941 resultados para NEURONAL DEGENERATION
Many neurons in the mammalian retina are electrically coupled by intercellular channels or gap junctions, which are assembled from a family of proteins called connexins. Numerous studies indicate that gap junctions differ in properties such as conductance and tracer permeability. For example, A-type horizontal cell gap junctions are permeable to Lucifer Yellow, but B-type horizontal cell gap junctions are not. This suggests the two cell types express different connexins. My hypothesis is that multiple neuronal connexins are expressed in the mammalian retina in a cell type specific manner. Immunohistochemical techniques and confocal microscopy were used to localize certain connexins within well-defined neuronal circuits. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: AII amacrine cells, which receive direct input from rod bipolar cells, are well-coupled to neighboring AIIs. In addition, AII amacrine cells also form gap junctions with ON cone bipolar cells. This is a complex heterocellular network. In both rabbit and primate retina, connexin36 occurs at dendritic crossings in the AII matrix as well as between AIIs and ON cone bipolar cells. Coupling in the AII network is thought to reduce noise in the rod pathway while AII/bipolar gap junctions are required for the transmission of rod signals to ON ganglion cells. In the outer plexiform layer, connexin36 forms gap junctions between cones and between rods and cones via cone telodendria. Cone to cone coupling is thought to reduce noise and is partly color selective. Rod to cone coupling forms an alternative rod pathway thought to operate at intermediate light intensity. A-type horizontal cells in the rabbit retina are strongly coupled via massive low resistance gap junctions composed from Cx50. Coupling dramatically extends the receptive field of horizontal cells and the modulation of coupling is thought to change the strength of the feedback signal from horizontal cells to cones. Finally, there are other coupled networks, such as B-type horizontal cells and S1/S2 amacrine cells, which do not use either connexin36 or Cx50. These results confirm the hypothesis that multiple neuronal connexins are expressed in the mammalian retina and these connexins are localized to particular retinal circuits. ^
Methylphenidate is currently a drug of abuse and readily prescribed to both adolescents and adults. Chronic methylphenidate (MPH) exposure results in an increase in DA in the motive circuit, including the caudate nucleus (CN), similar to other drugs of abuse. This study focuses on research aimed to elucidate if there are intrinsic underlying differences in the CN electrophysiological activity of animals exhibiting different chronic responses to the same dose of MPH. Behavioral and caudate nucleus (CN) neuronal activity following acute and chronic doses of MPH was assessed by simultaneously recording the behavioral and neuronal activity. The experimental protocol lasted for 10 days using four groups; saline, 0.6, 2.5 and 10.0mg/kg MPH. Initially, the study determined that animals exposed to the same dose of MPH exhibited either behavioral sensitization or behavioral tolerance. Therefore animals were classified into two groups (behaviorally sensitized/tolerant) and their neuronal activity was evaluated. Four hundred and fifty one units were evaluated. Overall, a mixture of increases and decreases in CN neuronal populations was observed at initial MPH exposure, and at ED10 baseline and ED10 rechallenge. When separated based on their behavioral response (sensitized/tolerant), significant differences in neuronal response patterns was revealed. Animals exhibiting sensitization were more likely to increase their neuronal activity at ED1 and ED10 baseline, expressing the opposite response at ED10 rechallenge. Furthermore, when neuronal populations recorded from those animals exhibiting behavioral sensitization were statistically compared to those from animals exhibiting behavioral tolerance significant differences were observed. Collectively, these findings tell us that animals exposed to the same dose of MPH can respond oppositely and moreover that there is in fact some intrinsic difference in the two population’s neuronal activity. This study offers new insight into the electrophysiological differences between sensitized and tolerant animals.
