780 resultados para Monarquia de Bourbon


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Nueva España aportó la mayor parte de los recursos que sostuvieron a las fuerzas armadas españolas durante la guerra contra Gran Bretaña que se desarrolló en el Caribe entre 1779 y 1783. En el artículo se analizan las medidas a las que recurrieron las autoridades reales para obtener recursos extraordinarios del Consulado y varios mercaderes de la ciudad de México. Asimismo se exponen algunas de las contraprestaciones que negociaron a cambio de dichos servicios financieros y se plantean diversas hipótesis acerca de los motivos económicos, sociales y políticos que los llevaron a colaborar con el monarca, teniendo en cuenta los negocios que realizaban durante el conflicto bélico y la forma en que eran afectados por la reciente apertura comercial.


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The relationship between population and government in the City of Buenos Aires is analyzed, focusing on the tensions generated by the arrival of new individuals, a local elite with great interests in commerce and in charge of community affairs, and Spanish functionaries that progressively adopted the ideals of the Bourbon Dynasty, despite also being implicated in local logics. It interests us to observe the governors’ perspectives with respect to everyday developments in the city, their preoccupations and interests, and how they would vary the mechanisms to which they resorted in order to organize daily life, in the period defined between 1740 and 1776.


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From 1974 to 1986 the Iberian Peninsula was the arena of major political changes. The process then undertaken was characterized by the transition from two Iberian authoritarian regimes to two democracies, which enabled both countries to join the European Economic Community (EEC) on 1 January 1986. However, the political vicissitudes until full membership of what became the European Union (EU) was achieved were very different and were decisively, although not exclusively, influenced by the fact Portugal was a republic and Spain a monarchy. In Portugal the 1974 revolution took place with consequent shift of the head of state while in Spain the engine of change was precisely the head of state: King Juan Carlos I. It is also true that despite the dangers to democracy (terrorism in Spain and some radicalism in Portugal) both societies supported the political parties committed to the democratic process in elections, which helped avoid tensions that could have defeated the process. Likewise, it is possible to argue that in Spain a plan to achieve democracy within the rule of law (an archetypal transition) was designed by the head of state, while in Portugal there was no pre-established plan – the programme of the Armed Forces Movement (Movimento das Forças Armadas [MFA]) was a weak and precarious compromise between different visions of the road to follow, enabling an intense political struggle that almost led to civil war and a dangerous state of crisis.


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Introdução: A Monarquia Constitucional, de 1821 a 1910, funcionou com seis Câmaras de Representantes. A pergunta é: o que discutiam as elites, nestes palcos, relacionado com a enfermagem? Através de descritores relacionados com enfermagem, identificámos nos diários das sessões, em todo o período, 1317 páginas com referência a enfermagem. O ano 1896 mostrou a frequência mais elevada, 89 entradas. Nesse ano, funcionava a Câmara dos Pares do Reino (CPR) e a Câmara dos Senhores Deputados da Nação Portuguesa (CSDNP). Objectivos: Identificar os assuntos tratados nas Câmaras de Representantes durante a Monarquia Constitucional, relacionados com a enfermagem, enfermeiros e enfermarias, no ano 1896, ano de frequênciamais elevada das citações nos diários das sessões, verificado em estudo prévio.Descrever, analisar e enquadrar os assuntos encontrados.Verificar se existem diferenças nos assuntos e na sua abordagem nas duas câmaras em funcionamento, dos Pares do Reino e dos Senhores Deputados da Nação. Metodologia: Levantamento e análise de fontes diretas, segundo uma metodologia de análise histórica. Através dos descritores, enfermeiro(s), enfermeira(s),enfermagem, enfermaria(s), pesquisa nos diários das sessões das câmaras de representantes em funcionamento no ano 1896, localizados no site da Assembleia da República. Levantamento das páginas sensíveis aos descritores. Leitura e análise das problemáticas e seu enquadramento diacrónico e sincrónico. Identificação dos temas e análise em pormenor das suas ligações e do seu contributo para a história de enfermagem. Num processo de exame do passado, construção mental desse exame e comunicação desse resultado. Resultados: Em 1896 encontrámos 89 entradas, 58 páginas dos diários da CSDNP e 31 dos diários da CPR. Na distribuição numérica das entradas pelos descritores verificámos a preponderância institucional sobre os descritores pessoais, para a CPR 21 em 31 e na CSDNP 38 em 58. Na CPR os assuntos de enfermagem ocuparam cinco dias de sessões. Quatro relacionados com a problemática dos delinquentes alienados e da construção de uma enfermaria anexa à Penitenciária de Lisboa. Outra sessão ocupou-se com a reorganização geral dos serviços de saúde do ultramar. Na CSDNP registamos a presença em oito dias, três com o assunto delinquentes alienados e construção de enfermaria, um com a reorganização dos serviço de saúde do ultramar, onde se estipula formação, funções, organização e vencimentos, noutro dia, uma representação dos empregados dos HUC mostrando seu descontentamento, noutro a cedência de instalações para Hospital da Misericórdia de Elvas, e por fim a organização de enfermarias nos barcos da linha Lisboa - Ilhas. Conclusões: A existência de enfermarias anexas aos estabelecimentos prisionais responde ao imperativo de direito dos alienados/inimputabilidade. A reorganização dos serviços de saúde do ultramar contabiliza enfermeiros, problematiza as irmãs hospitaleiras, dá conta de maqueiros. Temas comuns às duas câmaras. Em 1896, elites, nas Câmaras, realçam e discutem, relacionado com enfermagem e enfermarias, os seguintes aspectos: política de saúde (direitos dos alienados; ocupação do espaço ultramarino; higienismo); institucionais (enfermarias para inimputáveis; organização de serviços no ultramar; melhoria de instalações hospitalares; enfermarias em barcos); disciplinaridade (formação especifica para o ultramar); profissionalidade (embrião decarreira; funções e vencimentos; polémica com irmãs; manifestação de descontentamento).


