990 resultados para Moore Pam


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Adverse selection may thwart trade between an informed seller, who knows the probability p that an item of antiquity is genuine, and an uninformed buyer, who does not know p. The buyer might not be wholly uninformed, however. Suppose he can perform a simple inspection, a test of his own: the probability that an item passes the test is g if the item is genuine, but only f < g if it is fake. Given that the buyer is no expert, his test may have little power: f may be close to g. Unfortunately, without much power, the buyer's test will not resolve the difficulty of adverse selection; gains from trade may remain unexploited. But now consider a "store", where the seller groups a number of items, perhaps all with the same quality, the same probability p of being genuine. (We show that in equilibrium the seller will choose to group items in this manner.) Now the buyer can conduct his test across a large sample, perhaps all, of a group of items in the seller's store. He can thereby assess the overall quality of these items; he can invert the aggregate of his test results to uncover the underlying p; he can form a "prior". There is thus no longer asymmetric information between seller and buyer: gains from trade can be exploited. This is our theory of retailing: by grouping items together - setting up a store - a seller is able to supply buyers with priors, as well as the items themselves. We show that the weaker the power of the buyer�s test (the closer f is to g), the greater the seller�s profit. So the seller has no incentive to assist the buyer � e.g., by performing her own tests on the items, or by cleaning them to reveal more about their true age. The paper ends with an analysis of which sellers should specialise in which qualities. We show that quality will be low in busy locations and high in expensive locations.


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The toxicity of heavy metals in natural waters is strongly dependent on the local chemical environment. Assessing the bioavailability of radionuclides predicts the toxic effects to aquatic biota. The technique of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) is largely exploited for bioavailability measurements of trace metals in waters. However, it has not been applied for plutonium speciation measurements yet. This study investigates the use of DGT technique for plutonium bioavailability measurements in chemically different environments. We used a diffusion cell to determine the diffusion coefficients (D) of plutonium in polyacrylamide (PAM) gel and found D in the range of 2.06-2.29 × 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). It ranged between 1.10 and 2.03 × 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1) in the presence of fulvic acid and in natural waters with low DOM. In the presence of 20 ppm of humic acid of an organic-rich soil, plutonium diffusion was hindered by a factor of 5, with a diffusion coefficient of 0.50 × 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). We also tested commercially available DGT devices with Chelex resin for plutonium bioavailability measurements in laboratory conditions and the diffusion coefficients agreed with those from the diffusion cell experiments. These findings show that the DGT methodology can be used to investigate the bioaccumulation of the labile plutonium fraction in aquatic biota.


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We characterize double adjunctions in terms of presheaves and universal squares, and then apply these characterizations to free monads and Eilenberg-Moore objects in double categories. We improve upon an earlier result of Fiore-Gambino-Kock in [7] to conclude: if a double category with cofolding admits the construction of free monads in its horizontal 2-category, then it also admits the construction of free monads as a double category horizontally and vertically, and also in its vertical 2-category. We also prove that a double category admits Eilenberg-Moore objects if and only if a certain parameterized presheaf is representable. Along the way, we develop parameterized presheaves on double categories and prove a double Yoneda Lemma.


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El trabajo realizado se divide en dos bloques bien diferenciados, ambos relacionados con el análisis de microarrays. El primer bloque consiste en agrupar las condiciones muestrales de todos los genes en grupos o clústers. Estas agrupaciones se obtienen al aplicar directamente sobre la microarray los siguientes algoritmos de agrupación: SOM,PAM,SOTA,HC y al aplicar sobre la microarray escalada con PC y MDS los siguientes algoritmos: SOM,PAM,SOTA,HC y K-MEANS. El segundo bloque consiste en realizar una búsqueda de genes basada en los intervalos de confianza de cada clúster de la agrupación activa. Las condiciones de búsqueda ajustadas por el usuario se validan para cada clúster respecto el valor basal 0 y respecto el resto de clústers, para estas validaciones se usan los intervalos de confianza. Estos dos bloques se integran en una aplicación web ya existente, el applet PCOPGene, alojada en el servidor: http://revolutionresearch.uab.es.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Uniersity de Sheffield, Gran Bretanya, entre octubre del 2007 i febrer del 2008. El treball ha estat centrat en el debat entre liberals i conservadors sobre l’estructura de la justificació perceptiva. Avuí en dia hi ha molts filòsofs que retornen al dogmatisme del sentit comú proclamat per G.E. Moore i la seva Prova sobre el Món Extern: I-Hi ha alguna cosa que sembla una mà; II-Hi ha una mà; III-Hi ha un món extern. És àmpliament acceptat que aquesta prova no constitueix una resposta satisfactòria a l’escepticisme sobre el nostre dret a dir que sabem, però quan es tracta de caracteritzar per què no és satisfactòria hi ha desacord. Això ha dut a encetar el debat entre liberals i conservadors pel qu fa a l’estructura de la justificació perceptiva.