Electrical synapses formed of the gap junction protein Cx36 show a great deal of functional plasticity, much dependent on changes in phosphorylation state of the connexin. However, gap junction turnover may also be important for regulating cell-cell communication, and turnover rates of Cx36 have not been studied. Connexins have relatively fast turnover rates, with short half-lives measured to be 1.5 to 3.5 hours in pulse-chase analyses of connexins (Cx26 and Cx43) in tissue culture cells and whole organs. We utilized HaloTag technology to study the turnover rate of Cx36 in transiently transfected HeLa cells. The HaloTag protein forms irreversible covalent bonds with chloroalkane ligands, allowing pulse-chase experiments to be performed very specifically. The HaloTag open reading frame was inserted into an internal site in the C-terminus of Cx36 designed not to disrupt the regulatory phosphorylation sites and not to block the C-terminal PDZ interaction motif. Functional properties of Cx36-Halo were assessed by Neurobiotin tracer coupling, live cell imaging, and immunostaining. For the pulse-chase study, transiently transfected HeLa cells were pulse labeled with Oregon Green (OG) HaloTag ligand and chase labeled at various times with tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) HaloTag ligand. Cx36-Halo formed large junctional plaques at sites of contact between transfected HeLa cells and was also contained in a large number of intracellular vesicles. The Cx36-Halo transfected HeLa cells supported Neurobiotin tracer coupling that was regulated by activation and inhibition of PKA in the same manner as wild-type Cx36 transfected cells. In the pulse-chase study, junctional protein labeled with the pulse ligand (OG) was gradually replaced by newly synthesized Cx36 labeled with the chase ligand (TMR). The half-life for turnover of protein in junctional plaques was 2.8 hours. Treatment of the pulse-labeled cells with Brefeldin A (BFA) prevented the addition of new connexins to junctional plaques, suggesting that the assembly of Cx36 into gap junctions involves the traditional ER-Golgi-TGN-plasma membrane pathway. In conclusion, Cx36-Halo is functional and has a turnover rate in HeLa cells similar to that of other connexins that have been studied. This turnover rate is likely too slow to contribute substantially to short-term changes in coupling of neurons driven by transmitters such as dopamine, which take minutes to achieve. However, turnover may contribute to longer-term changes in coupling.
Researchers have historically emphasized the contribution of caspase-3 to apoptotic but not necrotic cell death, while calpain has been implicated primarily in necrosis and, to a lesser extent, in apoptosis. Activation of these proteases occurs in vivo following various CNS insults including ischemia. In addition, both necrotic and apoptotic cell death phenotypes are detected following ischemia. However, the contributions of calpain and caspase-3 to apoptotic and necrotic cell death phenotypes following CNS insults are relatively unexplored. To date, no study has examined the concurrent activation of calpain and caspase-3 in necrotic and apoptotic cell death phenotypes following any CNS insult. The present study employed oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) to determine the relative contributions of caspase-3 and calpain to apoptotic and necrotic cell death following OGD. Experiments characterized a model of OGD by evaluating cell viability and characterizing the cell death phenotypes following OGD in primary septo-hippocampal co-cultures. Furthermore, cell markers (NeuN and MAP2 or GFAP) assessed the effects of OGD on neuronal and astroglial viability, respectively. In addition, calpain and caspase-3 mediated proteolysis of α-spectrin was examined using Western blot techniques. Activation of these proteases in individual cells phenotypically characterized as apoptotic and necrotic was also evaluated by using antibodies specific for calpain or caspase-3 mediated breakdown products to α-spectrin. Administration of appropriate caspase-3 and calpain inhibitors also examined the effects of protease inhibition on cell death. OGD produced prominent expression of apoptotic cell death phenotypes primarily in neurons, with relatively little damage to astroglia. Although Western blot data suggested greater proteolysis of α-spectrin by calpain than caspase-3, co-activation of both proteases was usually detected in cells exhibiting apoptotic or necrotic cell death phenotypes. While inhibition of calpain and caspase-3 activity decreased LDH release following OGD, it was not clear whether this effect was also associated with a decrease in cell death and the appearance of apoptotic cell death phenotypes. These data demonstrate that both calpain and caspase-3 contribute to the expression of apoptotic cell death phenotypes following OGD, and that calpain could potentially have a larger role in the expression of apoptotic cell death than previously thought. ^
