974 resultados para Natural law.


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Least developed countries (LDCs) are the primary victims of environmental changes, including present and future impacts of climate change. Environmental degradation poses a serious threat to the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, thus hindering development in LDCs. Simultaneously, poverty is itself both a major cause and effect of global environmental problems. Against this backdrop, this essay argues that without recognition and protection of a collective right to development, genuine environmental protection will remain unachievable. Further, this essay submits that, particularly in the context of LDCs, the right to environment and the right to development are inseparable. Finally, this essay argues that the relationship between the right to environment and the right to development must fall within the paradigm of sustainable development if the promotion and protection of those rights are to be justified.


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The international legal regime on shipbreaking is in its formative years. At the international level, the shipbreaking industry is partially governed by the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. However, how far this convention will be applicable for all aspects of transboundary movement of end-of-life ships is still, at least in the view of some scholars, a debatable issue. Against this backdrop, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has adopted a new, legally binding convention for shipbreaking. There is a rising voice from the developing countries that the convention is likely to impose more obligations on recycling facilities in the developing countries than on shipowners from rich nations. This may be identified as a clear derogation from the globally recognized international environmental law principle of common but differentiated treatment. This article will examine in detail major international conventions regulating transboundary movement and environmentally sound disposal of obsolete ships, as well as the corresponding laws of Bangladesh for implementing these conventions in the domestic arena. Moreover this article will examine in detail the recently adopted IMO Ship Recycling Convention.


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"In 1997–98, the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region suffered an unprecedented health and environmental catastrophe due to choking haze created by a massive forest !re in Indonesia. It is estimated that the total losses from the fire could be US$5–6 billion after taking into account the loss of trees and other natural resources as well as the long-term impact on human health. This unprecedented anthropogenic disaster not only created a severe health and environmental hazard but also raised a question mark about the credibility and effectiveness of the ASEAN regional grouping. Against this background, ASEAN took a number of regional initiatives to try and solve the problem and finally adopted a new treaty for regional cooperation to combat forest fire and haze in 2002. This paper assesses the future success of this agreement from the perspectives of the legal, institutional and geopolitical reality of the region. Since numerous studies have examined state responsibility for transboundary environmental harm under international law and its implications on the ASEAN haze problem, this article will not touch upon that general debate nor the remedies that are possibly available to victim states. Rather, it will focus on the ASEAN regional legal and institutional initiatives to combat the haze pollution and compare them with a similar European regional agreement. Regarding the following analysis, it is important to recognise the uncertainty arising from Indonesia’s status (presently a non-party to the Agreement). A primary indication of the future effectiveness of this agreement can be drawn from an analysis of the principles involved in this agreement, bearing in mind the inherent difficulty of enforcing norms in the international environmental legal system as a whole, and the geopolitical reality of the region."


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The influence of pH on interfacial energy and wettability distributed over the phospholipid bilayer surface were studied, and the importance of cartilage hydrophobicity (wettability) on the coefficient of friction (f) was established. It is argued that the wettability of cartilage signifi antly depends on the number of phospholipid bilayers acting as solid lubricant; the hypothesis was proven by conducting friction tests with normal and lipid- depleted cartilage samples. A lamellar-roller-bearing lubrication model was devised involving two mechanisms: (i) lamellar frictionless movement of bilayers, and (ii) roller-bearing lubrication mode through structured synovial fluid, which operates when lamellar spheres, liposomes and macromolecules act like a roller-bearing situated between two cartilage surfaces in effective biological lubrication.


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The multilamellar structure of phospholipids, i.e. the surface amorphous layer (SAL) that covers the natural surface of articular cartilage, and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) on the surface of metal porous bearings are two prominent examples of the family of layered materials that possess the ability to deliver lamellar lubrication. This chapter presents the friction study that was conducted on the surfaces of cartilage and the metal porous bearing impregnated with oil (first generation) and with oil + h-BN (second generation). The porosity of cartilage is around 75% and those of metal porous bearings were 15–28 wt%. It is concluded that porosity is a critical factor in facilitating the excellent tribological properties of both articular cartilage and the porous metal bearings studied.


