935 resultados para Ossos pelvians -- Fractures
No presente trabalho foram determinadas as solubilidades dos fosfatos naturais mais comumente usados no Brasil, em solição de ácido fórmico a 2%, sob diversos graus de finura e diversas relações entre a massa de material e o volume do extrator. Os resultados, comparados com a solubilidade dos mesmos materiais em solução de ácido cítrico a 2% e nas mesmas condições, permitiram as seguintes conclusões: a) a variação da solubilidade, em ordem decrescente, entre os materiais estudados foi a seguinte nos dois extratores: farinha de ossos degelatinados, hiperfosfato (fosfato da África), fosfato da Flórida, fosfato de Olinda, fosfato de Araxá e fosfato Alvorada; b) a solubilidade do hiperfosfato em solução de ácido fórmico a 2% é acentuadamente superior a sua solubilidade em solução de ácido cítrico a 2%; c) o fosfato de Araxá tem solubilidade semelhante nos referidos extratores; d) o fosfato da Flórida é um pouco menos solúvel em solução do ácido fórmico a 2% do que em solução de ácido cítrico a 2% até a relação 1/300, invertendo-se a situação em menores relações; e) as solubilidades do fosfato de Olinda e do fosfato Alvorada são ligeiramente maiores em solução de ácido cítrico a 2% do que em solução de ácido fórmico a 2%; f) a solução de ácido fórmico a 2% é mais eficiente na solubilização da farinha de ossos degelatinados do que a solução de ácido cítrico a 2%.
Avaliação do fósforo em fertilizantes através da solução de ácido cítrico a 2%: técnicas de extração
Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento da solução de ácido cítrico a 2% quando aplicada na avaliação do fósforo em fertilizantes fosfatados simples solúveis em água e em misturas contendo fosfatos insoluveis em água, efetuando-se a extração sob duas condições: diretamente na amostra e, portanto, em presença dos componentes solúveis em água e após a extração dos componentes solúveis em água, à semelhança da técnica de extração classicamente estabelecida para a solução de citrato de amônio. Os resultados, comparados entre si e com os obtidos pelo critério da solubilidade em água e em solução de citrato de amônio, permitiram concluir que a extração cítrica efetuada diretamente na amostra e na relação 1:100 é afetada pela presença dos componentes solúveis em água; a fração insolúvel em água dos fertilizantes fosfatados simples solúveis em água apresentou maior solubilidade na solução de citrato de amônio e menor na solução de ácido cítrico com extração direta; a fração insolúvel em água das misturas de fertilizantes contendo rocha fosfatada apresentaram maior solubilidade na solução de ácido cítrico com extração efetuada após a eliminação dos componentes solúveis em água. A mistura que continha farinha de ossos degelatinados apresentou solubilidade semelhante nas três técnicas de extração estudadas.
Carcaças resfriadas comerciais de frango foram subdividadas, obtendo-se quatro cortes: peito, coxas e pernas, dorso e asas. O peito e as coxas e pernas foram desossados, obtendose as seguintes partes: carne (branca ou escura), gordura, pele e ossos. Do dorso foram separadas pele e gordura e das asas pele e a carne da coxinha. O rendimento percentual médio no corte diferiu pouco para o peito e o conjunto de coxas e pernas, que totalizaram 60% do peso da carcaça. Na obtenção de carne branca (do peito), o rendimento médio foi de 65%, em relação ao peso do corte, e de 18%, em relação ao peso da carcaça; a carne escura (das coxas e pernas) foi obtida na proporção de 58%, em relação ao peso dos pares, e de 18%, em relação ao peso da carcaça. Esta apresentou, em média, 3% de carne da coxinha das asas, 5% de gordura é 14% pele. Foi observada uma correlação negativa significativa entre o rendimento de carne escura e o peso da carcaça.
Bone diseases and tooth alterations in 47 specimens of Otaria byronia (Blainville, 1820), from southern Brazilian coast, were analized. Tooth wear and the associated bone pathologies were determined, as well as their percentuals. The main infection was osteomyelitis associated with tooth alterations, such as fractures and attrition, both of them exposing the pulp chamber. Tooth attrition increases with age, favoring fractures and their complications, including osteomyelitis, causing a high frequency of them in specimens presenting more pronounced tooth wear. In one specimen tuberculosis was found in the maxilla, perhaps primarily pulmonary. The high frequency of enamel hypoplasia might reflect cyclic food deficit. Infections and tooth fractures might be related to behaviour, such as fishermen interaction, territorial fighting, and accidents during food capture.
