967 resultados para Novas tecnologias informacionais
A monoclonal antibody (mAb) is an important tool in medical biotechnology and the production of biopharmaceuticals, especially for disease diagnosis and treatment of infections, because the antibodies have a significant advantage over chemical agents used in conventional therapies . The last thirty years the technology of production of monoclonal antibodies developed mainly the technique of obtaining in vitro, but also of their production is laborious, the cost is high. A major element of the high cost of production is the fact that the long-term culture consumes a large amount of imported inputs with high added value. A major contribution of this work is to promote cell growth more quickly and efficiently. Currently, a great race to discover new technologies and techniques to synthesize new antibodies and significantly increase the production of murine mAbs. New technologies such as laser and LED are innovations and widespread in modern life, so much so that its use has proliferated worldwide, primarily in the medical field. Recent studies show a series of results from the influence of the LED light in biological tissues such as: increasing the rate of cell proliferation, increased production rate of fibroblasts, increasing the rate of synthesis of RNA and DNA synthesis of ATP, etc. To assess the contribution of the LED in the culture of Myeloma NS1murino compared to the standard procedure. - NS1 cells were provided and followed the criteria of culture medium of the Laboratory of Cellular Engineering Center of Botucatu (POPs). The same amount of cells was grown in bottles of 25 cm2 polystyrene Tissue Culture Treated, specifically marked and kept in special medium RPMI 1640 Gibco BRL supplemented with fetal bovine serum 10%, essential amino acids and non-essential, glucose, insulin and antibiotics. It was used in LEDs Cromatek wavelength of 630nm, 475nm and 530nm. The groups were... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The pets, mostly dogs and cats are susceptible to a variety of situations that can lead to acute kidney failure, such as infection and intoxication, besides other common causes such as dehydration or other pre-existing diseases. The abrupt decrease in renal function in these animals characterizes a severe clinical condition and requires specialized veterinary medical care since it increases the death. Early diagnosis is an important factor for the survival of these animals and so is the appropriate treatment. New technologies on diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases in veterinary medicine have made acute renal failure successfully reversed by hemodialysis in cases where conventional therapy may not be effective. In cases like that, hemodialysis treatment may be the only chance of survival for the animals, which makes this therapy more and more important and necessary, especially in referral centers of veterinary assistance
As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs), em especial, o setor de telefonia passou e, ainda, passa por mudanças importantes: o aumento do número de características incorporadas aos aparelhos celulares. Isto moldou o ambiente competitivo de alta concentração, através de aquisições das empresas (e ativos tecnológicas) e da emergência de “novos” competidores. Buscou-se analisar a trajetória recente da indústria de telequipamentos, no que diz respeito às estratégias das empresas. Bem como identificar tendências tecnológicas e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias
As new technologies improve, people’s lives gain in comfort and accessibility. However, along with these technologies comes a growth in “soon to fall into disuse” product consume, either because they have reached the end of their life cycle, or because they were substituted by newer and more advanced models. These electronic wastes are still with no certain destination, and could be donated to welfare companies, but the majority is thrown in wide open dumping grounds or landfills, where they can contaminate water and soil with their toxic components. This work seeks to evaluate the e-waste concept, their impacts in the environment and human life, as well as the current national and international e-waste management and destination, finally reflecting on international decisions that would be appropriate for the Brazilian system.
