811 resultados para Musical intervals and scales.
Esta dissertação pretende estudar a Harpa Cristã, um dos principais hinários protestantes nacionais, buscando identificá-la como instrumento de expansão da missão no pentecostalismo do Brasil, no período comprendido entre os anos 1910 e 1970, apreciando a história e a formação deste livro litúrgico na pretensão de compreender sua utilização como elemento motivador para a prática missionária das igrejas pentecostais brasileiras. Consiste também em conhecer as características da construção deste compêndio, passando pela apresentação do perfil de seus hinistas e pelo estudo aplicado da sua estrutura musical e sua composição literária, conhecendo, ainda, algumas de suas importantes características constitutivas, como os conceitos teológicos de que faz uso em seu discurso. A procura por uma conceituação missiológica que se mostre mais identificada ao conteúdo teológico deste hinário e a indicação de vários exemplos de incentivo à prática evangelística encontrados em suas canções conduzem à compreensão da relevante importância da Harpa Cristã na vida litúrgica das igrejas de confissão pentecostal no Brasil e da sua marcante presença como eficiente agente fomentador do exercício missionário dessas comunidades de fé.
Richard Wagner concebia a arte como uma atividade similar à religião, que deveria conduzir o ser humano à reflexão sobre as questões principais de sua existência e levá-lo ao aperfeiçoamento. Wagner sempre foi obcecado pela ideia da redenção e a preocupação do compositor com a regeneração do ser humano perpassa toda a sua obra. Os conceitos religiosos de Wagner, presentes em sua obra musical e em seus ensaios literários, reúnem tradições cristãs e budistas, ideias políticas e preceitos mitológicos que delineiam o seu credo pessoal, uma forma de religião sincrética na qual a arte tem o seu lugar como elemento de transcendência, cumprindo a função de interpretar os símbolos míticos para torna-los compreensíveis à percepção do espírito humano. Os ideais artísticos de Wagner vão ao encontro do pensamento de Paul Tillich e a sua Teologia da Cultura. Tillich afirma que a religião não está restrita aos limites dos templos religiosos ou aos domínios institucionais, mas encontra-se em qualquer expressão humana na qual se manifeste a preocupação suprema . Ela pode ser reconhecida em qualquer situação onde se encontre o elemento incondicional, nas manifestações da criatividade humana e na cultura, na busca honesta da verdade ou na procura de solução para as adversidades da existência. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo é buscar no pensamento tillichiano uma correlação teológica para os anseios de redenção evidenciados na obra de arte wagneriana.
O trabalho aborda o empobrecimento estético-discursivo da canção popular massiva exposta na mídia televisiva brasileira, na comparação entre o contexto histórico-midiático-musical das décadas de 1960 e 1970 e o contexto da primeira metade da segunda década do século XXI. Para definir tal empobrecimento discursivo encontrou-se o conceito de desmusicalização da mídia televisiva . O trabalho, de natureza teórica, tem como objetivo apontar que a mídia televisiva tem papel preponderante e parte importante da responsabilidade pelo empobrecimento na construção do discurso da música popular brasileira. Para tanto, primeiramente, por meio da análise poético-estética dos elementos estruturais das linguagens musical e literária de uma canção popular, delimitou-se a espécie de obra musical estruturada com acuro poético, que a ela empresta um padrão estético de excelência. Tais canções tinham espaços de veiculação nas grades de programação da mídia televisiva de outrora e nos dias atuais não mais os têm. Em seguida, por meio de pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e empírica, descreve-se de modo analítico-interpretativo o período histórico em que ocorreu essa desmusicalização da mídia. Por fim, constata-se que a partir da popularização da Internet e da proliferação de diversas mídias que permitem ao ouvinte o acesso, o armazenamento, o compartilhamento de repertórios musicais e, sobretudo, a audição em movimento, a canção popular massiva pautada pelo acuro poético deixou de estar presente na mídia televisiva e passou a figurar em outras diversas mídias. Essa ampla presença da Música nas mídias digitais definiu-se pelo conceito de hipermidiatização da música, que seria um dos componentes da desmusicalização da mídia televisiva.
We present a novel method for prediction of the onset of a spontaneous (paroxysmal) atrial fibrilation episode by representing the electrocardiograph (ECG) output as two time series corresponding to the interbeat intervals and the lengths of the atrial component of the ECG. We will then show how different entropy measures can be calulated from both of these series and then combined in a neural network trained using the Bayesian evidence procedure to form and effective predictive classifier.
