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Our objective was to assess the applicability of hysterectomy by the vaginal route completely performed with Autosuture staples. Between January 1992 and September 1993, 5 vaginal hysterectomies using Autosuture staplers were performed by the authors. Five vaginal hysterectomies matched for age, parity, and uterine size performed by the same surgeons using reabsorbable sutures during the same period were used as case controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff infections, thrombophlebitis, bladder injury, or hemorrhage complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, vaginal hysterectomy can be performed with Autosutures easily, probably faster with experience, and with less oozing from the operative field, thus providing a safe procedure.
PURPOSE: Extensive multilobar cortical dysplasia in infants commonly is first seen with catastrophic epilepsy and poses a therapeutic challenge with respect to control of epilepsy, brain development, and psychosocial outcome. Experience with surgical treatment of these lesions is limited, often not very encouraging, and holds a higher operative risk when compared with that in older children and adults. METHODS: Two infants were evaluated for surgical control of catastrophic epilepsy present since birth, along with a significant psychomotor developmental delay. Magnetic resonance imaging showed multilobar cortical dysplasia (temporoparietooccipital) with a good electroclinical correlation. They were treated with a temporal lobectomy and posterior (parietooccipital) disconnection. RESULTS: Both infants had excellent postoperative recovery and at follow-up (1.5 and 3.5 years) evaluation had total control of seizures with a definite "catch up" in their development, both motor and cognitive. No long-term complications have been detected to date. CONCLUSIONS: The incorporation of disconnective techniques in the surgery for extensive multilobar cortical dysplasia in infants has made it possible to achieve excellent seizure results by maximizing the extent of surgical treatment to include the entire epileptogenic zone. These techniques decrease perioperative morbidity, and we believe would decrease the potential for the development of long-term complications associated with large brain excisions.
BACKGROUND: Silicone breast implants are used to a wide extent in the field of plastic surgery. However, capsular contracture remains a considerable concern. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and applicability of an ultracision knife for capsulectomy breast surgery. METHODS: A prospective, single-center, randomized study was performed in 2009. The inclusion criteria specified female patients 20-80 years of age with capsular contracture (Baker 3-4). Ventral capsulectomy was performed using an ultracision knife on one side and the conventional Metzenbaum-type scissors and surgical knife on the collateral side of the breast. Measurements of the resected capsular ventral fragment, operative time, remaining breast tissue, drainage time, seroma and hematoma formation, visual analog scale pain score, and sensory function of the nipple-areola complex were assessed. In addition, histologic analysis of the resected capsule was performed. RESULTS: Five patients (median age, 59.2 years) were included in this study with a mean follow-up period of 6 months. Three patients had Baker grade 3 capsular contracture, and two patients had Baker grade 4 capsular contracture. The ultracision knife was associated with a significantly lower pain score, shorter operative time, smaller drainage volume, and shorter drainage time and resulted in a larger amount of remaining breast tissue. Histologic analysis of the resected capsule showed no apoptotic cells in the study group or control group. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that ventral capsulectomy with Baker grade 3 or 4 contracture using the ultracision knife is feasible, safe, and more efficient than blunt dissection and monopolar cutting diathermy and has a short learning curve. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE II: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at www.springer.com/00266 .
The T cell response to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alloantigens occurs via two main pathways. The direct pathway involves the recognition of intact allogeneic MHC:peptide complexes on donor cells and provokes uniquely high frequencies of responsive T cells. The indirect response results from alloantigens being processed like any other protein antigen and presented as peptide by autologous antigen-presenting cells. The frequencies of T cells with indirect allospecificity are orders of magnitude lower and comparable to other peptide-specific responses. In this study, we explored the contributions of naïve and memory CD4(+) T cells to these two pathways. Using an adoptive transfer and skin transplantation model we found that naive and memory CD4(+) T cells, both naturally occurring and induced by sensitization with multiple third-party alloantigens, contributed equally to graft rejection when only the direct pathway was operative. In contrast, the indirect response was predominantly mediated by the naïve subset. Elimination of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells enabled memory cells to reject grafts through the indirect pathway, but at a much slower tempo than for naïve cells. These findings have implications for better targeting of immunosuppression to inhibit immediate and later forms of alloimmunity.
