808 resultados para Motion pictures in science.


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Engineering aims to work with what knowledge is available to achieve society's goals (Coyle, Murphy, and Grimson 2007). The current environmental challenges and the characteristics of the labour market mean that the effectiveness of Engineering activities in Geosciences must be increased through the development of technical knowledge and the inclusion of suitable training aimed at solving real cases (European Commission 2010). Human capital – understood as the talents, skills and capabilities of higher education graduates – is perceived as an essential element for sustainable economic growth and development in the globalised economy (Sianesi and Van Reenan 2003). We need, therefore, to rethink our approaches to curriculum, instruction and assessment in science education, particularly because of the rapid growth of the scientific knowledge, tools/technologies and theories that have originated over the last 50 years (Duschl and Grandy 2013).


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En hidrodinámica, el fenómeno de Sloshing se puede definir como el movimiento de la superficie libre de un fluido dentro de un contenedor sometido a fuerzas y perturbaciones externas. El fluido en cuestión experimenta violentos movimientos con importantes deformaciones de su superficie libre. La dinámica del fluido puede llegar a generar cargas hidrodinámicas considerables las cuales pueden afectar la integridad estructural y/o comprometer la estabilidad del vehículo que transporta dicho contenedor. El fenómeno de Sloshing ha sido extensivamente investigado matemática, numérica y experimentalmente, siendo el enfoque experimental el más usado debido a la complejidad del problema, para el cual los modelos matemáticos y de simulación son aun incapaces de predecir con suficiente rapidez y precisión las cargas debidas a dicho fenómeno. El flujo generado por el Sloshing usualmente se caracteriza por la presencia de un fluido multifase (gas-liquido) y turbulencia. Reducir al máximo posible la complejidad del fenómeno de Sloshing sin perder la esencia del problema es el principal reto de esta tesis doctoral, donde un trabajo experimental enfocado en casos canónicos de Sloshing es presentado y documentado con el objetivo de aumentar la comprensión de dicho fenómeno y por tanto intentar proveer información valiosa para validaciones de códigos numéricos. El fenómeno de Sloshing juega un papel importante en la industria del transporte marítimo de gas licuado (LNG). El mercado de LNG en los últimos años ha reportado un crecimiento hasta tres veces mayor al de los mercados de petróleo y gas convencionales. Ingenieros en laboratorios de investigación e ingenieros adscritos a la industria del LNG trabajan continuamente buscando soluciones económicas y seguras para contener, transferir y transportar grandes volúmenes de LNG. Los buques transportadores de LNG (LNGC) han pasado de ser unos pocos buques con capacidad de 75000 m3 hace unos treinta años, a una amplia flota con una capacidad de 140000 m3 actualmente. En creciente número, hoy día se construyen buques con capacidades que oscilan entre 175000 m3 y 250000 m3. Recientemente un nuevo concepto de buque LNG ha salido al mercado y se le conoce como FLNG. Un FLNG es un buque de gran valor añadido que solventa los problemas de extracción, licuefacción y almacenamiento del LNG, ya que cuenta con equipos de extracción y licuefacción a bordo, eliminando por tanto las tareas de transvase de las estaciones de licuefacción en tierra hacia los buques LNGC. EL LNG por tanto puede ser transferido directamente desde el FLNG hacia los buques LNGC en mar abierto. Niveles de llenado intermedios en combinación con oleaje durante las operaciones de trasvase inducen movimientos en los buques que generan por tanto el fenómeno de Sloshing dentro de los tanques de los FLNG y los LNGC. El trabajo de esta tesis doctoral lidia con algunos de los problemas del Sloshing desde un punto de vista experimental y estadístico, para ello una serie de tareas, descritas a continuación, se han llevado a cabo : 1. Un dispositivo experimental de Sloshing ha sido configurado. Dicho dispositivo ha permitido ensayar secciones rectangulares de tanques LNGC a escala con movimientos angulares de un grado de libertad. El dispositivo experimental ha sido instrumentado para realizar mediciones de movimiento, presiones, vibraciones y temperatura, así como la grabación de imágenes y videos. 2. Los impactos de olas generadas dentro de una sección rectangular de un LNGC sujeto a movimientos regulares forzados han sido estudiados mediante la caracterización del fenómeno desde un punto de vista estadístico enfocado en la repetitividad y la ergodicidad del problema. 3. El estudio de los impactos provocados por movimientos regulares ha sido extendido a un escenario más realístico mediante el uso de movimientos irregulares forzados. 4. El acoplamiento del Sloshing generado por el fluido en movimiento dentro del tanque LNGC y la disipación de la energía mecánica de un sistema no forzado de un grado de libertad (movimiento angular) sujeto a una excitación externa ha sido investigado. 5. En la última sección de esta tesis doctoral, la interacción entre el Sloshing generado dentro en una sección rectangular de un tanque LNGC sujeto a una excitación regular y un cuerpo elástico solidario al tanque ha sido estudiado. Dicho estudio corresponde a un problema de interacción fluido-estructura. Abstract In hydrodynamics, we refer to sloshing as the motion of liquids in containers subjected to external forces with large free-surface deformations. The liquid motion dynamics can generate loads which may affect the structural integrity of the container and the stability of the vehicle that carries such container. The prediction of these dynamic loads is a major challenge for engineers around the world working on the design of both the container and the vehicle. The sloshing phenomenon has been extensively investigated mathematically, numerically and experimentally. The latter has been the most fruitful so far, due to the complexity of the problem, for which the numerical and mathematical models are still incapable of accurately predicting the sloshing loads. The sloshing flows are usually characterised by the presence of multiphase interaction and turbulence. Reducing as much as possible the complexity of the sloshing problem without losing its essence is the main challenge of this phd thesis, where experimental work on selected canonical cases are presented and documented in order to better understand the phenomenon and to serve, in some cases, as an useful information for numerical validations. Liquid sloshing plays a key roll in the liquified natural gas (LNG) maritime transportation. The LNG market growth is more than three times the rated growth of the oil and traditional gas markets. Engineers working in research laboratories and companies are continuously looking for efficient and safe ways for containing, transferring and transporting the liquified gas. LNG carrying vessels (LNGC) have evolved from a few 75000 m3 vessels thirty years ago to a huge fleet of ships with a capacity of 140000 m3 nowadays and increasing number of 175000 m3 and 250000 m3 units. The concept of FLNG (Floating Liquified Natural Gas) has appeared recently. A FLNG unit is a high value-added vessel which can solve the problems of production, treatment, liquefaction and storage of the LNG because the vessel is equipped with a extraction and liquefaction facility. The LNG is transferred from the FLNG to the LNGC in open sea. The combination of partial fillings and wave induced motions may generate sloshing flows inside both the LNGC and the FLNG tanks. This work has dealt with sloshing problems from a experimental and statistical point of view. A series of tasks have been carried out: 1. A sloshing rig has been set up. It allows for testing tanks with one degree of freedom angular motion. The rig has been instrumented to measure motions, pressure and conduct video and image recording. 2. Regular motion impacts inside a rectangular section LNGC tank model have been studied, with forced motion tests, in order to characterise the phenomenon from a statistical point of view by assessing the repeatability and practical ergodicity of the problem. 3. The regular motion analysis has been extended to an irregular motion framework in order to reproduce more realistic scenarios. 4. The coupled motion of a single degree of freedom angular motion system excited by an external moment and affected by the fluid moment and the mechanical energy dissipation induced by sloshing inside the tank has been investigated. 5. The last task of the thesis has been to conduct an experimental investigation focused on the strong interaction between a sloshing flow in a rectangular section of a LNGC tank subjected to regular excitation and an elastic body clamped to the tank. It is thus a fluid structure interaction problem.