Power generation from biomass is a sustainable energy technology which can contribute to substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, but with greater potential for environmental, economic and social impacts than most other renewable energy technologies. It is important therefore in assessing bioenergy systems to take account of not only technical, but also environmental, economic and social parameters on a common basis. This work addresses the challenge of analysing, quantifying and comparing these factors for bioenergy power generation systems. A life-cycle approach is used to analyse the technical, environmental, economic and social impacts of entire bioelectricity systems, with a number of life-cycle indicators as outputs to facilitate cross-comparison. The results show that similar greenhouse gas savings are achieved with the wide variety of technologies and scales studied, but land-use efficiency of greenhouse gas savings and specific airborne emissions varied substantially. Also, while specific investment costs and electricity costs vary substantially from one system to another the number of jobs created per unit of electricity delivered remains roughly constant. Recorded views of stakeholders illustrate that diverging priorities exist for different stakeholder groups and this will influence appropriate choice of bioenergy systems for different applications.
Much research pursues machine intelligence through better representation of semantics. What is semantics? People in different areas view semantics from different facets although it accompanies interaction through civilization. Some researchers believe that humans have some innate structure in mind for processing semantics. Then, what the structure is like? Some argue that humans evolve a structure for processing semantics through constant learning. Then, how the process is like? Humans have invented various symbol systems to represent semantics. Can semantics be accurately represented? Turing machines are good at processing symbols according to algorithms designed by humans, but they are limited in ability to process semantics and to do active interaction. Super computers and high-speed networks do not help solve this issue as they do not have any semantic worldview and cannot reflect themselves. Can future cyber-society have some semantic images that enable machines and individuals (humans and agents) to reflect themselves and interact with each other with knowing social situation through time? This paper concerns these issues in the context of studying an interactive semantics for the future cyber-society. It firstly distinguishes social semantics from natural semantics, and then explores the interactive semantics in the category of social semantics. Interactive semantics consists of an interactive system and its semantic image, which co-evolve and influence each other. The semantic worldview and interactive semantic base are proposed as the semantic basis of interaction. The process of building and explaining semantic image can be based on an evolving structure incorporating adaptive multi-dimensional classification space and self-organized semantic link network. A semantic lens is proposed to enhance the potential of the structure and help individuals build and retrieve semantic images from different facets, abstraction levels and scales through time.
Conventional DEA models assume deterministic, precise and non-negative data for input and output observations. However, real applications may be characterized by observations that are given in form of intervals and include negative numbers. For instance, the consumption of electricity in decentralized energy resources may be either negative or positive, depending on the heat consumption. Likewise, the heat losses in distribution networks may be within a certain range, depending on e.g. external temperature and real-time outtake. Complementing earlier work separately addressing the two problems; interval data and negative data; we propose a comprehensive evaluation process for measuring the relative efficiencies of a set of DMUs in DEA. In our general formulation, the intervals may contain upper or lower bounds with different signs. The proposed method determines upper and lower bounds for the technical efficiency through the limits of the intervals after decomposition. Based on the interval scores, DMUs are then classified into three classes, namely, the strictly efficient, weakly efficient and inefficient. An intuitive ranking approach is presented for the respective classes. The approach is demonstrated through an application to the evaluation of bank branches. © 2013.
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006
Many studies have assessed the neural underpinnings of creativity, failing to find a clear anatomical localization. We aimed to provide evidence for a multi-componential neural system for creativity. We applied a general activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis to 45 fMRI studies. Three individual ALE analyses were performed to assess creativity in different cognitive domains (Musical, Verbal, and Visuo-spatial). The general ALE revealed that creativity relies on clusters of activations in the bilateral occipital, parietal, frontal, and temporal lobes. The individual ALE revealed different maximal activation in different domains. Musical creativity yields activations in the bilateral medial frontal gyrus, in the left cingulate gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, and inferior parietal lobule and in the right postcentral and fusiform gyri. Verbal creativity yields activations mainly located in the left hemisphere, in the prefrontal cortex, middle and superior temporal gyri, inferior parietal lobule, postcentral and supramarginal gyri, middle occipital gyrus, and insula. The right inferior frontal gyrus and the lingual gyrus were also activated. Visuo-spatial creativity activates the right middle and inferior frontal gyri, the bilateral thalamus and the left precentral gyrus. This evidence suggests that creativity relies on multi-componential neural networks and that different creativity domains depend on different brain regions.