Este trabajo pretende sumar, a la rehabilitación de pacientes lesionados del sistema nervioso, una propuesta diferente a la visión clásica de tratamiento. Simplemente tomaremos del cerebro una de sus habilidades innatas, poniéndola a favor de nuestros pacientes. "La Plasticidad neuronal", que siempre se le atribuyó al cerebro en edades tempranas donde hay nuevas conexiones sinápticas y una mielinización creciente, hoy sabemos que aunque más limitada que en niños, permanece presente en la edad adulta. Los procesos mediante los cuales el cerebro del niño e incluso el cerebro adulto es capaz de repararse y reorganizarse han sido motivo de investigación en los últimos años y a pesar de su infinita complejidad los avances son alentadores. Aquí trataremos de poner en evidencia los resultados en el proceso de rehabilitación, la enseñanza de ejercicios dinámicos como parte del plan de trabajo. La indicación de movimientos a una persona Lesionada en el SNC, cuyo cerebro a pesar de la lesión, está en condiciones de realizar; retarda o enlentece el proceso de recuperación. Esto se debe a la ambigüedad en la dirección de la plasticidad neuronal, perpetuar una habilidad ya adquirida con repeticiones, estimula la plasticidad negativa o mal adaptativa, o sea el cerebro se vuelve "perezoso" y tiende a quedarse con las habilidades que tiene. La inclusión de ejercicios dinámicos dentro del plan de rehabilitación (dada la complejidad coordinativa de los mismos) favorece la creación de nuevos engramas motores, lo que redunda en una mayor coordinación general
Este trabajo pretende sumar, a la rehabilitación de pacientes lesionados del sistema nervioso, una propuesta diferente a la visión clásica de tratamiento. Simplemente tomaremos del cerebro una de sus habilidades innatas, poniéndola a favor de nuestros pacientes. "La Plasticidad neuronal", que siempre se le atribuyó al cerebro en edades tempranas donde hay nuevas conexiones sinápticas y una mielinización creciente, hoy sabemos que aunque más limitada que en niños, permanece presente en la edad adulta. Los procesos mediante los cuales el cerebro del niño e incluso el cerebro adulto es capaz de repararse y reorganizarse han sido motivo de investigación en los últimos años y a pesar de su infinita complejidad los avances son alentadores. Aquí trataremos de poner en evidencia los resultados en el proceso de rehabilitación, la enseñanza de ejercicios dinámicos como parte del plan de trabajo. La indicación de movimientos a una persona Lesionada en el SNC, cuyo cerebro a pesar de la lesión, está en condiciones de realizar; retarda o enlentece el proceso de recuperación. Esto se debe a la ambigüedad en la dirección de la plasticidad neuronal, perpetuar una habilidad ya adquirida con repeticiones, estimula la plasticidad negativa o mal adaptativa, o sea el cerebro se vuelve "perezoso" y tiende a quedarse con las habilidades que tiene. La inclusión de ejercicios dinámicos dentro del plan de rehabilitación (dada la complejidad coordinativa de los mismos) favorece la creación de nuevos engramas motores, lo que redunda en una mayor coordinación general
Este trabajo pretende sumar, a la rehabilitación de pacientes lesionados del sistema nervioso, una propuesta diferente a la visión clásica de tratamiento. Simplemente tomaremos del cerebro una de sus habilidades innatas, poniéndola a favor de nuestros pacientes. "La Plasticidad neuronal", que siempre se le atribuyó al cerebro en edades tempranas donde hay nuevas conexiones sinápticas y una mielinización creciente, hoy sabemos que aunque más limitada que en niños, permanece presente en la edad adulta. Los procesos mediante los cuales el cerebro del niño e incluso el cerebro adulto es capaz de repararse y reorganizarse han sido motivo de investigación en los últimos años y a pesar de su infinita complejidad los avances son alentadores. Aquí trataremos de poner en evidencia los resultados en el proceso de rehabilitación, la enseñanza de ejercicios dinámicos como parte del plan de trabajo. La indicación de movimientos a una persona Lesionada en el SNC, cuyo cerebro a pesar de la lesión, está en condiciones de realizar; retarda o enlentece el proceso de recuperación. Esto se debe a la ambigüedad en la dirección de la plasticidad neuronal, perpetuar una habilidad ya adquirida con repeticiones, estimula la plasticidad negativa o mal adaptativa, o sea el cerebro se vuelve "perezoso" y tiende a quedarse con las habilidades que tiene. La inclusión de ejercicios dinámicos dentro del plan de rehabilitación (dada la complejidad coordinativa de los mismos) favorece la creación de nuevos engramas motores, lo que redunda en una mayor coordinación general
