929 resultados para Outdoor recreation -- Environmental aspects


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The parasite Bonamia ostreae has decimated Ostrea edulis stocks throughout Europe. The complete life cycle and means of transmission of the parasite remains unknown. The methods used to diagnose B. ostreae were examined to determine sensitivity and reproducibility. Two methods, with fixed protocols, should be used for the accurate detection of infection within a sample. A 13-month study of two stocks of O. edulis with varying periods of exposure to B. ostreae, was undertaken to determine if varying lengths of exposure would translate into observations of differing susceptibility. Oyster stocks can maintain themselves over extended periods of time in B. ostreae endemic areas. To identify a well performing spat stock, which could be used to repopulate beds within the region, hatchery bred spat from three stocks found in the North sea were placed on a B. ostreae infected bed and screened for growth, mortality and prevalence of infection. Local environmental factors may influence oyster performance, with local stocks better adapted to these conditions. Sediment and macroinvertebrate species were screened to investigate mechanisms by which B. ostreae may be maintaining itself on oyster beds. Mytilus edulis was positive, indicating that B. ostreae may use incidental carriers as a method of maintaining itself. The ability of oyster larvae to pick up infection from the surrounding environment was investigated by collecting larvae from brooding oysters from different areas. Larvae may acquire the pathogen from the water column during the process of filter feeding by the brooding adult, even when the parents themselves are uninfected. A study was undertaken to elucidate the activity of the parasite during the initial stage of infection, when it cannot be detected within the host. A naïve stock screened negative for infection throughout the trial, using heart imprints and PCR yet B. ostreae was detected by in-situ hybridisation.


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The primary aim of this thesis is to analyse legal and governance issues in the use of Environmental NPR-PPMs, particularly those aiming to promote sustainable practices or to protect natural resources. NPR-PPMs have traditionally been thought of as being incompatible with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, the issue remains untouched by WTO adjudicatory bodies. One can suggest that WTO adjudicatory bodies may want to leave this issue to the Members, but the analysis of the case law also seems to indicate that the question of legality of NPR-PPMs has not been brought ‘as such’ in dispute settlement. This thesis advances the argument that despite the fact that the legal status of NPR-PPMs remains unsettled, during the last decades adjudicatory bodies have been scrutinising environmental measures based on NPR-PPMs just as another expression of the regulatory autonomy of the Members. Though NPR-PPMs are regulatory choices associated with a wide range of environmental concerns, trade disputes giving rise to questions related to the legality of process-based measures have been mainly associated with the protection of marine wildlife (i.e., fishing techniques threatening or affecting animal species). This thesis argues that environmental objectives articulated as NPR-PPMs can indeed qualify as legitimate objectives both under the GATT and the TBT Agreement. However, an important challenge for the their compatibility with WTO law relate to aspects associated with arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination. In the assessment of discrimination procedural issues play an important role. This thesis also elucidates other important dimensions to the issue from the perspective of global governance. One of the arguments advanced in this thesis is that a comprehensive analysis of environmental NPR-PPMs should consider not only their role in what is regarded as trade barriers (governmental and market-driven), but also their significance in global objectives such as the transition towards a green economy and sustainable patterns of consumption and production.


