930 resultados para Mobilização vertebral


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Nowadays, there is a tourism phase in the city of Natal/RN called internationalization of tourism , which shows a tourism model with a planning and an administration, based on the needs of the visitors. Such process shows that the production as well as the reproduction of the city spaces with the goal of favor tourism excludes of its composition the effective participation of local subjects. Thus, the research is a result of the perception of tourism as an activity with a meaningful power of transformation of the social and natural space taking into account the low participation of the residents in the decisions of the tourism activities in the city of Natal/RN. Despite that reality, it is possible to note Natal that civil society, starts to mobilize its citizens trying to develop collective actions to low the negative impacts caused by the bad planning as wells not efficient tourism administration, trying to put in action the right of the local population to take part in the decisions of the city activities. Having this panorama as background, this paper aims at investigating in which way the mobilizing action of the social capital in Natal has contributed to change the spatial production which is part of the process of expansion of tourism in Natal/RN? The research presents a temporal picture which starts in the year of 1980, when occurs the first effective state intervention aiming to develop tourism in the capital, taking into account an analysis of 2012. Concerning the spatial picture, the research investigates the beaches of Natal which concentrates criteria and actions such as: visitation, tourism appeal and focus of investments, highlighting the following beaches: Ponta Negra, Areia Preta, Praia dos Artistas, Praia do Meio, Praia do Forte and Redinha. This study is of a descriptive and exploratory nature concerning its goals. With respect to the treatment of its object it is a qualitative research. The data was collected through structural interviews, with open questions. Regarding the methodological choices, it was used the content analysis proposed as well as the collective discursive subject methodology. The results show that there´s not yet in Natal a meaningful social capital related to tourism, capable to change the spatial production related to the activity. It should be stressed that Natal social capital presents difficulties concerning the incentive to trust, spontaneous cooperation and the civic participation, which are the foundation for the development of an effective social capital, which makes it harder for a more expressive articulation in the reality in Natal/RN. It should be stressed, as an answer to the research questions, that tourism in Natal/RN is represented by social and spatial segregation. In other words it emphasizes mainly the action of hegemonic agents (State and market), leaving little room for the participation of society. It can be noticed that the actions related to tourism in Natal keeps the popular participation out of the way. Thus, it can be said that the social capital in Natal/RN does not yet contribute to a more fair spatial production related to the expansion of the tourism as well as the well being of the population of Natal/RN. In conclusion, it should be taken into account that this participation do exists but not in a meaningful way. In other words, it´s not enough yet to cause meaningful changes in the actions which tourism needs nowadays in Natal/RN


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In Fazenda Belém oil field (Potiguar Basin, Ceará State, Brazil) occur frequently sinkholes and sudden terrain collapses associated to an unconsolidated sedimentary cap covering the Jandaíra karst. This research was carried out in order to understand the mechanisms of generation of these collapses. The main tool used was Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). This work is developed twofold: one aspect concerns methodology improvements in GPR data processing whilst another aspect concerns the geological study of the Jandaíra karst. This second aspect was strongly supported both by the analysis of outcropping karst structures (in another regions of Potiguar Basin) and by the interpretation of radargrams from the subsurface karst in Fazenda Belém. It was designed and tested an adequate flux to process GPR data which was adapted from an usual flux to process seismic data. The changes were introduced to take into account important differences between GPR and Reflection Seismic methods, in particular: poor coupling between source and ground, mixed phase of the wavelet, low signal-to-noise ratio, monochannel acquisition, and high influence of wave propagation effects, notably dispersion. High frequency components of the GPR pulse suffer more pronounced effects of attenuation than low frequency components resulting in resolution losses in radargrams. In Fazenda Belém, there is a stronger need of an suitable flux to process GPR data because both the presence of a very high level of aerial events and the complexity of the imaged subsurface karst structures. The key point of the processing flux was an improvement in the correction of the attenuation effects on the GPR pulse based on their influence on the amplitude and phase spectra of GPR signals. In low and moderate losses dielectric media the propagated signal suffers significant changes only in its amplitude spectrum; that is, the phase spectrum of the propagated signal remains practically unaltered for the usual travel time ranges. Based on this fact, it is shown using real data that the judicious application of the well known tools of time gain and spectral balancing can efficiently correct the attenuation effects. The proposed approach can be applied in heterogeneous media and it does not require the precise knowledge of the attenuation parameters of the media. As an additional benefit, the judicious application of spectral balancing promotes a partial deconvolution of the data without changing its phase. In other words, the spectral balancing acts in a similar way to a zero phase deconvolution. In GPR data the resolution increase obtained with spectral balancing is greater than those obtained with spike and predictive deconvolutions. The evolution of the Jandaíra karst in Potiguar Basin is associated to at least three events of subaerial exposition of the carbonatic plataform during the Turonian, Santonian, and Campanian. In Fazenda Belém region, during the mid Miocene, the Jandaíra karst was covered by continental siliciclastic sediments. These sediments partially filled the void space associated to the dissolution structures and fractures. Therefore, the development of the karst in this region was attenuated in comparison to other places in Potiguar Basin where this karst is exposed. In Fazenda Belém, the generation of sinkholes and terrain collapses are controlled mainly by: (i) the presence of an unconsolidated sedimentary cap which is thick enough to cover completely the karst but with sediment volume lower than the available space associated to the dissolution structures in the karst; (ii) the existence of important structural of SW-NE and NW-SE alignments which promote a localized increase in the hydraulic connectivity allowing the channeling of underground water, thus facilitating the carbonatic dissolution; and (iii) the existence of a hydraulic barrier to the groundwater flow, associated to the Açu-4 Unity. The terrain collapse mechanisms in Fazenda Belém occur according to the following temporal evolution. The meteoric water infiltrates through the unconsolidated sedimentary cap and promotes its remobilization to the void space associated with the dissolution structures in Jandaíra Formation. This remobilization is initiated at the base of the sedimentary cap where the flow increases its abrasion due to a change from laminar to turbulent flow regime when the underground water flow reaches the open karst structures. The remobilized sediments progressively fill from bottom to top the void karst space. So, the void space is continuously migrated upwards ultimately reaching the surface and causing the sudden observed terrain collapses. This phenomenon is particularly active during the raining season, when the water table that normally is located in the karst may be temporarily located in the unconsolidated sedimentary cap