The most ubiquitous neuron in the cerebral cortex, the pyramidal cell, is characterized by markedly different dendritic structure among different cortical areas. The complex pyramidal cell phenotype in granular prefrontal cortex (gPFC) of higher primates endows specific biophysical properties and patterns of connectivity, which differ from those in other cortical regions. However, within the gPFC, data have been sampled from only a select few cortical areas. The gPFC of species such as human and macaque monkey includes more than 10 cortical areas. It remains unknown as to what degree pyramidal cell structure may vary among these cortical areas. Here we undertook a survey of pyramidal cells in the dorsolateral, medial, and orbital gPFC of cercopithecid primates. We found marked heterogeneity in pyramidal cell structure within and between these regions. Moreover, trends for gradients in neuronal complexity varied among species. As the structure of neurons determines their computational abilities, memory storage capacity and connectivity, we propose that these specializations in the pyramidal cell phenotype are an important determinant of species-specific executive cortical functions in primates.
La aparición de la terapia antirretroviral supuso un punto de inflexión en el tratamiento de las personas infectadas por el VIH. La selección de los fármacos es vital para poder controlar la enfermedad y asegurar la supervivencia de los pacientes. Son muchos los factores que hay que tener en consideración a la hora de efectuar dicha elección. Especialmente relevante es la posible resistencia del virus a uno o varios fármacos, resistencia generada por el propio tratamiento administrado y que anulará el efecto de las drogas. Esto nos da una idea de la importancia de disponer de técnicas de análisis e interpretación de las resistencias que cada paciente ha desarrollado. Este trabajo describe las diferentes técnicas que están siendo utilizadas para abordar el problema y presenta el desarrollo de un algoritmo para la detección de resistencias, aplicado al análisis de resistencias a un fármaco inhibidor de la proteasa.
Down syndrome (DS) is the most frequent genetic cause of mental retardation. Cognitive dysfunction in these patients is correlated with reduced dendritic branching and complexity, along with fewer spines of abnormal shape that characterize the cortical neuronal profile of DS. DS phenotypes are caused by the disruptive effect of specific trisomic genes. Here, we report that overexpression of dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A, DYRK1A, is sufficient to produce the dendritic alterations observed in DS patients. Engineered changes in Dyrk1A gene dosage in vivo strongly alter the postnatal dendritic arborization processes with a similar progression than in humans. In cultured mammalian cortical neurons, we determined a reduction of neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. The mechanism underlying neurite dysgenesia involves changes in the dynamic reorganization of the cytoskeleton.
A method to study some neuronal functions, based on the use of the Feynman diagrams, employed in many-body theory, is reported. An equation obtained from the neuron cable theory is the basis for the method. The Green's function for this equation is obtained under some simple boundary conditions. An excitatory signal, with different conditions concerning high and pulse duration, is employed as input signal. Different responses have been obtained
Animal models and human functional imaging data implicate the dopamine system in mediating enhanced encoding of novel stimuli into human memory. A separate line of investigation suggests an association between a functional polymorphism in the promoter region for the human dopamine 4 receptor gene (DRD4) and sensitivity to novelty. We demonstrate, in two independent samples, that the -521Cmayor queT DRD4 promoter polymorphism determines the magnitude of human memory enhancement for contextually novel, perceptual oddball stimuli in an allele dose-dependent manner. The genotype-dependent memory enhancement conferred by the C allele is associated with increased neuronal responses during successful encoding of perceptual oddballs in the ventral striatum, an effect which is again allele dose-dependent. Furthermore, with repeated presentations of oddball stimuli, this memory advantage decreases, an effect mirrored by adaptation of activation in the hippocampus and substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area in C carriers only. Thus, a dynamic modulation of human memory enhancement for perceptually salient stimuli is associated with activation of a dopaminergic-hippocampal system, which is critically dependent on a functional polymorphism in the DRD4 promoter region.