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It is well known that a broad range of ocular anatomical and physiological parameters undergo significant diurnal variation. However, the natural diurnal variations that occur in the length of the human eye (axial length) and their underlying causes have been less well studied. Improvements in optical methods for the measurement of ocular biometrics now allow more precise and comprehensive measurements of axial length to be performed than has previously been possible. Research from animal models also suggests a link between diurnal axial length variations and longer term myopic eye growth, and that retinal image defocus can disrupt these diurnal rhythms in axial length. This research programme has examined the diurnal variations in axial length in young normal eyes, the contributing components and the influence of optical stimuli on these changes. In the first experiment, the normal pattern and consistency of the diurnal variations in axial length were examined at 10 different times (5 measurements each day, at ~ 3-hour intervals from ~ 9 am to ~ 9 pm) over 2 consecutive days on 30 young adult subjects (15 myopes, 15 emmetropes). Additionally, variations in a range of other ocular biometric measurements such as choroidal thickness, intraocular pressure, and other ocular biometrics were also explored as potential factors that may be associated with the observed variations in axial length. To investigate the potential influence of refractive error on diurnal axial length variations, the differences in the magnitude and pattern of diurnal variations in axial length between the myopic and emmetropic subjects were examined. Axial length underwent significant diurnal variation that was consistently observed over the 2 consecutive days of measurements, with the longest axial length typically occurring during the day, and the shortest at night. Significant diurnal variations were also observed in choroidal thickness, IOP and other ocular biometrics (such as central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth and vitreous chamber depth) of the eye. Diurnal variations in vitreous chamber depth, IOP (positive associations) and choroidal thickness (negative association) were all significantly correlated with the diurnal changes in axial length. Choroidal thickness was found to fluctuate approximately in antiphase to the axial length changes, with the average timing of the longest axial length coinciding with the thinnest choroid and vice versa. There were no significant differences in the ocular diurnal variations associated with refractive error. Given that the diurnal changes in axial length could be associated with the changes in the eye’s optical quality, whether the optical quality of the eye also undergoes diurnal variation in the same cohort of young adult myopes and emmetropes over 2 consecutive days was also examined. Significant diurnal variations were observed only in the best sphere refraction (power vector M) and in the spherical aberration of the eye over two consecutive days of testing. The changes in the eyes lower and higher order ocular optics were not significantly associated with the diurnal variations in axial length and the other measured ocular biometric parameters. No significant differences were observed in the magnitude and timing of diurnal variations in lower-order and higher-order optics associated with refractive error. Since the small natural fluctuations in the eye’s optical quality did not appear to be sufficient to influence the natural diurnal fluctuations in ocular biometric parameters, in the next experiment, the influence of monocular myopic defocus (+1.50 DS) upon the normal diurnal variations in axial length and choroidal thickness of young adult emmetropic human subjects (n=13) imposed over a 12 hour period was examined. A series of axial length and choroidal thickness measurements (collected at ~3 hourly intervals, with the first measurement at ~9 am and the final measurement at ~9 pm) were obtained over three consecutive days. The natural diurnal rhythms (Day 1, no defocus), diurnal rhythms with monocular myopic defocus (Day 2, +1.50 DS spectacle lens over the right eye), and the recovery from any defocus induced changes (Day 3, no defocus) were examined. Significant diurnal variations over the course of the day were observed in both axial length and choroidal thickness on each of the three measurement days. The introduction of monocular myopic defocus led to significant reductions in the mean amplitude of diurnal change, and phase shifts in the peak timing of the diurnal rhythms in axial length and choroidal thickness. These defocus induced changes were found to be transient in nature and returned to normal the day following removal of the defocus. To further investigate the influence of optical stimuli on human diurnal rhythms, in the final experiment, the influence of monocular hyperopic defocus on the normal diurnal rhythms in axial length and choroidal thickness was examined in young adult emmetropic subjects (n=15). Similar to the previous experiment, the natural diurnal rhythms (Day 1, no defocus), diurnal rhythms with monocular hyperopic defocus (Day 2, -2.00 DS spectacle lens over the right eye), and the recovery from any defocus induced changes (Day 3, no defocus) were examined over three consecutive days. Both axial length and choroidal thickness underwent significant diurnal variations on each of the three days. The introduction of monocular hyperopic defocus resulted in a significant increase in the amplitude of diurnal change, but no change in the peak timing of diurnal rhythms in both parameters. The ocular changes associated with hyperopic defocus returned to normal, the day following removal of the defocus. This research has shown that axial length undergoes significant diurnal variation in young adult human eyes, and has shown that the natural diurnal variations in choroidal thickness and IOP are significantly associated, and may underlie these diurnal fluctuations in axial length. This work also demonstrated for the first time that exposing young human eyes to monocular myopic and hyperopic defocus leads to a significant disruption in the normal diurnal rhythms of axial length and choroidal thickness. These changes in axial length with defocus may reflect underlying mechanisms in the human eye that are involved in the regulation of longer term eye growth.


