984 resultados para Misal romano-Rúbricas


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El Geomedia© facilita agrupar tota la informació com: perfils de terreny, tipus de jaciments, mapes geològics, fonts històriques... per establir la ubicació del riu en època romana i finalment, avaluar els efectes d'una riuada.


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Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica que realitza un anàlisi de la relació del llit del Riu Llobregat amb la ubicació dels jaciments arqueològics i les vies de transport del Baix Llobregat en l'època Romana.


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L'objectiu del Treball és establir una relació entre l'antic traçat del riu Llobregat al seu pas per diverses poblacions de Catalunya enclavades a la Comarca del Baix Llobregat i els jaciments arqueològics datats a l'època romana amb la perspectiva de la utilització de la via fluvial com element de transport.Per a l'anàlisi de les ubicacions de les diferents entitats geogràfiques s'utilitza una eina de programariespecífica: Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) amb la qual es construirà el nostre sistema dereferència per extreure les conclusions oportunes.


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Aquest treball estudia la construcció d'un SIG que permet l'anàlisi de la relació del llit del riu Llobregat amb la ubicació dels jaciments arqueològics i les vies de transport del Baix Llobregat en l'època romana.


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En el entorno del ejercicio profesional, las destrezas, los valores y actitudes personales, tienen un papel relevante y complementario al de los conocimientos. Este es el motivo de que la enseñanza basada en competencias, como una combinación de saber, ser, hacer y estar con otros, esté en la línea deseada. En este sentido, las universidades han estado elaborando nuevos planes de estudio en los que se desarrollan los nuevos Grados de acuerdo al EEES, incluyendo en estos, las competencias genéricas de cada titulación, que en general, se ciñen a las propuestas presentadas en el proyecto Tuning 2003.La investigación llevada a cabo sobre la competencia comunicativa escrita en el Grado de Ingeniería en Informática, se ha centrado en universidades de toda la geografía española. La información se ha analizado en función de dos marcos de clasificación: el marco curricular (planes de estudio y memorias de verificación de Grado) y el marco de evaluación (rúbricas).La investigación ha corroborado, que la competencia comunicativa escrita, una competencia instrumental genérica que está en el grupo de las destrezas lingüísticas, se trabaja de forma natural en una variedad de asignaturas repartidas a lo largo de los planes de estudio del Grado de Ingeniería en Informática, hecho que favorece la consecución de esta competencia. Aunque solo alrededor de un 20% de los planes de estudio analizados presentan una asignatura, la cual, uno de sus objetivos principales sea la de favorecer la competencia comunicativa escrita, se entiende, además de por la transversalidad de la competencia comunicativa escrita en un plan de estudios TIC, porque esta competencia, como se ha señalado, se puede trabajar de forma eficaz dentro de las metodologías de otras asignaturas.La investigación nos ha llevado a la conclusión, de que un futuro Graduado en Ingeniería Informática de una universidad española, presentará suficiencia en la competencia comunicativa escrita, ya que en esa dirección apuntan las referencias analizadas. El uso de rúbricas se hace necesario para evaluar el aprendizaje de dicha competencia, ya que sin evaluación, no hay posibilidad de constatar si realmente se alcanzan los niveles de calidad deseados.El modelo educativo que propone la UOC, permite que se desarrollen de forma preeminente una serie de competencias transversales, que resultan básicas a la hora de enfrentarse a los retos que nos propone la sociedad, preparando a profesionales, además de con los conocimientos técnicos propios de un Ingeniero en Informática, con las habilidades y competencias transversales necesarias que completan su formación técnica.