Descrição de uma espécie nova de Pimelodus (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) da bacia do alto rio Paraguai
Uma espécie nova, correntemente identificada como P. maculatus La Cepède, 1803, é descrita. Ela difere das demais espécies do gênero, exceto de P. maculatus e P. mysteriosus Azpelicueta, 1998, pelo padrão de colorido com máculas escuras sobre os flancos. A nova espécie é morfometricamente similar a P. argenteus Perugia, 1891 e P. mysteriosus, mas difere destas, respectivamente, pelo padrão de colorido maculado e pelo menor comprimento do barbilhão maxilar. Difere de P. maculatus por apresentar o processo supra-occipital mais robusto, com a base quase tão larga quanto o comprimento (versus mais comprido do que largo); narinas anteriores a 25% da margem anterior do focinho, na distância entre o início do focinho até as narinas posteriores (versus 33% dessa distância); serrilhas do acúleo peitoral mais desenvolvidas e presentes em mais da metade da margem anterior do acúleo (versus serrilhas leves e presentes em menos da metade desta margem); pele que recobre a cabeça muito fina, tornando conspícuas as estrias da superfície dos ossos; 22-27 (moda=24) rastros no primeiro arco branquial [versus 19-24 (moda=21)]. Também foi discriminado de P. maculatus na análise morfométrica multivariada das variáveis canônicas livres do tamanho, por apresentar maiores valores da distância interorbital, largura da boca e comprimento do barbilhão maxilar e menor comprimento da base da nadadeira adiposa.
O crânio representa uma estrutura única e complexa dos vertebrados, sendo foco relevante objeto de estudos morfológicos e sistemáticos. Embora os crocodilianos constituam um importante grupo representante dos Archosauria, nossos conhecimentos acerca de seu desenvolvimento e homologias ainda são escassos. Aqui descrevemos uma sequência detalhada de ossificação dos ossos do crânio de Caiman yacare (Daudin, 1802), objetivando contribuir com informações de foco anatômico. Coletaram-se ao acaso embriões em intervalos regulares durante todo o período de incubação, sendo estes posteriormente submetidos a protocolo de diafanização e coloração de ossos. O padrão de ossificação em C. yacare segue parâmetros gerais em répteis e outros tetrápodes. Os primeiros centros de ossificação correspondem aos ossos dérmicos, envolvidos com funções primárias como a alimentação e respiração (e.g. maxila, dentário, esplenial, angular, pterigoide, ectopterigoide e jugal, incluindo ainda os dentes). Os ossos da porção dorsal do neurocrânio se ossificam posteriormente, evidenciando uma fontanela cranial que permanece até o momento da eclosão. Os ossos parietal, frontal e opstótico possuem mais de um centro de ossificação que se fundem durante a ontogenia. O centro de ossificação do parisfenoide está ausente, e apenas um centro de ossificação está presente para o basisfenoide. A porção posterior do crânio é formada por centros de substituição do condrocrânio que se ossificam em estágios posteriores.
We present a description of osteological alterations observed in the tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis (Gervais, 1853) from a sample of 43 specimens. Fractures were the most frequent alterations in the sample (16%), occurring in various regions of the skeleton such as the ribs, hyoid apparatus, transverse and neural processes of vertebrae and scapula. We observed three individuals with ankylosis between the cervical vertebrae and two individuals with morphological changes (cranio-caudally elongated hemal arch and flattened cranial margin of the scapula). The only observed pathology was a case of osteomyelitis in the left dentary, which caused the loss of teeth, deformation of the associated alveoli and the formation of a medial fistula (lingual) for drainage of purulent material. This represents the first record of osteomyelitis in S. fluviatilis.
The fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX(®)) has been developed for the identification of individuals with high risk of fracture in whom treatment to prevent fractures would be appropriate. FRAX models are not yet available for all countries or ethnicities, but surrogate models can be used within regions with similar fracture risk. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) are nonprofit multidisciplinary international professional organizations. Their visions are to advance the awareness, education, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis. In November 2010, the IOF/ISCD FRAX initiative was held in Bucharest, bringing together international experts to review and create evidence-based official positions guiding clinicians for the practical use of FRAX. A consensus meeting of the Asia-Pacific (AP) Panel of the ISCD recently reviewed the most current Official Positions of the Joint Official Positions of ISCD and IOF on FRAX in view of the different population characteristics and health standards in the AP regions. The reviewed position statements included not only the key spectrum of positions but also unique concerns in AP regions.
