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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
We show how a quantum property, a geometric phase, associated with scattering states can be exhibited in nanoscale electronic devices. We propose an experiment to use interference to directly measure the effect of this geometric phase. The setup involves a double-path interferometer, adapted from that used to measure the phase evolution of electrons as they traverse a quantum dot (QD). Gate voltages on the QD could be varied cyclically and adiabatically, in a manner similar to that used to observe quantum adiabatic charge pumping. The interference due to the geometric phase results in oscillations in the current collected in the drain when a small bias across the device is applied. We illustrate the effect with examples of geometric phases resulting from both Abelian and non-Abelian gauge potentials.
We investigate the emission of multimodal polarized light from light emitting devices due to spin-aligned carrier injection. The results are derived through operator Langevin equations, which include thermal and carrier-injection fluctuations, as well as nonradiative recombination and electronic g-factor temperature dependence. We study the dynamics of the optoelectronic processes and show how the temperature-dependent g factor and magnetic field affect the degree of polarization of the emitted light. In addition, at high temperatures, thermal fluctuation reduces the efficiency of the optoelectronic detection method for measuring the degree of spin polarization of carrier injection into nonmagnetic semicondutors.
We describe a method to produce local heating or cooling (depending on how the system is tuned) in a mesoscopic device by transport of electrons. The mechanism can operate on molecules or quantum dots, or any system where the local modes are coupled to vibrations. We believe this will be of future interest in micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS). The amount of heating/cooling obtained depends on the details of the device. We also perform a numerical calculation to display the effect. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) have been used as passive air samplers of semivolatile organic compounds in a range of studies. However, due to a lack of calibration data for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), SPMD data have not been used to estimate air concentrations of target PAHs. In this study, SPMDs were deployed for 32 days at two sites in a major metropolitan area in Australia. High-volume active sampling systems (HiVol) were co-deployed at both sites. Using the HiVol air concentration data from one site, SPMD sampling rates were measured for 12 US EPA Priority Pollutant PAHs and then these values were used to determine air concentrations at the second site from SPMD concentrations. Air concentrations were also measured at the second site with co-deployed HiVols to validate the SPMD results. PAHs mostly associated with the vapour phase (Fluorene to Pyrene) dominated both the HiVol and passive air samples. Reproducibility between replicate passive samplers was satisfactory (CV < 20%) for the majority of compounds. Sampling rates ranged between 0.6 and 6.1 m(3) d(-1). SPMD-based air concentrations were calculated at the second site for each compound using these sampling rates and the differences between SPMD-derived air concentrations and those measured using a HiVol were, on average, within a factor of 1.5. The dominant processes for the uptake of PAHs by SPMDs were also assessed. Using the SPMD method described herein, estimates of particulate sorbed airborne PAHs with five rings or greater were within 1.8-fold of HiVol measured values. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two water quality monitoring strategies designed to sample hydrophobic organic contaminants have been applied and evaluated across an expected concentration gradient in PAHs in the Moreton region. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) that sequester contaminants via passive diffusion across a membrane were used to evaluate the concentration of PAHs at four and five sites in spring and summer 2001/2002, respectively. In addition, induction of hepatic cytochrome P4501, EROD activity, in yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis, captured in the vicinity of SPMD sampling sites following deployment in summer was used as a biomarker of exposure to PAHs and related chemicals. SPMDs identified a clear and reproducible gradient in PAH contamination with levels increasing from east to west in Moreton Bay and upstream in the Brisbane River. The highest PAH concentrations expressed as B(a)P-toxicity equivalents (TEQs) were found in urban areas, which were also furthest upstream and experienced the least flushing. Cytochrome P4501 induction in A. australis was similar at all sites. The absence of clear trends in EROD activity may be attributable to factors not measured in this study or variable residency time of A. australis in contaminated areas. It is also possible that fish in the Moreton region are displaying enzymatic adaptation, which has been reported previously for fish subjected to chronic exposure to organic contaminants. These potential interferences complicate interpretation of EROD activity from feral biota. It is, therefore, suggested that future monitoring combine the two methods by applying passive sampler extracts to in vitro EROD assays. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We introduce a spin-charge conductance matrix as a unifying concept underlying charge and spin transport within the framework of the Landauer-Buttiker conductance formula. It turns out that the spin-charge conductance matrix provides a natural and gauge covariant description for electron transport through nanoscale electronic devices. We demonstrate that the charge and spin conductances are gauge invariant observables which characterize transport phenomena arising from spin-dependent scattering. Tunnelling through a single magnetic atom is discussed to illustrate our theory.
Geometric phases of scattering states in a ring geometry are studied on the basis of a variant of the adiabatic theorem. Three timescales, i.e., the adiabatic period, the system time and the dwell time, associated with adiabatic scattering in a ring geometry play a crucial role in determining geometric phases, in contrast to only two timescales, i.e., the adiabatic period and the dwell time, in an open system. We derive a formula connecting the gauge invariant geometric phases acquired by time-reversed scattering states and the circulating (pumping) current. A numerical calculation shows that the effect of the geometric phases is observable in a nanoscale electronic device.
Information security devices must preserve security properties even in the presence of faults. This in turn requires a rigorous evaluation of the system behaviours resulting from component failures, especially how such failures affect information flow. We introduce a compositional method of static analysis for fail-secure behaviour. Our method uses reachability matrices to identify potentially undesirable information flows based on the fault modes of the system's components.
Electron-multiplying charge coupled devices promise to revolutionize ultrasensitive optical imaging. The authors present a simple methodology allowing reliable measurement of camera characteristics and statistics of single-electron events, compare the measurements to a simple theoretical model, and report camera performance in a truly photon-counting regime that eliminates the excess noise related to fluctuations of the multiplication gain.
Communications devices for government or military applications must keep data secure, even when their electronic components fail. Combining information flow and risk analyses could make fault-mode evaluations for such devices more efficient and cost-effective.