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This paper is a continuation of a previous one, Sanz-Andrés, Santiago-Prowald, Baker and Quinn (J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 91 (2003) 925) concerning the loads generated on a structural panel (traffic sign) by vehicle running along the road, although obviously, the results are also applicable to the effects of other moving vehicles such as trains. The structural panel was modelized as a large plate whose largest dimension is perpendicular to the vehicle motion direction. In this paper a similar approach is used to develop a mathematical model for the vehicle-induced load on pedestrian barriers, modelized as a large plate whose largest dimension is parallel to the vehicle motion direction. The purpose of the work is to develop a model simple enough to give analytical results, although with the physical phenomena correctly accounted for, such as to be able to explain, at least qualitatively, the main characteristics of the phenomenon, as observed in the experiments performed by Quinn et al. (J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 89 (2001) 831). Actually, in spite of the model simplicity, results of the theoretical model show a reasonable good quantitative agreement with the experimental results. The aim of this and previous publications is to provide to the transport infrastructure community with some simple tools that can help to explain, and in some cases also to compute, the unsteady loading produced by moving vehicles on persons and installations placed close to the roads or tracks.


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Funding This work was supported by grants from the French Ministry of Research (PhD fellowship to CR), the University of Aberdeen (stipend to CR), the CNRS (PICS grant to BD), the L’Oréal Foundation-UNESCO “For Women in Science program (fellowship to CR), the Région Rhône-Alpes (student mobility grant CMIRA Explora’doc to CR), the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (mobility grant to CR), the Fédération de Recherche 41 BioEnvironnement et Santé (training grant to CR), and the Journal of Experimental Biology (travel grant to CR).