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The Oceania region is an area particularly prone to natural disasters such as cyclones, tsunamis, floods, droughts, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Many of the nations in the region are Small Island Developing States (SIDS), yet even within wealthy states such as Australia and New Zealand there are groups which are vulnerable to disaster. Vulnerability to natural disaster can be understood in human rights terms, as natural disasters threaten the enjoyment of a number of rights which are guaranteed under international law, including rights to health, housing, food, water and even the right to life itself. The impacts of climate change threaten to exacerbate these vulnerabilities, yet, despite the foreseeability of further natural disasters as a result of climate change, there currently exists no comprehensive international framework for disaster response offering practical and/or legally reliable mechanisms to assist at‐risk states and communities. This paper sets out to explore the human rights issues presented by natural disasters and examine the extent to which these issues can be addressed by disaster response frameworks at the international, regional and national levels.


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The natural disasters incident that frequently hit Indonesia are floods, severe droughts, tsunamis, earth-quakes, volcano, eruptions, landslides, windstorm and forest fires. The impact of those natural disasters are significantly severe and affecting the quality of life of the community due to the breakdown of the public as-sets as one source to deliver public services. This paper is aimed to emphasis the importance of natural disaster risk-informed in relation to public asset management in Indonesian Central Government, particularly in asset planning stage where asset decision is made as the gate into the whole public asset management processes. A Case study in the Ministry of Finance Indonesia as the central government public asset manager and in 5 (five) line ministries/governmental agencies as public asset users was used as the approach to achieved the research objective. The case study devoured three data collection techniques i.e. interviews, observations and document archival which will be analysed by a content analysis approach. The result of the study indicates that Indonesian geographical position exposing many of public infra-structure assets as a high vulnerability to natural disasters. Information on natural-disaster trends and predictions to identify and measure the risks are available, however, such information are not utilise and integrated to the process of public infrastructure asset planning as the gate to the whole public asset management processes. Therefore, in order to accommodate and incorporate this natural disaster risk-information into public asset management processes, particularly in public asset planning, a public asset performance measurements framework should be adopted and applied in the process as one sources in making decision for infrastructure asset planning. Findings from this study provide useful input for the Ministry of Finance as public asset manager, scholars and private asset management practitioners in Indonesia to establish natural disaster risks awareness in public infrastructure asset management processes.


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The work described in this technical report is part of an ongoing project to build practical tools for the manipulation, analysis and visualisation of recordings of the natural environment. This report describes the methods we use to remove background noise from spectrograms. It updates techniques previously described in Towsey and Planitz (2011), Technical report: acoustic analysis of the natural environment, downloadable from: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/41131/. It also describes noise removal from wave-forms, a technique not described in the above 2011 technical report.