In this paper, we present an algorithm to create 3D segmentations of neuronal cells from stacks of previously segmented 2D images. The idea behind this proposal is to provide a general method to reconstruct 3D structures from 2D stacks, regardless of how these 2D stacks have been obtained. The algorithm not only reuses the information obtained in the 2D segmentation, but also attempts to correct some typical mistakes made by the 2D segmentation algorithms (for example, under segmentation of tightly-coupled clusters of cells). We have tested our algorithm in a real scenario?the segmentation of the neuronal nuclei in different layers of the rat cerebral cortex. Several representative images from different layers of the cerebral cortex have been considered and several 2D segmentation algorithms have been compared. Furthermore, the algorithm has also been compared with the traditional 3D Watershed algorithm and the results obtained here show better performance in terms of correctly identified neuronal nuclei.
Abstract. Receptive fields of retinal and other sensory neurons show a large variety of spatiotemporal linear and non linear types of responses to local stimuli. In visual neurons, these responses present either asymmetric sensitive zones or center-surround organization. In most cases, the nature of the responses suggests the existence of a kind of distributed computation prior to the integration by the final cell which is evidently supported by the anatomy. We describe a new kind of discrete and continuous filters to model the kind of computations taking place in the receptive fields of retinal cells. To show their performance in the analysis of diferent non-trivial neuron-like structures, we use a computer tool specifically programmed by the authors to that efect. This tool is also extended to study the efect of lesions on the whole performance of our model nets.
El cerebro humano es probablemente uno de los sistemas más complejos a los que nos enfrentamos en la actualidad, si bien es también uno de los más fascinantes. Sin embargo, la compresión de cómo el cerebro organiza su actividad para llevar a cabo tareas complejas es un problema plagado de restos y obstáculos. En sus inicios la neuroimagen y la electrofisiología tenían como objetivo la identificación de regiones asociadas a activaciones relacionadas con tareas especificas, o con patrones locales que variaban en el tiempo dada cierta actividad. Sin embargo, actualmente existe un consenso acerca de que la actividad cerebral tiene un carácter temporal multiescala y espacialmente extendido, lo que lleva a considerar el cerebro como una gran red de áreas cerebrales coordinadas, cuyas conexiones funcionales son continuamente creadas y destruidas. Hasta hace poco, el énfasis de los estudios de la actividad cerebral funcional se han centrado en la identidad de los nodos particulares que forman estas redes, y en la caracterización de métricas de conectividad entre ellos: la hipótesis subyacente es que cada nodo, que es una representación mas bien aproximada de una región cerebral dada, ofrece a una única contribución al total de la red. Por tanto, la neuroimagen funcional integra los dos ingredientes básicos de la neuropsicología: la localización de la función cognitiva en módulos cerebrales especializados y el rol de las fibras de conexión en la integración de dichos módulos. Sin embargo, recientemente, la estructura y la función cerebral han empezado a ser investigadas mediante la Ciencia de la Redes, una interpretación mecánico-estadística de una antigua rama de las matemáticas: La teoría de grafos. La Ciencia de las Redes permite dotar a las redes funcionales de una gran cantidad de propiedades cuantitativas (robustez, centralidad, eficiencia, ...), y así enriquecer el conjunto de elementos que describen objetivamente la estructura y la función cerebral a disposición de los neurocientíficos. La conexión entre la Ciencia de las Redes y la Neurociencia ha aportado nuevos puntos de vista en la comprensión de la intrincada anatomía del cerebro, y de cómo las patrones de actividad cerebral se pueden sincronizar para generar las denominadas redes funcionales cerebrales, el principal objeto de estudio de esta Tesis Doctoral. Dentro de este contexto, la complejidad emerge como el puente entre las propiedades topológicas y dinámicas de los sistemas biológicos y, específicamente, en la relación entre la organización y la dinámica de las redes funcionales cerebrales. Esta Tesis Doctoral