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We identified different diarrheagenic (DEC) Escherichia coli pathotypes isolated from 1,207 children with and without acute endemic diarrhea in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil collected as part of a case-control study. Since the identification of DEC cannot be based on only biochemical and culture criteria, we used a multiplex polymerase chain reaction developed by combining five specific primer pairs for Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), Shiga toxin-producing E. coli/ Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (STEC/EHEC), Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) and Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) to detect these pathotypes simultaneously in a single-step reaction. In order to distinguish typical and atypical EPEC strains, these were tested for the presence of EAF plasmid. The prevalence of diarrheagenic E. coli in this sample of a global case-control study was 25.4% (259 patients) and 18.7% (35 patients) in the diarrhea group (1,020 patients) and the control group (187 patients), respectively. The most frequently isolated pathotype was EAEC (10.7%), followed by atypical EPEC (9.4%), ETEC (3.7%), and STEC (0.6%). Typical EPEC was detected only in one sample. The prevalence of the pathotypes studied in children with diarrhea was not significantly different from that in children without diarrhea.


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By 1997, an open cohort of 1,652 live newborn of 1,637 mothers with gestational toxoplasmosis had been recruited in the Campania region to monitor the burden of congenital toxoplasmosis (CT). Of the 1,556 mother-child pairs that completed the follow up, 92 definite cases were detected, yielding a 5.9% (4.8-7.1 95% CI) transmission rate. The onset was patent for 43% of patients and sensorineural complications were shown for a further 15% of subclinical onset patients later than two years of age. The overall prevalence of toxoplasmosis during gestation was 2.46 of 1,000 deliveries, while the prevalence of definite CT was 1.38 of 10,000 live newborns. However, there is still room for intervention, as only 23% of the maternal diagnoses were proven through seroconversion, 63 of the late-gestation seroconverters remained untreated, and six probable CT diagnoses were made following referrals due to patent sequelae and born during the study period. There was a positive secular trend on the rates of infant referral and definite CT diagnosis, according to the live birth rate (Ç2 for trend < 0.001). Extension of this surveillance system across the country could help to define a future strategy for prevention.


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The immunopathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a matter of great controversy and has been suggested to involve a complex balance between cytokines with pro and anti-inflammatory activity. We investigated the expression of inflammatory cells and cytokines in the liver and serum of 51 chronically HCV infected patients and compared them to data from two sets of normal controls: 51 healthy blood donors and 33 liver biopsies of healthy liver donors. We also assessed the relationship between selected cytokines and cell populations in hepatic compartments and the disease stage. Compared with controls, hepatitis C patients had a greater expression of portal TNF-α, TGF-β and CD4+ and acinar IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-4, as well as a higher serum concentration of IL-2, IL-10 and TGF-β. Significant positive correlations were found between portal CD4+ and TNF-α, portal CD8+ and TGF-β, portal CD45+RO and TNF-α, acinar CD45+RO and IFN-γ and acinar CD57+ and TGF-β. In conclusion, we have shown that (i) in this sample of predominantly mild disease, the immune response was associated with a pro-inflammatory response pattern, (ii) CD4+ T-lymphocytes played a major role in orchestrating the immune response and (iii) these events primarily took place in the portal space.


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DNA sequence variation has been associated with quantitative changes in molecular phenotypes such as gene expression, but its impact on chromatin states is poorly characterized. To understand the interplay between chromatin and genetic control of gene regulation, we quantified allelic variability in transcription factor binding, histone modifications, and gene expression within humans. We found abundant allelic specificity in chromatin and extensive local, short-range, and long-range allelic coordination among the studied molecular phenotypes. We observed genetic influence on most of these phenotypes, with histone modifications exhibiting strong context-dependent behavior. Our results implicate transcription factors as primary mediators of sequence-specific regulation of gene expression programs, with histone modifications frequently reflecting the primary regulatory event.


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Autoimmune side effects are frequent in patients with cancer treated with immune checkpoint-targeting antibodies, but are rare with cancer vaccines. Here, we present a case report on a patient with metastatic melanoma who developed pulmonary sarcoid-like granulomatosis following repetitive vaccinations with peptides and CpG. Despite multiple metastases, including one lesion in the brain, the patient is alive and well more than 13 years after the diagnosis of metastatic disease. The strongly activated tumor-specific CD8(+) T cells showed robust long-term memory and effector functions. It is possible that long-term survival and adverse autoimmune events may become more common for vaccines inducing robust anticancer immune responses as were present in this patient. Cancer Immunol Res; 2(12); 1148-53. ©2014 AACR.


