938 resultados para Naphtalène-2,3-dicarboxaldéhyde (NDA)


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O presente trabalho, onde foi desenvolvido o tema “A Ideia no Desenho, Diferentes Desenhos no Ensino das Artes Visuais”; foi elaborado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, pretende dar a conhecer os aspetos inerentes à Prática de Ensino Supervisionada desenvolvida no ano letivo de 2011/2012 na Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira e Escola Básica André de Resende. O relatório integra a preparação científica, pedagógica e didática; caraterização do concelho de Évora; caraterização do contexto educativo, planificação, condução de aulas, avaliação de aprendizagens e conclui com a análise da prática de ensino e desenvolvimento profissional. Possui ainda dois apêndices finais com informação citada e evidências significativas das atividades desenvolvidas na escola. /ABSTRACT:The present work in which we develop a theme "The Idea in Drawing, Different Drawings in Visual Art Education"; was prepared to achieve de Master Degree on Teaching of the Visual Arts in the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education, and it is focused in the teaching supervised practice developed at the Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira and Escola Básica André de Resende Schools, during the academic year of 2011/2012. The report includes scientific, educational and didactical preparation; characterization of the municipality of Évora; school planning, conducted lessons and learning evaluation; and concludes with teaching analysis and professional development. It also includes two final appendices with quoted information and significant evidence of the schooling activities. NOTA: em virtude de esta Tese conter apêndices de formatos diversos e incompatíveis para a introdução no repositório, só poderão ser consultados na Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Évora.


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This paper describes, with pictures, how to use voting machines and how to cast your vote.


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Review of May 2006 issue of journal Theory, Culture, and Society.


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Este relatório está inserido no âmbito da disciplina Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), que permitirá a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. O relatório de estágio aborda o trabalho desenvolvido realizado durante o ano lectivo 2009/201O, como professor estagiário, na Escola EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva, na Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira e na Escola Básica 1-Jardim de Infância do Bacelo. No final do estágio foi possível afirmar que o que aprendemos ao longo deste ano lectivo nos acompanhará para o resto da vida profissional e social, uma vez que este estágio curricular veio complementar a formação adquirida durante a Licenciatura, auxiliando na incrementação das competências técnico­ científicas, sociais e pessoais, indispensáveis a esta actividade profissional. ABSTRACT: This report is inserted in the supervised teaching subject, as known as Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), which purpose is to obtain Master's degree in Physical Education in primary and secondary education. The stage report deals with all the work developed during 2009/201O school year, as a student teacher, in Escola EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva, Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira and in Escola Básica 1-Jardim de Infância do Bacelo. At the end of the stage, it was possible to state that what we have learned past this year will be useful and will be with us for the rest of our professional and social life due the formation acquired during graduation, improving technical, scientific, social and personal skills that are vital and indispensable to this professional activity.


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A Prática de Ensino Supervisionada desenvolveu-se no Agrupamento de Escolas nº 4 de Évora- EB 2,3 Conde Vilalva e na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia, com as turmas do 8º ano e 12° ano respectivamente. Para elucidar o trabalho realizado ao longo do ano desenvolvi o presente relatório onde abordei a preparação cientifica, pedagógica e didáctica que permitiu um conhecimento dos alunos e do currículo; a Planificação e condução das aulas e respectiva avaliação que faz referencia ao planeamento por etapas e às vantagens do mesmo e ainda à forma como foram leccionadas as aulas; uma análise da prática de ensino; a participação na escola e as actividades desenvolvidas nas mesmas; e o desenvolvimento profissional com referências ás competências que o professor deve assumir dentro da comunidade escolar. Com os parâmetros acima referidos demonstra-se a grande importância que o estágio teve na aquisição das competências essenciais inerentes à docência. ABSTRACT: Supervised Teaching Practice was developed in School Cluster nº 4 of Évora­ Elementary School Conde Vilalva and in Secondary School André de Gouveia, with classes of 8th and 12th grade, respectively. To elucidate the work I done over this school year, I developed this report which discussed the scientific, educational and teaching preparation, allowing an understanding of students and the curriculum; the planning and conduct of lessons and their assessment that refers to the planning stages, and to advantage of it and, on the other hand, the way that were taught lessons; an analysis of teaching practice; participation in school and activities carried therein; and professional development with reference to the competences that the teacher should take within the school community. With the above parameters is shown the importance of this stage in the acquisition of essential skills related to teaching.


