943 resultados para Organic compounds Properties Synthesis.
A new topological index is devised from an all-paths method. This molecular topological index has highly discriminating power for various kinds of organic compounds such as alkane trees, complex cyclic or polycyclic graphs, and structures containing heteroatoms and thus can be used as a Molecular IDentification number (MID) for chemical documentation. Some published MIDs derived from an all-paths method and their structural selectivity for alkane trees are also reviewed.
For the exhaustive and irredundant generation of candidate structures in ESESOC (Expert System for the Elucidation of the Structures of Organic Compounds), a new algorithm for computer perception of topological equivalence classes of the nodes (non-hydrog
结构产生器是有机化合物结构自动解析专家系统的核心部分,它从分子式出发,穷举生成结构基元向量,结构片断向量,最后对接成整体结构。本文详细介绍了ESESOC-Ⅱ(Expert System for the Elucidation of the Structures of Organic Compounds)系统的结构基元和结构片断的定义,并阐述了如何利用组合数学原理从分子式出发穷举生成结构基元向量和结构片断向量及结构片断集的算法。
The adsorption of cationic surfactant cetylpyridinium bromide (CPB) on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode surface has been studied by spectroelectrochemistry with a long optical path length thin-layer cell (LOPTLC) for the first time. A fine adsorption isotherm of CPB molecules from an aqueous solution containing 0.10 M KBr has been obtained over the range of (1.00-8.00) x 10(-5) M. From theoretical calculation and experimental data, adsorption of CPB on the GC electrode surface shows four distinct orientations and three large orientation transitions. Compared with the ordinary isotherm, the differential isotherm is more characteristic and would be suitable for the study of orientation transitions of organic compounds. With a theoretical treatment of the adsorption isotherm, four orientations of adsorbed CPB on a GC electrode surface coincide with the Frumkin-Langmuir type. From adsorption parameters the Frumkin-Langmuir equations, the adsorption free energy and, therefore, the equilibrium constants of orientation transitions of the CPB molecule can be obtained.
Gracilaria lemaneiformis Bory is an economically important alga that is primarily used for agar production. Although tetraspores are ideal seeds for the cultivation of G. lemaneiformis, the most popular culture method is currently based on vegetative fragments, which is labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this study, we optimized the conditions for tetraspore release and evaluated the photosynthetic activities of different colonies formed from the branches of G. lemaneiformis using a PAM (pulse-amplitude-modulated) measuring system. The results showed that variations in temperature and salinityhad significant effects on tetraspore yield. However, variations in the photon flux density (from 15 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) to 480 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) had no apparent effect on tetraspore yield. Moreover, the PAM-parameters Y(I), Y(II), ETR(I), ETR(II) and F (v)/F (m) of colonies formed from different branches showed the same trend: parameter values of first generation branches > second generation branches > third generation branches. These results suggest that the photosynthetic activities of different colonies of branches changed with the same trend. Furthermore, photosynthesis in G. lemaneiformis was found to be involved in vegetative reproduction and tetraspore formation. Finally, the first generation branches grew slowly, but accumulated organic compounds to form large numbers of tetraspores. Taken together, these results showed that the first generation branches are ideal materials for the release of tetraspores.