es, en términos generales, un estudio de cómo la actividad cerebral puede ser entendida como el resultado de una red de un sistema dinámico íntimamente relacionado con los procesos que ocurren en el cerebro. Con este fin, he realizado cinco estudios que tienen en cuenta ambos aspectos de dichas redes funcionales: el topológico y el dinámico. De esta manera, la Tesis está dividida en tres grandes partes: Introducción, Resultados y Discusión. En la primera parte, que comprende los Capítulos 1, 2 y 3, se hace un resumen de los conceptos más importantes de la Ciencia de las Redes relacionados al análisis de imágenes cerebrales. Concretamente, el Capitulo 1 está dedicado a introducir al lector en el mundo de la complejidad, en especial, a la complejidad topológica y dinámica de sistemas acoplados en red. El Capítulo 2 tiene como objetivo desarrollar los fundamentos biológicos, estructurales y funcionales del cerebro, cuando éste es interpretado como una red compleja. En el Capítulo 3, se resumen los objetivos esenciales y tareas que serán desarrolladas a lo largo de la segunda parte de la Tesis. La segunda parte es el núcleo de la Tesis, ya que contiene los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de los últimos cuatro años. Esta parte está dividida en cinco Capítulos, que contienen una versión detallada de las publicaciones llevadas a cabo durante esta Tesis. El Capítulo 4 está relacionado con la topología de las redes funcionales y, específicamente, con la detección y cuantificación de los nodos mas importantes: aquellos denominados “hubs” de la red. En el Capítulo 5 se muestra como las redes funcionales cerebrales pueden ser vistas no como una única red, sino más bien como una red-de-redes donde sus componentes tienen que coexistir en una situación de balance funcional. De esta forma, se investiga cómo los hemisferios cerebrales compiten para adquirir centralidad en la red-de-redes, y cómo esta interacción se mantiene (o no) cuando se introducen fallos deliberadamente en la red funcional. El Capítulo 6 va un paso mas allá al considerar las redes funcionales como sistemas vivos. En este Capítulo se muestra cómo al analizar la evolución de la topología de las redes, en vez de tratarlas como si estas fueran un sistema estático, podemos caracterizar mejor su estructura. Este hecho es especialmente relevante cuando se quiere tratar de encontrar diferencias entre grupos que desempeñan una tarea de memoria, en la que las redes funcionales tienen fuertes fluctuaciones. En el Capítulo 7 defino cómo crear redes parenclíticas a partir de bases de datos de actividad cerebral. Este nuevo tipo de redes, recientemente introducido para estudiar las anormalidades entre grupos de control y grupos anómalos, no ha sido implementado nunca en datos cerebrales y, en este Capítulo explico cómo hacerlo cuando se quiere evaluar la consistencia de la dinámica cerebral. Para concluir esta parte de la Tesis, el Capítulo 8 se centra en la relación entre las propiedades topológicas de los nodos dentro de una red y sus características dinámicas. Como mostraré más adelante, existe una relación entre ellas que revela que la posición de un nodo dentro una red está íntimamente correlacionada con sus propiedades dinámicas. Finalmente, la última parte de esta Tesis Doctoral está compuesta únicamente por el Capítulo 9, el cual contiene las conclusiones y perspectivas futuras que pueden surgir de los trabajos expuestos. En vista de todo lo anterior, espero que esta Tesis aporte una perspectiva complementaria sobre uno de los más extraordinarios sistemas complejos frente a los que nos encontramos: El cerebro humano. ABSTRACT The human brain is probably one of the most complex systems we are facing, thus being a timely and fascinating object of study. Characterizing how the brain organizes its activity to carry out complex tasks is highly non-trivial. While early neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies typically aimed at identifying patches of task-specific activations or local time-varying patterns of activity, there has now been consensus that task-related brain activity has a temporally multiscale, spatially extended character, as networks of coordinated brain areas are continuously formed and destroyed. Up until recently, though, the emphasis of functional brain activity studies has been on the identity of the particular nodes forming these networks, and on the characterization of connectivity metrics between them, the underlying covert hypothesis