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El tratamiento del carcinoma de páncreas continúa siendo uno de los grandes retos de la Oncología Médica. Un mejor conocimiento de las vías moleculares que intervienen en su desarrollo ha contribuido al uso de nuevos agentes terapéuticos dirigidos frente a las mismas. Una de esas vías es la del EGFR. Moore et al llevaron a cabo en 2007 un ensayo fase III aleatorizado en el que compararon gemcitabina frente a gemcitabina y erlotinib (un inhibidor de EGFR) y en el que demostraron de forma estadísticamente significativa por primera vez una mejoría en supervivencia global al asociar un agente a la gemcitabina en el tratamiento del adenocarcinoma pancreático avanzado. Hemos adoptado el esquema empleado en el ensayo fase III de Moore como primera línea de tratamiento del carcinoma pancreático localmente avanzado e irresecable y metastático en nuestro centro y creo necesario analizar la toxicidad y la supervivencia observada en nuestro medio. Para ello presento los resultados de eficacia, toxicidad y supervivencia global en la serie de 55 pacientes tratados con dicho esquema entre octubre de 2007 y octubre de 2010 en nuestro centro.


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Human genetic variation contributes to differences in susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. To search for novel host resistance factors, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in hemophilia patients highly exposed to potentially contaminated factor VIII infusions. Individuals with hemophilia A and a documented history of factor VIII infusions before the introduction of viral inactivation procedures (1979-1984) were recruited from 36 hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs), and their genome-wide genetic variants were compared with those from matched HIV-infected individuals. Homozygous carriers of known CCR5 resistance mutations were excluded. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and inferred copy number variants (CNVs) were tested using logistic regression. In addition, we performed a pathway enrichment analysis, a heritability analysis, and a search for epistatic interactions with CCR5 Δ32 heterozygosity. A total of 560 HIV-uninfected cases were recruited: 36 (6.4%) were homozygous for CCR5 Δ32 or m303. After quality control and SNP imputation, we tested 1 081 435 SNPs and 3686 CNVs for association with HIV-1 serostatus in 431 cases and 765 HIV-infected controls. No SNP or CNV reached genome-wide significance. The additional analyses did not reveal any strong genetic effect. Highly exposed, yet uninfected hemophiliacs form an ideal study group to investigate host resistance factors. Using a genome-wide approach, we did not detect any significant associations between SNPs and HIV-1 susceptibility, indicating that common genetic variants of major effect are unlikely to explain the observed resistance phenotype in this population.


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A Position Paper for the Professions Allied to Medicine Patients with cancer are living longer due to early diagnosis and better treatment. In recent years there has been increasing attention to issues related to the quality of life of patients with cancer and a recognition of the potential for habilitation and rehabilitation. As a result, PAMs as members of the multi-disciplinary team are now more actively involved with patients diagnosed with cancer during all phases of their disease. Each person’s life possesses a unique blend of psychological, social, economic and physical factors and comprehensive care requires the needs of the whole person to be addressed. This requires patients and carers having timely access to the most appropriate range of professional skills that will allow individual patients and their carers to retain control of their lives and associated circumstances for as long as possible. It also requires professions, in all locations, to work in a collaborative patient centred manner that affords the best outcome for patients. The need has been highlighted for a multi-professional approach to the delivery of cancer services in “Investing for the Future” and “A Framework for the Multi-professional Contribution to Cancer Care in Northern Ireland”. This need has also been highlighted in the PAM Strategy document. åÊ


