852 resultados para ORGANOZINC REAGENTS


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Le papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification de substrat du papier avec des biomolécules et des réactifs. Ce type de papier est utilisé dans le développement de nouveaux biocapteurs qui sont portables, jetables et économiques visant à capturer, détecter et dans certains cas, désactiver les agents pathogènes. Généralement les papiers bioactifs sont fabriqués par l’incorporation de biomolécules telles que les enzymes et les anticorps sur la surface du papier. L’immobilisation de ces biomolécules sur les surfaces solides est largement utilisée pour différentes applications de diagnostic comme dans immunocapteurs et immunoessais mais en raison de la nature sensible des enzymes, leur intégration au papier à grande échelle a rencontré plusieurs difficultés surtout dans les conditions industrielles. Pendant ce temps, les microcapsules sont une plate-forme intéressante pour l’immobilisation des enzymes et aussi assez efficace pour permettre à la fonctionnalisation du papier à grande échelle car le papier peut être facilement recouvert avec une couche de telles microcapsules. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé une plate-forme générique utilisant des microcapsules à base d’alginate qui peuvent être appliquées aux procédés usuels de production de papier bioactif et antibactérien avec la capacité de capturer des pathogènes à sa surface et de les désactiver grâce à la production d’un réactif anti-pathogène. La conception de cette plate-forme antibactérienne est basée sur la production constante de peroxyde d’hydrogène en tant qu’agent antibactérien à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate. Cette production de peroxyde d’hydrogène est obtenue par oxydation du glucose catalysée par la glucose oxydase encapsulée à l’intérieur des billes d’alginate. Les différentes étapes de cette étude comprennent le piégeage de la glucose oxydase à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate, l’activation et le renforcement de la surface des microcapsules par ajout d’une couche supplémentaire de chitosan, la vérification de la possibilité d’immobilisation des anticorps (immunoglobulines G humaine comme une modèle d’anticorps) sur la surface des microcapsules et enfin, l’évaluation des propriétés antibactériennes de cette plate-forme vis-à-vis l’Escherichia coli K-12 (E. coli K-12) en tant qu’un représentant des agents pathogènes. Après avoir effectué chaque étape, certaines mesures et observations ont été faites en utilisant diverses méthodes et techniques analytiques telles que la méthode de Bradford pour dosage des protéines, l’électroanalyse d’oxygène, la microscopie optique et confocale à balayage laser (CLSM), la spectrométrie de masse avec désorption laser assistée par matrice- temps de vol (MALDI-TOF-MS), etc. Les essais appropriés ont été effectués pour valider la réussite de modification des microcapsules et pour confirmer à ce fait que la glucose oxydase est toujours active après chaque étape de modification. L’activité enzymatique spécifique de la glucose oxydase après l’encapsulation a été évaluée à 120±30 U/g. Aussi, des efforts ont été faits pour immobiliser la glucose oxydase sur des nanoparticules d’or avec deux tailles différentes de diamètre (10,9 nm et 50 nm) afin d’améliorer l’activité enzymatique et augmenter l’efficacité d’encapsulation. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude démontrent les modifications réussies sur les microcapsules d’alginate et aussi une réponse favorable de cette plate-forme antibactérienne concernant la désactivation de E. coli K-12. La concentration efficace de l’activité enzymatique afin de désactivation de cet agent pathogénique modèle a été déterminée à 1.3×10-2 U/ml pour une concentration de 6.7×108 cellules/ml de bactéries. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’efficacité de l’anticorps immobilisé dans la désactivation des agents pathogènes et également intégrer la plate-forme sur le papier et valider l’efficacité du système une fois qu’il est déposé sur papier.


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The neodymium (Nd) isotope composition of ancient seawater is a potentially useful tracer of changes in continental inputs and ocean circulation on timescales of a few ka. Here we present the first Nd isotope record for seawater using sedimentary foraminifera cleaned using standard oxidative-reductive techniques. The data, along with Mn/Ca ratios, suggest that cleaned foraminifera provide a reliable record of Nd in seawater and hold out the prospect of using Nd in foraminifera to examine changes in seawater that accompany glacial-interglacial climatic cycles. The principal potential problem to be overcome with the use of forams as records of trace elements in ancient seawater is their diagenetic Fe-Mn coatings. These contain large amounts of Nd and other trace elements but can be cleaned off using highly reducing reagents. Mn(Ca ratios for the majority of the cleaned sedimentary foraminifera analysed here lie within the range (10-100 µmol/mol) that has yielded success in studies of transition elements in forams. Mass-balance modelling suggests that for residual Mn/Ca ratios <100 µmol/mol, Nd added to the foram in the coating will never shift the measured Nd isotope composition significantly away from the seawater value acquired by the foram test in the water column. Additionally, Nd concentrations measured in cleaned sedimentary foraminifera are comparable with those for a modern sample that has never encountered diagenetic fluids. Finally, core-top planktonic foraminifera for two sites have Nd isotope compositions that are identical to local surface seawater. The data we present here for Labrador Sea forams over the past 2.5 m.y. are interpreted in terms of changes in the seawater isotopic composition. The data show a pronounced shift from epsilon-Nd values of ~-12 to ~-19 in the period 2.5-1.5 Ma. This change is interpreted to result from the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation and the increased derivation of Labrador Sea Nd via ice-rafting from Archaean terranes in central Canada. In combination with stable isotope and foraminiferal relative species abundance data, the new Nd data are consistent with the surface hydrography of the Labrador Sea being dominated by a fluctuating balance between cold, polar waters containing unradiogenic Nd and warm, subtropical waters containing more radiogenic Nd. The major change in Labrador Sea Nd that is observed in the past 2.5 Ma can, on its own, account for the change in the Nd isotope composition of North Atlantic Deep Water over the same time period.