Research on the consumer behavior of the Hispanic population has recently attracted the attention of marketing practitioners as well as researchers. This study's purpose was to develop a model and scales to examine the acculturation process of Hispanic consumers with income levels of $35,000 and above, and its effects on their consumer behavior. The proposed model defined acculturation as a bilinear and multidimensional change process, measuring consumers' selective change process in four dimensions: language preference, Hispanic identification, American identification, and familism. A national sample of 653 consumers was analyzed. The scales developed for testing the model showed good to high internal consistency and adequate concurrent validity. According to the results, consumers' contact with Hispanic and Anglo acculturation agents generates change or reinforces consumers' language preferences. Language preference fully mediates the effects of the agents on consumers' American identification and familism; however, the effects of the acculturation agents on Hispanic identification are only partially mediated by individuals' language preference change. It was proposed that the acculturation process would have an effect on consumers' brand loyalty, attitudes towards high quality and prestigious brands, purchase frequency, and savings allocation for their children. Given the lack of significant differences between Hispanic and Anglo consumers and among Hispanic generations, only savings allocation for children's future was studied intensively. According to these results, Hispanic consumers' savings for their children is affected by consumers' language preference through their ethnic identification and familism. No moderating effects were found for consumers' gender, age, and country of origin, suggesting that individual differences do not affect consumers' acculturation process. Additionally, the effects of familism were tested among ethnic groups. The results suggest not only that familism discriminates among Hispanic and Anglo consumers, but also is a significant predictor of consumers' brand loyalty, brand quality attitudes, and savings allocation. Three acculturation segments were obtained through cluster analysis: bicultural, high acculturation, and low acculturation groups, supporting the biculturalism proposition. ^
The Everglades freshwater marl prairie is a dynamic and spatially heterogeneous landscape, containing thousands of tree islands nested within a marsh matrix. Spatial processes underlie population and community dynamics across the mosaic, especially the balance between woody and graminoid components, and landscape patterns reflect interactions among multiple biotic and abiotic drivers. To better understand these complex, multi-scaled relationships we employed a three-tiered hierarchical design to investigate the effects of seed source, hydrology, and more indirectly fire on the establishment of new woody recruits in the marsh, and to assess current tree island patterning across the landscape. Our analyses were conducted at the ground level at two scales, which we term the micro- and meso-scapes, and results were related to remotely detected tree island distributions assessed in the broader landscape, that is, the macro-scape. Seed source and hydrologic effects on recruitment in the micro- and meso-scapes were analyzed via logistic regression, and spatial aggregation in the macro-scape was evaluated using a grid-based univariate O-ring function. Results varied among regions and scales but several general trends were observed. The patterning of adult populations was the strongest driver of recruitment in the micro- and meso-scape prairies, with recruits frequently aggregating around adults or tree islands. However in the macro-scape biologically associated (second order) aggregation was rare, suggesting that emergent woody patches are heavily controlled by underlying physical and environmental factors such as topography, hydrology, and fire.
Research on the consumer behavior of the Hispanic population has recently attracted the attention of marketing practitioners as well as researchers. This study's purpose was to develop a model and scales to examine the acculturation process of Hispanic consumers with income levels of $35,000 and above, and its effects on their consumer behavior. The proposed model defined acculturation as a bilinear and multidimensional change process, measuring consumers' selective change process in four dimensions: language preference, Hispanic identification, American identification, and familism. A national sample of 653 consumers was analyzed. The scales developed for testing the model showed good to high internal consistency and adequate concurrent validity. According to the results, consumers' contact with Hispanic and Anglo acculturation agents generates change or reinforces consumers' language preferences. Language preference fully mediates the effects of the agents on consumers' American identification and familism; however, the effects of the acculturation agents on Hispanic identification are only partially mediated by individuals' language preference change. It was proposed that the acculturation process would have an effect on consumers' brand loyalty, attitudes towards high quality and prestigious brands, purchase frequency, and savings allocation for their children. Given the lack of significant differences between Hispanic and Anglo consumers and among Hispanic generations, only savings allocation for children's future was studied intensively. According to these results, Hispanic consumers' savings for their children is affected by consumers' language preference through their ethnic identification and familism. No moderating effects were found for consumers' gender, age, and country of origin, suggesting that individual differences do not affect consumers' acculturation process. Additionally, the effects of familism were tested among ethnic groups. The results suggest not only that familism discriminates among Hispanic and Anglo consumers, but also is a significant predictor of consumers' brand loyalty, brand quality attitudes, and savings allocation. Three acculturation segments were obtained through cluster analysis: bicultural, high acculturation, and low acculturation groups, supporting the biculturalism proposition.