随着全球生态环境的恶化,各国日益重视对水体中各种污染物的治理。利用藻类的吸收、富集和降解作用,可以去除污水中的营养物质、重金属离子和有机污染物,与其他物理、化学及工程的方法相比,该技术具有以下优点:成本低、能耗小、治理效果较好,对环境污染小,有利于资源化,有利于整体生态环境的改善,是治理水质污染的新途径。 本文利用几种大型海藻对富营养化海水进行处理,结果发现孔石莼、刚毛藻均有很强的吸收N、P的能力,吸收能力依次为褶曲刚毛藻>束生刚毛藻>孔石莼。水体中褶曲刚毛藻3 g/L含量,在3~5小时之内,可把中等以上富营养化海水中的N、P降低至一类海水水平。利用刚毛藻处理富营养化地下海水和养殖废水,进行海参和大菱鲆养殖试验,探索藻类净化水质和废水循环利用的新模式,使水体保持较低的营养盐状态,减轻养殖废水对环境的影响,实现了海水养殖业与环境的可持续发展。 刚毛藻在我国近海滩涂分布广泛,利用它来处理富营养化水体,并和水产养殖业相结合,既净化水体,使养殖废水能循环利用,满足水产养殖的需求,又改善水产业生态环境。同时,将回收藻体生产优质饲料、食品和药物等,实现藻类资源的高值利用。刚毛藻营养丰富,用其替代鼠尾藻作海参饲料,资源丰富,成本低,效果好,是一种值得加以开发利用的宝贵资源,具有广泛的应用前景。 生物吸附法是一种经济有效的移除废水中有害重金属离子的方法。由于藻类细胞壁中的多聚糖可提供吸附重金属的位点,廉价而蕴藏丰富的海藻对多种重金属表现出很强的吸附能力。所以本文通过分批实验,研究了非活体刚毛藻对水体中重金属Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附影响因子、吸附热力学、吸附动力学及吸附机理,得到了平衡等温线及动力学数据。吸附过程的最佳pH值为5.0,吸附量随温度的升高而增加,水体中常见的Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+阳离子及Cl-、NO3-、SO42-、C2O42-等阴离子的存在对吸附的影响并不显著。EDTA存在时,吸附百分率大大降低。吸附等温线符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程。刚毛藻对重金属Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附容量很高,25℃时,对Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的最大吸附容量分别为1.61 mmol/g、0.96 mmol/g和0.98 mmol/g,且吸附过程为吸热反应。刚毛藻对重金属Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的吸附过程为化学吸附,在吸附过程中藻体表面的官能团可能与金属离子发生了螯合作用。吸附动力学过程符合pseudo-二级动力学模型,在初始的30min内,吸附速率很快,随后速率逐渐降低。解吸试验表明,用EDTA可以对重金属进行回收,刚毛藻可以循环利用。实验结果表明刚毛藻是一种高效、经济实用的生物吸附材料,可用来吸附回收水体中的重金属Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+等。 通过非活体刚毛藻对重金属Cr6+的吸附影响因子、吸附动力学、吸附机理的研究发现,刚毛藻对Cr6+具有很强的还原能力,对电镀废水中的Cr6+的还原去除提供了非常好的方法。吸附过程的最佳pH值为2~3,实际电镀废水通常在此pH范围,因此处理实际废水时,首先在原酸性条件下,对Cr6+进行还原去除,然后调废水pH至5.0,继续进行吸附,去除其他二价离子及被还原的三价Cr离子,实现了利用同一材料还原Cr6+为Cr3+,并将Cr3+和其他重金属离子同时去除。通过对机理的讨论,认为刚毛藻对Cr6+的生物吸附过程不是一个简单的“离子交换过程”,而是一个“吸附还原过程”。在海藻量足够的前提下,只要时间足够长,Cr6+可被彻底还原去除。 利用工业废弃物褐藻渣,对水体中重金属离子Cu2+、Pb2+、Cd2+及Cr6+的生物吸附特性分别进行了讨论,结果表明褐藻渣对重金属离子的吸附特性与刚毛藻一致,吸附等温线符合Langmuir和Freundlich方程,在25℃时,pH为5.0时,由Langmuir方程求出褐藻渣对Cu2+、Pb2+和Cd2+的最大吸附容量分别为4.20 mmol/g、3.13 mmol/g和2.97 mmol/g。褐藻渣对低、高浓度的重金属Cr6+都具有很强的吸附能力,且移除效果比较彻底。实际应用结果表明,褐藻渣是一种高效、经济实用的生物吸附材料,可用来吸附回收水体中的重金属离子,具有广泛的应用前景。
Este estudo buscou avaliar uma solução agronômica para a destinação do lixo urbano com a utilização de sua compostagem na adubação da cana-de-açúcar. A utilização de composto de lixo (CL) altera a dinâmica de matéria orgânica do solo, tendo um impacto sobre seus processos físicos, químicos, mineralógicos e biológicos, podendo ser benéfica, pois constitui uma importante fonte de nutrientes, mas pode também causar problemas, em médio e longo ´prazos por conter metais pesados, que podem contaminar os solos e até entrar na cadeia alimentar.