Acceleration is a key parameter for engineering and is becoming increasingly important because of the need for companies to become more competitive in the market. Both applying new technologies to their products and optimizing their process lines with predictive maintenance and robotic automation. This study aims to analyze the quality of the signals obtained from a capacitive accelerometer. To do that a test rig was mounted, which consist of a shaker, fed by a signal generator, a linear potentiometer and a capacitive accelerometer; for the signal acquisition was used a acquisition board and the Labview software, in order to integrate twice the signal from the accelerometer and compare it with the sign of the potentiometer. This work also demonstrates the impact of acquired signal processing as well as techniques of pre and post processing of signal via software GNU/Octave
This work was developed from a literature search in order to provide teachers of physics theoretical and methodological requirements for the use of experimentation in physics teaching, with the aim of contributing to the teaching practice of these teachers and, consequently, for improving teaching this discipline. Therefore, to deal in the course of this research, the goals and types of practical activities, new information and communication technologies that fit the experimental approaches and the role of the teacher in this context, specifying the variables that influence and relate with experimental activities. Studies are presented on the methodology and planning of experimental activities to draw attention to the teacher and the important issues relevant to the preparation of these activities as, for example, the proposed objectives and types of discourse and existing approaches for the conduct of practical activities. In this sense, the trend is highlighted for walks where the approach of practical activities, within the context of practices interactionist and are pointed out strengths and weaknesses of different types of activities presented. We also highlight aspects of the learning process associated with some theoretical reference that are on that subject, as Piaget, Vigotski and Ausubel, so that the teacher can apply the concepts in their theories worked in the practical lessons of physics
In recent years a great worldwide interest has arisen for the development of new technologies that enable the use of products with less environmental impact. The replacement of synthetic fiber plants is a possibility very important because this fiber is renewable, biodegradable and few cost and cause less environmental impact. Given the above, this work proposes to develop polymeric composites of epoxy resin and study the behavior of these materials. Both, the epoxy resin used as matrix in the manufacture of sapegrass fiber composite, as tree composites formed by: epoxy/unidirectional sapegrass long fiber, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber, by volume, and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber, by volume, were characterized by bending, and the composites produced with short fibers random were inspected by Optical Microscopy and Acoustics Inspection (C-Scan). For the analysis of the sapegrass fiber morphology, composites 75% epoxy/25% short fiber (sheet chopped) and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber images were obtained by optical microscope and the adhesion between polymer/fiber was visualized. As results, the flexural strength of composites epoxy/unidirectional long fibers, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber were 70.36 MPa, 21.26 MPa, 25.07 MPa, respectively. Being that composite showed that the best results was made up of long fibers, because it had a value of higher flexural strength than other composites analyzed
This study aims to examine the changes occurring in organizational communication activities with the arrival of the Internet. The intention is to know how companies and their communication professionals have adapted to it and how they are making use of new digital technologies, especially social media. The study also allows know what strategies they are using to reach your target audience on the Internet, including those targeting mobile devices. For this, a survey was conducted with medium to large companies in Bauru (state of São Paulo), to see how it are acting in the online environment and what its perception regarding their image, visibility and positioning on Web
O uso de novas tecnologias para o desenvolvimento de medicamentos constitui uma estratégia promissora no campo da biotecnologia. Nesse sentido, peptídeos com efeito antimicrobiano, produzidos por plantas, animais e microrganismos estão sendo utilizados como modelos para o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos com aplicações em saúde. Resultados promissores têm sido obtidos em relação à inibição da atividade das enzimas bacterianas DNA girase e topoisomerase IV por derivados peptídicos de toxinas bacterianas, comprovados em ensaios in vitro. Porém, ensaios in vivo não demonstraram reprodutibilidade, basicamente devido à baixa permeabilidade da célula bacteriana a estes compostos. Desta forma, o objetivo deste projeto consiste em aplicar sistemas eficientes para promover o acesso de moléculas peptídicas sintéticas derivadas de toxinas bacterianas, ao meio intracelular e, consequentemente, aos seus alvos intracelulares: as enzimas DNA girase e/ou topoisomerase IV. Com isso, pretendemos solucionar a barreira técnica em que se encontram as aplicações dessa classe de biomoléculas como precursores de novos agentes antibacterianos, o que certamente causaria um importante avanço nas pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo grupo
With the market more and more disputed and negotiations where the customer is the main factor who decides whether the companies have conditions or not to dispute the market, industries must search improvements in products and processes targeting lower costs and better quality. With that in mind, this work will study the actual situation of a line of Tension Leveler, after cold mill process, for aluminum coil, and search new technologies, precisely the Scrap Baller machine, which will raise the quality level and the line’s productivity. It will be analyzed the justifications (reasons) for these new technologies, the history, the involved concepts, the operation, functions, the material that will be tension leveled, the limitations and tech and economic viability in comparison with the actual system. Also it will be taken a brief about the aluminum coil production in Brazil, especially the ones which destiny is aluminum beverage can, and the recycling process, that is very well done in Brazil, worldwide leader in aluminum recycling
A utilização de novas tecnologias empregando a biologia molecular busca superar os principais problemas encontrados nas vacinas atualmente comercializadas no combate à brucelose bovina. Desta forma, a identificação de proteínas imunogênicas e a posterior transformação dos genes correspondentes em micro-organismos competentes tem sido um dos principais alvos para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de controle da infecção. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor, em base teórica, uma vacina de eficácia e segurança superiores às encontradas atualmente no mercado contra a brucelose bovina, antropozoonose contagiosa provocada principalmente pela espécie Brucella abortus. Essa enfermidade produz infecção característica em bovinos e bubalinos e é infecciosa ao homem, causando doença crônica que leva à incapacidade parcial ou total para o trabalho. Por ter distribuição universal, acarreta problemas sanitário e de saúde pública importantes e grandes prejuízos econômicos. A vacina proposta visa o desenvolvimento de microorganismos transformados contendo genes de proteínas de potencial imunológico que, após purificação, são usadas para o combate da doença. As proteínas recombinantes abordadas no presente estudo são as proteína ribossomal L7/L12 e a lumazina sintetase que, ao serem utilizadas em uma vacina subcelular, diferente das comercializadas atualmente, induzem resposta de longa duração, não induzem a produção de anticorpos que interfiram no diagnóstico e não são patogênicas ao homem.