This present research focus at the teaching of music in social programs, it discuss about the teaching concepts that permeates the educational-musical practice presents in Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos (SCFV), of Complexo Dom Bosco, in Natal-RN. The Objective is to reflect upon the music teaching concepts and the relations between musical knowledge and culture. For this, it was problematized the concepts of music teaching and learning in governmental social projects through theoretical and empirical research. After this step, it was studied the cultural aspects involving the routine in the institutions the influenced the music learning at Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos, furthermore, and how these aspects are present in the constitution of the paradigms that involve music teaching. For this, it was used a qualitative approach and a case study as type of research. As data capture tool it was used the ethnographic write, photography, interviews as a Facilitator of music with the students of the program, and video recordings of musical learning situations. Theoretical support it was used authors who study the complexity, culture and music teaching in social projects. Finally, the conclusion is that musical learning, in the SCFV context, is involved of cultural conceptions steeped to the Oratório Dom Bosco space and the same time the Brazilian Social Assistance Policy. Sometimes these concepts are contradictory: discipline, leadership and combat social exclusion refer to dialogical cultural hologram of the institutions involved in the music education process.
The instrumental teaching in Brazil has been more widely studied by music education in the last years, becoming a significative scientific investigation field. This work is focusing on analysis of the instrument teaching reality, considering more specifically the guitar teaching. In a timely manner, approaches the reality of the guitar teaching from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN), considering specific instrument courses in this institution. Thus, the present work was guided by the aim of understanding conceptions, contents and didactic and methodological perspectives that constitute the teaching and learning of the guitar at UFRN. To reach this main aim, we sought to verify, in general: 1) the theoretical, methodological and content perspectives that underlie guitar formation in the music courses of the UFRN; 2) the functions and the aims of the guitar disciplines in the Courses; 3) the profile of the guitar disciplines' professors; 4) the demands of the subjects directly involved in these proposals of musical education; and, 5) the conceptions about formation practices and teaching methodologies that characterize the docent action. In accordance with the aims, the methodological guidance was based on the qualitative paradigm. Thus, data collection procedures involved were: bibliographical and documentary research and interviews with three professors who taught in guitar disciplines during the semester of 2014.1 on the mentioned courses. Then, these data were systematically organized and analyzed in line with the research characteristics presented here. The results of the research evidenced the concepts, contents and didactic and methodological perspectives in the context of teaching and learning guitar in the studied empirical field. In this context, we perceive a relation between the demands of teaching and learning tool in the study field and the ones evidenced in the literature. The results demonstrated that the professors’ professional tragetory is associated with their influences from the initial musical formation and their guitar learning since they related conceptions that reflected aspects formation, sometimes converging sometimes divergente. The contentes, methodologies and general aspects are made based on parameters that demonstrate alignment with the perspectives of guitar teaching and learning in the contemporary world to the instrumental player formation. Thus, the study gave a broader diagnosis about the guitar teaching reality, demonstrating the diferences and the singularities between the Technical Course and the Course of Bachelor in Music at UFRN. Thereby, this study provides importante contribution to music education, mainly, through its reflections about the guitar pedagogy.
Objectives: Identification of the level of knowledge on ergonomics principles, and application of these by dentistry students to investigate whether painful symptomatology was experienced. An-other objective is the expansion of discussions on occupational health in academic settings. Study Design and Settings: Dentistry students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (n = 148) were surveyed using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to determine the severity of musculoskeletal symptoms experienced. Data were analyzed through EpiInfo 7.0 to measure central trends and variability 5for quantitative variables, absolute and relative frequencies for categorical variables, and significance between groups (confidence intervals and chisquare). Association analysis (Pearson) was also carried out. Results: Ergonomic measures were not reported by students. Within the musculoskeletal symptoms described, females were the most affected, independent of academic level. Conclusions: Positive correlations were verified between all categories and all anatomic regions (e.g., neck, lower back, wrists, hands, and shoulders). Data suggest progressive worsening of symptoms, which will eventually result in leaves of absence.