940 resultados para Offshore electric power plants.
Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) under certain conditions can reach hazardous radiological levels contributing to an additional exposure dose to ionizing radiation. Most environmental concerns are associated with uranium mining and milling sites, but the same concerns should be addressed to natural near surface occurrences of uranium as well as man-made sources such as technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials (TENORM) resulting from phosphates industry, ceramic industry and energy production activities, in particular from coal-fired power plants which is one of the major sources of increased exposure to man from enhanced naturally occurring materials. This work describes the methodology developed to assess the environmental radiation by in situ gamma spectrometry in the vicinity of a Portuguese coal fired power plant. The current investigation is part of a research project that is undergoing in the vicinity of Sines Coal-Fired Power Plant (south of Portugal) until the end of 2013.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial
The power systems operation in the smart grid context increases significantly the complexity of their management. New approaches for ancillary services procurement are essential to ensure the operation of electric power systems with appropriate levels of stability, safety, quality, equity and competitiveness. These approaches should include market mechanisms which allow the participation of small and medium distributed energy resources players in a competitive market environment. In this paper, an energy and ancillary services joint market model used by an aggregator is proposed, considering bids of several types of distributed energy resources. In order to improve economic efficiency in the market, ancillary services cascading market mechanism is also considered in the model. The proposed model is included in MASCEM – a multi-agent system electricity market simulator. A case study considering a distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources is presented.
The high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution networks and the competitiveenvironment of electricity markets impose the use of new approaches in several domains. The networkcost allocation, traditionally used in transmission networks, should be adapted and used in the distribu-tion networks considering the specifications of the connected resources. The main goal is to develop afairer methodology trying to distribute the distribution network use costs to all players which are usingthe network in each period. In this paper, a model considering different type of costs (fixed, losses, andcongestion costs) is proposed comprising the use of a large set of DER, namely distributed generation(DG), demand response (DR) of direct load control type, energy storage systems (ESS), and electric vehi-cles with capability of discharging energy to the network, which is known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G). Theproposed model includes three distinct phases of operation. The first phase of the model consists in aneconomic dispatch based on an AC optimal power flow (AC-OPF); in the second phase Kirschen’s andBialek’s tracing algorithms are used and compared to evaluate the impact of each resource in the net-work. Finally, the MW-mile method is used in the third phase of the proposed model. A distributionnetwork of 33 buses with large penetration of DER is used to illustrate the application of the proposedmodel.
This paper presents the characterization of high voltage (HV) electric power consumers based on a data clustering approach. The typical load profiles (TLP) are obtained selecting the best partition of a power consumption database among a pool of data partitions produced by several clustering algorithms. The choice of the best partition is supported using several cluster validity indices. The proposed data-mining (DM) based methodology, that includes all steps presented in the process of knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), presents an automatic data treatment application in order to preprocess the initial database in an automatic way, allowing time saving and better accuracy during this phase. These methods are intended to be used in a smart grid environment to extract useful knowledge about customers’ consumption behavior. To validate our approach, a case study with a real database of 185 HV consumers was used.
Electric power networks, namely distribution networks, have been suffering several changes during the last years due to changes in the power systems operation, towards the implementation of smart grids. Several approaches to the operation of the resources have been introduced, as the case of demand response, making use of the new capabilities of the smart grids. In the initial levels of the smart grids implementation reduced amounts of data are generated, namely consumption data. The methodology proposed in the present paper makes use of demand response consumers’ performance evaluation methods to determine the expected consumption for a given consumer. Then, potential commercial losses are identified using monthly historic consumption data. Real consumption data is used in the case study to demonstrate the application of the proposed method.
