778 resultados para Myopic creep


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The formulation of a geotechnical model and the associated prediction of the mechanical behaviour is a challenge engineers need to overcome in order to optimize tunnel design and meet project requirements. Special challenges arise in cases where rocks and rockmasses are susceptible to time-effects and time-dependent processes govern. Progressive rockmass deformation and instability, time-dependent overloading of support and delayed failures are commonly the result of time-dependent phenomena. The research work presented in this thesis serves as an attempt to provide more insight into the time-dependent behaviour of rocks. Emphasis is given on investigating and analyzing creep deformation and time-dependent stress relaxation phenomenon at the laboratory scale and in-depth analyses are presented. This thesis further develops the understanding of these phenomena and practical yet scientific tools for estimating and predicting the long-term strength and the maximum stress relaxation of rock materials are proposed. The identification of the existence of three distinct behavioural stages during stress relaxation is presented and discussed. The main observations associated with time-dependent behaviour are employed in numerical analyses and applied at the tunnel scale. A new approach for simulating and capturing the time-dependent behaviour coupled with the tunnel advancement effect is also developed and analyzed. Guidance is provided to increase the understanding of the support-rockmass interaction and the main implications and significance of time-dependent behaviour associated with rock tunnelling are discussed. The work presented in this thesis advances the scientific understanding of time-dependent rock and rockmass behaviour, increases the awareness of how such phenomena are captured numerically, and lays out a framework for dealing with such deformations when predicting tunnel deformations. Practical aspects of this thesis are also presented, which will increase their usage in the associated industries and close the gap between the scientific and industry communities.


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Currently, no standard mix design procedure is available for CIR-emulsion in Iowa. The CIR-foam mix design process developed during the previous phase is applied for CIR-emulsion mixtures with varying emulsified asphalt contents. Dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test, static creep test and raveling test were conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term performance of CIR-emulsion mixtures at various testing temperatures and loading conditions. A potential benefit of this research is a better understanding of CIR-emulsion material properties in comparison with those of CIR-foam material that would allow for the selection of the most appropriate CIR technology and the type and amount of the optimum stabilization material. Dynamic modulus, flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion mixtures using CSS-1h were generally higher than those of HFMS-2p. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion using RAP materials from Story County was higher than those from Clayton County. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion with 0.5% emulsified asphalt was higher than CIR-emulsion with 1.0% or 1.5%. Raveling loss of CIR-emulsion with 1.5% emulsified was significantly less than those with 0.5% and 1.0%. Test results in terms of dynamic modulus, flow number, flow time and raveling loss of CIR-foam mixtures are generally better than those of CIR-emulsion mixtures. Given the limited RAP sources used for this study, it is recommended that the CIR-emulsion mix design procedure should be validated against several RAP sources and emulsion types.


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To determine the prevalence of refractive errors in the public and private school system in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. Methods: Refractometry was performed on both eyes of 1,024 randomly selected students, enrolled in the 2001 school year and the data were evaluated by the SPSS Data Editor 10.0. Ametropia was divided into: 1- from 0.1 to 0.99 diopter (D); 2- 1.0 to 2.99D; 3- 3.00 to 5.99D and 4- 6D or greater. Astigmatism was regrouped in: I- with-the-rule (axis from 0 to 30 and 150 to 180 degrees), II- against-the-rule (axis between 60 and 120 degrees) and III- oblique (axis between > 30 and < 60 and >120 and <150 degrees). The age groups were categorized as follows, in: 1- 5 to 10 years, 2- 11 to 15 years, 3- 16 to 20 years, 4- over 21 years. Results: Among refractive errors, hyperopia was the most common with 71%, followed by astigmatism (34%) and myopia (13.3%). Of the students with myopia and hyperopia, 48.5% and 34.1% had astigmatism, respectively. With respect to diopters, 58.1% of myopic students were in group 1, and 39% distributed between groups 2 and 3. Hyperopia were mostly found in group 1 (61.7%) as well as astigmatism (70.6%). The association of the astigmatism axes of both eyes showed 92.5% with axis with-the-rule in both eyes, while the percentage for those with axis againstthe- rule was 82.1% and even lower for the oblique axis (50%). Conclusion: The results found differed from those of most international studies, mainly from the Orient, which pointed to myopia as the most common refractive error, and corroborates the national ones, with the majority being hyperopia