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Este trabalho tem por base o relato de um ano lectivo 2009/201O de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) para a especialidade do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, leccionado na Universidade de Évora e contribui para a avaliação do mesmo. O estágio foi realizado no agrupamento de Escolas n° 4 de Évora - EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva; EB1 Jardim de Infância e Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira, abrangendo os três ciclos de aprendizagem dando assim cumprimento à exigência curricular. Relata de forma sucinta a preparação científica, pedagógica e didáctica desde o conhecimento do currículo, do conteúdo e dos alunos. Desenvolve de forma fundamentada a planificação, condução de aulas e avaliação das aprendizagens. Faz uma análise das actividades desenvolvidas como professor de uma disciplina e como participante activo na escola e na comunidade escolar. Tenta fundamentar as estratégias, metodologias e decisões tomadas. Por último, realiza uma análise da prática de ensino. O que foi constatado nesta pequena experiência foi uma prática mais consciente e um respeito maior, por nós mesmo, enquanto profissional da educação, e pelos alunos, enquanto sujeitos activos no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. ABSTRACT: This work is based on the report of an academic year 2009/2010 Supervised Teaching Practice (PES) for the specialty Master's degree in Teaching Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools, taught at the University of Évora and contribute to the evaluation the same. The group stage was held at school n8 4 EB 2,3 Conde Vilalva e Kindergarten and Secondary school Gabriel Pereira, covering the three cycles of learning thus fulfilling the curricular requirement. Reports briefly the scientific training and didactic knowledge from the curriculum the content and pupils. Develop and informed opinion to planning, conducting classes and learning assessment. Makes and analyses of the activities as a teacher of a discipline and as an active participant in school and school community. Try the strategies, methodologies and decisions. Finally makes an analysis of teaching practice. What was found on this little experiment was a more conscious practice and a greater respect for ourselves as professional education, and students as active participants in the teaching /learning.


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A presente dissertação é uma sinopse do trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do estágio de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Física. O estágio decorreu em duas escolas dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. A dissertação encontra-se dividida por partes: preparação e planificação de aulas, conhecimento das turmas, condução das aulas, avaliação e processo reflexivo das várias etapas. Foram desenvolvidas actividades para as comunidades escolares de ambas as escolas e foi feita uma reflexão final do estágio que teve como objectivo analisar todos os procedimentos que foram desenvolvidos ao longo do ano lectivo. A passagem pelos quatro ciclos de ensino foi bastante produtiva para o enriquecimento do processo enquanto professor. As aulas seguiram o planeamento anual que estava delineado e foi esta ferramenta que possibilitou a existência de uma grande autonomia dos alunos, um maior controlo na prática pedagógica e a presença sistemática do jogo, trazendo uma motivação e empenhamento suplementar nas aulas e nas actividades desenvolvidas. ABSTRACT: The following dissertation is a synopsis of what was done at the scope of Supervised Practices for Physical Education beginning teachers. The traineeship took place in two schools from Primary to Secondary levels. The dissertation is divided into several parts: preparation and lessons planning, students' profile, lessons, evaluation and reflexive process on the different stages. lt was developed activities for the communities of the booth schools and was made a final reflection of the traineeship stage that have as a propose analyze all the procedures that was developed in all the academic year. The passage for the four cycles of school was very productive for the enrichment as a professor. The classes were follow as was expected and was that possibilities the existence of a great autonomy of the students, a bigger contrail in the pedagogy practice and systematic presence of the game that bring a motivation and supplementary interest in the classes and activities developed.


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O presente relatório surge como um complemento à minha Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, realizada no ano lectivo de 2009/201O, visando essencialmente a reflexão e documentação do trabalho por mim desenvolvido ao longo deste ano. A minha Prática de Ensino Supervisionada debruçou-se sobre a disciplina de Educação Física, e decorreu na Escola EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva, onde leccionei a disciplina a uma turma de 8° ano, e na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia, tendo leccionado a disciplina a um 12° ano. Durante este mesmo ano lectivo, leccionei ainda entre 8 intervenções a uma turma do 1° Ciclo de Ensino Básico, 1° ano; e 9 intervenções a uma turma do 2° Ciclo de Ensino Básico, o 5° ano. ABSTRACT: This document comes as a complement to my Supervised Teaching Practice, held in the 2009/201O academic year, aiming primarily to reflection and documentation of the work developed throughout this year. My Supervised Teaching Practice was focused on the discipline of Physical Education, and held at EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva where I taught a class in 8th grade, and in high school André de Gouveia, where I taught the discipline to a class in 12th grade. During that same academic year, I taught between 8 and 1O interventions with a class of 1st cycle of education, 1st grade, and with a class of 2nd cycle of education, a 5th grade.


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A microchip electrophoresis method coupled with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection was established for simultaneous determination of two kinds of intracellular signaling molecules (reactive oxygen species, ROS, and reduced glutathione, GSH) related to apoptosis and oxidative stress. As the probe dihydrorhodamine-123 (DHR123) can be converted intracellularly by ROS to the fluorescent rhodamine-123 (Rh123), and the probe naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) can react quickly with GSH to produce a fluorescent adduct, rapid determination of Rh-123 and GSH was achieved on a glass microchip within 27 s using a 20 mm borate buffer (pH 9.2). The established method was tested to measure the intracellular ROS and GSH levels in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)-derived NB4 cells. An elevation of intracellular ROS and depletion of GSH were observed in apoptotic N134 cells induced by arsenic trioxide (AS(2)O(3)) at low concentration (1-2 mu m). Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), in combination with AS(2)O(3) enhanced the decrease of reduced GSH to a great extent. The combined treatment of AS(2)O(3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) led to an inverse relationship between the concentrations of ROS and GSH obtained, showing the proposed method can readily evaluate the generation of ROS, which occurs simultaneously with the consumption of the inherent antioxidant.