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Résumé La ricerca del dibattito sul restauro nella Firenze del Novecento copre un arco temporale piuttosto lungo, che va dall'istituzione del Gabinetto dei restauri fiorentino, avvenuta tra il 1932 e il 1934 sino al 1966, anno della drammatica alluvione che travolse il patrimonio storico e artistico della città di Firenze. Sono più di trent'anni densi di storia, in cui grazie alla tradizionale vocazione artigiana messa in atto di volta in volta attraverso metodiche sperimentali, il Gabinetto dei restauri fiorentino, organizzato da Ugo Procacci affrontò dapprima l'emergenza bellica e, grazie alle esperienze maturate in quella circostanza, fronteggiò i danni provocati alle opere d'arte alluvionate. Lo scopo della ricerca è stato proprio quello di individuare gli aspetti ancora attuali del dibattito sul restauro e sulla conservazione. Filo conduttore è stato il dibattito sull'unificazione dei princìpi del restauro in Italia e quindi, dei suoi riflessi a Firenze. Nella prima parte della ricerca, trattando degli inizi dell'attività del Gabinetto dei restauri di Firenze era inevitabile studiare i riflessi che la creazione dell'Istituto Centrale del Restauro ha avuto sull'ambiente fiorentino. L'incombere della seconda guerra mondiale ebbe un peso determinante nell'accelerare i tempi di attuazione di un simile progetto: si temeva fortemente per le sorti del patrimonio artistico italiano e alle Soprintendenze sarebbe spettato il compito di mettere in salvo il maggior numero possibile di opere d'arte nei rifugi antiaerei e, successivamente, provvedere al restauro delle opere danneggiate: la questione dell'unificazione dei metodi da seguire nel campo del restauro e della conservazione delle opere d'arte era divenuta argomento di urgente attualità a guerra conclusa, soprattutto in vista del recupero delle opere danneggiate, Nella seconda parte del lavoro, trattando gli aspetti più attuali e quindi problematici della storia del restauro fiorentino, in particolare riferiti all'arco cronologico che va dalla metà degli anni Cinquanta sino alla fine degli anni Sessanta, è risultato di estremo interesse analizzare le cause e gli effetti della nota "stagione degli stacchi" e quindi l'avvio del dibattito sulla conservazione preventiva delle pitture murali esposte all'aperto. La questione relativa alla conservazione delle pitture murali esposte all'aperto, nei chiostri e nei tabernacoli, rappresentò il caso paradigmatico attorno al quale l'interesse e le soluzioni adottate per la salvaguardia dei cicli pittorici trovarono gli studiosi e i teorici del restauro italiani e stranieri per un'unica volta tutti concordi nell'avvalersi della prassi sistematica preventiva dello strappo delle pitture murali e del distacco delle sottostanti sinopie. Fu dunque questa l'unica occasione in cui si assistette ad una vera unificazione di intenti a livello nazionale.


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Anàlisi de les causes per les quals la magnífica Tàrraco romana, capital de la província Tarraconense, va entrar en un procés de decadència que va permetre l'auge de Bàrcino, una petita ciutat que va esdevenir en el futur la capital de Catalunya. L'anàlisi abarca des de la fundació de les dues ciutats romanes fins a l'entrada i domini dels visigots.