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This paper examines assumptions about future prices used in real estate applications of DCF models. We confirm both the widespread reliance on an ad hoc rule of increasing period-zero capitalization rates by 50 to 100 basis points to obtain terminal capitalization rates and the inability of the rule to project future real estate pricing. To understand how investors form expectations about future prices, we model the spread between the contemporaneously period-zero going-in and terminal capitalization rates and the spread between terminal rates assigned in period zero and going-in rates assigned in period N. Our regression results confirm statistical relationships between the terminal and next holding period going-in capitalization rate spread and the period-zero discount rate, although other economically significant variables are statistically insignificant. Linking terminal capitalization rates by assumption to going-in capitalization rates implies investors view future real estate pricing with myopic expectations. We discuss alternative specifications devoid of such linkage that align more with a rational expectations view of future real estate pricing.


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Le prestazioni meccaniche di una miscela di conglomerato bituminoso dipendono principalmente dai materiali che la compongono e dalla loro interazione. La risposta tenso-deformativa delle sovrastrutture stradali è strettamente legata al comportamento reologico del legante bituminoso e dalla sua interazione con lo scheletro litico. In particolare nelle pavimentazioni drenanti, a causa dell’elevato contenuto di vuoti, il legame che si crea tra il legante (mastice bituminoso) e l’aggregato è molto forte, per questo motivo è importante migliorarne le prestazioni. Additivando il mastice con polverino di gomma da PFU (pneumatici fuori uso), non solo si migliorano prestazioni, resistenza alle deformazioni permanenti ed elastoplasticità del materiale, ma si sfruttano anche materiali di recupero, portando vantaggi anche dal punto di vista ambientale. In quest’ottica la ricerca effettuata nella tesi si pone come obiettivo l’analisi reologica e lo studio di mastici additivati con polverino di gomma ricavato da PFU, per la realizzazione di conglomerati bituminosi drenanti. In particolare, partendo da un bitume di base, sono stati preparati due mastici: il primo ottenuto miscelando bitume modificato e filler calcareo, il secondo aggiungendo al precedente anche il polverino di gomma. Tale studio è stato eseguito mediante l’utilizzo del DSR (Dynamic Shear Rheometer – UNI EN 14770), con il quale sono state affrontate tre prove: Amplitude Sweep test, per la valutazione del valore di deformazione di taglio γ entro il quale il materiale si mantiene all’interno del campo di viscoelasticità lineare (Linear visco-elasticity, LVE); Frequency Sweep test, per l’estrapolazione delle master curves; Multiple stress Creep Recovery, per valutare la resistenza del materiale alle deformazioni permanenti. Dall’analisi dei dati è stato possibile definire il comportamento reologico di entrambi i mastici e, in seconda analisi, confrontarne le caratteristiche e le prestazioni.


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Questa tesi svolta nell’ambito della geotecnica ha L’obiettivo di porre l’attenzione sul comportamento dei cedimenti secondari, quindi sul coefficiente di consolidazione secondaria Cα mediante l’esecuzione di una prova edometrica su di una sezione di campione estratto in sito, dove si evidenzia una percentuale di contenuto organico molto alta (torba).Si introduce il concetto di terreno organico a partire dalla genesi fino ad una classificazione atta a distinguere terreni con percentuali di componente organica differenti. Si spiega la teoria della consolidazione monodimensionale, quindi la prova edometrica, riportando in maniera grafica e analitica tutti i coefficienti che da essa si possono ricavare a partire dai parametri di compressione volumetrica fino alla consolidazione primaria e secondaria (o creep)si descrivono dettagliatamente la strumentazione e la procedura di prova. Descrivendo l’edometro utilizzato in laboratorio e tutti gli accessori ad esso collegati, il campione da analizzare, la procedura di preparazione del campione alla prova edometrica, trovando alcune proprietà fisiche del campione, come il contenuto d’acqua e il contenuto organico, ed in fine riportando i passaggi della prova edometrica in modo tale da poter essere riprodotta.Si analizzano tutti i risultati ottenuti durante la prova in maniera analitica e grafica, osservando e commentando la forma dei grafici ottenuti in relazione al materiale che compone il campione ed i tempi impiegati per eseguire la prova.


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Si analizza il comportamento e la risposta di elementi sottoposti a diversi tipi di sollecitazione. Lo scopo ultimo è quello di valutare l’applicabilità di un modello che permetta di ricavare il comportamento di creep a trazione nei calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati, partendo dai risultati delle prove di creep a compressione e creep a flessione.


