1000 resultados para Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 1617-1682


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In the present study, we have investigated the anatomic distribution in blood and gut mucosal tissues of memory poxvirus-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in subjects vaccinated with smallpox and compared it with vector (NYVAC)-specific and HIV insert-specific T-cell responses induced by an experimental DNA-C/ NYVAC-C vaccine regimen. Smallpox-specific CD4 T-cell responses were present in the blood of 52% of the subjects studied, while smallpox-specific CD8 T cells were rarely detected (12%). With one exception, smallpox-specific T cells were not measurable in gut tissues. Interestingly, NYVAC vector-specific and HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses were detected in almost 100% of the subjects immunized with DNA-C/NYVAC-C in blood and gut tissues. The large majority (83%) of NYVAC-specific CD4 T cells expressed α4β7 integrins and the HIV coreceptor CCR5. These results demonstrate that the experimental DNA-C/NYVAC-C HIV vaccine regimen induces the homing of potentially protective HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in the gut, the port of entry of HIV and one of the major sites for HIV spreading and the depletion of CD4 T cells.


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M'han sol-licitat una breu presentació del treball que realitzem al grup 1 més 0, que jo coordino. Tractaré de resumir-ne les línies d'investigació en la brevetat de l'espai que m'han destinat. Com que el treball que es presenta és obra de diverses persones, hem inclas les seves adreces electròniques com a referéncies.


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RESUMEN: Este trabajo aborda la formación inicial en enfermería y su práctica profesional utilizando para ello instrumentos conceptuales pertenecientes a lo "paradigma de la complejidad": esquemas teóricos dinámicos, categorías conceptuales ambivalentes utilizados para dar cuenta de las incertidumbres, indeterminaciones y fenómenos aleatorios que conforman los procesos que tienen lugar en la formación inicial de Enfermería y en su ejercicio profesional. Categorías que tratan de ir más allá del reduccionismo positivista que había pretendido eliminar la imprecisión, la ambigüedad y la contradicción, y se sitúan en una perspectiva en la que la paradoja, la dualidad, la incertidumbre o la contradicción que, antes que errores o límites de nuestro pensamiento, son características constitutivas de la realidad del cuidado y de la los procesos formativos que capacitan para su ejercicio profesional. La tesis central de estos planteamientos afirma que las formas de representación positivista han asignado a los fenómenos del cuidado profesional de la salud y a los de su enseñanza una certidumbre de la que realmente carecen.


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We present MBIS (Multivariate Bayesian Image Segmentation tool), a clustering tool based on the mixture of multivariate normal distributions model. MBIS supports multichannel bias field correction based on a B-spline model. A second methodological novelty is the inclusion of graph-cuts optimization for the stationary anisotropic hidden Markov random field model. Along with MBIS, we release an evaluation framework that contains three different experiments on multi-site data. We first validate the accuracy of segmentation and the estimated bias field for each channel. MBIS outperforms a widely used segmentation tool in a cross-comparison evaluation. The second experiment demonstrates the robustness of results on atlas-free segmentation of two image sets from scan-rescan protocols on 21 healthy subjects. Multivariate segmentation is more replicable than the monospectral counterpart on T1-weighted images. Finally, we provide a third experiment to illustrate how MBIS can be used in a large-scale study of tissue volume change with increasing age in 584 healthy subjects. This last result is meaningful as multivariate segmentation performs robustly without the need for prior knowledge.


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Proposem una divisió dels Catalanids en unitats que reflecteixen un comportament paleogeografic i estratigrafic diferent durant l'etapa preorogenica (Mesozoic) i un de tectonic relativament diferenciat durant l'etapa compressiva (Paleoge). Distingim els sectors (extern, intermedi i intern) limitats per falles de sbcol longitudinals, paral.leles a la serralada, la majoria de les quals es concentra en una zona que separa els sectors extern i intern. En aquesta zona (sector intermedi) s'hi atasconen les unitats litoestratigrafiques mesozoiques. Aquest atasconament, conjuntament amb la reactivació de les fractures profundes, és el responsable, durant l'etapa compressiva, de la localització en el sector intermedi dels fronts de les principals estructures d'encavalcament. També distingim les unitats que hem anomenat domini; (septentrional, central i meridional), que estan limitades per fractures transversals a la serralada. Així, doncs, les unitats queden limitades per dos sistemes de fractures de sòcol aproximadament ortogonals.


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Se comentan las conclusiones sobre la estructura de dos Catalánides recientemente publicadas, resaltando la ausencia de datos concretos que permitan aplicar el modelo de la cuna compuesta de Migliorini para 1os Catalánides. Además, los datos publicados (previamente, más como nuestras observaciones personales, indican una clara separación en el tiempo de una fase de comprensión y otra de distensión posterior.