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Biosequestration of carbon in trees, forests and vegetation is a key method for mitigating climate change in Australia. To facilitate this, all States have enacted legislation for carbon sequestration rights, separating commercial rights in carbon from ownership of the land, trees and vegetation in which the carbon is sequestered. Ownership of carbon sequestration rights under state law is a prerequisite for the issue of carbon credits to proponents of ‘eligible sequestration offsets projects’ under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (Cth) (‘Carbon Farming Act’). This article examines the extent to which current State carbon sequestration rights support the offsets regime established by the Carbon Farming Act. The Commonwealth Act is concerned with allocating responsibilities to ensure the maintenance of the carbon sequestration, while the State Acts confer commercial rights in the carbon and leave the responsibilities to be allocated by private agreements. The carbon sequestration rights as defined by state laws do not confer the rights of access and management over land that a project proponent needs in order to discharge its responsibilities to maintain the carbon sequestration.


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Carbon will be the world's biggest market. Barclays was the first UK bank to set up a dedicated carbon trading desk to help clients, and Barclays Capital is the most active player in the emissions trading market having traded 300 million tonnes as at February 2007. (Barclays, 2007: 1)


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This article reviews some of the roles environmental lawyers have played in ensuring environmental justice in Bangladesh. It leans on law and social movement theories to explicate the choice (and ensuing success) of litigation as a movement strategy in Bangladesh. The activists successfully moved the courts to read the right to a decent environment into the fundamental right to life, and this has had the far-reaching effect of constituting a basis for standing for the activists and other civil society organisations. The activists have also sought to introduce emerging international law principles into the jurisprudence of the courts. These achievements notwithstanding, the paper notes that litigation is not a sustainable way to institute enduring environmental protection in any jurisdiction and recommends the utilisation of the reputation and recognition gained through litigation to deploy or encourage more sustainable strategies.


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Indonesia is a country spread across wide-ranging archipelago, located in South East Asia between two oceans, the Indian and the Pacific. Indonesia is well known as an active tectonic region because it lies on top of three major active tectonic plates: the Eurasian in the North, the Indian Ocean-Australian in the South, and the Pacific plate in the East. The southern and eastern part of the country features a range of volcanic arcs, volcanic mountains, and lowlands with 500 young volcanoes, of which 128 are active and thus representing 15% of the world’s active volcanoes. In the period 2002-2007, approximately 1782 disasters occurred, with hundreds of thousands of lives lost and billions of rupiah in losses incurred: (Floods - 1183 instances, cyclones - 272 instances, and landslides - 252 instances). Of these, the 2004 Aceh tsunami and the 2006 central Java earthquake (impacting predominantly city and suburbs of Yogyakarta) were the most significant. Even so, disaster management experts believe lessons learnt from the two major natural disasters needs to be formalised into laws and institutions before another disaster occurs, regardless of the type of natural disaster – i.e. Volcano eruption or landslide; as opposed to tsunami or earthquake. Following in the wake of disasters occurring in Yogyakarta, many of its community members responded by banding together as one, with the determination of rebuilding its villages and cities through the spirit of ‘gotong royong’. The idea of social interaction; in particular as a collective, consensual, and cooperative nation; has predominantly formed the ideological basis of Indonesia’s societal nature. Many Indonesian terms cohere to this ideology, such as: ‘koperasi” (cooperatives as the basis of economic interactions), ‘musyawarah’ (consensual nature in decision making), and ‘gotong royong’ (mutual assistance). ‘Gotong royong’ has become a key cultural operator in Indonesia, in particular In Jogjakarta. Appropriately so as ‘gotong royong’ is depicted from the traditional Javanese village, where labour is accomplished through reciprocal exchange and the villagers are motivated by a general ethos of selfishness and concern for the common good. The culture of ‘gotong royong’ promotes positive values such as social harmony and mutual reciprocation in disaster-affected areas provides the necessary spirit needed to endure the hardships and for all involved. While gotong royong emphasises the positive notions of mutual family support and deep community level activity there is a potential for contrast against government lead disaster response and recovery management activities especially in settings where sporadic governance mechanisms exist and transparency and accountability in the recovery process of public infrastructure assets have been questioned. This paper thus questions whether Gotong Royong is a double-edged sword, and explores the potential marriage of community values and governance mechanisms for future disaster management planning and practice.