995 resultados para Ophthalmology.


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Background - Iris cysts in children are uncommon and there is relatively little information on their classification, incidence, and management. Methods - The records of all children under age 20 years who were diagnosed with iris cyst were reviewed and the types and incidence of iris cysts of childhood determined. Based on these observations recommendations were made regarding management of iris cysts in children. Results - Of 57 iris cysts in children, 53 were primary and four were secondary. There were 44 primary cysts of the iris pigment epithelium, 34 of which were of the peripheral or iridociliary type, accounting for 59% of all childhood iris cysts. It was most commonly diagnosed in the teenage years, more common in girls (68%), was not recognised in infancy, remained stationary or regressed, and required no treatment. The five mid-zonal pigment epithelial cysts were diagnosed at a mean age of 14 years, were more common in boys (83%), remained stationary, and required no treatment. The pupillary type of pigment epithelial cyst was generally recognised in infancy and, despite involvement of the pupillary aperture, also required no treatment. There were nine cases of primary iris stromal cysts, accounting for 16% of all childhood iris cysts. This cyst was usually diagnosed in infancy, was generally progressive, and required treatment in eight of the nine cases, usually by aspiration and cryotherapy or surgical resection. Among the secondary iris cysts, two were post-traumatic epithelial ingrowth cysts and two were tumour induced cysts, one arising from an intraocular lacrimal gland choristoma and one adjacent to a peripheral iris naevus. Conclusions - Most iris cysts of childhood are primary pigment epithelial cysts and require no treatment. However, the iris stromal cyst, usually recognised in infancy, is generally an aggressive lesion that requires treatment by aspiration or surgical excision.


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Objective: To determine if phenotypic subtypes exist in Stargardt macular dystrophy-fundus flavimaculatus (SMD-FFM). Methods: A cross-sectional study of 63 patients with autosomal recessive SMD-FFM was undertaken. The age of onset, duration of symptoms, visual acuity, and clinical features on fundus examination, color fundus photographs, and fundus autofluorescence images were recorded. Electrophysiological tests, including pattern, focal, and full-field electroretinogram (ERG), electro-oculogram, and color-contrast sensitivity measurement, were also performed. Results: Based on electrophysiological attributes (ERG), patients with SMD-FFM could be classified into 3 groups. In group 1, there was severe pattern ERG abnormality with normal scotopic and full-field ERGs. In group 2, there was additional loss of photopic function, and in group 3, there was loss of both photopic and scotopic function. Differences in scotopic or photopic function among groups were not explained on the basis of differences in age of onset or duration of disease. Conclusions: Patients with SMD-FFM can be classified into 3 groups based on the absence or presence of generalized loss of either photopic or photopic and scotopic function. It appears that these 3 groups may represent distinct phenotypic subtypes in SMD-FFM.


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Foveal relocation (or translocation) has been reintroduced recently as a possible treatment for patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascular membranes secondary to age-related macular degeneration and degenerative myopia. Different surgical techniques have been proposed and the results, although encouraging, are not completely satisfactory yet. Most surgical procedures described are technically difficult and require special vitreo-retinal expertise. Furthermore, although marked improvements in visual acuity have been observed in some patients, others do not experience visual improvement, even after a successful surgery. Additionally, devastating complications, such as proliferative vitreo-retinopathy (PVR) can occur, impairing the final visual outcome. Although foveal relocation surgery may be a promising direction in research and development, as yet, there is no randomised controlled trial to show that it is more effective than any other forms of treatment for macular degeneration. The validity of this surgical approach needs to be evaluated by the results of longer-term follow-up. This article reviews the current surgical techniques for foveal relocation, their outcomes and complications, and discusses the surgical problems that vitreo-retinal surgeons face when performing foveal relocation surgery.


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PURPOSE: To report the singular case of a patient who developed three noncontiguous uveal melanomas over a 30-year period. METHOD: Case report. RESULT: Systemic evaluation of a 50-year-old man with an iris melanoma and bilateral choroidal melanomas disclosed no evidence of metastases or other primary neoplastic disease. CONCLUSION: Although rare, the possibility of bilateral and multifocal uveal melanoma should be recognized.


