988 resultados para Nanostructures


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Nesta dissertação, apresentamos resultados da análise de um gás de elétrons bidimensional, confinado em um poço quântico parabólico de Ga_(1-x)Al_(x)As com campo magnético aplicado inclinado e intenso. Mostramos uma solução analítica exata para o caso de um gás de elétrons não interagente e provamos que o fator de Landé efetivo g*, que neste caso varia com a posição devido à própria variação da concentração de Al na liga GaAlAs, também contribui com um termo parabólico nas frequências normais, tornando-as dependente do spin. O termo normal do splitting Zeeman aparece, no entanto, com um fator g dado por aquele do GaAs. Indo além desse tratamento, incluímos um campo elétrico externo, aplicado paralelamente a direção de crescimento, de modo a modular a distribuição de cargas dentro do poço, e com isso controlar externamente os efeitos dos cruzamentos dos níveis. Calculamos numericamente os níveis de energia no poço parabólico quântico, variando o campo magnético aplicado e a inclinação do campo.


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From the wide spectrum of potential applications of graphene, ranging from transistors and chemical sensors to nanoelectromechanical devices and composites, the field of photonics and optoelectronics is believed to be one of the most promising. Indeed, graphene's suitability for high-speed photodetection was demonstrated in an optical communication link operating at 10 Gbit s(-1). However, the low responsivity of graphene-based photodetectors compared with traditional III-V-based ones is a potential drawback. Here we show that, by combining graphene with plasmonic nanostructures, the efficiency of graphene-based photodetectors can be increased by up to 20 times, because of efficient field concentration in the area of a p-n junction. Additionally, wavelength and polarization selectivity can be achieved by employing nanostructures of different geometries.


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We predict by first-principles calculations that p-doped graphane is an electron-phonon superconductor with a critical temperature above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. The unique strength of the chemical bonds between carbon atoms and the large density of electronic states at the Fermi energy arising from the reduced dimensionality give rise to a giant Kohn anomaly in the optical phonon dispersions and push the superconducting critical temperature above 90 K. As evidence of graphane was recently reported, and doping of related materials such as graphene, diamond, and carbon nanostructures is well established, superconducting graphane may be feasible.


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Many applications of nanotubes and nanowires require controlled bottom-up engineering of these nanostructures. In catalytic chemical vapor deposition, the thermo-kinetic state of the nanocatalysts near the melting point is one of the factors ruling the morphology of the grown structures. We present theoretical and experimental evidence of a viscous state for nanoparticles near their melting point. The state exists over a temperature range scaling inversely with the catalyst size, resulting in enhanced self-diffusion and fluidity across the solid-liquid transformation. The overall effect of this phenomenon on the growth of nanotubes is that, for a given temperature, smaller nanoparticles have a larger reaction rate than larger catalysts.


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Nanostructured carbon thin films have been grown by deposition of cluster beams produced by a supersonic expansion. Due to separation effects typical of supersonic beams, films with different nanostructures can be grown by the simple intercepting of different regions of the cluster beam with a substrate. Films show a low-density porous structure, which has been characterized by Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy. Film morphology suggests that growth processes are similar to those occurring in a ballistic deposition regime.


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A simple and cheap procedure for flexible electronics fabrication was demonstrated by imprinting metallic nanoparticles (NPs) on flexible substrates. Silver NPs with an average diameter of 10 nm were prepared via an improved chemical approach and Ag Np ink was produced in α-terpineol with a concentration up to 15%. Silver micro/nanostructures with a dimension varying from nanometres to microns were produced on a flexible substrate (polyimide) by imprinting the as-prepared silver ink. The fine fluidic properties of an Ag NP/α-terpineol solution and low melting temperatures of silver nanoparticles render a low pressure and low temperature procedure, which is well suited for flexible electronics fabrication. The effects of sintering and mechanical bending on the conductivity of imprinted silver contacts were also investigated. Large area organic field effect transistors (OFET) on flexible substrates were fabricated using an imprinted silver electrode and semiconducting polymer. The OFET with silver electrodes imprinted from our prepared oleic acid stabilized Ag nanoparticle ink show an ideal ohmic contact; therefore, the OFET exhibit high performance (Ion/Ioff ratio: 1 × 103; mobility: 0.071 cm2 V-1 s-1). © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The aim of this paper is to describe the growth and optimization of ballasted carbon nanotube (CNT) and CNT/Zinc Oxide nanostructures to produce novel electron sources for use in lighting and x-ray applications. © 2010 ITE and SID.