There are considerations of that the education of Physics of the way as comes being driven us textbooks and consequently in classroom, is distant and distorted of their real purpose. We notice that the education of this science through the Physical school discipline, has I assume a character of preparation for university entrance exams exercises resolution, exceling for the memorization of formulae and by the mathematical solutions, fact that looks to cause to it is lacking of motivation and to the disinterest of the students regarding his contents. Since we are surrounded by phenomena, events, elements of the nature, new technologies, objects and so many others that can be explained and many times until applied and/or reproduced by means of physical concepts, there is no reason for treat to Physical as somewhat academic and remote of the reality. The little interest of high school students by the discipline of Physics and their poor performance in the learning of his contents has led to the search of new paths, resources and strategies that promote a more meaningful learning. Taking into account these facts, we seek in this course conclusion work, observe, analyze and apply concepts of the Physical one in multiple elements of ours routine, doing use of the interdisciplinary nature as a possible mechanism. The animals exert a fascination on most people. Much of what we see in their way of being and behaving can be explained by the laws of Physics and its models. Their physique, behavior and activities involve diverse movements, communication and sensing as physical limitations varied. Zoologists and physicists build models in an attempt to explain or understand animal behavior using well-established physical principles. The creation of physical models is going to approach a problem, identifies the fundamental information and removing all of the irrelevant details. An example... (Complete abstract click electrnic access below)
Relações públicas e serviços virtuais: a comunicação entre as corporações da internet e o cibernauta
The objective of this study is to adress the action possibilities of the Public Relations professional in management of communication between the virtual services companies and their customers – the cybernauts. For this purpose, a bibliographical research was made about the cyberspace, Internet environment, as well as the cyberculture and the on-line consumer public. It was also studied the possible areas of Public Relations's action, their work tools and means of communication with the customer, in order to verify the specificities of communication mediated by new technologies. Based on these concepts, it was possible to propose an action of this professional in the organizations called dotcom, in order to contribute to the management of the communication flow between companies and this “invisible” public, which relates virtually to the organization, establishing different modes of interaction in relation to tradicional customers, requiring different strategies of relashionsip
According to the Informational Society of the twentieth century, man develops society of the spectacle, where life becomes virtual and the individual ceases to be a spectator becoming the protagonist of wikiciberepopéia and organizations seeking to gain the attention and time of its consumers through new communication strategies. If the great epics of mankind brought mythical heroes, divine, with powers (mostly above the mortals), in the era of new technologies, the common man is in the hands the opportunity to become the hero of his own ciberepopéia. Increasingly resistant to traditional advertising, the new model of media consumer, the prosumer, the storytelling is transforming into one of the main communication tools of contemporary organizations. Offer your audience a creative and relevant content across several media platforms is a major brand positioning strategies currently used, in addition to providing the transmission of values and organizational principles in a subjective manner. Storytelling where objects are extensions of the human body (eg, the cell can be treated as an extension of the ears) is a strong indication of a technocratic society, because we can consider the new technologies as extensions of the human brain (as new store technologies, create meanings, share information through a specific language) and the individual who is on the edge of new technology ends up being excluded from certain social events. This new world tends to put an end to separation between seemingly contrary ideas, such as reality/fiction, natural/cultural and the man who emerges from this medium is not the creator, but rather, transforming what already exists. The current human evolution takes place from about half the human mind and tell stories that go beyond the media saturation that really emocionem and who have a real meaning for those who listen, to be interconnected with the socio-environmental reality of this new consumer, is a major chall...
Surface water quality models have been developed since 1925, when Streeter e Phelps created first order equations that represent the balance between DO and BOD. Since then, and specially after the ‘60s, new computational technologies evolved, making it possible to create more complex models, which try to represent, through mathematics, natural phenomena like eutrophication and rivers self-depuration. As main objective of such models is the understanding of aquatic systems and the relationship between them and the environment, so that it can support decision makers in creating water manage plans and in elaborating environmental projects of such resources. Regarding to that, it is of crucial importance the understanding of the models structures, so that one can choose the most appropriate model for the river in question. While one-dimensional models like QUAL2K are more appropriate for long and narrow rivers, bi- or tridimensional models (CE-QUAL-W2, WASP and CEQUAL- ICM) are more commonly used in wide and slower rivers, with higher lateral and/or vertical mixes rates. Besides, the more complex is the river studied more complex the model should be, which demands more costs and time for the model to be applied