Objectives: The study aims to assess the feasibility and midterm outcome of trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for coeliac artery compression syndrome (CACS).Design: Retrospective chart review involving four European vascular surgery departments and two surgical teams.Materials and methods: charts for patients who underwent laparoscopy for symptomatic CACS between December 2003 and November 2009 were reviewed. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) angiography and postoperative duplex scan and/or CT angiography were performed.Results: Eleven consecutive patients (nine women) with a median age of 52 years (interquartile range: 42.5-59 years) underwent trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for CACS. All patients had a history of postprandial abdominal pain; weight loss exceeded 10% of the body mass in eight cases. Preoperative CT angiography revealed coeliac trunk stenosis >70% in all cases. One patient had additional aortitis and inferior mesenteric artery occlusion, while another patient presented with an occluded superior mesenteric artery. Two conversions occurred (one difficult dissection and one aorto-hepatic bypass needed for incomplete release of CACS). The median blood loss was 195 ml (range: 50-900 ml) and median operative time was 80 min (interquartile range: 65-162.5 years). Symptoms improved immediately in 10/11 patients (no residual stenosis) while one remained unchanged despite a residual stenosis treated by a percutaneous angioplasty. Symptoms reappeared in one patient due to coeliac axis occlusion. The mean follow-up period was 35 +/- 23 months (range: 12-78 months).Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for treating median arcuate ligament syndrome is safe and feasible. Additional patients and a longer follow-up are needed for long-term assessment of this laparoscopic technique. (C) 2011 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Pancreatic fistula (PF), which is a major complication of pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD), can be treated conservatively or by reoperation. The aim of this study was to evaluate conservative management of PF, which was attempted whenever possible as a first-intention treatment in a large series of PD. STUDY DESIGN: From 1990 to 2000, 242 patients underwent PD with pancreaticogastrostomy. PF was observed in 31 (13%) and was defined by an amylase-rich surgical drainage fluid (above fivefold serum amylase) after postoperative day 5, or by presence on CT scan of a fluid collection located close to the anastomosis or containing amylase-rich fluid, or by operative findings in case of reoperation. Conservative management included total parenteral nutrition, nasogastric suction, imaging-guided percutaneous drainage of collection when necessary, and somatostatin or its analogues. RESULTS: PF was symptomatic in 20 patients (65%). Amylase level on surgical drainage fluid was elevated in 23 patients (74%). Four patients (13%), including two with hemorrhage and two with intraabdominal collection not accessible by percutaneous approach, were not considered for conservative management and underwent early reoperation. Conservative management was successful in the 27 patients (100%) in whom it was attempted, including the 10 who required percutaneous drainage. The only death (3%) occurred after massive hemorrhage complicating misdiagnosed PF. Mean hospital stay was 36 +/- 12 days (range 18 to 71) after successful conservative management. CONCLUSIONS: Conservative management of PF complicating PD is feasible and successful in above 85% of patients.
BACKGROUND & AIM: Immune-modulating nutritional formula containing arginine, omega-3 fatty acids and nucleotides has been demonstrated to decrease complications and length of stay in surgical patients. This study aims at assessing the impact of immune-modulating formula on hospital costs in gastrointestinal cancer surgical patients in Switzerland. METHOD: Based on a previously published meta-analysis, the relative risks of overall and infectious complications with immune-modulating versus standard nutrition formula were computed. Swiss hospital costs of patients undergoing gastrointestinal cancer surgery were retrieved. A method was developed to compute the patients' severity level, not taking into account the complications from the surgery. Incremental costs of complications were computed for both treatment groups, and sensitivity analyses were carried out. RESULTS: Relative risk of complications with pre-, peri- and post-operative use of immune-modulating formula was 0.69 (95%CI 0.58-0.83), 0.62 (95%CI 0.53-0.73) and 0.73 (95%CI 0.35-0.96) respectively. The estimated average contribution of complications to the cost of stay was CHF 14,949 (euro10,901) per patient (95%CI 10,712-19,186), independently of case's severity. Based on this cost, immune-modulating nutritional support decreased costs of hospital stay by CHF 1638 to CHF 2488 per patient (euro1195-euro1814). Net hospital savings were present for baseline complications rates as low as 5%. CONCLUSION: Immune-modulating nutritional solution is a cost-saving intervention in gastrointestinal cancer patients. The additional cost of immune-modulating formula are more than offset by savings associated with decreased treatment of complications.