Background/Purpose: The trabecular bone score (TBS), a novel graylevel texture index determined from lumbar spine DXA scans, correlates with 3D parameters of trabecular bone microarchitecture known to predict fracture. TBS may enhance the identification of patients at increased risk for vertebral fracture independently of bone mineral density (BMD) (Boutroy JBMR 2010; Hans JBMR 2011). Denosumab treatment for 36 months decreased bone turnover, increased BMD, and reduced new vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis (Cummings NEJM 2009). We explored the effect of denosumab on TBS over 36 months and evaluated the association between TBS and lumbar spine BMD in women who had DXA scans obtained from eligible scanners for TBS evaluation in FREEDOM. Methods: FREEDOM was a 3-year, randomized, double-blind trial that enrolled postmenopausal women with a lumbar spine or total hip DXA T-score __2.5, but not __4.0 at both sites. Women received placebo or 60 mg denosumab every 6 months. A subset of women in FREEDOM participated in a DXA substudy where lumbar spine DXA scans were obtained at baseline and months 1, 6, 12, 24, and 36. We retrospectively applied, in a blinded-to-treatment manner, a novel software program (TBS iNsightR v1.9, Med-Imaps, Pessac, France) to the standard lumbar spine DXA scans obtained in these women to determine their TBS indices at baseline and months 12, 24, and 36. From previous studies, a TBS _1.35 is considered as normal microarchitecture, a TBS between 1.35 and _1.20 as partially deteriorated, and 1.20 reflects degraded microarchitecture. Results: There were 285 women (128 placebo, 157 denosumab) with a TBS value at baseline and _1 post-baseline visit. Their mean age was 73, their mean lumbar spine BMD T-score was _2.79, and their mean lumbar spine TBS was 1.20. In addition to the robust gains in DXA lumbar spine BMD observed with denosumab (9.8% at month 36), there were consistent, progressive, and significant increases in TBS compared with placebo and baseline (Table & Figure). BMD explained a very small fraction of the variance in TBS at baseline (r2_0.07). In addition, the variance in the TBS change was largely unrelated to BMD change, whether expressed in absolute or percentage changes, regardless of treatment, throughout the study (all r2_0.06); indicating that TBS provides distinct information, independently of BMD. Conclusion: In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, denosumab significantly improved TBS, an index of lumbar spine trabecular microarchitecture, independently of BMD.
Operative treatment of coronoid fracture often requires a large dissection of soft tissue, resulting in elbow stiffness and functional limitation. The authors present a minimal invasive, safe technique, useful in the case of isolated coronoid fracture associated with elbow dislocation. This technique does not require soft tissue dissection and allows an early unlimited resumption of sports activities.
INTRODUCTION: Hip fractures are responsible for excessive mortality, decreasing the 5-year survival rate by about 20%. From an economic perspective, they represent a major source of expense, with direct costs in hospitalization, rehabilitation, and institutionalization. The incidence rate sharply increases after the age of 70, but it can be reduced in women aged 70-80 years by therapeutic interventions. Recent analyses suggest that the most efficient strategy is to implement such interventions in women at the age of 70 years. As several guidelines recommend bone mineral density (BMD) screening of postmenopausal women with clinical risk factors, our objective was to assess the cost-effectiveness of two screening strategies applied to elderly women aged 70 years and older. METHODS: A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed using decision-tree analysis and a Markov model. Two alternative strategies, one measuring BMD of all women, and one measuring BMD only of those having at least one risk factor, were compared with the reference strategy "no screening". Cost-effectiveness ratios were measured as cost per year gained without hip fracture. Most probabilities were based on data observed in EPIDOS, SEMOF and OFELY cohorts. RESULTS: In this model, which is mostly based on observed data, the strategy "screen all" was more cost effective than "screen women at risk." For one woman screened at the age of 70 and followed for 10 years, the incremental (additional) cost-effectiveness ratio of these two strategies compared with the reference was 4,235 euros and 8,290 euros, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results of this model, under the assumptions described in the paper, suggest that in women aged 70-80 years, screening all women with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) would be more effective than no screening or screening only women with at least one risk factor. Cost-effectiveness studies based on decision-analysis trees maybe useful tools for helping decision makers, and further models based on different assumptions should be performed to improve the level of evidence on cost-effectiveness ratios of the usual screening strategies for osteoporosis.