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This paper presents a three dimensional, thermos-mechanical modelling approach to the cooling and solidification phases associated with the shape casting of metals ei. Die, sand and investment casting. Novel vortex-based Finite Volume (FV) methods are described and employed with regard to the small strain, non-linear Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM) capabilities required to model shape casting. The CSM capabilities include the non-linear material phenomena of creep and thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity at high temperatures and thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity at low temperatures and also multi body deformable contact with which can occur between the metal casting of the mould. The vortex-based FV methods, which can be readily applied to unstructured meshes, are included within a comprehensive FV modelling framework, PHYSICA. The additional heat transfer, by conduction and convection, filling, porosity and solidification algorithms existing within PHYSICA for the complete modelling of all shape casting process employ cell-centred FV methods. The termo-mechanical coupling is performed in a staggered incremental fashion, which addresses the possible gap formation between the component and the mould, and is ultimately validated against a variety of shape casting benchmarks.


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Les éléments des ponts en acier sont exposés à de sévères conditions environnementales, tel l’épandage de sels déglaçant sur les routes. Ces éléments ont besoin d’un niveau suffisant de protection contre la corrosion afin de préserver leur intégrité à long terme. Une solution efficace, devenue populaire au Canada, est la métallisation. La métallisation est un revêtement anticorrosion formé par projection thermique de métal, généralement du zinc, sur la surface à protéger. La protection fournie au substrat d’acier est assurée par une barrière physique et une protection galvanique. Pour le calcul des assemblages boulonnés antiglissement, les codes de conception, tel le code Canadien sur le calcul des ponts routiers CAN/CSA S6-14, spécifient, en fonction des conditions des surfaces de contact désirées, un coefficient de glissement à utiliser. Actuellement, ces codes ne fournissent aucun coefficient de glissement entre deux surfaces métallisées. Donc, il est pratique courante pour les fabricants de ponts en acier de masquer les surfaces de contact des joints boulonnés avant de métalliser, ce qui est très couteux pour l’industrie puisque ce travail doit se faire manuellement. Récemment, des études ont évalué la résistance au glissement à court terme d’assemblages antiglissement ayant des surfaces de contact métallisées. Les résultats ont révélé une résistance au glissement supérieure aux assemblages sur acier nu grenaillés. Dans la présente recherche, la performance en fluage des assemblages antiglissement métallisés a été caractérisée pour s’assurer qu’une résistance en glissement de Classe B soit toujours valide à long terme. L’effet de la relaxation de la force de serrage sur la charge de glissement a aussi été évalué. Les résultats ont démontré une bonne performance en fluage. Aussi, les résultats ont révélé que la relaxation de la force de serrage n’a pas d’impact significatif sur la résistance au glissement des assemblages antiglissement métallisés. Les conclusions de cette étude pourraient bien influencer de futures révisions des codes de conception et avoir un impact sur l’industrie de l’acier en Amérique du Nord.Mots clés : Assemblage boulonné antiglissement, métallisation, pont routier en acier, fluage, relaxation


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Reinforced concrete creep is a phenomenon of great importance. Despite being appointed as the main cause of several pathologies, its effects are yet considered in a simplified way by the structural designers. In addition to studying the phenomenon in reinforced concrete structures and its current account used in the structural analysis, this paper compares creep strains at simply supported reinforced concrete beams in analytical and in experimental forms with the finite element method (FEM) simulation results. The strains and deflections obtained through the analytical form were calculated with the Brazilian code NBR 6118 (2014) recommendations and the simplified method from CEB-FIP 90 and the experimental results were extracted from tests available in the literature. Finite element simulations are performed using ANSYS Workbench software, using its 3D SOLID 186 elements and the structure symmetry. Analyzes of convergence using 2D PLANE 183 elements are held as well. At the end, it is concluded that FEM analyses are quantitative and qualitative efficient for the estimation of this non-linearity and that the method utilized to obtain the creep coefficients values is sufficiently accurate.