Os aproveitamentos geotérmicos têm vindo a aumentar significativamente em todo o mundo, sendo os Estados Unidos da América, o maior produtor desta energia proveniente do interior da Terra, com cerca de 3.187 MW de capacidade instalada. Portugal tem capacidade instalada total de 29 MW, no entanto no que se refere ao aproveitamento de “alta entalpia”, isto é, o aproveitamento geotérmico para produção elétrica, apenas se encontra no arquipélago dos Açores, na ilha de S. Miguel, onde estão instaladas e em funcionamento duas centrais geotérmicas com a potência total de 23 MW, com produção de energia de 185 GWh. Em Portugal Continental, não se consegue produzir energia elétrica devido às temperaturas existentes, restringindo esta utilização apenas ao aproveitamento de baixa entalpia (máximo de 76 ºC). Este aproveitamento normalmente é feito em cascata, segundo, predominando o aquecimento de águas sanitárias, climatização, e para termas, usando águas termominerais. Para a exploração deste recurso renovável, é necessário conhecer a hidrogeologia do país, e relacioná-la com a fracturação, e acidentes tectónicos. Portugal Continental, está divido em quatros partes distintas a nível hidrogeológico, o Maciço Antigo, a Orla Ocidental, a Bacia Tejo-Sado e a Orla Meridional. Qualquer aproveitamento geotérmico em Portugal terá de atender a estas características, potenciando também, novas explorações geotérmicas orientadas para as pessoas, respeitando os valores sociais, culturais e ambientais. Neste contexto, existem alguns complexos geotérmicos em funcionamento, outros abandonados, e muitos outros em estudo para uma breve aplicação. Um exemplo de sucesso no aproveitamento do calor geotérmico, é o complexo de Chaves, que foi evoluindo desde 1985, até aos dias de hoje, continuando em exploração e em expansão para um melhor servir da população local. A existência de dois furos, e brevemente dum terceiro, servem para o abastecimento duma piscina, dum hotel, das termas, e da balneoterapia. Devido à riqueza a nível das temperaturas, dos caudais, e ao nível das necessidades energéticas existentes, este complexo apresenta um tempo de retorno de investimento de cerca de 7 anos, o que é geralmente considerado para investimentos para fins públicos, como é o caso. No âmbito das investigações agora realizadas, foi constatado que estes projetos suportam a cobertura de alguma incerteza hidrogeológica, dada a importante procura existente.
Neste trabalho é efetuado o dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos para serem instalados em edificações localizadas em Angola com o objetivo de analisar a produção de energia elétrica através de sistemas fotovoltaicos. Utilizando o software PVsyst na versão 6.3.2 foram dimensionados três sistemas fotovoltaicos, dois sistemas destinados a ser instalados numa residência, um ligado à rede e o outro autónomo e por fim um sistema fotovoltaico ligado à rede para uma instalação industrial. A determinação dos custos de investimento nos três sistemas foi obtida de forma aproximada, tendo como base preços dos equipamentos no mercado Português e considerando os custos de importação de mercadorias no mercado Angolano. Para os sistemas ligados à rede é analisada a rentabilidade financeira do investimento durante o período de vida útil dos módulos fotovoltaicos considerando três cenários distintos. No primeiro cenário o valor da remuneração pela energia vendida pelo produtor é igual ao valor pago pela energia comprada. No segundo e terceiros cenário de análise económica pretende-se encontrar uma tarifa de energia que torne o investimento rentável com um período de amortização de 7 e 12 anos respetivamente.
Estudo de uma bomba de calor de expansão direta assistida por energia solar para a preparação de AQS
Este estudo consiste na caracterização da eficiência energética de uma bomba de calor de expansão direta que utiliza a energia solar como fonte térmica. De uma forma geral, teve-se a obrigação de procurar cada vez mais recursos renováveis e neste sentido a bomba de calor de expansão direta tem um papel importante no aquecimento de águas quentes sanitárias (AQS). Como ponto de partida, foi realizada uma descrição detalhada sobre todos os equipamentos da bomba de calor e elaborado um desenho técnico que identifica todos os componentes. No laboratório (casa inteligente) realizaram-se vários ensaios a fim de interpretar com rigor os resultados obtidos do desempenho da bomba de calor (COP) e do fator médio de desempenho sazonal (SPF). No início, realizaram-se ensaios para determinar as perdas estáticas do sistema termodinâmico, de seguida foram elaborados ensaios segundo a norma EN 16147 e por fim, ensaios de acordo com o perfil de utilização de AQS definido. No estudo experimental do COP, obteve-se uma elevada eficiência energética com um valor médio de 4,12. O COP aumenta para valores médios de 5 quando a temperatura de água no termoacumulador desce para 35ºC. Verificou-se que durante o período diurno o COP aumenta aproximadamente de 10% relativamente ao período noturno. A potência elétrica é mais elevada (450W) quando a água no termoacumulador está perto da temperatura desejável (55ºC), originando um esforço maior da bomba de calor. No estudo experimental do SPF, verificou-se que nos ensaios segundo a norma EN16147 os valores obtidos variaram entre 1,39 e 1,50 (Classe “B”). No estudo realizado de acordo com o perfil de utilização de AQS definido pelo utilizador, o SPF é superior em 12% relativamente ao obtido segundo os ensaios realizados de acordo a norma EN16147. Verificou-se que o aumento da temperatura do ar exterior implica um aumento do SPF (cerca de 2% a 5%), enquanto a energia solar não influência nos resultados.