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The introduction of perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and, more recently, semifluorinated alkanes (SFAs) has greatly facilitated vitreoretinal surgery. A distinction is made between the use of these substances as intraoperative tools and internal tamponade agents. This article reviews the physical and chemical properties of PFCs and SFAs and discusses the indications, results, and complications. The effectiveness of these substances as internal tamponade agents is discussed with reference to the specific gravity, contact angle, viscosity and ability to fill model eye chambers and the vitreous cavity. The evidence for the toxicity in animal and human is examined. Copyright (C) 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company.


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Purpose: The authors present the unique clinical features of cavitary uveal melanoma. Design: Retrospective chart review. Participants: Eight patients with cavitary uveal melanoma. Main Outcome Measures: The clinical, ultrasonographic, and histopathologic features of eight patients with cavitary melanoma of the ciliary body were studied. Results: In all eyes there was a brown ciliary body mass that blocked transmission of light on trans-scleral transillumination. Ocular ultrasonography revealed a large, single hollow cavity (unilocular 'pseudocyst') in five cases and multiple hollow cavities (multilocular 'pseudocyst') in three cases. The cavity occupied a mean of 55% of the entire mass thickness (range, 31%-79%). In five cases, a basal uveal mass was noted on ultrasonography. Four patients underwent tumor resection; one had enucleation, and three had 1251 radioactive plaque treatment. In the five cases confirmed histopathologically, the cavitation was empty, contained erythrocytes, serous fluid, and/or pigment-laden macrophages. In no case was the cavity lined by necrotic tumor, endothelial cells, or epithelial cells. Conclusion: Ciliary body melanoma can develop an intralesional cavity resembling an intraocular cyst. The presence of a solid mass at the base and a thick wall surrounding the cavity can assist in the differentiation of cavitary melanoma from benign cyst.


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Objective: To describe clinical characteristics, management, and complications of primary iris stromal cysts. Design: A retrospective review. Results: Seventeen consecutive patients with primary iris stromal cysts were found. Nine (52%) patients were diagnosed under age 10 years (range, 1 day-7 years), and eight (47%) patients were diagnosed after age 10 years (range, 14-71 years). Overall, the cyst appeared unilaterally as a solitary clear translucent mass dissecting the iris stroma in all cases. The children with a primary iris stromal cyst demonstrated a more aggressive course than teenagers or adults. In children, the cyst obstructed the visual axis in eight cases (88%), requiring treatment such as aspiration, cryotherapy, and resection. In seven children, multiple treatments were necessary. Ultimate control of the cyst was achieved in all cases using techniques of needle aspiration (with or without cryotherapy) in three cases and using resection in five cases. Primary iris stromal cysts in teenagers and adults necessitated intervention in only two cases (25%). Conclusion: Primary iris stromal cysts can occur in children, teenagers, and adults. In children, primary stromal iris cysts appear to have a more aggressive clinical course, often requiring several treatments for globe and vision preservation.


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Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics, natural course, and complications of a large group of patients with primary iris pigment epithelium (IPE) cysts. Design: Observational case series. Participants: Two hundred thirty-four patients with primary IPE cysts participated. Results: Primary IPE cysts were classified as central in 6 patients (3%), midzonal in 50 patients (21%), peripheral in 170 patients (73%), and dislodged in 8 patients (3%). Central (pupillary) IPE cysts were found only in males, peripheral IPE cysts were found most often in females (69%), and no gender predilection was detected for midzonal and dislodged IPE cysts. Central and peripheral IPE cysts occurred in young patients (mean age, 20 and 33 years, respectively), whereas midzonal and dislodged IPE cysts were seen in slightly older patients (mean age, 52 and 45 years, respectively). Central IPE cysts were visible when the pupil was not dilated and appeared most often as a round or collapsed brown lesion arising from the pupillary margin, most commonly superonasally. Midzonal IPE cysts were brown and fusiform, best visualized after pupillary dilation. Peripheral IPE cysts produced a characteristic bulging in the iris stroma near the iris root, but they were directly visible in only 78% of cases. After wide dilation and patient and slit-lamp positioning, they appeared as a round clear lesion behind the iris, most often in the inferotemporal quadrant. Finally, dislodged IPE cysts appeared as a brown oval lesion, free floating in the anterior chamber (12%) or in the vitreous (12%), or fixed in the anterior chamber angle (75%). One hundred twenty-four patients (53%) were followed for a mean of 35 months (range, 3 months-19 years). In these patients, complications associated with IPE cysts included lens subluxation in one case (1%), iritis in one case (1%), focal cataract in two cases (2%), glaucoma in two cases (2%), and corneal touch in five cases (4%). Conclusion: Primary IPE cysts have characteristic clinical features that serve to differentiate them from intraocular malignancies. Most cysts have a benign clinical course, and treatment is rarely necessary.