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Any safety assessment of a permanent repository for radioactive waste has to include an analysis of the geomechanical stability of the repository and integrity of the geological barrier. Such an analysis is based on geological and engineering geological studies of the site, on laboratory and in-situ experiments, and on numerical calculations. Central part of the safety analysis is the geomechanical modelling of the host rock. The model should simulate as closely as possible the conditions at the site and the behaviour of the rock (e.g., geology, repository geometry, initial rock stress, and constitutive models). On the basis of the geomechanical model numerical calculations are carried out using the finite-element method and an appropriate discretization of the repository and the host rock. The assessment of the repository stability and the barrier integrity is based on calculated stress and deformation and on the behaviour of the host rock measured and observed in situ. An example of the geomechanical analysis of the stability and integrity of the Bartensieben mine, a former salt mine, is presented. This mine is actually used as a repository for low level radioactive waste. The example includes all necessary steps of geological, engineering geological, and geotechnical investigations.


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To determine the prevalence of refractive errors in the public and private school system in the city of Natal, Northeastern Brazil. Methods: Refractometry was performed on both eyes of 1,024 randomly selected students, enrolled in the 2001 school year and the data were evaluated by the SPSS Data Editor 10.0. Ametropia was divided into: 1- from 0.1 to 0.99 diopter (D); 2- 1.0 to 2.99D; 3- 3.00 to 5.99D and 4- 6D or greater. Astigmatism was regrouped in: I- with-the-rule (axis from 0 to 30 and 150 to 180 degrees), II- against-the-rule (axis between 60 and 120 degrees) and III- oblique (axis between > 30 and < 60 and >120 and <150 degrees). The age groups were categorized as follows, in: 1- 5 to 10 years, 2- 11 to 15 years, 3- 16 to 20 years, 4- over 21 years. Results: Among refractive errors, hyperopia was the most common with 71%, followed by astigmatism (34%) and myopia (13.3%). Of the students with myopia and hyperopia, 48.5% and 34.1% had astigmatism, respectively. With respect to diopters, 58.1% of myopic students were in group 1, and 39% distributed between groups 2 and 3. Hyperopia were mostly found in group 1 (61.7%) as well as astigmatism (70.6%). The association of the astigmatism axes of both eyes showed 92.5% with axis with-the-rule in both eyes, while the percentage for those with axis againstthe- rule was 82.1% and even lower for the oblique axis (50%). Conclusion: The results found differed from those of most international studies, mainly from the Orient, which pointed to myopia as the most common refractive error, and corroborates the national ones, with the majority being hyperopia


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Based on the relationship Zener parameter (Z=second-phase size/second-phase volume fraction) vs. calcite grain size (dg), second-phase controlled aggregates and microstructures that are weakly affected by second-phases are discriminated. The latter are characterized by large but constant grain sizes, high calcite grain boundary fractions and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO), while calcite grain size and calcite grain boundary fraction decrease continuously and CPO weakens with decreasing Z in second-phase controlled microstructures. These observations suggest that second-phase controlled microstructures predominantly deform via granular flow because pinning of calcite grain boundaries reduces the efficiency of dynamic recrystallization favoring mass transfer processes and grain boundary sliding. In contrast, the balance of grain size reduction and growth by dynamic recrystallization maintains a steady state grain size in microstructures that are only weakly affected by second-phases promoting a predominance of dislocation creep. With increasing temperature, the relationship between Z and dg persists but the calcite grain size increases continuously. Based on microstructures, the energy of each modifying process is calculated and its relative contribution is compared with energies of the competing processes (surface energy, dragging energy, dynamic recrystallization energy). The steady state microstructures result from a temperature-dependent energy minimization procedure of the system.


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The central motif of this work is prediction and optimization in presence of multiple interacting intelligent agents. We use the phrase `intelligent agents' to imply in some sense, a `bounded rationality', the exact meaning of which varies depending on the setting. Our agents may not be `rational' in the classical game theoretic sense, in that they don't always optimize a global objective. Rather, they rely on heuristics, as is natural for human agents or even software agents operating in the real-world. Within this broad framework we study the problem of influence maximization in social networks where behavior of agents is myopic, but complication stems from the structure of interaction networks. In this setting, we generalize two well-known models and give new algorithms and hardness results for our models. Then we move on to models where the agents reason strategically but are faced with considerable uncertainty. For such games, we give a new solution concept and analyze a real-world game using out techniques. Finally, the richest model we consider is that of Network Cournot Competition which deals with strategic resource allocation in hypergraphs, where agents reason strategically and their interaction is specified indirectly via player's utility functions. For this model, we give the first equilibrium computability results. In all of the above problems, we assume that payoffs for the agents are known. However, for real-world games, getting the payoffs can be quite challenging. To this end, we also study the inverse problem of inferring payoffs, given game history. We propose and evaluate a data analytic framework and we show that it is fast and performant.