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This report examines international literature on harm reduction and also presents primary research in health services in Ireland on approaches to harm reduction. The aim of harm reduction efforts is to minimise the risks stemming from shared use of drug-use paraphernalia, such as needle exchange programmes. One of the criticisms of Irish drug services is that the restricted opening hours and limited number of exchange services may contribute to continued sharing of needles among drug users. The report points out that other non-injecting paraphernalia such as spoons are also associated with the risk of contracting diseases, yet services do not as yet focus on them. The report notes that specific risk factors that contribute to risky drug practices include youth, a shorter injecting history, confinement to prison, homelessness and being involved in a sexual relationship with another intravenous drug user. The report suggests that harm reduction practices can be introduced into a prison population without a subsequent increase in drug consumption rates. The provision of consumption rooms and the prescription of heroin are also discussed, with the report noting that legislation would have to altered to implement these new strategies.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Qualitative study into the effect of the attitudes, beliefs and lifestyles of Travellers and Gypsies on health inequality issues.


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We set out to determine the seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C among human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) infected individuals in North-Central Nigeria to define the influence of these infections on CD4+ lymphocytes cells among our patients as access to antiretroviral therapy improves across the Nigerian nation. The CD4+ values of 180 confirmed HIV-1 infected individuals were enumerated using a superior fluorescence-activated cell sorter system. These patients were tested for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) using third generation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Fifty (27.8%) patients had active hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection while 33 (18.3%) tested positive for anti-HCV antibody. Of these infections, 110 (61.1%), 37 (20.6%), and 20 (11.1%) had HIV only, HBV/HIV-only, and HCV/HIV-only respectively. A HBV/HCV/HIV coinfection prevalence of 7.2% (13 patients) was recorded. Patients coinfected with HIV/HBV/HCV appeared to have lower CD4+ counts (mean = 107 cells/µl; AIDS defining) when compared to HBV/HIV-only (mean = 377 cells/µl), HCV/HIV-only (mean = 373 cells/µl) and patients with mono HIV infection (mean = 478 cells/µl). Coinfection with HBV or HCV is relatively common among HIV-infected patients in Nigeria and should be a big consideration in the initiation and choice of therapy.


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GTPases of the Rab1 subclass are essential for membrane traffic between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi complex in animals, fungi and plants. Rab1-related proteins in higher plants are unusual because sequence comparisons divide them into two putative subclasses, Rab-D1 and Rab-D2, that are conserved in monocots and dicots. We tested the hypothesis that the Rab-D1 and Rab-D2 proteins of Arabidopsis represent functionally distinct groups. RAB-D1 and RAB-D2a each targeted fluorescent proteins to the same punctate structures associated with the Golgi stacks and trans-Golgi-network. Dominant-inhibitory N121I mutants of each protein inhibited traffic of diverse cargo proteins at the ER but they appeared to act via distinct biochemical pathways as biosynthetic traffic in cells expressing either of the N121I mutants could be restored by coexpressing the wild-type form of the same subclass but not the other subclass. The same interaction was observed in transgenic seedlings expressing RAB-D1 [N121I]. Insertional mutants confirmed that the three Arabidopsis Rab-D2 genes were extensively redundant and collectively performed an essential function that could not be provided by RAB-D1, which was non-essential. However, plants lacking RAB-D1, RAB-D2b and RAB-D2c were short and bushy with low fertility, indicating that the Rab-D1 and Rab-D2 subclasses have overlapping functions.


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Developmental genes are silenced in embryonic stem cells by a bivalent histone-based chromatin mark. It has been proposed that this mark also confers a predisposition to aberrant DNA promoter hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in cancer. We report here that silencing of a significant proportion of these TSGs in human embryonic and adult stem cells is associated with promoter DNA hypermethylation. Our results indicate a role for DNA methylation in the control of gene expression in human stem cells and suggest that, for genes repressed by promoter hypermethylation in stem cells in vivo, the aberrant process in cancer could be understood as a defect in establishing an unmethylated promoter during differentiation, rather than as an anomalous process of de novo hypermethylation.