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Objective: To describe the incidence, prevalence, and natural history of proliferative sickle cell retinopathy (PSR). Design: Prospective longitudinal study over 20 years. Participants: Newborn screening of 100000 consecutive deliveries from 1973 to 1981 identified 315 children with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease and 201 with SS-hemoglobin C (SC) disease. By the age of 5 years, 307 SS patients and 166 SC patients were alive and living in Jamaica and were recruited for this ophthalmic study. Methods: Description of retinal vascular changes on annual angiography and angioscopy. Main Outcome Measures: Incidence and prevalence of PSR and its behavior on follow-up. Progression of PSR was investigated using the number of eyes affected (none, one, both) and the interval until PSR onset. Results: At last review in January 2000, PSR had developed in 59 patients (14 SS, 45 SC), unilaterally in 36 patients and bilaterally in 23. Incidence increased with age in both genotypes, with crude annual incidence rates of 0.5 cases (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.3-0.8) per 100 SS subjects and 2.5 cases (95% CI, 1.9-3.3) per 100 SC subjects. Prevalence was greater in SC disease, and by the ages of 24 to 26 years, PSR had occurred in 43% subjects with SC disease and in 14% subjects with SS disease. Patients with unilateral PSR had a 16% (11% SS, 17% SC) probability of regressing to no PSR and a 14% (16% SS, 13% SC) probability of progressing to bilateral PSR. Those with bilateral PSR had an 8% (8% SS, 8% SC) probability of regressing to unilateral PSR and a 1% (0 SS, 2% SC) probability of regressing to a PSR-free state. Irretrievable visual loss occurred in only 1 of 82 PSR-affected eyes, and 1 required detachment surgery and recovered normal visual acuity. Conclusions: Longitudinal observations over 20 years in a cohort of patients followed from birth confirms a greater incidence and severity of PSR in SC disease, and shows that spontaneous regression occurred in 32% of PSR-affected eyes. Permanent visual loss was uncommon in subjects observed up to the age of 26 years. © 2005 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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Objective: The authors evaluated the results of primary transpupillary thermotherapy for choroidal melanoma in 100 cases. Design: Prospective nonrandomized analysis of treatment method. Participants: One hundred patients with choroidal melanoma were studied. Main Outcome Measures: Tumor response, ocular side effects, and visual results. Results: Of 100 consecutive patients with choroidal melanoma treated with transpupillary thermotherapy, the mean tumor basal diameter was 7.1 mm and tumor thickness was 2.8 mm. The tumor margin touched the optic disc in 34 eyes (34%) and was beneath the fovea in 42 eyes (42%). Documented growth was present in 64 eyes (64%), and known clinical risks for growth were present in all of the remaining 36 eyes (36%), with an average of 4 of 5 statistical risk factors for growth per tumor. After a mean of three treatment sessions and 14 months of follow-up, the mean tumor thickness was reduced to 1.4 mm. Treatment was successful in 94 eyes (94%) and failed in 6 eyes (6%). Three patients with amelanotic tumors showed no initial response to thermotherapy, but subsequent intravenous indocyanine green administration during thermotherapy resulted in improved heat absorption and tumor regression to a flat scar. The six eyes classified as treatment failures included four eyes with tumors that showed partial or no response to thermotherapy, thus requiring plaque radiotherapy or enucleation, and two eyes with recurrence, subsequently controlled with additional thermotherapy. After treatment, the visual acuity was the same (within 1 line) or better than the pretreatment visual acuity in 58 eyes (58%) and worse in 42 eyes (42%). The main reasons for poorer vision included treatment through the foveola for subfoveal tumor (25 eyes), retinal traction (10 eyes), retinal vascular obstruction (5 eyes), optic disc edema (1 eye), and unrelated ocular ischemia (1 eye). Temporal location (versus nasal and superior, P = 0.02) and greater distance from the optic disc (P = 0.04) were risks for retinal traction. Conclusions: Transpupillary thermotherapy may be an effective treatment for small posterior choroidal melanoma, especially those near the optic disc and fovea. Despite satisfactory local tumor control, ocular side effects can result in decreased vision. Longer follow- up will be necessary to assess the impact of thermotherapy on ultimate local tumor control and metastatic disease.