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Brazil lives a time of experimentation and maturity as it pertains to managing the use of water, which comes institutionalising increasingly social participation. In Rio Grande do Norte, since 1997, the government has been developing actions accordingly, through the State Department of Water Resources, which has implemented a programme of adutoras within the State and created Water Users Associations, in the installation of dessalinizadores for places where the Adutora was not necessary or not yet arrived, so that should be managed by communities through associations of users. Since 2003, Civil Society Organisations - CSOs come through ASA - Articulation in the Semi-arid Brazilian, implementing the P1MC - Program of Training and Mobilization for Social Living with the Semi-Arid (One Million Rural Cisternas), in its third year of implementation in Rio Grande do Norte, in the spirit of working together with the semi arid. In the municipality of Serrinha / RN which incorporates the Semi-arid region, we find in the rural community of Pendêcias dos Emídios the experience of the State and Civil Society, which referred to a discussion about the environmental sustainability of these initiatives. The general objective of this work is to examine the strategies for participatory management in the use and access to water in the community of Pendêcias dos Emídios of the municipality of Serrinha / RN, to understand how those experiences can contribute to environmental sustainability. The methodology used envolvel bibliographic research in categories involving each article, the analysis of the terms of reference of each strategy as part of the documentary research, the application forms covering 40 families benefited, and interviews based on comprehensive analysis of the speech. This study is divided into 02 articles, where the first is a discussion held on collective action and environmental sustainability, and the second is held a discussion about the sustainability of the initiatives underway to access water. The results of the discussion held on 02 articles that had their empirical built from the experience of the Commonwealth of Pendências dos Emídios revealed how far will the ability of the State to promote collective action and the limitations of the perception of sustainability that permeates these initiatives in the search for democratic access to water in semi-arid


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A síndrome oculoauriculovertebral, mais comumente conhecida como síndrome de Goldenhar, pode ser diagnosticada pelo dermatologista. Achados como hipoplasia/aplasia de pavilhão auricular e alterações vertebrais, e a presença de trago acessório encontrados no paciente são elementos-chave para a suspeita da síndrome. Sua identificação é de suma importância dada a possibilidade de outras alterações sistêmicas, com impacto até no prognóstico do paciente. Após a confirmação diagnóstica, é interessante a abordagem multidisciplinar e integral em função da potencial pluralidade de manifestações que podem ocorrer na síndrome.


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OBJETIVO: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, por amostragem de escolares, frequentadores das escolas estaduais de Bauru, São Paulo, com o objetivo de detectar possíveis portadores de tracoma. MÉTODOS: Foram examinadas 1.749 crianças do ensino fundamental, de 6 a 14 anos, durante o ano de 2005. As escolas foram escolhidas por sorteio, de acordo com o número de estudantes e com a localização da escola dentro do setor da cidade (centro, região intermediária e periferia). O diagnóstico dos casos foi clínico, seguindo as normas da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), confirmado laboratorialmente pelo método da imunofluorescência direta para detecção de Chlamydia trachomatis. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tracoma inflamatório foi de 3,8%, tendo sido diagnosticado tracoma folicular em 3,7% e tracoma intenso em 0,06% das crianças examinadas. As crianças com tracoma moravam principalmente na região intermediária e periférica da cidade, áreas onde o fornecimento de água pode ser descontínuo e o tratamento do esgoto pode estar ausente. Um programa de controle foi desenvolvido e os comunicantes foram diagnosticados e tratados. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de tracoma inflamatório em Bauru - Estado de São Paulo - é de 3,8%. Além da oportunidade de reconhecer e tratar os portadores e contatantes, os autores realçam o fato positivo da mobilização da comunidade bauruense no sentido de prevenir a cegueira pelo tracoma.


