988 resultados para Music -- Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.)
Drosophila Fallen, 1823 (Diptera, Drosophilidae) is for long a well-established model organism for genetics and evolutionary research. The ecology of these flies, however, has only recently been better studied. Recent papers show that Drosophila assemblies can be used as bioindicators of forested environment degradation. In this work the bioindicator potential of drosophilids was evaluated in a naturally opened environment, a coastal strand-forest (restinga). Data from nine consecutive seasonal collections revealed strong temporal fluctuation pattern of the majority of Drosophila species groups. Drosophila willistoni group was more abundant at autumns, whereas D. cardini and D. tripunctata groups were, respectively, expressive at winters and springs, and D. repleta group at both seasons. The exotic species D. simulans Sturtevant, 1919 (from D. melanogaster group) and Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970 were most abundant at summers. Overall, the assemblage structure did not show the same characteristics of forested or urban environments, but was similar to the forests at winters and to cities at summers. This raises the question that this locality may already been under urbanization impact. Also, this can be interpreted as an easily invaded site for exotic species, what might lead to biotic homogenization and therefore can put in check the usage of drosophilid assemblages as bioindicators at open environments.
Coléoptères No.2
The Pinnotheridae family is one of the most diverse and complex groups of brachyuran crabs, many of them symbionts of a wide variety of invertebrates. The present study describes the population dynamics of the pea crab Austinixa aidae (Righi, 1967), a symbiont associated with the burrows of the ghost shrimp Callichirus major (Say, 1818). Individuals (n = 588) were collected bimonthly from May, 2005 to September, 2006 along a sandy beach in the southwestern Atlantic, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Our data indicated that the population demography of A. aidae was characterized by a bimodal size-frequency distribution (between 2.0 and 4.0 mm and between 8.0 and 9.0 mm CW) that remained similar throughout the study period. Sex ratio does not differ significantly from 1:1 (p > 0.05), which confirms the pattern observed in other symbiontic pinnotherids. Density values (1.72 ± 1.34 ind. ap.-1) are in agreement with those found for other species of the genus. The mean symbiosis incidence (75.6%) was one of the highest among species of the Pinnotheridae family, but it was the lowest among the three studied species of the genus. Recruitment pattern was annual, beginning in May and peaking in July, in both years, after the peak of ovigerous females in the population (from March to May). Our findings describe ecological and biological aspects of A. aidae similar to those of other species of this genus, even from different geographic localities.
ABSTRACT The smallnose fanskate, Sympterygia bonapartii Müller & Henle, 1841 is one of the most disembarked items in commercial harbors in Argentina. In this work, the microscopic architecture of mature male gonads and the dynamics of cysts development are analyzed as a contribution to awareness of the reproductive biology of the species. Some biological data related to reproduction are given as well. Two seasons were sampled (fall and spring) and length classes's frequency distribution and maturity stages frequency distribution are given. Size at first sexual maturation for males was estimated at 57 cm of total length. Testes are symmetric, peer, lobed, with several germinal zones. Inside the gonads, there are many spermatocysts, containing reproductive cells at the same developmental stage. On the basis of their cytological and microanatomical features, several maturative degrees of the spermatogenic series were differentiated. Few Leydig cells were recognized at the interstitial tissue among cysts. The microscopic and semiquantitative analysis performed in this work provides morphological information about male gametogenesis and some biological data for the North Patagonian population of this economically and ecologically important species.