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From the wide spectrum of potential applications of graphene, ranging from transistors and chemical sensors to nanoelectromechanical devices and composites, the field of photonics and optoelectronics is believed to be one of the most promising. Indeed, graphene's suitability for high-speed photodetection was demonstrated in an optical communication link operating at 10 Gbit s 1. However, the low responsivity of graphene-based photodetectors compared with traditional III-V-based ones is a potential drawback. Here we show that, by combining graphene with plasmonic nanostructures, the efficiency of graphene-based photodetectors can be increased by up to 20 times, because of efficient field concentration in the area of a p-n junction. Additionally, wavelength and polarization selectivity can be achieved by employing nanostructures of different geometries. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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Molecular self-organization has the potential to serve as an efficient and versatile tool for the spontaneous creation of low-dimensional nanostructures on surfaces. We demonstrate how the subtle balance between intermolecular interactions and molecule-surface interactions can be altered by modifying the environment or through manipulation by means of the tip in a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) at room temperature. We show how this leads to the distinctive ordering and disordering of a triangular nanographene molecule, the trizigzag-hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes-phenyl-6 (trizigzagHBC-Ph6), on two different surfaces: graphite and Au(111). The assembly of submonolayer films on graphite reveals a sixfold packing symmetry under UHV conditions, whereas at the graphite-phenyloctane interface, they reorganize into a fourfold packing symmetry, mediated by the solvent molecules. On Au(111) under UHV conditions in the multilayer films we investigated, although disorder prevails with the molecules being randomly distributed, their packing behaviour can be altered by the scanning motion of the tip. The asymmetric diode-like current-voltage characteristics of the molecules are retained when deposited on both substrates. This paper highlights the importance of the surrounding medium and any external stimulus in influencing the molecular organization process, and offers a unique approach for controlling the assembly of molecules at a desired location on a substrate.


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Graphene exhibits electrical and optical properties promising for future applications in ultra-fast photonics[1]. High carrier mobility and Fermi velocity[2, 3] combined with its constant absorption over the visible wavelength range to the near-infrared[4] potentially allow its application for photodetection over a broad wavelength spectrum, operating at high frequencies. However, absorption being 2.3% per monolayer[4], responsiv-ity of these devices is rather low[5, 6]. Here we show that by combining graphene-based photodetectors with metal-nanostructures, plasmonic effects lead to an increased respon-sivity. © 2011 by the Author(s); licensee Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina, Italy.


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We study optical trapping of nanotubes and graphene. We extract the distribution of both centre-of-mass and angular fuctuations from three-dimensional tracking of these optically trapped carbon nanostructures. The optical force and torque constants are measured from auto and cross-correlation of the tracking signals. We demonstrate that nanotubes enable nanometer spatial, and femto-Newton force resolution in photonic force microscopy by accurately measuring the radiation pressure in a double frequency optical tweezers. Finally, we integrate optical trapping with Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy demonstrating the use of a Raman and photoluminescence tweezers by investigating the spectroscopy of nanotubes and graphene fakes in solution. Experimental results are compared with calculations based on electromagnetic scattering theory. © 2011 by the Author(s); licensee Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina, Italy.


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Surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a well-established spectroscopic technique that requires nanoscale metal structures to achieve high signal sensitivity. While most SERS substrates are manufactured by conventional lithographic methods, the development of a cost-effective approach to create nanostructured surfaces is a much sought-after goal in the SERS community. Here, a method is established to create controlled, self-organized, hierarchical nanostructures using electrohydrodynamic (HEHD) instabilities. The created structures are readily fine-tuned, which is an important requirement for optimizing SERS to obtain the highest enhancements. HEHD pattern formation enables the fabrication of multiscale 3D structured arrays as SERS-active platforms. Importantly, each of the HEHD-patterned individual structural units yield a considerable SERS enhancement. This enables each single unit to function as an isolated sensor. Each of the formed structures can be effectively tuned and tailored to provide high SERS enhancement, while arising from different HEHD morphologies. The HEHD fabrication of sub-micrometer architectures is straightforward and robust, providing an elegant route for high-throughput biological and chemical sensing.