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Flinders University and Queensland University of Technology, biofuels research interests cover a broad range of activities. Both institutions are seeking to overcome the twin evils of "peak oil" (Hubbert 1949 & 1956) and "global warming" (IPPC 2007, Stern 2006, Alison 2010), through development of Generation 1, 2 and 3 (Gen-1, 2 & 3) biofuels (Clarke 2008, Clarke 2010). This includes development of parallel Chemical Biorefinery, value-added, co-product chemical technologies, which can underpin the commercial viability of the biofuel industry. Whilst there is a focused effort to develop Gen-2 & 3 biofuels, thus avoiding the socially unacceptable use of food based Gen-1 biofuels, it must also be recognized that as yet, no country in the world has produced sustainable Gen-2 & 3 biofuel on a commercial basis. For example, in 2008 the United States used 38 billion litres (3.5% of total fuel use) of Gen-1 biofuel; in 2009/2010 this will be 47.5 billion litres (4.5% of fuel use) and in 2018 this has been estimated to rise to 96 billion litres (9% of total US fuel use). Brazil in 2008 produced 24.5 billion litres of ethanol, representing 37.3% of the world’s ethanol use for fuel and Europe, in 2008, produced 11.7 billion litres of biofuel (primarily as biodiesel). Compare this to Australia’s miserly biofuel production in 2008/2009 of 180 million litres of ethanol and 75 million litres of biodiesel, which is 0.4% of our fuel consumption! (Clarke, Graiver and Habibie 2010) To assist in the development of better biofuels technologies in the Asian developing regions the Australian Government recently awarded the Materials & BioEnergy Group from Flinders University, in partnership with the Queensland University of Technology, an Australian Leadership Award (ALA) Biofuel Fellowship program to train scientists from Indonesia and India about all facets of advanced biofuel technology.


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This study used data from Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) to investigate how parent report of children’s emotional and cognitive regulation at age 2-3 years was associated with teacher ratings of children’s prosocial behaviors in the early years of school. A sample of 2,392 children was drawn from the LSAC Birth Cohort for the analyses. The analyses used structural equation modeling to estimate parameters of the relationships between key variables. Within the model, estimates of mother-reported emotional and cognitive regulation at age 2 to 3 years were significantly associated with teacher-reported prosocial behavior at 6 to 7 years. Emotional regulation was a slightly stronger indicator of prosocial behavior than cognitive regulation. Being female and from a family with a higher socioeconomic position were also associated with higher levels of prosocial behavior. Results are discussed in relation to the role of early childhood teachers in fostering children’s self-regulatory behaviors and in providing environments in which empathic and prosocial behaviors are modeled, guided, and scaffolded so that foundations are laid for caring behaviors to be understood and internalized by children.


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The title compound, C16H18N2O2, is an important precursor in the synthesis of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrazinoindoles, which show excellent antihistamine, antihypertensive and central nervous system depressant properties. The carbethoxy group attached to C2 and the planar cyanoethyl group attached to N1 make dihedral angles of 11.0(4) and 75.0(3)degrees, respectively, with the mean plane of the indole ring, The C-C=N chain is linear with a bond angle of 179.3 (4)degrees.


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C15H10C1NO3, Mr=287.70, triclinic, PI, Z= 2, F(000)= 296, a = 5.422 (1), b = 9.624 (1), c= 12.636 (2) A, ~= 76.66 (2), fl= 78.67 (2), ~= 87.97 (2) ° , V=629.03 A 3, Din= 1.507 (3), Ox= 1.519Mgm -3, 2(CuKa)=l.5418A, p=26.25mm -~, T= 413 K, final R = 0.0577 for 1859 observed reflections [I>2.5e(/)]. Bond lengths [1.512(5)A] and angles [109.2 (3) °] at the phenyl substitution site are comparable with those in other molecules. The bond angle at the nitro substitution site C(7)-C(8)-C(9) is 122.9 (3) ° owing to the electron-withdrawing character of the nitro group. The pyran ring adapts a half-chair conformation.


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Crystal structures of the title compounds, (I) and (II), have been determined by three-dimensional diffraction methods. Crystals of CsHIoN 4 (I) are monoclinic, space group P21/a with Z = 4, Mr= 162, a = 7.965 (1), b = 16.232 (2), c = 7.343 (1) A, fl = 113.54 (1) °, V = 890.7 A 3, D,n = 1.218, D x = 1.208 gcm -3, g(Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~) = 6.47 em -1, F(000) = 344. The crystals of C9H12N4 (II) are orthorhombic, space group P21en, with Z = 4, Mr = 176, a = 7.983 (3), b = 8.075 (2), c = 14.652 (3) ./k, V = 944.43/~3, Dm= 1.219, D x = 1.237 g cm -3, #(Mo Ka, ). = 0.7107 ,/k) = 0.868 cm -1, F(000) = 376. Both structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 5.8% for (I) and 5.3 % for (II). The C-C double-bond distances are 1.407 (3) in (I) and 1.429 (6)/~ in (II), appreciably longer than normal. The steric and push-pull effects result in rotation about the C=C bond, the rotation angles being 20.2 (3) in (I) and 31.5 (6) o in (II).