En Suisse, la variabilité géographique de la consommation de soins chirurgicaux est un domaine encore inexploré. Ce rapport examine de manière descriptive trois interventions chirurgicales réalisées en Suisse entre 2003 et 2005 : la prothèse partielle ou totale de hanche, la prothèse de genou et la cure de hernie discale. Il se concentre sur les caractéristiques démographiques des patients opérés, leur diagnostic et les différences des taux d'intervention selon les cantons. Les résultats sont présentés sous forme de taux bruts, de taux standardisés et de cartes géographiques de distribution.
Objective: Jaundice is the clinical manifestation, of hyperbilirubinemia. It is considered as a sign of either a liver disease or, less often, of a hemolytic disorder. It can be divided into obstructive and non obstructive type, involving increase of indirect (non-conjugated) bilirubin or increase of direct (conjugated) bilirubin, respectively, but it can be also manifested as mixed type. Methods: This article updates the current knoweledge concerning the jaundice's etiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, and complications ant treatment by reviewing of the latest medical literature. It also presents an approach of jaundice's treatment and pathogenesis, in special populations as in neonates and pregnant women. Results: The treatment is consistent in the management of the subjective diseases responsible for the jaundice and its complications.The clinical prognosis of the jaundice depends on the etiology. Surgical treatment of jaundiced patients is associated with high mortality and morbidity rates. Studies have shown that the severity of jaundice and the presence of malignant disease are importan risk factors for post-operative mortality. Conclusions: Early detection of jaundice is of vital importance because of its involvement in malignancy or in other benign conditions requiring immediate treatment in order to avoid further complications.
In a prospective study the functional results after dissection or preservation of the serratus anterior muscle in the postero-lateral standard thoracotomy were evaluated. In 14 patients of our clinic with dissection and suture and in 14 patients with preservation of the serratus muscle the muscle function was assessed and compared preoperatively, within the first two post-operative weeks, and three months after the operation by the same physiotherapists. The two groups were blinded in regard to age, original disease, and mode of intervention. We compared the wing position of the scapula in the sitting position and the positioning of the scapula at fixation of the shoulder joint in the sitting and in the supine position. Using a four-grade function assessment scheme, both groups obtained the same functional results. There was no seroma in either group. After 2.8 (2.5 to 3.0) years all the surviving patients described symmetric functional conditions. We therefore conclude that in order to achieve a better view of the operative field the serratus muscle may be dissected close to the origin if it is then readapted.
Atraumatic osteonecrosis of the talus can be extremely painful and lead to significant functional impairment. Although clinical, radiographic, and demographic characteristics of atraumatic osteonecrosis of the talus have been well documented, the diagnosis is frequently missed or delayed; the most common causes are use of corticosteroids and the presence of immune disorders. Operative treatment of large osteochondral lesions of the talus is difficult because the blood supply is poor in the talar dome. Microvascular reconstruction of the talar dome with iliac crest autografts is a complex but functionally excellent therapeutic option. We present a 48-year-old man, who developed an extensive atraumatic avascular necrosis of the talar dome without collapse. Except for insulin dependent diabetes mellitus no further comorbidities were known. A microvascular iliac crest bone flap was inserted into the talus. A follow-up 16 years postoperatively showed a clinically as well as radiographically stable reconstruction of the talar dome and an excellent mobility of the ankle joint. The AOFAS hindfoot scale had improved from initially 33 points to 100 on the last follow-up. Free microvascular bony reconstruction of the talar dome should not only be considered in younger patients but also for middle aged active patients, since our follow-up shows an excellent long term result. Early reconstruction can prevent collapse of the talar bone.
OBJECTIVES: A straightforward original Chimney Graft (CG) protocol has been developed at our institution in selected cases of juxtarenal aortic aneurysm (JRAA). The aim of this study was to present our clinical experience of consecutive series with use of uncovered self-expanding stent (SES) as "Open Chimney" (OCh) in the endovascular repair (EVAR) of JRAA. METHODS: A standard endograft with suprarenal fixation struts is delivered with its proximal covered edge just below the highest RA in JRAA presenting the ostium of the two renal arteries at a different aortic level and the distance between the highest renal artery and the beginning of the aneurysm (improved landing zone) ≥10 mm. The low-lying renal artery is maintained patent by the OCh graft (standard SES) delivered from left brachial access (6 Fr). All clinical, anatomical, and operative data were prospectively collected and retrieved for the study analysis. RESULTS: From July 2010 to November 2012, OCh EVAR was offered to 22 consecutive patients considered unfit for JRAA open repair. All procedures were technically successful with aneurysm exclusion and patent OCh graft. One small perioperative type Ia endoleak spontaneously disappeared at the 3-month CT control. One patient died because of acute decompensated heart failure. One patient presented a left hemispheric stroke. The median follow-up of 18 months (range 7-35) showed aneurysm exclusion in all patients without type I and III endoleaks, SES stenosis, and/or renal impairment. CONCLUSIONS: OCh-EVAR is a straightforward technique that can be employed in selected cases of JRAA, avoiding the more complex and expensive fenestrated EVAR.