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Each year, approximately five million people die worldwide from putatively vaccine-preventable mucosally transmitted diseases. With respect to mass vaccination campaigns, one strategy to cope with this formidable challenge is aerosol vaccine delivery, which offers potential safety, logistical, and cost-saving advantages over traditional vaccination routes. Additionally, aerosol vaccination may elicit pivotal mucosal immune responses that could contain or eliminate mucosally transmitted pathogens in a preventative or therapeutic vaccine context. In this current preclinical non-human primate investigation, we demonstrate the feasibility of aerosol vaccination with the recombinant poxvirus-based vaccine vectors NYVAC and MVA. Real-time in vivo scintigraphy experiments with radiolabeled, aerosol-administered NYVAC-C (Clade C, HIV-1 vaccine) and MVA-HPV vaccines revealed consistent mucosal delivery to the respiratory tract. Furthermore, aerosol delivery of the vaccines was safe, inducing no vaccine-associated pathology, in particular in the brain and lungs, and was immunogenic. Administration of a DNA-C/NYVAC-C prime/boost regime resulted in both systemic and anal-genital HIV-specific immune responses that were still detectable 5 months after immunization. Thus, aerosol vaccination with NYVAC and MVA vectored vaccines constitutes a tool for large-scale vaccine efforts against mucosally transmitted pathogens.


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This paper contains the conclusion of a mycological survey of western Catalonia. The first part of the results was published in Acta Bot. Barc. 45 (Homenatge a Oriol de Bolòs): 57-89. The present part covers the last two groups of Basidiomycota: the agarics (326 species) and the gasteromycetes (44 species). The data regarding the surveyed area, collection localities, abbreviations used in the information on ecology, collectors and identifiers are found in the mentioned first part, which contains records of 37 species of Myxomycota, 5 of Zygomycota, 101 of mitosporic fungi, 8 of Teliomycetes, 1 of Ustomycetes, 16 of Phragmobasidiomycetes and 92 of Aphyllophorales. Together with the first part, the results of our survey are a useful contribution to an improved understanding of the fungal component of plant communities of the dry, warm lowlands of the western Mediterranean region, and highlight the remarkable reproductive activity of the fungi observed during late Autumn and Winter, in the studied area.


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Spore germination in Rhizopogon abietis, R. luteolus, R. roseolus and R. villosulus was induced in the presence of Rhodotorula glutinis and activated charcoal, in agar medium (N6:5). In one R. roseolus sample, 51% of spores germinated within 35 days, allowing observation of the course of spore germination and the different developmental patterns of homokaryotic mycelia. In these plates, spores showed two times of germination. The spores that germinated early produced an apical germ tube. Later other spores germinated in proximity to young mycelium, by forming a germ vesicle. One of the hyphal growth patterns obtained (interruption-swelling-ramification) is similar to that reported for other fungi. With this technique for inducing spore germination, it is possible to obtain enough monosporic cultures to perform mating tests. Key words: Basidiomycotina, Hypogeous, Monosporic Cultures.


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Fifty-five collections misidentified and stored in various institutional herbaria, under severa1 Rhizopogon species narnes, are revised. Among these, twelve belong to Ascomycotina and 9 were identified to species level; the other collections, immature fruitbodies wcre impossible to identify with the data available. Forty-two collections are Basidiomycotina and only an immature Scleroderma remain without identification to the species level.


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The fungi of occidental Catalonia after recent prospections I. This work intends to collect the mycological data gathered during the last four years as a result of the project "Fungal biodiversity of Catalonia", in the western and southern, mainly lowland areas of this country. The climate is mainly dry (400-600 mm/year) and warm. The survey, that covers 160 localities, has enabled the identification of 37 species of Myxomycota, 5 of Zygomycora, 159 of Ascomyctra, 101 mitosporic fungi, 8 Teliomycetes, 1 Ustomycetes, 16 Phragmobasidiomycetes and 92 Apliyllopllorates, that are included in this paper. Because of space limitations, the remaining 326 agarics and 44 Gasteromycetes will be published in the next number of this journal. This work is a contribution to a best understanding of the fungal flora, chorology, ecology and phenology of the West-Mediterranean dry lowlands.


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Se describe y comenta un raro e interesante hongo hipogeo, Gautieria trabutii (Chat.) Pat. (Gasteromycetes), recolectado por primera vez en la Península Ibérica.


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Analisou-se a fotorrespiração em folhas de videira (Vitis vinifera L.) submetidas a um regime de estresse hídrico, com o objetivo de caracterizar o comportamento de diferentes cultivares. Foram utilizadas plantas de dois anos, enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto Fercal, plantadas em vasos plásticos e cultivadas em ambiente controlado. A fotorrespiração foi calculada a partir de medidas das trocas gasosas foliares. Os valores absolutos da fotorrespiração variaram pouco entre cultivares e nível de irrigação; já a eficiência da carboxilação e o ponto de compensação ao CO2 foram bastante afetados pelo estresse hídrico, o que revela diferentes níveis de sensibilidade varietal. Foi verificada a ocorrência de inibição não-estomática da fotossíntese, afetando diferencialmente as cultivares analisadas. Destacou-se, ainda, a maior adaptação da Chardonnay às condições de estresse hídrico, em oposição à grande sensibilidade da Sémillon e da Ugni blanc.