) responded well to treatment. CTR expression was observed in 67.3% and GCR in 96.15% of cases. There was no significant statistical difference between the expression of CTRs and GCRs in mononuclear and multinucleated CGCLscells, regarding aggressiveness, treatment performed for aggressive lesions and the response to conservative treatment (p>0.05). The results of our research suggest that the immunoreactivity of CTRs and GCRs did not influence the response to clinical treatment with calcitonin or triamcinolone in the sample studied and it exhibited a varied expression regardless of the aggressiveness of the lesion.
The aim of this study was to analyze the immunoexpression of calcitonin (CTR) and glucorticoid (GCR) receptors in aggressive and non-aggressive central giant cell lesions (CGCL). This is an immunohistochemistry study (immunoperoxidase technique) of 52 cases of CGCL of the jaws, in which 12 patients were treated with intralesional triamcinolone injections and one with calcitonin nasal spray. The mean of immunostaining was compared between the cell types and clinical subtype of the lesion. The correlations among means were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Of the 52 cases studied, 53.8% were females, with a mean of 25.69 years. Most lesions were located in the mandible. Thirty patients (57.7%) had aggressive lesions and 22 (42.3%) of the cases consisted of non-aggressive lesions. Surgery was the treatment of choice in 75% of the cases. In 56.7% of the aggressive CGCL surgery was performed, while 43.4% of patients were submitted to conservative treatment. Among cases submitted to conservative treatment, the majority (n = 8; 61.5%) responded well to treatment. CTR expression was observed in 67.3% and GCR in 96.15% of cases. There was no significant statistical difference between the expression of CTRs and GCRs in mononuclear and multinucleated CGCLscells, regarding aggressiveness, treatment performed for aggressive lesions and the response to conservative treatment (p>0.05). The results of our research suggest that the immunoreactivity of CTRs and GCRs did not influence the response to clinical treatment with calcitonin or triamcinolone in the sample studied and it exhibited a varied expression regardless of the aggressiveness of the lesion.
DNA repair systems, genes and proteins are essential for genome integrity maintenance, avoiding serious diseases such as cancer. Deregulation in the expression of those proteins has been associated with both the risk of development and evolution of various human cancers, including oral squamous cell carcinoma. The purpose of this study was to analyze the immunoreactivity of the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, THIIF and XPF in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and to investigate its association with clinical and histopathological parameters, outcome and 5-year survival rate. Seventy-four cases of OTSCC were analyzed semi-quantitatively through immunohistochemistry. We observed that DNA repair proteins were highly expressed in parenchymal cells; however, we only observed a significant association between XRCC1 high expression and better clinical staging (p=0,02). Cox regression showed that tumor size (p<0,01), lymph node involvement (p=0,04), tumor stage (p=0,02) and depth of invasion> 4mm (p=0,05) were prognostic factors. The results of this experiment suggest that XRCC1, TFIIH and XPF participate in the tumorigenic process, however, their immunoexpression may not be used as an independent prognostic indicator for OTSCC.
DNA repair systems, genes and proteins are essential for genome integrity maintenance, avoiding serious diseases such as cancer. Deregulation in the expression of those proteins has been associated with both the risk of development and evolution of various human cancers, including oral squamous cell carcinoma. The purpose of this study was to analyze the immunoreactivity of the DNA repair proteins XRCC1, THIIF and XPF in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and to investigate its association with clinical and histopathological parameters, outcome and 5-year survival rate. Seventy-four cases of OTSCC were analyzed semi-quantitatively through immunohistochemistry. We observed that DNA repair proteins were highly expressed in parenchymal cells; however, we only observed a significant association between XRCC1 high expression and better clinical staging (p=0,02). Cox regression showed that tumor size (p<0,01), lymph node involvement (p=0,04), tumor stage (p=0,02) and depth of invasion> 4mm (p=0,05) were prognostic factors. The results of this experiment suggest that XRCC1, TFIIH and XPF participate in the tumorigenic process, however, their immunoexpression may not be used as an independent prognostic indicator for OTSCC.
Melanocytic nevi (MNs) are benign melanocytic proliferations of cells, which can be found in the skin and mucous coat, including the oral mucosa. However, skin NMs are more common when compared to those that affect the oral mucosa. The molecular mechanisms involved in the development of nevi and the factors that can influence the migration pattern of the nevus cells are little explored. The aim of this study was to analyze the immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin protein and Bcl-2 in oral / skin NMs and relate them to the clinical characteristics (gender, age, location, exposure to solar radiation) and histopathological types. 36 cases of oral NMs and 34 Skin NMs were analyzed. The immunohistochemistry was used of the protein E-cadherin and bcl-2, which were analyzed the intensity (weak, moderate and strong) and distribution marking (diffuse and focal). The immunoreactivity also analyzed as to the types of nevus cells (epithelioid cells -A, -B lymphocyte and fibroblast-like -C). Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square tests of Pearson and Spearman correlation with significance level set at 5%. Of the 70 cases of NMs, 82.9% were female, 48.6% aged 26-50 years, 51.4% were diagnosed histologically as intradermal / intramucosal nevi and 80% were NMs acquired. Immunohistochemical expression of BCL2 and E-cadherin were variables in the sample and showed no association with clinical parameters. The expression of bcl-2 and E-cadherin were variable according to the types of nevus cells (A, B and C) (P = 0.001). The expression of bcl-2 was more diffuse in congenital MNs (p = 0.002). E-cadherin was positive in 83.3% of MNs <1cm (p = 0.001) and exhibited weak staining in 73.9% of MNs that were in exposed areas (p = 0.010). Based on these results, it is suggested that the E-cadherin has a modulating effect on the migratory properties of NMs, and bcl-2 is a marker of MNs with increased proliferative capacity.
OBJECTIVE: The aim was to analyze the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin in ameloblastomas and tooth germs to determine their roles in cell differentiation processes and invasiveness compared with odontogenesis. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-one ameloblastoma cases (16 solid and 5 unicystic tumors) and 5 tooth germs were submitted to the immunohistochemical detection of E-cadherin and beta-catenin. Immunoreactivity was evaluated using descriptive and semiquantitative analysis, investigating the location and intensity of staining. The Fisher exact test was performed, and P values of <.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in the expression of E-cadherin and beta-catenin between solid and unicystic ameloblastomas (P = .59; P = .63; respectively). The same was found when comparing solid and unicystic ameloblastomas with the tooth germs for both E-cadherin (P = .53; P = .44; respectively) and beta-catenin (P = .12; P = .16; respectively). Nuclear staining of beta-catenin was observed in only 4 cases (3 solid and 1 unicystic tumor). CONCLUSION: The results showed no differences in the expression of E-cadherin or beta-catenin between tooth germs and solid and unicystic ameloblastomas. The expression of these molecules seems mainly to be related to the process of cell differentiation.