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Objective: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) developed Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) for use with ICD-9-CM data. Many countries have adopted ICD-10 for coding hospital diagnoses. We conducted this study to develop an internationally harmonized ICD-10 coding algorithm for the AHRQ PSIs. Methods: The AHRQ PSI Version 2.1 has been translated into ICD-10-AM (Australian Modification), and PSI Version 3.0a has been independently translated into ICD-10-GM (German Modification). We converted these two country-specific coding algorithms into ICD-10-WHO (World Health Organization version) and combined them to form one master list. Members of an international expert panel-including physicians, professional medical coders, disease classification specialists, health services researchers, epidemiologists, and users of the PSI-independently evaluated this master list and rated each code as either "include," "exclude," or "uncertain," following the AHRQ PSI definitions. After summarizing the independent rating results, we held a face-to-face meeting to discuss codes for which there was no unanimous consensus and newly proposed codes. A modified Delphi method was employed to generate a final ICD-10 WHO coding list. Results: Of 20 PSIs, 15 that were based mainly on diagnosis codes were selected for translation. At the meeting, panelists discussed 794 codes for which consensus had not been achieved and 2,541 additional codes that were proposed by individual panelists for consideration prior to the meeting. Three documents were generated: a PSI ICD-10-WHO version-coding list, a list of issues for consideration on certain AHRQ PSIs and ICD-9-CM codes, and a recommendation to WHO to improve specification of some disease classifications. Conclusion: An ICD-10-WHO PSI coding list has been developed and structured in a manner similar to the AHRQ manual. Although face validity of the list has been ensured through a rigorous expert panel assessment, its true validity and applicability should be assessed internationally.


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BACKGROUND: In the United States, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed 20 Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) to measure the occurrence of hospital adverse events from medico-administrative data coded according to the ninth revision of the international classification of disease (ICD-9-CM). The adaptation of these PSIs to the WHO version of ICD-10 was carried out by an international consortium. METHODS: Two independent teams transcoded ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes proposed by the AHRQ into ICD-10-WHO. Using a Delphi process, experts from six countries evaluated each code independently, stating whether it was "included", "excluded" or "uncertain". During a two-day meeting, the experts then discussed the codes that had not obtained a consensus, and the additional codes proposed. RESULTS: Fifteen PSIs were adapted. Among the 2569 proposed diagnosis codes, 1775 were unanimously adopted straightaway. The 794 remaining codes and 2541 additional codes were discussed. Three documents were prepared: (1) a list of ICD-10-WHO codes for the 15 adapted PSIs; (2) recommendations to the AHRQ for the improvement of the nosological frame and the coding of PSI with ICD-9-CM; (3) recommendations to the WHO to improve ICD-10. CONCLUSIONS: This work allows international comparisons of PSIs among the countries using ICD-10. Nevertheless, these PSIs must still be evaluated further before being broadly used.


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Lung cancer mortality in men from the European Union (EU) peaked in the late 1980s at an age-standardised (world standard population) rate over 53/100,000 and declined subsequently to reach 44/100,000 in the early 2000s. To provide a comprehensive picture of recent trends in male lung cancer mortality in Europe, we analyzed available data from the World Health Organization up to 2009 and predicted future rates to 2015. Lung cancer mortality rates in EU men continued to fall over recent years, to reach a value of 41.1/100,000 in 2005-2009. The fall was similar at all-ages and in middle-aged men (less than 2% per year over most recent years), but was appreciably larger in young men (aged 20-44years, over 5% per year). A favourable trend is thus likely to be maintained in the foreseeable future, although the predicted overall EU rate in 2015 is still over 35/100,000, i.e., higher than the US rate in 2007 (33.7/100,000). Over most recent calendar years, overall male lung cancer rates were around 35-40/100,000 in western Europe, as compared to over 50/100,000 in central and eastern Europe. Within western Europe, lung cancer rates were lower in northern countries such as Sweden, but also Finland and the UK (below 30/100,000), where the tobacco-related epidemic started earlier and rates have long been declining, whereas mortality was high in Belgium (51.6), France (42.3), the Netherlands and Spain (around 43.0), where the epidemic started later but is persisting. Widespread measures for smoking control and cessation in middle-aged European men, i.e., in the generations where smoking prevalence used to be high, would lead to appreciable reductions in male lung cancer mortality in the near future. This is particularly urgent in central and eastern European countries.