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Bibliography: [8] p. at end.


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Ammonium diuranate has been precipitated from nitric acid solutions by the addition of anhydrous ammonia on both laboratory and production scales. This process produced more dense and more rapidly filtered precipitates than those formed by the addition of aqueous ammonia or slurried calcium hydroxide. The filtrates from the anhydrous ammonia process were lower in uranium content than those obtained by the addition of the other reagents. Processing equipment and precipitate characteristics are discussed.


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Background: A new immunoassay for free light chain measurements has been reported to be useful for the diagnosis and monitoring of monoclonal light chain diseases and nonsecretory myeloma. We describe experience with and some potential pitfalls of the assay. Methods: The assay was assessed for precision, sample type and stability, recovery, and harmonization of results between two analyzers on which the reagents are used. Free-light-chain concentrations were measured in healthy individuals (to determine biological variation), patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, myeloma patients after autologous stem cell transplants, and patients with renal disease. Results: Analytical imprecision (CV) was 6-11% for kappa and A free-light-chain measurement and 16% for the calculated kappa/lambda ratio. Biological variation was generally insignificant compared with analytical variation. Despite the same reagent source, values were not completely harmonized between assay systems and may produce discordant free-light-chain ratios. In some patients with clinically stable myeloma, or post transplantation, or with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, free-light-chain concentration and ratio were within the population reference interval despite the presence of monoclonal intact immunoglobulin in serum. In other patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, values were abnormal although there was no clinical evidence of progression to multiple myeloma. Conclusions: The use of free-light-chain measurements alone cannot differentiate some groups of patients with monoclonal gammopathy from healthy individuals. As with the introduction of any new test, it is essential that more scientific data about use of this assay in different subject groups are available so that results can be interpreted with clinical certainty. (C) 2003 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.


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We have determined the three-dimensional structure of the protein complex between latexin and carboxypeptidase A using a combination of chemical cross-linking, mass spectrometry and molecular docking. The locations of three intermolecular cross-links were identified using mass spectrometry and these constraints were used in combination with a speed-optimised docking algorithm allowing us to evaluate more than 3 x 10(11) possible conformations. While cross-links represent only limited structural constraints, the combination of only three experimental cross-links with very basic molecular docking was sufficient to determine the complex structure. The crystal structure of the complex between latexin and carboxypeptidase A4 determined recently allowed us to assess the success of this structure determination approach. Our structure was shown to be within 4 angstrom r.m.s. deviation of C alpha atoms of the crystal structure. The study demonstrates that cross-linking in combination with mass spectrometry can lead to efficient and accurate structural modelling of protein complexes.


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Malaria aminopeptidases are important in the generation and regulation of free amino acids that are used in protein anabolism and for maintaining osmotic stability within the infected erythrocyte. The intraerythrocytic development of malaria parasites is blocked when the activity of aminopeptidases is specifically inhibited by reagents such as bestatin. One of the major aminopeptidases of malaria parasites is a leucyl aminopeptidase of the M17 family. We reasoned that, when this enzyme was the target of bestatin inhibition, its overexpression in malaria cells would lead to a reduced sensitivity to the inhibitor. To address this supposition, transgenic Plasmodium falciparum parasites overexpressing the leucyl aminopeptidase were generated by transfection with a plasmid that housed the full-length gene. Transgenic parasites expressed a 65-kDa protein close to the predicted molecule size of 67.831 kDa for the introduced leucyl aminopeptidase, and immunofluorescence studies localized the protein to the cytosol, the location of the native enzyme. The product of the transgene was shown to be functionally active with cytosolic extracts of transgenic parasites exhibiting twice the leucyl aminopeptidase activity compared with wildtype parasites. In vitro inhibitor sensitivity assays demonstrated that the transgenic parasites were more resistant to bestatin (EC50 64 mu M) compared with the parent parasites (EC50 25 mu M). Overexpression of genes in malaria parasites would have general application in the identification and validation of targets for antimalarial drugs.