Partial trapeziectomy with suspension ligamentoplasty is a commonly performed treatment of thumb osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, the post-operative recovery remains long and critical reason for which different modifications of the surgical technique have been proposed. To compare two suspension ligamentoplasty techniques, one with a mitek anchor and another without, a retrospective study of 55 consecutive operated patients was performed. A detailed clinical analysis of pain, function and a radiologic assessment of the trapeziometacarpal space were performed. Mitek anchor fixation was associated with a shorter convalescence period. However, in spite of an improved radiological maintenance of the scaphometacarpal space, mitek anchor fixation was associated with an impaired postoperative function and residual pain when compared with the conventional suspension ligamentoplasty procedure. Patient's satisfaction was comparable in both groups. In our series stabilization of the suspension ligamentoplasty procedure by the insertion of a mitek anchor did not bring the hoped benefits to the patients with a trapeziometacarpal arthritis.
Purpose: To examine the efficacy and safety of Baerveldt shunt (BS) implantation compared to combined phacoemulsification and Baerveldt shunt implantation (PBS). This study was designed to detect a difference in IOP reduction of 20% (~4mmHg) between groups with 90% power. Methods: Sixty patients with medically uncontrolled glaucoma, prospectively underwent either or BS implantation with phacoemulsification (Group PBS; n=30) or BS implantation alone (group BS; n=30, pseudophakic eyes only). Groups were matched for age, glaucoma subtype and length of follow-up. Pre and post-operative measures recorded included patient demographics, visual acuity, IOP, number of glaucoma medications (GMs) and all complications. Success was defined as IOP≤21mmHg and 20% reduction in IOP from baseline with or without GMs. Results: Age of PBS and BS groups was 61 vs 62 years respectively (p=0.72*). There were no significant differences in preoperative baseline characteristics: PBS vs PB, mean IOP =25.5mmHg (standard deviation (SD); ±10.3mmHg) vs 26.1mmHg (SD ±10.6mmHg), p=0.81*; mean GMs=3.0 (SD ±1.1) vs 3.1 (SD ±1.0), p=0.83*; mean VA=0.3 vs 0.3, p=0.89*. At year one there were no significant differences observed between groups in post-operative IOP, GMs or VA, mean IOP =14.1mmHg (SD ±5.4mmHg) vs 11.5 mmHg (SD ±4.2mmHg), p=0.12*; mean GMs=1.6 (SD ±1.4) vs 1.1 (SD ±1.1), p=0.23*; mean VA=0.5 vs 0.4, p=0.46*. Complication rates were similar between the two groups (7% vs 14%). Success rate was lower in eyes with PBS (71%) than with BS (88%), however this did not reach statistical significance (p=0.95, log-rank test). * two-sample t-test Conclusions: There were no significant differences at year one in success or complication rates between PBS and BS groups suggesting that simultaneous phacoemulsification does not have a marked (difference of >4mmHg) effect on tube function. IOP reduction and success were less in the PBS group, a larger sample (n=120) would be required to investigate if there is a 10% difference in IOP reduction between groups, however it is unclear if this would be a clinically significant difference to justify separate surgeries.
In the western world, the carotid-artery stenosis is one of the major causes of ischemic stroke in elderly people. The principal therapeutic indication is a symptomatic stenosis > 50% in the first two weeks and the surgical approach has shown the best results. Despite inferior results to carotid endarterectomy in terms of post-operative rate of stroke and/or death, except for young patients, carotid stenting remains the best choice in patients at high surgical risk. The best medical treatment, consisting in correction of cardiovascular risk factors, statin therapy and anti-aggregation led to a drastic reduction in the annual rate of stroke associated to carotid stenosis and thus limited the surgical intervention in asymptomatic patient to men with a life expectancy of at least 5 years and a stenosis > 70%.