989 resultados para Mining land-registry
Decision tree classification algorithms have significant potential for land cover mapping problems and have not been tested in detail by the remote sensing community relative to more conventional pattern recognition techniques such as maximum likelihood classification. In this paper, we present several types of decision tree classification algorithms arid evaluate them on three different remote sensing data sets. The decision tree classification algorithms tested include an univariate decision tree, a multivariate decision tree, and a hybrid decision tree capable of including several different types of classification algorithms within a single decision tree structure. Classification accuracies produced by each of these decision tree algorithms are compared with both maximum likelihood and linear discriminant function classifiers. Results from this analysis show that the decision tree algorithms consistently outperform the maximum likelihood and linear discriminant function classifiers in regard to classf — cation accuracy. In particular, the hybrid tree consistently produced the highest classification accuracies for the data sets tested. More generally, the results from this work show that decision trees have several advantages for remote sensing applications by virtue of their relatively simple, explicit, and intuitive classification structure. Further, decision tree algorithms are strictly nonparametric and, therefore, make no assumptions regarding the distribution of input data, and are flexible and robust with respect to nonlinear and noisy relations among input features and class labels.
根据黄土高原( 陕西部分) 的145 个雨量观测站的30a 逐月降水资料,分析了陕西雨水资源的时空分布特征,并在次基础上,分别对西北地区的作物地土壤拦蓄潜力,陕北、渭北、关中3 地区居民工矿与交通用地的雨水汇流潜力进行了测算。初步结果为:两北地区作物地年总无效蒸发耗水达33 ×108 m3 ,若采取集流保墒措施,年可减少蒸发损失6-4 ×108 m3 ;3 地区居民工矿与交通用地年可汇流6-27 ×108 m 3 ,若一半用于粮食生产,并采取节水灌溉,初步推算黄土高原地区可增产粮食约28-8 ×108 kg。