1) "Purú-purú" é uma palavra indígena que quer dizer "pintado" ou "manchado", peculiar à Amazonia Brasileira. Com êsse nome é designada uma dermatose referida entre os selvicolas desde 1774, por Ribeiro Sampaio. Certas tribus, com alta incidência da moléstia passaram a ser cahamadas também "Purú-purús", o mesmo acontecendo com o rio onde habitavam - Rio Purús. 2) A doença existe na bacia do Rio Solimões e seus principais afluentes: Javari, Juruá, Purús, Içá, Japurá, e Negro. Por esses rios, o fóco da dermatose se continua nos países limitrofes com o Brasil: Guianas, Venezuela, Colombia, Perú (Equador) e Bolivia. 3) Desde 1890 essa dermatose foi relacionada à pinta (carate ou mal del pinto) por P. S. de Magalhães, idéa essa depois defendida por Juliano Moreira, Carlos Chagas, Roquete Pinto, Wappeus, O. da Fonseca Filho, Da Matta, Brumpt e outros, baseados na semelhança clínica e na terapêutica. Recentemente (1945), essa provavel identidade das duas dermatoses, recebeu fundamento sorológico de Biocca (que verificou a positividade das reações de Kline e Kahn em doentes de purú-purú), e, pelo presente trabalho, recebe base clínico-epidemio-anatomo-patológica. 4) Sob o ponto de vista clínico, as lesões cutaneas discromicas da moléstia, são de 3 órdens: a) lesões papulo-eritemato-escamosas, isoladas ou não, arredondadas, pruriginosas e de bordos nitidos; b) lesões maculo-escamosas, maiores mais pálidas, ás vezes já mostrando alterações pigmentares na parte central; c) máculas discromod´rmicas, lisas ou ligeiramente escamosas, com maior ou menor alteração pigmentar, as quais assumem diferentes aspéctos, consequentes à hipo - ou hiperpigmentação, variaveis também com a côr do paciente. As colorações predominantes nas manchas, são o branco, o preto e o vermelho, com tonalidades eminentemente variaveis. Embora raramente, nessas extensas dermodiscromias, observa-se superposição de lesões papulo-eritemato-escamosas. O aparecimento dos 3 tipos de leões acima citados, obedece seguramente a um processo evolutivo da dermatose, dando-se na órdem exposta e de acordo com o tempo de doença. Além das lesões discromicas, características da enfermidade, foi observado purido, e infartamento ganglionar. O estado geral dos doentes era bom. A avaliação de anemia e eosinofilia, foi prejudicada pela ocurrência de outros processos mórbidos (malaria e helmintiases). Em 2 pacientes pretos e adultos, havia avançada hiperqueratose palmo-plantar. 5) Sob o ponto de vista epidemiológico, foram feitas as seguintes observações: a) Idade. A dermtose ocorre em tôdas as idades, mais incide principalmente dos 15 aos 29 anos. Tomando um grupo relativamente homogêneo de doéntes de um mesmo local, 53% têm 15 e mais anos de idade. De 36 doentes que deram informações seguras ou aproximadas quanto à idade em que lhes apareceu a doença, verifica-se que 77% já estavam infectados antes dos 15 anos. Em 5 casos, a infecção se deu antes dos 2 anos de idade. b) Sexo. Nos doentes em conjunto, existiam 34 homens e 35 mulheres. Mas, no grupo homogeneo acima citado, havia ligeira predominância do sexo feminino (60.7%). c) Côr ou raça. Foram encontradas as seguintes percentagens: Pretos - 34.8%, brancos - 27.5% índios - 23.2% e mulatos - 14.5%. Essas diferenças não indicam predileção racial. d) Família. A A dermatose é eminentemente familial. Em grupo de 41 doentes, 34 pertenciam a 8 familias. e) Lesão inicial. Contágio. Em 6 casos ainda existia a lesão inicial, chamada "empigem", isolada ou acompanhada de outras lesões semelhantes. De 33 doentes, 26 (78.8%) referiam a lesão inicial nas partes descobertas do corpo (rosto, braços e mãos, pernas e pés), isto é regiões mais sujeitas a pequenos traumas, que servem como "porta de entrada" do treponema. Os AA não acreditam na existência de um vetor. Pensam que o contágio é direto, as condições eficientes e predisponentes do mesmo, coexistindo no domícilio, onde vivem em promiscuidade e falta de higiene, doentes e sadios. Os autores não encontraram treponemas em córtes impregnados de purú-purú, tanto de lesão recente como de lesão tardia. Atribuem o fracasso ao provável uso de antitreponemicos pelos doentes, uma vez que a terapeutica empírica pelo arsênico e mercúrio é muito espalhada na Amazônia. Histopatológicamente, encontraram na lesão recente: hiperqueratose, hiperacantose, exocitose, exoserose e espongiose na epiderme; e infiltração de células redondas, edema e diltação dos capilares no derma papilar e subpapilar; pela impregnação, acharam irregularidade na distribuição do pigmento melanico, assim como melanóforos entre as células inflamatórias do derma. Na lesão tardia observaram: notável atrofia do epiderme, reduzida às vezes , a 3 a 5 camadas celulares, havendo desaparecimento das papilas dérmicas; no derma, havia discreta infiltração de células redondas, relacionadas aos vasos sanguineos, ao lado de macrófagos melaniferos mais ou menos abundantes; pela impregnação, quanto às alterações pigmentares, foram observadas todas as graduações, desde a completa ausência de pigmento na basal, até um acúmulo notável de melanina, atingindo as próprias células de Malpighi. 7) Com o tratamento pelo neo-salvarsan os AA observaram grandes melhoras e mesmo cura aparente, com 6 a 8 injeções. Certas manifestações acromicas vitiligoides, antigas, não mostraram modificações apreciáveis com a terapêutica. 8) No Brasil, fora da Amazônia, tem sido descrito casos isolados de purú-purú, porém, na opinião dos autores, todos ou quase todos, são provavelmente, manifestações discromicas tardias de sífilis ou bouba, semelhantes aos publicados por um deles (F. N. G). Pensam do mesmo modo, quanto aos casos de pinta descritos fora da América: África, Egito, Argeria, Sahara, Trípoli, Turquestão, Filipinas, Iraque, Índia, Ceilão, etc. Ainda nesta mesma ordem de idéas, os autores negam validade ao conceito epidemiológico da existência de casos isolados, a não ser procedentes das zonas pintogenas. 9) Um dos autores (F. N. G.) emite a seguinte hipótese, que considera sugestiva, embora dificilmente demonstrável: Os treis treponemas (T. pallidum, T. pertenue e T. carateum), oriundos de um ancestral comum. tornaram-se peculiares respectivamente ao branco, ao preto e ao índio, mantendo-se assim isolados. Secundariamente, com as correntes migratórias, misturaram-se as doenças...