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Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo (1987-2002) dos aspectos clínicos das fraturas vertebrais em eqüinos, bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e suínos atendidos no hospital veterinário da FMVZ-Unesp de Botucatu. Todos os casos tiveram confirmação radiográfica ou post-mortem. Segundo a espécie, a ordem de acometimento foi: bovina, eqüina, ovina, caprina e suína. As lesões ocorreram desde os 12 dias de idade até os 10 anos, com maior freqüência até os 12 meses. O segmento torácico foi o mais comprometido seguido dos segmentos lombar, cervical e sacral. As fraturas vertebrais devem fazer parte da lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de animais em decúbito, independente da espécie, sexo ou idade.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dentre os diversos meios de se determinar o grau de maturação esquelética do paciente destaca-se o Método de Lamparski modificado por Hassel e Farman, em 1995, que propuseram a identificação do estágio da maturação por meio das modificações anatômicas das 2ª, 3ª e 4ª vértebras cervicais. Cientes das qualidades advogadas ao método citado surgiu o interesse em avaliar sua reprodutibilidade com o intuito de divulgá-lo e incorporá-lo como um elemento no diagnóstico e auxiliar no prognóstico dos tratamentos das más oclusões. A amostra constou de 100 telerradiografias em norma lateral de pacientes triados para tratamento ortodôntico na Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP nos períodos de 2000 e 2001. Foram incluídos pacientes de ambos os gêneros na faixa etária de 6 a 16 anos e a média de 9 anos e 7 meses. Três examinadores devidamente calibrados realizaram a avaliação das radiografias classificando-as em escores de 1 a 6. Após a análise dos resultados, os mesmos foram tabulados e submetidos ao coeficiente Kappa de concordância para avaliação inter e intra-examinador concluindo, dessa forma, a reprodutibilidade do referido método. O método de determinação da maturação esquelética por meio das vértebras cervicais mostrou-se reproduzível na avaliação do estágio em que o indivíduo se encontra na curva de crescimento.


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We describe adult morphology, advertisement call and some natural history traits of a new species of toad from the Pantanal, western Brazil. Rhinella paraguayensis sp. nov. belongs to the Rhinella margaritifera group, and is characterized by medium size, snout rounded in dorsal view, with a vertical apical ridge, supraorbital crests weakly developed, parietal crest not well developed, postorbital crest prominent, presence of a dorsolateral line of tubercles, tympanum evident, bony protrusions at angle of jaws, absence of vertebral apophyses and of projections on upper eyelids, and parotoid glands small. The new species is distinguished from other species of the group by geographic distribution and by the use of floating mats of vegetation as reproductive site.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cet article rassemble des concepts, des théories et des données afin de comprendre comment ils articulent les nouvelles formes de gouvernance du territoire, à travers les stratégies institutionnelles et organisationnelles des acteurs locaux à mobiliser les actifs spécifiques des territoires dans les projets de développement local. Cette étude propose une base théorique pour les études appliquées à essayer de comprendre comment exprimer les organisations et institutions, ses acteurs et ses agents dans l'environnement de la structure de gouvernance territoriale, étant donné les cours divers secteurs socio-spatiale et territoriale au Brésil. Ainsi, les arrangements productifs locaux (APL) et Tours apparaissent comme des stratégies novatrices pour la gouvernance territoriale étant donné le caractère de sa propre configuration de la relation entre l'Etat, privées et autres institutions sociales.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar através de cortes tomográficos e reconstrução tridimensional a incidência de mal posicionamento de parafusos em pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico da Escoliose idiopática do adolescente. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados exames tomográficos de 8 pacientes, tratados cirurgicamente no Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto-SP, realizada instrumentação posterior partindo de T2 /T4 a L4/L5 totalizando 164 parafusos. RESULTADOS: 32,9% (n=54) apresentavam posicionamento com risco potencial,ou seja desvio acima de 2 milímetros, sendo 20,1% (n=33) com invasão lateral, 9,1% (n=15) com invasão medial, 3,6 %(n=6) com invasão anterior. Dos parafusos que ofereciam risco potencial a relação com aspecto da curva foi de 46% (n=25) na concavidade, 35% (n=19) na convexidade e 19% (n=10) em vértebras adjacentes a curva. CONCLUSÃO: Os limites de penetração aceitáveis, assim como os métodos de mensuração ainda não foram padronizados, a técnica free hand' mostrou-se segura, apesar da violação dos pedículos. A tomografia computadorizada pré-operatória, auxilia no planejamento cirúrgico e na redução das complicações.