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Generation of nanomechanical cantilever motion from biomolecular interactions can have wide applications, ranging from high-throughput biomolecular detection to bioactuation. Although it has been suggested that such motion is caused by changes in surface stress of a cantilever beam, the origin of the surface-stress change has so far not been elucidated. By using DNA hybridization experiments, we show that the origin of motion lies in the interplay between changes in configurational entropy and intermolecular energetics induced by specific biomolecular interactions. By controlling entropy change during DNA hybridization, the direction of cantilever motion can be manipulated. These thermodynamic principles were also used to explain the origin of motion generated from protein–ligand binding.


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The wealth of kinetic and structural information makes inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases) a good model system to study the details of enzymatic phosphoryl transfer. The enzyme accelerates metal-complexed phosphoryl transfer 1010-fold: but how? Our structures of the yeast PPase product complex at 1.15 Å and fluoride-inhibited complex at 1.9 Å visualize the active site in three different states: substrate-bound, immediate product bound, and relaxed product bound. These span the steps around chemical catalysis and provide strong evidence that a water molecule (Onu) directly attacks PPi with a pKa vastly lowered by coordination to two metal ions and D117. They also suggest that a low-barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) forms between D117 and Onu, in part because of steric crowding by W100 and N116. Direct visualization of the double bonds on the phosphates appears possible. The flexible side chains at the top of the active site absorb the motion involved in the reaction, which may help accelerate catalysis. Relaxation of the product allows a new nucleophile to be generated and creates symmetry in the elementary catalytic steps on the enzyme. We are thus moving closer to understanding phosphoryl transfer in PPases at the quantum mechanical level. Ultra-high resolution structures can thus tease out overlapping complexes and so are as relevant to discussion of enzyme mechanism as structures produced by time-resolved crystallography.


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This paper examines the available United States data on academic research and development (R&D) expenditures and the number of papers published and the number of citations to these papers as possible measures of “output” of this enterprise. We look at these numbers for science and engineering as a whole, for five selected major fields, and at the individual university field level. The published data in Science and Engineering Indicators imply sharply diminishing returns to academic R&D using published papers as an “output” measure. These data are quite problematic. Using a newer set of data on papers and citations, based on an “expanding” set of journals and the newly released Bureau of Economic Analysis R&D deflators, changes the picture drastically, eliminating the appearance of diminishing returns but raising the question of why the input prices of academic R&D are rising so much faster than either the gross domestic product deflator or the implicit R&D deflator in industry. A production function analysis of such data at the individual field level follows. It indicates significant diminishing returns to “own” R&D, with the R&D coefficients hovering around 0.5 for estimates with paper numbers as the dependent variable and around 0.6 if total citations are used as the dependent variable. When we substitute scientists and engineers in place of R&D as the right-hand side variables, the coefficient on papers rises from 0.5 to 0.8, and the coefficient on citations rises from 0.6 to 0.9, indicating systematic measurement problems with R&D as the sole input into the production of scientific output. But allowing for individual university field effects drives these numbers down significantly below unity. Because in the aggregate both paper numbers and citations are growing as fast or faster than R&D, this finding can be interpreted as leaving a major, yet unmeasured, role for the contribution of spillovers from other fields, other universities, and other countries.


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Wheels turning in the movies or in other forms of stroboscopic presentation often appear to be rotating backward. Remarkably, a similar illusion is also seen in continuous light. The occurrence of this perception in the absence of intermittent illumination suggests that we normally see motion, as in movies, by processing a series of visual episodes.


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Medical imaging has become an absolutely essential diagnostic tool for clinical practices; at present, pathologies can be detected with an earliness never before known. Its use has not only been relegated to the field of radiology but also, increasingly, to computer-based imaging processes prior to surgery. Motion analysis, in particular, plays an important role in analyzing activities or behaviors of live objects in medicine. This short paper presents several low-cost hardware implementation approaches for the new generation of tablets and/or smartphones for estimating motion compensation and segmentation in medical images. These systems have been optimized for breast cancer diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging technology with several advantages over traditional X-ray mammography, for example, obtaining patient information during a short period. This paper also addresses the challenge of offering a medical tool that runs on widespread portable devices, both on tablets and/or smartphones to aid in patient diagnostics.


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Many works have already dealt with anglicisms in Spanish, especially in science and information technologies. However, despite the high and growing number of English terms incorporated daily by the language of fashion, it has received comparative less attention in lexicographic and terminological studies than that of other areas, such as science or business. For several reasons, which include prestige or peer pressure, Spanish has not only adopted English words with new meanings and usage, but also contains other forms based on English patterns which users seem to consider more accurate or expressive. This paper concentrates on false anglicisms as indicators of some of the special relationships and influences between languages arising from the pervasive presence of English. We shall look at the Spanish language of fashion, which, in addition to genuine anglicisms, has for some time been using English words with different meanings, or even created items of its own (or imported them from other languages) with the appearance of English words. These false anglicisms, which have proven extremely popular in receiving languages (not only in Spanish) have frequently been disseminated by youth magazines and the new digital media, both in general spheres and in fashion-specific contexts.


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Climate predictions for the Mediterranean Basin include increased temperatures, decreased precipitation, and increased frequency of extreme climatic events (ECE). These conditions are associated with decreased tree growth and increased vulnerability to pests and diseases. The anatomy of tree rings responds to these environmental conditions. Quantitatively, the width of a tree ring is largely determined by the rate and duration of cell division by the vascular cambium. In the Mediterranean climate, this division may occur throughout almost the entire year. Alternatively, cell division may cease during relatively cool and dry winters, only to resume in the same calendar year with milder temperatures and increased availability of water. Under particularly adverse conditions, no xylem may be produced in parts of the stem, resulting in a missing ring (MR). A dendrochronological network of Pinus halepensis was used to determine the relationship of MR to ECE. The network consisted of 113 sites, 1,509 trees, 2,593 cores, and 225,428 tree rings throughout the distribution range of the species. A total of 4,150 MR were identified. Binomial logistic regression analysis determined that MR frequency increased with increased cambial age. Spatial analysis indicated that the geographic areas of south-eastern Spain and northern Algeria contained the greatest frequency of MR. Dendroclimatic regression analysis indicated a non-linear relationship of MR to total monthly precipitation and mean temperature. MR are strongly associated with the combination of monthly mean temperature from previous October till current February and total precipitation from previous September till current May. They are likely to occur with total precipitation lower than 50 mm and temperatures higher than 5°C. This conclusion is global and can be applied to every site across the distribution area. Rather than simply being a complication for dendrochronology, MR formation is a fundamental response of trees to adverse environmental conditions. The demonstrated relationship of MR formation to ECE across this dendrochronological network in the Mediterranean basin shows the potential of MR analysis to reconstruct the history of past climatic extremes and to predict future forest dynamics in a changing climate.


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Chioma, a child growing up in the Nigerian countryside, warned her restless sister, Anya, about the trappings of the American Dream. In "Ijé: The Journey" movie, ten years later, Anya is accused of killing 3 men in a Hollywood Hills mansion - one of them her record-producer husband. Chioma travels from Nigeria to Los Angeles, and with the help of a young attorney, discovers that the dark secret her sister wants to keep hidden might be the only thing that can win her freedom.


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Previous studies have shown medical students in Germany to have little interest in research while at the same time there is a lack of physician scientists. This study’s aim is to investigate factors influencing publication productivity of physicians during and after finishing their medical doctorate. We conducted a PubMed search for physicians having received their doctoral degree at Ludwig-Maxmilians-University Munich Faculty of Medicine between 2011 and 2013 (N = 924) and identified the appropriate impact factor (IF) for each journal the participants had published in. Gender, age, final grade of the doctorate, participation in a structured doctoral study program and joint publication activities between graduate and academic supervisor were defined as factors. For analyses we used nonparametric procedures. Men show significantly more publications than women. Before their doctoral graduation men publish 1.98 (SD ± 3.64) articles on average, women 1.15 (±2.67) (p < 0.0001, d = 0.27). After completion of the doctorate (up to 06/2015), 40 % of men still publish, while only 24.3 % of women (p < 0.0001, φ = 0.17) continue to publish. No differences were found concerning the value of IFs. Similar results were found regarding the variable ‘participation in a structured doctoral study program’. Until doctoral graduation, program participants publish 2.82 (±5.41) articles, whereas participants doing their doctorate individually only publish 1.39 (±2.87) articles (p < 0.0001, d = 0.46). These differences persist in publication activities after graduation (45.5 vs. 29.7 %, p = 0.008, φ = 0.09). A structured doctorate seems to have positive influence on IFs (4.33 ± 2.91 vs. 3.37 ± 2.82, p = 0.006, d = 0.34). Further significant results concern the variables ‘final grade’ and ‘age’: An early doctoral graduation and an excellent or very good grade for the doctoral thesis positively influence publication productivity. Finally, joint publication activities between the graduate and his/her academic supervisor result in significantly higher IFs (3.64 ± 3.03 vs. 2.84 ± 2.25, p = 0.007, d = 0.28). The study’s results support the assumption about women’s underrepresentation in science as well as the relevance of structured doctoral study programs for preparing and recruiting young academics in medicine for scientific careers. Promoting women and further development of structured doctoral study programs are highly recommended.


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"NSF 80-316."