BACKGROUND: Patterns of morbidity and mortality among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals taking antiretroviral therapy are changing as a result of immune reconstitution and improved survival. We studied the influence of aging on the epidemiology of non-AIDS diseases in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study is a prospective observational cohort established in 1988 with continuous enrollment. We determined the incidence of clinical events (per 1000 person-years) from January 2008 (when a new questionnaire on non-AIDS-related morbidity was introduced) through December 2010. Differences across age groups were analyzed using Cox regression, adjusted for CD4 cell count, viral load, sex, injection drug use, smoking, and years of HIV infection. RESULTS: Overall, 8444 (96%) of 8848 participants contributed data from 40,720 semiannual visits; 2233 individuals (26.4%) were aged 50-64 years, and 450 (5.3%) were aged ≥65 years. The median duration of HIV infection was 15.4 years (95% confidence interval [CI], 9.59-22.0 years); 23.2% had prior clinical AIDS. We observed 994 incident non-AIDS events in the reference period: 201 cases of bacterial pneumonia, 55 myocardial infarctions, 39 strokes, 70 cases of diabetes mellitus, 123 trauma-associated fractures, 37 fractures without adequate trauma, and 115 non-AIDS malignancies. Multivariable hazard ratios for stroke (17.7; CI, 7.06-44.5), myocardial infarction (5.89; 95% CI, 2.17-16.0), diabetes mellitus (3.75; 95% CI, 1.80-7.85), bone fractures without adequate trauma (10.5; 95% CI, 3.58-30.5), osteoporosis (9.13; 95% CI, 4.10-20.3), and non-AIDS-defining malignancies (6.88; 95% CI, 3.89-12.2) were elevated for persons aged ≥65 years. CONCLUSIONS: Comorbidity and multimorbidity because of non-AIDS diseases, particularly diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, non-AIDS-defining malignancies, and osteoporosis, become more important in care of HIV-infected persons and increase with older age.
Studies evaluating the mechanical behavior of the trabecular microstructure play an important role in our understanding of pathologies such as osteoporosis, and in increasing our understanding of bone fracture and bone adaptation. Understanding of such behavior in bone is important for predicting and providing early treatment of fractures. The objective of this study is to present a numerical model for studying the initiation and accumulation of trabecular bone microdamage in both the pre- and post-yield regions. A sub-region of human vertebral trabecular bone was analyzed using a uniformly loaded anatomically accurate microstructural three-dimensional finite element model. The evolution of trabecular bone microdamage was governed using a non-linear, modulus reduction, perfect damage approach derived from a generalized plasticity stress-strain law. The model introduced in this paper establishes a history of microdamage evolution in both the pre- and post-yield regions
La manufactura y uso de herramientas elaboradas con huesos de animales fue una parte importante de la economía tlatilquense de la Cuenca de México. Este estudio está enfocado al análisis tipológico de los útiles óseos, así como al registro macroscópico preliminar de marcas de fabricación y uso en superficie que, en base también al estudio del contexto y materiales arqueológicos asociados se pudieron concretar algunas hipótesis concernientes al uso en bienes tejidos, tallado de lítica y elaboración de artículos de piel, lo que permitió comprender con bastante proximidad la importancia socioeconómica que tuvo esta industria para la Cultura Tlatilco.
The trabecular bone score (TBS, Med-Imaps, Pessac, France) is an index of bone microarchitecture texture extracted from anteroposterior dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry images of the spine. Previous studies have documented the ability of TBS of the spine to differentiate between women with and without fractures among age- and areal bone mineral density (aBMD)-matched controls, as well as to predict future fractures. In this cross-sectional analysis of data collected from 3 geographically dispersed facilities in the United States, we investigated age-related changes in the microarchitecture of lumbar vertebrae as assessed by TBS in a cohort of non-Hispanic US white American women. All subjects were 30 yr of age and older and had an L1-L4aBMDZ-score within ±2 SD of the population mean. Individuals were excluded if they had fractures, were on any osteoporosis treatment, or had any illness that would be expected to impact bone metabolism. All data were extracted from Prodigy dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry devices (GE-Lunar, Madison, WI). Cross-calibrations between the 3 participating centers were performed for TBS and aBMD. aBMD and TBS were evaluated for spine L1-L4 but also for all other possible vertebral combinations. To validate the cohort, a comparison between the aBMD normative data of our cohort and US non-Hispanic white Lunar data provided by the manufacturer was performed. A database of 619 non-Hispanic US white women, ages 30-90 yr, was created. aBMD normative data obtained from this cohort were not statistically different from the non-Hispanic US white Lunar normative data provided by the manufacturer (p = 0.30). This outcome thereby indirectly validates our cohort. TBS values at L1-L4 were weakly inversely correlated with body mass index (r = -0.17) and weight (r = -0.16) and not correlated with height. TBS values for all lumbar vertebral combinations decreased significantly with age. There was a linear decrease of 16.0% (-2.47 T-score) in TBS at L1-L4 between 45 and 90 yr of age (vs. -2.34 for aBMD). Microarchitectural loss rate increased after age 65 by 50% (-0.004 to -0.006). Similar results were obtained for other combinations of lumbar vertebra. TBS, an index of bone microarchitectural texture, decreases with advancing age in non-Hispanic US white women. Little change in TBS is observed between ages 30 and 45. Thereafter, a progressive decrease is observed with advancing age. The changes we observed in these American women are similar to that previously reported for a French population of white women (r(2) > 0.99). This reference database will facilitate the use of TBS to assess bone microarchitectural deterioration in clinical practice.