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This dissertation addressed the issue of sustainable development at the level of individual behaviors. Environmental perceptions were obtained from people living around the biosphere reserve Chamela-Cuixmala in Jalisco, Mexico. Several environmental issues were identified by the people, such as garbage and grey water on the streets, burning plastics, and the lack of usage of recreational areas. All these issues could be addressed with a change in behavior by the villagers. Familiarization activities were conducted to gain people's trust in order to conduct a community forum. These activities included giving talks to school children and organizing workshops. Four different methodologies were generated using memetics and participation to test which would ameliorate those environmental issues identified by the people through a change in behavior. The methodologies were 1) Memes; 2) Participation and Memes; 3) Participation; 4) Neither Participation nor Memes. A meme is an idea expressed within a linguistic structure or architecture that provides it with self-disseminating and self-protecting characteristics within and among the minds of individuals congruent with their values, beliefs and filters. Four villages were chosen as the treatments, and one as the control, for a total of five experimental villages. A different behavior was addressed in each treatment village (garbage, grey-water, burning plastics, recreation.) A nonequivalent control-group design was established. A pretest was conducted in all five villages; the methodologies were tested in the four treatment villages; a posttest was conducted on the five villages. The pretest and posttest consisted in measuring sensory specific indicators which are manifestations of behavior that can either be seen, smelled, touched, heard or tasted. Statistically significant differences in behavior from the control were found for two of the methodologies 1) Memes (p=0.0403) and 2) Participation and Memes (p=0.0064). For the methodologies of 3) Participation alone and 4) Neither, the differences were not significant (p=0.8827, p=0.5627 respectively). When using memes, people's behavior improved when compared to the control. Participation alone did not generate a significant difference. Participation aided in the generation of the memes. Memetics is a tool that can be used to establish a linkage between human behavior and ecological health.


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This article examines occupant behavior exhibited during evacuation conditions. This is based on a review of a wide range of published literature concerned with evacuation. Factors influencing evacuation performance can be categorized into four broad areas, namely, configurational, environmental, procedural, and, most importantly, behavioral. The contributory factors associated with each of the four influencing categories are examined in detail and it is suggested that these factors should be represented within evacuation models.


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The relatively new recreational pursuit of coasteering, which has developed in the St David's area of Pembrokeshire, appears to be expanding rapidly. The majority of local commercial recreation providers (outdoor pursuit centers etc.) now appear to offer this pursuit. The majority of the rocky coastlines where it takes place lie within Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation (SAC), and are also Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). No assessment has yet been undertaken of coasteering's potential impact on the intertidal habitats. Therefore the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) commissioned the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) to undertake a desk study of the likely environmental effects of coasteering on rocky intertidal habitats within the Pembrokeshire marine SAC. The desk study was based on a review of the available literature, and in particular the effects of trampling on rocky intertidal communities. Communities (as biotopes) within the Pembrokeshire marine SAC likely to be exposed to coasteering activities were identified from Phase I biotope data for the area, provided by CCW. Where possible, existing research by MarLIN into the intolerance, recoverability and sensitivity of the biotopes identified, was used to identify their potential vulnerability to trampling. The literature review revealed that: - foliose canopy forming algae (e.g. fucoids) were particularly intolerant and sensitive to trampling impacts; - trampling damaged erect coralline turfs, barnacles, and resulted in an increase in bare space; in some cases paths across the shore were visible; - on brown algae dominated shores, understorey algae could suffer due to increased desiccation but algal turf species, opportunists and gastropod grazers (e.g. limpets) could increase in abundance as an indirect effect of trampling, and that - trampling impacts resulted from physical contact and wear and were dependant on the intensity, duration, and frequency of trampling, and even the type of footwear used. A total of 19 intolerant rocky intertidal biotopes were identified as potentially vulnerable to trampling and hence coasteering within the Pembrokeshire marine SAC, of which six are of Welsh importance and eight are nationally rare or scarce. Trampling is a highly localized impact and it was not possible to identify biotopes, and hence communities, actually impacted by coasteering activities in the Pembrokeshire marine SAC. In addition, the majority of the literature addresses the impacts of trampling on wave sheltered or moderately exposed brown algal dominated shores, while coasteering occurs on more wave exposed, steeply inclined shores. Therefore, direct survey of the routes used by coasteering groups within the Pembrokeshire marine SAC is required to identify the intensity, duration and frequency of trampling impact, together with the communities impacted. Given the paucity of data concerning trampling effects in the rocky intertidal in the UK, a survey of the impacts of coasteering would provide an opportunity to examine the effects of trampling and visitor use in steep rocky, wave exposed shores. The report recognizes the potential to engage coasteerers in contributing to the development of strategies for minimizing adverse impacts, recording impacts and collecting information of use in identifying climate change and the occurrence of non-native species.