Synchronization of data coming from different sources is of high importance in biomechanics to ensure reliable analyses. This synchronization can either be performed through hardware to obtain perfect matching of data, or post-processed digitally. Hardware synchronization can be achieved using trigger cables connecting different devices in many situations; however, this is often impractical, and sometimes impossible in outdoors situations. The aim of this paper is to describe a wireless system for outdoor use, allowing synchronization of different types of - potentially embedded and moving - devices. In this system, each synchronization device is composed of: (i) a GPS receiver (used as time reference), (ii) a radio transmitter, and (iii) a microcontroller. These components are used to provide synchronized trigger signals at the desired frequency to the measurement device connected. The synchronization devices communicate wirelessly, are very lightweight, battery-operated and thus very easy to set up. They are adaptable to every measurement device equipped with either trigger input or recording channel. The accuracy of the system was validated using an oscilloscope. The mean synchronization error was found to be 0.39 μs and pulses are generated with an accuracy of <2 μs. The system provides synchronization accuracy about two orders of magnitude better than commonly used post-processing methods, and does not suffer from any drift in trigger generation.
The research towards efficient, reliable and environmental-friendly power supply solutions is producing growing interest to the “Smart Grid” approach for the development of the electricity networks and managing the increasing energy consumption. One of the novel approaches is an LVDC microgrid. The purpose of the research is to analyze the possibilities for the implementation of LVDC microgrids in public distribution networks in Russia. The research contains the analysis of the modern Russian electric power industry, electricity market, electricity distribution business, regulatory framework and standardization, related to the implementation of LVDC microgrid concept. For the purpose of the economic feasibility estimation, a theoretical case study for comparing low voltage AC and medium voltage AC with LVDC microgrid solutions for a small settlement in Russia is presented. The results of the market and regulatory framework analysis along with the economic comparison of AC and DC solutions show that implementation of the LVDC microgrid concept in Russia is possible and can be economically feasible. From the electric power industry and regulatory framework point of view, there are no serious obstacles for the LVDC microgrids in Russian distribution networks. However, the most suitable use cases at the moment are expected to be found in the electrification of remote settlements, which are isolated from the Unified Energy System of Russia.
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Issued with the Business Men's Association, Niagara Falls, N. Y. The water-power of the Falls of Niagara applied to manufacturing purposes. Buffalo, 1890.
The site of present-day St. Catharines was settled by 3000 United Empire Loyalists at the end of the 18th century. From 1790, the settlement (then known as "The Twelve") grew as an agricultural community. St. Catharines was once referred to Shipman's Corners after Paul Shipman, owner of a tavern that was an important stagecoach transfer point. In 1815, leading businessman William Hamilton Merritt abandoned his wharf at Queenston and set up another at Shipman's Corners. He became involved in the construction and operation of several lumber and gristmills along Twelve Mile Creek. Shipman's Corners soon became the principal milling site of the eastern Niagara Peninsula. At about the same time, Merritt began to develop the salt springs that were discovered along the river which subsequently gave the village a reputation as a health resort. By this time St. Catharines was the official name of the village; the origin of the name remains obscure, but is thought to be named after Catharine Askin Robertson Hamilton, wife of the Hon. Robert Hamilton, a prominent businessman. Merritt devised a canal scheme from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario that would provide a more reliable water supply for the mills while at the same time function as a canal. He formed the Welland Canal Company, and construction took place from 1824 to 1829. The canal and the mills made St. Catharines the most important industrial centre in Niagara. By 1845, St. Catharines was incorporated as a town, with the town limits extending in 1854. Administrative and political functions were added to St. Catharines in 1862 when it became the county seat of Lincoln. In 1871, construction began on the third Welland Canal, which attracted additional population to the town. As a consequence of continual growth, the town limits were again extended. St. Catharines attained city status in 1876 with its larger population and area. Manufacturing became increasingly important in St. Catharines in the early 1900s with the abundance of hydro-electric power, and its location on important land and water routes. The large increase in population after the 1900s was mainly due to the continued industrialization and urbanization of the northern part of the city and the related expansion of business activity. The fourth Welland Canal was opened in 1932 as the third canal could no longer accommodate the larger ships. The post war years and the automobile brought great change to the urban form of St. Catharines. St. Catharines began to spread its boundaries in all directions with land being added five times during the 1950s. The Town of Merritton, Village of Port Dalhousie and Grantham Township were all incorporated as part of St. Catharines in 1961. In 1970 the Province of Ontario implemented a regional approach to deal with such issues as planning, pollution, transportation and services. As a result, Louth Township on the west side of the city was amalgamated, extending the city's boundary to Fifteen Mile Creek. With its current population of 131,989, St. Catharines has become the dominant centre of the Niagara region. Source: City of St. Catharines website http://www.stcatharines.ca/en/governin/HistoryOfTheCity.asp (January 27, 2011)
The Electrical Development Company of Ontario was created in 1903. It was one of three private power companies that had water power leases with the Niagara Parks Commission, but was the only one that was financed with Canadian capital. The company built the Toronto Power Generating Station at Niagara Falls beginning in 1906, and the power house was completed in 1913. During the construction, there was much debate about whether the utility should remain privately operated or become a public utility. In 1920, the company became part of the public utility.