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The blood types determination is essential to perform safe blood transfusions. In emergency situations isadministrated the “universal donor” blood type. However, sometimes, this blood type can cause incom-patibilities in the transfusion receptor. A mechatronic prototype was developed to solve this problem.The prototype was built to meet specific goals, incorporating all the necessary components. The obtainedsolution is close to the final system that will be produced later, at industrial scale, as a medical device.The prototype is a portable and low cost device, and can be used in remote locations. A computer appli-cation, previously developed is used to operate with the developed mechatronic prototype, and obtainautomatically test results. It allows image acquisition, processing and analysis, based on Computer Visionalgorithms, Machine Learning algorithms and deterministic algorithms. The Machine Learning algorithmsenable the classification of occurrence, or alack of agglutination in the mixture (blood/reagents), and amore reliable and a safer methodology as test data are stored in a database. The work developed allowsthe administration of a compatible blood type in emergency situations, avoiding the discontinuity of the“universal donor” blood type stocks, and reducing the occurrence of human errors in the transfusion practice.


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1. The ability of myo-inositol polyphosphates to inhibit iron-catalysed hydroxyl radical formation was studied in a hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase system [Graf, Empson and Eaton (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11647-11650]. Fe3+ present in the assay reagents supported some radical formation, and a standard assay, with 5 microM Fe3+ added, was used to investigate the specificity of compounds which could inhibit radical generation. 2. InsP6 (phytic acid) was able to inhibit radical formation in this assay completely. In this respect it was similar to the effects of the high affinity Fe3+ chelator Desferral, and dissimilar to the effects of EDTA which, even at high concentrations, still allowed detectable radical formation to take place. 3. The six isomers of InsP5 were purified from an alkaline hydrolysate of InsP6 (four of them as two enantiomeric mixtures) and they were compared with InsP6 in this assay. Ins(1,2,3,4,6)P5 and D/L-Ins(1,2,3,4,5)P5 were similar to InsP6 in that they caused a complete inhibition of iron-catalysed radical formation at > 30 microM. Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 and D/L-Ins(1,2,4,5,6)P5, however, were markedly less potent than InsP6, and did not inhibit radical formation completely; even when Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5 was added up to 600 microM, significant radical formation was still detected. Thus InsP5s lacking 2 or 1/3 phosphates are in this respect qualitatively different from InsP6 and the other InsP5s. 4. scyllo-Inositol hexakisphosphate was also tested, and although it caused a greater inhibition than Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P5, it too still allowed detectable free radical formation even at 600 microM. 5. We conclude that the 1,2,3 (equatorial-axial-equatorial) phosphate grouping in InsP6 has a conformation that uniquely provides a specific interaction with iron to inhibit totally its ability to catalyse hydroxyl radical formation; we suggest that a physiological function of InsP6 might be to act as a 'safe' binding site for iron during its transport through the cytosol or cellular organelles


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A study is reported on the deactivation of hydroprocessing catalysts and their reactivation by the removal of coke and metal foulants. The literature on hydrotreating catalyst deactivation by coke and metals deposition, the environmental problems associated with spent catalyst disposal, and its reactivation/rejuvenation process were reviewed. Experimental studies on catalyst deactivation involved problem analysis in industrial hydroprocessing operations, through characterization of the spent catalyst, and laboratory coking studies. A comparison was made between the characteristics of spent catalysts from fixed bed and ebullating bed residue hydroprocessing reactor units and the catalyst deactivation pattern in both types of reactor systems was examined. In the laboratory the nature of initial coke deposited on the catalyst surface and its role on catalyst deactivation were studied. The influence of initial coke on catalyst surface area and porosity was significant. Both catalyst acidity and feedstock quality had a remarkable influence on the amount and the nature of the initial coke. The hydroenitrogenation function (HDN) of the catalyst was found to be deactivated more rapidly by the initial coke than the hydrodesulphurization function (HDS). In decoking experiments, special attention was paid to the initial conditions of coke combustion, since the early stages of contact between the coke on the spent catalyst surface and the oxygen are crucial in the decoking process. An increase in initial combustion temperature above 440oC and the oxygen content of the regeneration gas above 5% vanadium led to considerable sintering of the catalyst. At temperatures above 700oC there was a substantial loss of molybdenum from the catalyst, and phase transformations in the alumina support. The preferred leaching route (coked vs decoked form of spent catalyst) and a comparison of different reagents (i.e., oxalic acid and tartaric acid) and promoters (i.e., Hydrogen Peroxide and Ferric Nitrate) for better selectivity in removing the major foulant (vanadium), characterization and performance evaluation of the treated catalysts and modelling of the leaching process were addressed in spent catalyst rejuvenation studies. The surface area and pore volume increased substantially with increasing vanadium extraction from the spent catalyst; the HDS activity showed a parallel increase. The selectivity for leaching of vanadium deposits was better, and activity recovery was higher, for catalyst rejuvenated by metal leaching prior to decoking.