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The Healthy and Biologically Diverse Seas Evidence Group (HBDSEG) has been tasked with providing the technical advice for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) with respect to descriptors linked to biodiversity. A workshop was held in London to address one of the Research and Development (R&D) proposals entitled: ‘Mapping the extent and distribution of habitats using acoustic and remote techniques, relevant to indicators for area/extent/habitat loss.’ The aim of the workshop was to identify, define and assess the feasibility of potential indicators of benthic habitat distribution and extent, and identify the R&D work which could be required to fully develop these indicators. The main points that came out of the workshop were: (i) There are many technical aspects of marine habitat mapping that still need to be resolved if cost-effective spatial indicators are to be developed. Many of the technical aspects that need addressing surround issues of consistency, confidence and repeatability. These areas should be tackled by the JNCC Habitat Mapping and Classification Working Group and the HBDSEG Seabed Mapping Working Group. (ii) There is a need for benthic ecologists (through the HBDSEG Benthic Habitats Subgroup and the JNCC Marine Indicators Group) to finalise the list of habitats for which extent and/or distribution indicators should be considered for development, building upon the recommendations from this report. When reviewing the list of indicators, benthic habitats could also be distinguished into those habitats that are defined/determined primarily by physical parameters (although including biological assemblages) (e.g. subtidal shallow sand) and those defined primarily by their biological assemblage (e.g. seagrass beds). This distinction is important as some anthropogenic pressures may influence the biological component of the ecosystem despite not having a quantifiable effect on the physical habitat distribution/extent. (iii) The scale and variety of UK benthic habitats makes any attempt to undertake comprehensive direct mapping exercises prohibitively expensive (especially where there is a need for repeat surveys for assessment). There is a clear need therefore to develop a risk-based approach that uses indirect indicators (e.g. modelling), such as habitats at risk from pressures caused by current human activities, to develop priorities for information gathering. The next steps that came out of the workshop were: (i) A combined approach should be developed by the JNCC Marine Indicators Group together with the HBDSEG Benthic Habitats Subgroup, which will compile and ultimately synthesise all the criteria used by the three different groups from the workshop. The agreed combined approach will be used to undertake a final review of the habitats considered during the workshop, and to evaluate any remaining habitats in order to produce a list of habitats for indicator development for which extent and/or distribution indicators could be appropriate. (ii) The points of advice raised at this workshop, alongside the combined approach aforementioned, and the final list of habitats for extent and/or distribution indicator development will be used to develop a prioritised list of actions to inform the next round of R&D proposals for benthic habitat indicator development in 2014. This will be done through technical discussions within JNCC and the relevant HBDSEG Subgroups. The preparation of recommendations by these groups should take into account existing work programmes, and consider the limited resources available to undertake any further R&D work.


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For the first time, the coupling of fast transient kinetic switching and the use of an isotopically labelled reactant (15NO) has allowed detailed analysis of the evolution of all the products and reactants involved in the regeneration of a NOx storage reduction (NSR) material. Using realistic regeneration times (ca. 1 s) for Pt, Rh and Pt/Rh-containing Ba/Al2O3 catalysts we have revealed an unexpected double peak in the evolution of nitrogen. The first peak occurred immediately on switching from lean to rich conditions, while the second peak started at the point at which the gases switched from rich to lean. The first evolution of nitrogen occurs as a result of the fast reaction between H2 and/or CO and NO on reduced Rh and/or Pt sites. The second N2 peak which occurs upon removal of the rich phase can be explained by reaction of stored ammonia with stored NOx, gas phase NOx or O2. The ammonia can be formed either by hydrolysis of isocyanates or by direct reaction of NO and H2.