Much of the research on industry dynamics focuses on the interdependence between the sectorial rates of entry and exit. This paper argues that the size of firms and the reaction-adjustment period are important conditions missed in this literature. I illustrate the effects of this omission using data from the Spanish manufacturing industries between 1994 and 2001. Estimates from systems of equations models provide evidence of a conical revolving door phenomenon and of partial adjustments in the replacement-displacement of large firms. KEYWORDS: aggregation, industry dynamics, panel data, symmetry, simultaneity. JEL CLASSIFICATION: C33, C52, L60, L11
This paper analyzes the role of financial development as a source of endogenous instability in small open economies. By assuming that firms face credit constraints, our model displays a complex dynamic behavior for intermediate values of the parameter representing the level of financial development of the economy. The basic implication of our model is that economies experiencing a process of financial development are more unstable than both very underdeveloped and very developed economies. Our instability concept means that small shocks have a persistent effect on the long run behavior of the model and also that economies can exhibit cycles with a very high period or even chaotic dynamic patterns.
This paper takes a new look at the long-run dynamics of inflation and unemployment in response to permanent changes in the growth rate of the money supply. We examine the Phillips curve from the perspective of what we call "frictional growth", i.e. the interaction between money growth and nominal frictions. After presenting theoretical models of this phenomenon, we construct an empirical model of the Spanish economy and, in this context, we evaluate the long-run inflation-unemployment trade for Spain and examine how recent policy changes have afected it.
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We study a model where agents, located in a social network, decide whether to exert effort or not in experimenting with a new technology (or acquiring a new skill, innovating, etc.). We assume that agents have strong incentives to free ride on their neighbors' effort decisions. In the static version of the model efforts are chosen simultaneously. In equilibrium, agents exerting effort are never connected with each other and all other agents are connected with at least one agent exerting effort. We propose a mean-field dynamics in which agents choose in each period the best response to the last period's decisions of their neighbors. We characterize the equilibrium of such a dynamics and show how the pattern of free riders in the network depends on properties of the connectivity distribution.
The pathogenesis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), characterised by lack of the cytoskeletal protein dystrophin, is not completely understood. An early event in the degenerative process of DMD muscle could be a rise in cytosolic calcium concentration. In order to investigate whether this leads to alterations of contractile behaviour, we studied the excitability and contractile properties of cultured myotubes from control (C57BL/10) and mdx mice, an animal model for DMD. The myotubes were stimulated electrically and their motion was recorded photometrically. No significant differences were found between control and mdx myotubes with respect to the following parameters: chronaxy and rheobase (0.33 +/- 0.03 ms and 23 +/- 4 V vs. 0.39 +/- 0.07 ms and 22 +/- 2 V for C57 and mdx myotubes, respectively), tetanisation frequency (a similar distribution pattern was found between 5 and 30 Hz), fatigue during tetanus (found in 35% of both types of myotubes) and post-tetanic contracture. In contrast, contraction and relaxation times were longer (P < 0.005) in mdx (36 +/- 2 and 142 +/- 13 ms, respectively) than in control myotubes (26 +/- 1 and 85 +/- 9 ms, respectively). Together with our earlier findings, these results suggest a decreased capacity for calcium removal in mdx cells leading, in particular, to alterations of muscle relaxation.