Visando dar uma solução para o problema do lixo urbano que foram coletados, analisados e interpretados teores dos micronutrientes Cu, Fe, Mg e Zn, em cinco tipos de solos, duas profundidades, utilizando-se quatro doses de composto de lixo (CL) e quatro períodos de incubação. Concluiu-se que o CL pode ser uma importante fonte de micronutrientes ao solo necessitando, no entanto, de legislação que regulamente seu uso adequado. Quanto a dinâmica dos micronutrientes no tempo foi dependente do tipo de solo, a profundidade só afetou os teores disponíveis, sendo os maiores valores observados nos solos Brunizem (B) e Terra Roxa Estruturada (TR).
O uso agrícola dos compostos de lixo (CL) urbano constitui a alternativa de maior visibilidade técnico-científica-econômica, pois estes são fontes de nutrientes e de matéria orgânica. Entretanto, é importante esclarecer que o uso do CL deve ser regulamentado, disciplinado e orientado tecnicamente por protocolos que definam a sua disposição final prevista em legislação, pois estes materiais podem conter metais pesados, que podem acumular-se nos alimentos e serem ingeridos pelo homem. Dentro desse contexto o trabalho buscou supror a deficiência de conhecimento relativo ao tempo que os metais pesados (Cádmio - Cd, Crômio - Cr, Cobalto- Co, Níquel - Ni e Chumbo - Pb), permanecem disponíveis nos solos após a adição do CL. A estração foi feita pelo método Mehlich-1, quando adicionado o CL incubado em cinco tipos de solos (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, Brunizem, planossolo e TerraRoxa Estruturada) de duas profundidades (0-20 e 20-40 cm), utilizando-se quatro doses de CL (0, 25, 50 e 100 t ha -1, em base úmida) e quatro períodos de incubação: 16, 32, 64 e 150 dias. A maioria dos metais pesados teve sua disponibilidade reduzida nos primeiros tempos de incubalção, sendo esse efeito dependente da textura, pH e teor de matéria orgânica do solo. Os dados relativos aos teores totais de metais pesados evidenciaram que o uso continuado de composto de lixo, principalmente nas doses mais elevadas, e em especial para o Cd, pode resultar riscos de contaminação do ambiente pelo efeito cumulativo.
The ground state structure of C(4N+2) rings is believed to exhibit a geometric transition from angle alternation (N < or = 2) to bond alternation (N > 2). All previous density functional theory (DFT) studies on these molecules have failed to reproduce this behavior by predicting either that the transition occurs at too large a ring size, or that the transition leads to a higher symmetry cumulene. Employing the recently proposed perspective of delocalization error within DFT we rationalize this failure of common density functional approximations (DFAs) and present calculations with the rCAM-B3LYP exchange-correlation functional that show an angle-to-bond-alternation transition between C(10) and C(14). The behavior exemplified here manifests itself more generally as the well known tendency of DFAs to bias toward delocalized electron distributions as favored by Huckel aromaticity, of which the C(4N+2) rings provide a quintessential example. Additional examples are the relative energies of the C(20) bowl, cage, and ring isomers; we show that the results from functionals with minimal delocalization error are in good agreement with CCSD(T) results, in contrast to other commonly used DFAs. An unbiased DFT treatment of electron delocalization is a key for reliable prediction of relative stability and hence the structures of complex molecules where many structure stabilization mechanisms exist.
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate an approach to characterize the spatial variability in ambient air concentrations using mobile platform measurements. This approach may be useful for air toxics assessments in Environmental Justice applications, epidemiological studies, and environmental health risk assessments. In this study, we developed and applied a method to characterize air toxics concentrations in urban areas using results of the recently conducted field study in Wilmington, DE. Mobile measurements were collected over a 4- x 4-km area of downtown Wilmington for three components: formaldehyde (representative of volatile organic compounds and also photochemically reactive pollutants), aerosol size distribution (representing fine particulate matter), and water-soluble hexavalent chromium (representative of toxic metals). These measurements were,used to construct spatial and temporal distributions of air toxics in the area that show a very strong temporal variability, both diurnally and seasonally. An analysis of spatial variability indicates that all pollutants varied significantly by location, which suggests potential impact of local sources. From the comparison with measurements at the central monitoring site, we conclude that formaldehyde and fine particulates show a positive correlation with temperature, which could also be the reason that photochemically generated formaldehyde and fine particulates over the study area correlate well with the fine particulate matter measured at the central site.