The study highlights the importance of the relative rates of regeneration and storage in determining the overall performance of the catalysts. The performance of the monometallic 1.1%Rh/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst at 250 and 350 °C was found to be dependent on the rate of NOx storage, since the rate of regeneration was sufficient to remove the NOx stored in the lean phase. In contrast, for the monometallic 1.6%Pt/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst at 250 °C, the rate of regeneration was the determining factor with the result that the amount of NOx stored on the catalyst deteriorated from cycle to cycle until the amount of NOx stored in the lean phase matched the NOx reduced in the rich phase. On the basis of the ratio of exposed metal surface atoms to total Ba content, the monometallic 1.6%Pt/Ba/Al2O3 catalyst outperformed the Rh-containing catalysts at 250 and 350 °C even when CO was used as a reductant.


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A basic operational objective of any environmental organisation is to raise awareness among the public on issues of environmental protection, through the dissemination of knowledge and experience to local communities, so that the conservation and ecologically sound management of natural resources can acquire a local dimension. This can be achieved either through interventions directed at the State, mainly in relation to its legislative function, or by encouraging citizens to change or improve their attitude regarding environmental matters. In order to ensure a successful outcome and the efficient functioning of any organisation, a feeling of mutual trust and understanding should exist between the latter and its various audiences, i.e. the State and society. A basic ingredient of this balance between the organisation, the broader public and the State is effective communication and activity planning. As a way of contributing to the exploration of this process, this paper describes the means of communication used by Greek environmental organisations, and presents, through a non-linear model, the differentiation amongst them, in conjunction with aspects of the profile of those running each organisation and other indicators, such as the years in operation and the membership figures in each sampled organisation. The paper concludes by arguing that the diversification of communication means is related to the head person's years as a member of the organisation and the extent of its total membership. Another important finding is that the more the involvement in activities within the organisation, the less differentiation we observe amongst the employed means of communication.


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We investigate the effect of correlated additive and multiplicative Gaussian white noise oil the Gompertzian growth of tumours. Our results are obtained by Solving numerically the time-dependent Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) associated with the stochastic dynamics. In Our numerical approach we have adopted B-spline functions as a truncated basis to expand the approximated eigenfunctions. The eigenfunctions and eigenvalues obtained using this method are used to derive approximate solutions of the dynamics under Study. We perform simulations to analyze various aspects, of the probability distribution. of the tumour cell populations in the transient- and steady-state regimes. More precisely, we are concerned mainly with the behaviour of the relaxation time (tau) to the steady-state distribution as a function of (i) of the correlation strength (lambda) between the additive noise and the multiplicative noise and (ii) as a function of the multiplicative noise intensity (D) and additive noise intensity (alpha). It is observed that both the correlation strength and the intensities of additive and multiplicative noise, affect the relaxation time.


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The objectives of the text are to take stock of the international experience with SEA; to highlight the key aspects and areas of the process development and application and to probe issues related to the quality and the effectiveness of SEA practice. These are successfully weaved together as each theme is unpacked and the individual authors apply their own interpretations and experiences to current thinking.


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Objectives. We investigated whether exposure to negative aspects of close relationships was associated with subsequent increase in body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference.
Methods. Data came from a prospective cohort study (Whitehall II) of 9425 civil servants aged 35 to 55 years at baseline (phase 1: 1985-1988). We assessed negative aspects of close relationships with the Close Persons Questionnaire (range 0-12) at phases 1 and 2 (1989-1990). We measured BMI and waist circumference at phases 3 (1991-1994) and 5 (1997-1999). Covariates at phase 1 included gender, age, marital status, ethnicity, BMI, employment grade, smoking, physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, and common mental disorder.
Results. After adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics and health behaviors, participants with higher exposure to negative aspects of close relationships had a higher likelihood of a 10% or greater increase in BMI and waist circumference (odds ratios per 1-unit increase 1.08 [95% confidence interval (CI)=1.02, 1.14; P=.007] and 1.09 [CI=1.04, 1.14; P <= .001], respectively) as well as a transition from the overweight (25 <= BMI <30) to the obese (BMI >= 30) category.
Conclusions. Adverse social relationships may contribute to weight gain.