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PURPOSE: To report the use of perfluorohexyloctane, a liquid semifluorinated alkane that is heavier than water, as an internal tamponade agent in surgery for complicated retinal detachments. DESIGN: A consecutive interventional case series from three study centers. METHODS: In 23 consecutive eyes (23 patients, 19 men and four women, mean ± standard deviation (SD) age of 58.5 years ± 16.1) perfluorohexyloctane was used for long-term internal tamponade. Included were eyes with complicated retinal detachment involving the lower two quadrants of the fundus. Excluded were patients with diseases in the fellow eye or severe systemic disease. A pars plana vitrectomy was performed, including membrane peeling and retinotomy where necessary. RESULTS: The mean duration for perfluorohexyloctane being left in situ was 76 days (SD 37.64) (range, 35-202 days). Four weeks following the removal of perfluorohexyloctane 19 of the 23 patients had total reattachment of the retina; three eyes had a recurrence of retinal detachment. One patient was lost to follow-up. The mean follow-up after perfluorohexyloctane removal was 97 days (range, 48 to 169 days). Cataract formation or progression was noted in nine of the 10 eyes. There were two cases with high intraocular pressures. Dispersion into small droplets was observed as early as 3 days postoperatively in three of the 23 patients. At least 12 of the 23 patients had an obvious dispersion by the time of perfluorohexyloctane removal. There was no sign of optic atrophy, retinal necrosis, or retinal vascular occlusion. CONCLUSION: Perfluorohexyloctane was tolerated as a long-term internal tamponade agent without obvious signs of damage to the retina or optic disk. Of all the complications noted, the most common was that of dispersion of the perfluorohexyloctane bubble into droplets. © 2002 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE. Several reports have shown that mutations in the ABCR gene can lead to Stargardt disease (STGD)/fundus flavimaculatus (FFM), autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP), and autosomal recessive cone-rod dystrophy (arCRD). To assess the involvement of ABCR in these retinal dystrophies, the gene was screened in a panel of 70 patients of British origin. METHODS. Fifty-six patients exhibiting the STGD/FFM phenotype, 6 with arRP, and 8 with arCRD, were screened for mutations in the 50 exons of the ABCR gene by heteroduplex analysis and direct sequencing. Microsatellite marker haplotyping was used to determine ancestry. RESULTS. In the 70 patients analyzed, 31 sequence changes were identified, of which 20 were considered to be novel mutations, in a variety of phenotypes. An identical haplotype was associated with the same pair of in-cis alterations in 5 seemingly unrelated patients and their affected siblings with STGD/FFM. Four of the aforementioned patients were found to carry three alterations in the coding sequence of the ABCR gene, with two of them being in-cis. CONCLUSIONS. These results suggest that ABCR is a relatively polymorphic gene. Because putative mutations have been identified thus far only in 25 of 70 patients, of whom only 8 are compound heterozygotes, a large number of mutations have yet to be ascertained. The disease haplotype seen in the 5 patients carrying the same 'complex' allele is consistent with the presence of a common ancestor.