The end products of atmospheric degradation are not only CO2 and H2O but also sulfate and nitrate depending on the chemical composition of the substances which are subject to degradation processes. Atmospheric degradation has thus a direct influence on the radiative balance of the earth not only due to formation of greenhouse gases but also of aerosols. Aerosols of a diameter of 0.1 to 2 micrometer, reflect short wave sunlight very efficiently leading to a radiative forcing which is estimated to be about -0.8 watt per m2 by IPCC. Aerosols also influence the radiative balance by way of cloud formation. If more aerosols are present, clouds are formed with more and smaller droplets and these clouds have a higher albedo and are more stable compared to clouds with larger droplets. Not only sulfate, but also nitrate and polar organic compounds, formed as intermediates in degradation processes, contribute to this direct and indirect aerosol effect. Estimates for the Netherlands indicate a direct effect of -4 watt m-2 and an indirect effect of as large as -5 watt m-2. About one third is caused by sulfates, one third by nitrates and last third by polar organic compounds. This large radiative forcing is obviously non-uniform and depends on local conditions.
Olfactory cues play an integral, albeit underappreciated, role in mediating vertebrate social and reproductive behaviour. These cues fluctuate with the signaller's hormonal condition, coincident with and informative about relevant aspects of its reproductive state, such as pubertal onset, change in season and, in females, timing of ovulation. Although pregnancy dramatically alters a female's endocrine profiles, which can be further influenced by fetal sex, the relationship between gestation and olfactory cues is poorly understood. We therefore examined the effects of pregnancy and fetal sex on volatile genital secretions in the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta), a strepsirrhine primate possessing complex olfactory mechanisms of reproductive signalling. While pregnant, dams altered and dampened their expression of volatile chemicals, with compound richness being particularly reduced in dams bearing sons. These changes were comparable in magnitude with other, published chemical differences among lemurs that are salient to conspecifics. Such olfactory 'signatures' of pregnancy may help guide social interactions, potentially promoting mother-infant recognition, reducing intragroup conflict or counteracting behavioural mechanisms of paternity confusion; cues that also advertise fetal sex may additionally facilitate differential sex allocation.
Oceanic methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone concentrations were measured during an Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) cruise from the UK to Chile (49°N to 39°S) in 2009. Methanol (48–361 nM) and acetone (2–24 nM) varied over the track with enrichment in the oligotrophic Northern Atlantic Gyre. Acetaldehyde showed less variability (3–9 nM) over the full extent of the transect. These oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) were also measured subsurface, with methanol and acetaldehyde mostly showing homogeneity throughout the water column. Acetone displayed a reduction below the mixed layer. OVOC concentrations did not consistently correlate with primary production or chlorophyll-a levels in the surface Atlantic Ocean. However, we did find a novel and significant negative relationship between acetone concentration and bacterial leucine incorporation, suggesting that acetone might be removed by marine bacteria as a source of carbon. Microbial turnover of both acetone and acetaldehyde was confirmed. Modeled atmospheric data are used to estimate the likely air-side OVOC concentrations. The direction and magnitude of air-sea fluxes vary for all three OVOCs depending on location. We present evidence that the ocean may exhibit regions of acetaldehyde under-saturation. Extrapolation suggests that the Atlantic Ocean represents an overall source of these OVOCs to the atmosphere at 3, 3, and 1 Tg yr−1 for methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone, respectively.
We present here vertical fluxes of oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) measured with eddy covariance (EC) during the period of March to July 2012 near the southwest coast of the United Kingdom. The performance of the proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) for flux measurement is characterized, with additional considerations given to the homogeneity and stationarity assumptions required by EC. Observed mixing ratios and fluxes of OVOCs (specifically methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone) vary significantly with time of day and wind direction. Higher mixing ratios and fluxes of acetaldehyde and acetone are found in the daytime and from the direction of a forested park, most likely due to light-driven emissions from terrestrial plants. Methanol mixing ratio and flux do not demonstrate consistent diel variability, suggesting sources in addition to plants. We estimate air-sea exchange and photochemical rates of these compounds, which are compared to measured vertical fluxes. For acetaldehyde, the mean (1 sigma) mixing ratio of 0.13 (0.02) ppb at night may be maintained by oceanic emission, while photochemical destruction out-paces production during the day. Air-sea exchange and photochemistry are probably net sinks of methanol and acetone in this region. Their nighttime mixing ratios of 0.46 (0.20) and 0.39 (0.08) ppb appear to be affected more by terrestrial emissions and long-distance transport, respectively.