being that each node, constituting a coarse-grained representation of a given brain region, provides a unique contribution to the whole. Thus, functional neuroimaging initially integrated the two basic ingredients of early neuropsychology: localization of cognitive function into specialized brain modules and the role of connection fibres in the integration of various modules. Lately, brain structure and function have started being investigated using Network Science, a statistical mechanics understanding of an old branch of pure mathematics: graph theory. Network Science allows endowing networks with a great number of quantitative properties, thus vastly enriching the set of objective descriptors of brain structure and function at neuroscientists’ disposal. The link between Network Science and Neuroscience has shed light about how the entangled anatomy of the brain is, and how cortical activations may synchronize to generate the so-called functional brain networks, the principal object under study along this PhD Thesis. Within this context, complexity appears to be the bridge between the topological and dynamical properties of biological systems and, more specifically, the interplay between the organization and dynamics of functional brain networks. This PhD Thesis is, in general terms, a study of how cortical activations can be understood as the output of a network of dynamical systems that are intimately related with the processes occurring in the brain. In order to do that, I performed five studies that encompass both the topological and the dynamical aspects of such functional brain networks. In this way, the Thesis is divided into three major parts: Introduction, Results and Discussion. In the first part, comprising Chapters 1, 2 and 3, I make an overview of the main concepts of Network Science related to the analysis of brain imaging. More specifically, Chapter 1 is devoted to introducing the reader to the world of complexity, specially to the topological and dynamical complexity of networked systems. Chapter 2 aims to develop the biological, topological and functional fundamentals of the brain when it is seen as a complex network. Next, Chapter 3 summarizes the main objectives and tasks that will be developed along the forthcoming Chapters. The second part of the Thesis is, in turn, its core, since it contains the results obtained along these last four years. This part is divided into five Chapters, containing a detailed version of the publications carried out during the Thesis. Chapter 4 is related to the topology of functional networks and, more specifically, to the detection and quantification of the leading nodes of the network: the hubs. In Chapter 5 I will show that functional brain networks can be viewed not as a single network, but as a network-of-networks, where its components have to co-exist in a trade-off situation. In this way, I investigate how the brain hemispheres compete for acquiring the centrality of the network-of-networks and how this interplay is maintained (or not) when failures are introduced in the functional network. Chapter 6 goes one step beyond by considering functional networks as living systems. In this Chapter I show how analyzing the evolution of the network topology instead of treating it as a static system allows to better characterize functional networks. This fact is especially relevant when trying to find differences between groups performing certain memory tasks, where functional networks have strong fluctuations. In Chapter 7 I define how to create parenclitic networks from brain imaging datasets. This new kind of networks, recently introduced to study abnormalities between control and anomalous groups, have not been implemented with brain datasets and I explain in this Chapter how to do it when evaluating the consistency of brain dynamics. To conclude with this part of the Thesis, Chapter 8 is devoted to the interplay between the topological properties of the nodes within a network and their dynamical features. As I will show, there is an interplay between them which reveals that the position of a node in a network is intimately related with its dynamical properties. Finally, the last part of this PhD Thesis is composed only by Chapter 9, which contains the conclusions and future perspectives that may arise from the exposed results. In view of all, I hope that reading this Thesis will give a complementary perspective of one of the most extraordinary complex systems: The human brain.