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A desigualdade era um dos elementos estruturantes da sociedade do Antigo Regime. Partindo desta ideia central, propõe-se neste trabalho determinar a desigualdade de rendimento dos contribuintes dos concelhos de Arraiolos, de Avis e de Portalegre, todos na província do Alentejo, integrando-os na problemática da variabilidade de rendimento das sociedades europeias pré-industriais. As fontes nucleares para este trabalho são os registos de pagamento do imposto da décima, contribuição direta e universal talhada para fazer face às despesas da Guerra da Restauração e que perdurou até ao final do Antigo Regime, sendo profundamente alterado durante a monarquia constitucional. Incidindo sobre diversos tipos de rendimento, consubstancia uma fonte de grande importância para o estudo da economia pré-industrial.


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Ao longo do século XVI e XVII a Casa de Bragança, em diferentes episódios das mesmas questões, foi obrigada a defender os seus privilégios e as suas preeminências dentro do ordenamento jurídico e social existente. Estas diversas querelas constituem um elemento evidente da participação activa dos duques na luta política no centro, que como se verá, eles não descuravam, pese embora a sua manifesta preferência pelo quotidiano cortesão senhorial, em Vila Viçosa e a presença reduzida que mantiveram na corte régia. E, na realidade, o reconhecimento das suas preeminências junto dos monarcas era um elemento fundamental para a afirmação dos Bragança junto da sua própria gente.


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Still a big gap exists between clinical and genetic diagnosis of dyslipidemic disorders. Almost the 60% of the patients with a clinical diagnosis of Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) still lack of a genetic diagnosis. Here we present the preliminary results of an integrative approach intended to identify new candidate genes and to dissect pathways that can be dysregulated in the disease. Interesting hits will be subsequently knocked down in vitro in order to evaluate their functional role in the uptake of fluorescently-labeled LDL and free cell cholesterol using automated microscopy.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD), particularly coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The common forms of CVD have a complex aetiology in which interactions between multiple genetic and environmental factors play an important roles. The incidence rates of these diseases are increasing in developing countries as a result of the modification of lifestyles and increased prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors. Many independent cardiovascular risk factors could be modifiable, in contrast to the genetic risk factors. However, the associated risk of the genetic factors can be prevented if early identified, making genetic studies a priority in cardiovascular genetics research.


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Dyslipidaemia is one of the major cardiovascular risk factors, it can be due to primary causes (i.e. monogenic, characterized by a single gene mutation, or dyslipidaemia of polygenic/environmental causes), or secondary to specific disorders such as obesity, diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism. Monogenic patients present the most severe phenotype and so they need to be identified in early age so pharmacologic treatment can be implemented to decrease the cardiovascular risk. However the majority of hyperlipidemic patients most likely have a polygenic disease that can be mainly controlled just by the implementation of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, the distinction between monogenic and polygenic dyslipidaemia is important for a prompt diagnosis, cardiovascular risk assessment, counselling and treatment. Besides the already stated biomarkers as LDL, apoB and apoB/apoA-I ratio, other promising (yet, needing further research) biomarkers for clinical differentiation between dyslipidaemias are apoE, sdLDL, apoC-2 and apoC-3. However, none of these biomarkers can explain the complex lipid profile of the majority of these patients.


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Background and aims: The prevalence of anti-HCV and HBsAg in Portugal has been shown to be elevated in high-risk groups, such as intravenous drug-users and incarcerated individuals. However, in the general population, prevalence remains largely unknown. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of anti-HCV and HBsAg in the general Portuguese population and identify associated risk factors. Materials and methods: We carried out a nationwide, population-based cross-sectional study of adults resident in mainland Portugal. Serology for HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV was performed. Anti-HCV-positive individuals were tested for HCV RNA by PCR. Results: Of 1685 participants, 50.6% were men, mean age 50.2±18.3 years. In terms of hepatitis C, the prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.54% [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.2–0.9] and 0.12% (95% CI: 0.0–0.3) were viremic, with peak prevalence among individuals 35–64 years of age (0.8%), men (0.8%), and individuals from Lisbon and Tagus Valley region (1.9%). In terms of hepatitis B, the estimated prevalence of HBsAg was 1.45% (95% CI: 0.9–2.0). A higher prevalence was found in individuals who were 35–64 years old (2.2%), in men (2.5%), and in the Northern region (2.6%). The presence of positive serological markers of hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus infection did not correlate with elevated aminotransferases, race, place of birth, and alcohol consumption. Conclusion: These results suggest a low endemicity for both hepatitis B and hepatitis C in the general population, in contrast to a very high prevalence in risk groups, thus suggesting that targeted screening to high-risk groups may be more cost-effective than general population screening.


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Globally cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death. In clinical practice we are able to advise an control several risk factors that might benefit our patients. But we know that trying to reach all goals we might chew more than we can swallow


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The aim was to evaluate whether it had a similar effect in a Portuguese sample and if low weight classes – low weight (LW <2500g), very low weight (VLW <1500g) and extremely low weight (ELW <1000g) – had statistically significant differences between them.


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The aim of this study is to associate cardiovascular health, health spending and socio-economical differences in a Portuguese sample.


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Nowadays complementary diagnostic methods are replacing clinical examination and semiology is loosing space in our clinical practice. One of our main concerns in clinical practice is to assess Cardiovascular risk (CVR). And previous studies reported an increased CVR with a divergence of 10mmhg or more measured between both arms-interarm blood pressure difference (IAD)


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Main Aim of the study: to identify the cause of the dyslipidaemia in patients with a clinical phenotype of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH).