965 resultados para Minimal rationality
Multiple exposures to parasitic agents are considered an important factor in the genesis of the most severe forms of the diseases they cause. Capillaria hepatica-induced septal fibrosis of the liver in rats usually runs without signs of portal hypertension or hepatic failure. After determining the hepatic profile of 15 animals during the course of a single infection, we submitted 20 rats to multiple Capillaria hepatica infections to determine whether repeated exposures would augment fibrosis production, transforming septal hepatic fibrosis into a true cirrhosis. Ten single-infection rats served as controls. A total of 5 exposures, with 45-day intervals, were made. Histological changes were followed by means of surgical liver biopsies, collected prior to infection and to each re-infection. Functional changes were minimal and transient. Although a slight recrudescence of fibrosis was observed after the first two re-infections and when the single-infected control group was re-infected at the end of the experiment, subsequent re-infections failed to increase the amount of fibrosis. On the contrary, there occurred quantitative and qualitative evidence of collagen degradation and suppression of parasite development. These paradoxical results are in keeping with the hypothesis that a complex immunological modulation participates in the mechanism of hepatic fibrosis induced by Capillaria hepatica infection in rats.
This paper discusses the development of modular solutions for eco low-cost houses based on a pre-fabricated modular wall system environmentally sustainable, socioeconomically competitive and geared towards developing African nations with a housing deficit. The key point to the research of a modular wall solution is a structural layer complemented with local and materials made by non-specialized workforce. This wall also meets also hydrothermal acoustic and mechanical properties. Thus,the solution also offers good safety and interior comfort conditions to its users while maintaining the flexibility to expand the size of the house. Parameters as dimensions, materials and constructive processes of the existing housing stock were studied. Features such as the family size, typology, different uses, common materials, existing regulations, minimal living conditions, safety and comfort have also been considered to achieve the most efficient solution.
Optimization is a very important field for getting the best possible value for the optimization function. Continuous optimization is optimization over real intervals. There are many global and local search techniques. Global search techniques try to get the global optima of the optimization problem. However, local search techniques are used more since they try to find a local minimal solution within an area of the search space. In Continuous Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CCSP)s, constraints are viewed as relations between variables, and the computations are supported by interval analysis. The continuous constraint programming framework provides branch-and-prune algorithms for covering sets of solutions for the constraints with sets of interval boxes which are the Cartesian product of intervals. These algorithms begin with an initial crude cover of the feasible space (the Cartesian product of the initial variable domains) which is recursively refined by interleaving pruning and branching steps until a stopping criterion is satisfied. In this work, we try to find a convenient way to use the advantages in CCSP branchand- prune with local search of global optimization applied locally over each pruned branch of the CCSP. We apply local search techniques of continuous optimization over the pruned boxes outputted by the CCSP techniques. We mainly use steepest descent technique with different characteristics such as penalty calculation and step length. We implement two main different local search algorithms. We use “Procure”, which is a constraint reasoning and global optimization framework, to implement our techniques, then we produce and introduce our results over a set of benchmarks.
Cell division is a highly dynamic process where sister chromatids remain associated with each other from the moment of DNA replication until the later stages of mitosis, giving rise to two daughter cells with equal genomes. The “molecular glue” that links sister DNA molecules is called cohesin, a tripartite ring-like protein complex composed of two Structural Maintenance of Chromosome proteins (Smc1 and Smc3) bridged by a kleisin subunit Rad21/Scc1, that together prevent precocious sister chromatid separation. Accumulating evidence has suggested that cohesion decay may be the cause of segregation errors that underlie certain human pathologies. However it remains to be determined how much cohesin loss abolishes functional sister chromatid cohesion. To answer these questions, we have developed different experimental conditions aiming to titrate the levels of cohesin on mitotic chromosomes in a precise manner. Using these tools, we will determine the minimal amount of cohesin needed to confer functional cohesion. The approaches described here take advantage of a system in Drosophila melanogaster where the Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) protease can cleave the Rad21 subunit of cohesin leading to precocious sister chromatid separation. Firstly, we tried to express different levels of TEV protease to obtain partial loss of cohesion. However, this approach has failed to produce systematic different levels of sister chromatid separation. Most of the work was therefore focused on a second strategy, for which we established strains with different levels of cohesin sensitive/cohesin resistant to TEV protease. Strains containing different amounts of functional cohesin (TEV resistant) were tested by in vitro cleavage and by in vivo injections in embryos for their ability to promote sister chromatid cohesion. Our results reveal that removal of half of the cohesin complexes does not impair chromosome segregation, implying that chromosome cohesion is less sensitive to cohesin amounts than previously anticipated.
The present study had the aim of testing the hexane and methanol extracts of avocado seeds, in order to determine their toxicity towards Artemia salina, evaluate their larvicidal activity towards Aedes aegypti and investigate their in vitro antifungal potential against strains of Candida spp, Cryptococcus neoformans and Malassezia pachydermatis through the microdilution technique. In toxicity tests on Artemia salina, the hexane and methanol extracts from avocado seeds showed LC50 values of 2.37 and 24.13mg mL-1 respectively. Against Aedes aegypti larvae, the LC50 results obtained were 16.7mg mL-1 for hexane extract and 8.87mg mL-1 for methanol extract from avocado seeds. The extracts tested were also active against all the yeast strains tested in vitro, with differing results such that the minimum inhibitory concentration of the hexane extract ranged from 0.625 to 1.25mg L-¹, from 0.312 to 0.625mg mL-1 and from 0.031 to 0.625mg mL-1, for the strains of Candida spp, Cryptococcus neoformans and Malassezia pachydermatis, respectively. The minimal inhibitory concentration for the methanol extract ranged from 0.125 to 0.625mg mL-1, from 0.08 to 0.156mg mL-1 and from 0.312 to 0.625mg mL-1, for the strains of Candida spp., Cryptococcus neoformans and Malassezia pachydermatis, respectively.
As estratégias de malevolência implicam que um indivíduo pague um custo para infligir um custo superior a um oponente. Como um dos comportamentos fundamentais da sociobiologia, a malevolência tem recebido menos atenção que os seus pares o egoísmo e a cooperação. Contudo, foi estabelecido que a malevolência é uma estratégia viável em populações pequenas quando usada contra indivíduos negativamente geneticamente relacionados pois este comportamento pode i) ser eliminado naturalmente, ou ii) manter-se em equilíbrio com estratégias cooperativas devido à disponibilidade da parte de indivíduos malevolentes de pagar um custo para punir. Esta tese propõe compreender se a propensão para a malevolência nos humanos é inerente ou se esta se desenvolve com a idade. Para esse efeito, considerei duas experiências de teoria de jogos em crianças em ambiente escolar com idades entre os 6 e os 22 anos. A primeira, um jogo 2x2 foi testada com duas variantes: 1) um prémio foi atribuído a ambos os jogadores, proporcionalmente aos pontos acumulados; 2), um prémio foi atribuído ao jogador com mais pontos. O jogo foi desenhado com o intuito de causar o seguinte dilema a cada jogador: i) maximizar o seu ganho e arriscar ter menos pontos que o adversário; ou ii) decidir não maximizar o seu ganho, garantindo que este não era inferior ao do seu adversário. A segunda experiência consistia num jogo do ditador com duas opções: uma escolha egoísta/altruísta (A), onde o ditador recebia mais ganho, mas o seu recipiente recebia mais que ele e uma escolha malevolente (B) que oferecia menos ganhos ao ditador que a A mas mais ganhos que o recipiente. O dilema era que se as crianças se comportassem de maneira egoísta, obtinham mais ganho para si, ao mesmo tempo que aumentavam o ganho do seu colega. Se fossem malevolentes, então prefeririam ter mais ganho que o seu colega ao mesmo tempo que tinham menos para eles próprios. As experiências foram efetuadas em escolas de duas áreas distintas de Portugal (continente e Açores) para perceber se as preferências malevolentes aumentavam ou diminuíam com a idade. Os resultados na primeira experiência sugerem que (1) os alunos compreenderam a primeira variante como um jogo de coordenação e comportaram-se como maximizadores, copiando as jogadas anteriores dos seus adversários; (2) que os alunos repetentes se comportaram preferencialmente como malevolentes, mais frequentemente que como maximizadores, com especial ênfase para os alunos de 14 anos; (3) maioria dos alunos comportou-se reciprocamente desde os 12 até aos 16 anos de idade, após os quais começaram a desenvolver uma maior tolerância às escolhas dos seus parceiros. Os resultados da segunda experiência sugerem que (1) as estratégias egoístas eram prevalentes até aos 6 anos de idade, (2) as tendências altruístas emergiram até aos 8 anos de idade e (3) as estratégias de malevolência começaram a emergir a partir dos 8 anos de idade. Estes resultados complementam a literatura relativamente escassa sobre malevolência e sugerem que este comportamento está intimamente ligado a preferências de consideração sobre os outros, o paroquialismo e os estágios de desenvolvimento das crianças.************************************************************Spite is defined as an act that causes loss of payoff to an opponent at a cost to the actor. As one of the four fundamental behaviours in sociobiology, it has received far less attention than its counterparts selfishness and cooperation. It has however been established as a viable strategy in small populations when used against negatively related individuals. Because of this, spite can either i) disappear or ii) remain at equilibrium with cooperative strategies due to the willingness of spiteful individuals to pay a cost in order to punish. This thesis sets out to understand whether propensity for spiteful behaviour is inherent or if it develops with age. For that effect, two game-theoretical experiments were performed with schoolboys and schoolgirls aged 6 to 22. The first, a 2 x 2 game, was tested in two variants: 1) a prize was awarded to both players, proportional to accumulated points; 2), a prize was given to the player with most points. Each player faced the following dilemma: i) to maximise pay-off risking a lower pay-off than the opponent; or ii) not to maximise pay-off in order to cut down the opponent below their own. The second game was a dictator experiment with two choices, (A) a selfish/altruistic choice affording more payoff to the donor than B, but more to the recipient than to the donor, and (B) a spiteful choice that afforded less payoff to the donor than A, but even lower payoff to the recipient. The dilemma here was that if subjects behaved selfishly, they obtained more payoff for themselves, while at the same time increasing their opponent payoff. If they were spiteful, they would rather have more payoff than their colleague, at the cost of less for themselves. Experiments were run in schools in two different areas in Portugal (mainland and Azores) to understand whether spiteful preferences varied with age. Results in the first experiment suggested that (1) students understood the first variant as a coordination game and engaged in maximising behaviour by copying their opponent’s plays; (2) repeating students preferentially engaged in spiteful behaviour more often than maximising behaviour, with special emphasis on 14 year-olds; (3) most students engaged in reciprocal behaviour from ages 12 to 16, as they began developing higher tolerance for their opponent choices. Results for the second experiment suggested that (1) selfish strategies were prevalent until the age of 6, (2) altruistic tendencies emerged since then, and (3) spiteful strategies began being chosen more often by 8 year-olds. These results add to the relatively scarce body of literature on spite and suggest that this type of behaviour is closely tied with other-regarding preferences, parochialism and the children’s stages of development.
A hemoterapia moderna baseia-se na utilização correcta dos diversos componentes sanguíneos, associados a um maior controle de qualidade do sangue, o que a torna mais segura e, actualmente, muitos doentes sao beneficiados pois, a transfusão de componentes sanguineos, em situaçoes várias, está na linha da frente na manutenção da vida e em casos extremos, o último recurso que salva vidas. A qualidade e a segurança nas transfusões de sangue são grandes preocupações da área médica, autoridades de saúde e doente1. O sangue obtido pelos Centros de Sangue provem de dadores voluntários, dotados de uma enorme sensibilidade social, que periodicamente assumem uma postura benevola e altruista e consequentemente mantêm os bancos de sangue providos de um produto imprescindivel no tratamento de diversas patologias. O produto final disponível – concentrado de eritrócitos (CE´s), plasma e concentrado plaquetário – tem de assumir um carácter seguro e viável de modo a que os riscos para o doente sejam diminutos2. O controlo de qualidade aplicado a todo o sangue doado realiza provas de conformidade nas unidades com especificações previamente definidas, sendo a hémolise um dos parâmetros importantes na avaliação da qualidade dos concentrados de eritrócitos, pois, pode ocasionar implicações clinicas para o receptor. Para além disso a avaliação da concentração de hemoglobina (Hg) no sangue doado mostra-se um controlo imprescindivel que salvaguarda a qualidade e segurança do componente a transfundir3;4.Até se obter um CE há todo um processo moroso e de responsabilidade vital. Todo o sangue obtido passa por várias etapas fundamentais até à obtenção do componente pretendido (analise, produção e armazenamento). Os CE’s obtidos quando armazenados, num ambiente de refrigeração, têm uma vida útil de 42 dias. Após este período, o sangue deve ser inutilizado por se verificar alterações bioquímicas, biomecânicas, e imunológicas nos CE’s e por consequência a sua instabilidade vital no que ao tratamento de patologias, para as quais este componente está indicado, diz respeito5. Foi realizado um estudo experimental com o objetivo de avaliar a contribuição da Anexina V na apoptose celular nos concentrados de eritrócitos, constatando a degradação dos mesmos ao longo de todo o período de armazenamento e validar o paradigma que a ciência preconiza: “Os CE’s após os 42 dias armazenados, em condições específicas (2 a 6º centígrados), são inviaveis para transfundir”6;7. A avaliação dos níveis de apoptose por citometria de fluxo é geralmente realizada por métodos que utilizam Anexina V como marcador vital, que se associa aos resíduos de fosfatidilserina, externalizados no início do processo apoptótico. A Anexina V é uma proteína humana endógena dependente do ião Ca+2, amplamente distribuída intracelularmente em altas concentrações na placenta e em concentrações mais baixas nos eritrócitos, plaquetas e monócitos. Apresenta como principal característica a capacidade de se ligar à fosfatidilserina, um fosfolipído presente na camada interna da bicamada lipídica, que durante a apoptose celular é translocada para a camada externa da membrana celular. A determinação da Anexina V é normalmente utilizada para verificar se as células são viáveis, apoptóticas ou necróticas por meio de diferenças na integridade da membrana plasmática. Assim, ao conjugar a Anexina V ao FITC (Isotiocianato de fluoresceína) é possível identificar e quantificar as células apoptóticas por citometria de fluxo7. Numa amostra de 15 CE’s, a qual foi induzida a hemólise, verificou-se, por citometria de fluxo, que a viabilidade deste componente se desvanesce ao longo do tempo, confirmando assim que o tratamento, manuseamento e armazenamento do sangue compromete a vitalidade terapeutica deste insubstituivel produto vital.
Ontologies formalized by means of Description Logics (DLs) and rules in the form of Logic Programs (LPs) are two prominent formalisms in the field of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. While DLs adhere to the OpenWorld Assumption and are suited for taxonomic reasoning, LPs implement reasoning under the Closed World Assumption, so that default knowledge can be expressed. However, for many applications it is useful to have a means that allows reasoning over an open domain and expressing rules with exceptions at the same time. Hybrid MKNF knowledge bases make such a means available by formalizing DLs and LPs in a common logic, the Logic of Minimal Knowledge and Negation as Failure (MKNF). Since rules and ontologies are used in open environments such as the Semantic Web, inconsistencies cannot always be avoided. This poses a problem due to the Principle of Explosion, which holds in classical logics. Paraconsistent Logics offer a solution to this issue by assigning meaningful models even to contradictory sets of formulas. Consequently, paraconsistent semantics for DLs and LPs have been investigated intensively. Our goal is to apply the paraconsistent approach to the combination of DLs and LPs in hybrid MKNF knowledge bases. In this thesis, a new six-valued semantics for hybrid MKNF knowledge bases is introduced, extending the three-valued approach by Knorr et al., which is based on the wellfounded semantics for logic programs. Additionally, a procedural way of computing paraconsistent well-founded models for hybrid MKNF knowledge bases by means of an alternating fixpoint construction is presented and it is proven that the algorithm is sound and complete w.r.t. the model-theoretic characterization of the semantics. Moreover, it is shown that the new semantics is faithful w.r.t. well-studied paraconsistent semantics for DLs and LPs, respectively, and maintains the efficiency of the approach it extends.
INTRODUCTION: Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CRPA) has been isolated with increasing frequency in Brazilian hospitals. Since June 2003, its detection in a teaching hospital in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, has increased. This study aimed to investigate the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), presence of Metallo-β-lactamase (MβL) and a possible clonal relationship among the isolates. METHODS: The study included 29 CRPA and seven isolates with reduced susceptibility. The MIC was determined by agar-dilution. Detection of MβL was performed by Double Disk Sinergism (DDS) and Combined Disk (CD). The MβL gene was verified by PCR and nucleotide sequence analysis. Epidemiological typing was performed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: Among the 29 carbapenem-resistant isolates, polymyxin B presented 100% susceptibility and piperacillin/tazobactam 96.7%. Seventeen (62%) strains were verified as clonal (A clone) and among these, six isolates indicated phenotypically positive tests for MβL and harbored the blaSPM-1 gene. The first CRPA isolates were unrelated to clone A, harbored blaIMP-16 and were phenotypically positive only by CD. CONCLUSIONS: The spread of a high-level of resistance clone suggests cross transmission as an important dissemination mechanism and has contributed to the increased rate of resistance to carbapenems. This study emphasizes the need for continuous surveillance and improved strategies.
The particular characteristics and affordances of technologies play a significant role in human experience by defining the realm of possibilities available to individuals and societies. Some technological configurations, such as the Internet, facilitate peer-to-peer communication and participatory behaviors. Others, like television broadcasting, tend to encourage centralization of creative processes and unidirectional communication. In other instances still, the affordances of technologies can be further constrained by social practices. That is the case, for example, of radio which, although technically allowing peer-to-peer communication, has effectively been converted into a broadcast medium through the legislation of the airwaves. How technologies acquire particular properties, meanings and uses, and who is involved in those decisions are the broader questions explored here. Although a long line of thought maintains that technologies evolve according to the logic of scientific rationality, recent studies demonstrated that technologies are, in fact, primarily shaped by social forces in specific historical contexts. In this view, adopted here, there is no one best way to design a technological artifact or system; the selection between alternative designs—which determine the affordances of each technology—is made by social actors according to their particular values, assumptions and goals. Thus, the arrangement of technical elements in any technological artifact is configured to conform to the views and interests of those involved in its development. Understanding how technologies assume particular shapes, who is involved in these decisions and how, in turn, they propitiate particular behaviors and modes of organization but not others, requires understanding the contexts in which they are developed. It is argued here that, throughout the last century, two distinct approaches to the development and dissemination of technologies have coexisted. In each of these models, based on fundamentally different ethoi, technologies are developed through different processes and by different participants—and therefore tend to assume different shapes and offer different possibilities. In the first of these approaches, the dominant model in Western societies, technologies are typically developed by firms, manufactured in large factories, and subsequently disseminated to the rest of the population for consumption. In this centralized model, the role of users is limited to selecting from the alternatives presented by professional producers. Thus, according to this approach, the technologies that are now so deeply woven into human experience, are primarily shaped by a relatively small number of producers. In recent years, however, a group of three interconnected interest groups—the makers, hackerspaces, and open source hardware communities—have increasingly challenged this dominant model by enacting an alternative approach in which technologies are both individually transformed and collectively shaped. Through a in-depth analysis of these phenomena, their practices and ethos, it is argued here that the distributed approach practiced by these communities offers a practical path towards a democratization of the technosphere by: 1) demystifying technologies, 2) providing the public with the tools and knowledge necessary to understand and shape technologies, and 3) encouraging citizen participation in the development of technologies.
RESUMO - O decisor hospitalar tem como função decidir os recursos de uma organização de saúde, sejam estes financeiros, materiais ou humanos, sendo decisivo o conhecimento e informação que o apoiem na aplicabilidade nas tomadas de decisão e na solução dos problemas. As tomadas de decisão suportam-se em modelos reproduzidos pelos decisores, em processos, modelos, e em princípios, que podem ou não assumir intuição, objetividade, racionalidade e ética, bem como de técnicas várias que podem ser limitativas ou condicionadas, por força de fatores vários, como: a falta de informação inerente de uma multidisciplinaridade do processo; de condicionalismos organizacionais, internos ou externos, associados à envolvente e cultura organizacional e influências políticas e macroeconómicas; ao fator tempo; a tecnologia; a estrutura e desenho organizacional; a autoridade/poder e a autonomia para decidir; a liderança, e do estatuto jurídico que o hospital possui. Este último ponto será esmiuçado, mais profundamente, neste estudo. Iremos, através do estudo, compreender se os elementos componentes das decisões tomadas nos hospitais, são ou não adaptadas em consonância com diferentes políticas de governação hospitalar, em contextos e dinâmicas organizacionais diferenciadas, por diferentes Estatutos Jurídicos Hospitalares - EPE, SPA, PPP e Privados. Foi realizado um estudo de caráter exploratório, descritivo-correlacional e transversal, baseou-se num questionário aplicado a decisores hospitalares, incidindo nos dois vetores centrais do estudo, na tomada de decisão e no estatuto jurídico hospitalar. A decisão é então, um valiosíssimo veículo na persecução das estratégias e planos formulados pelo hospital, esperando-se destes produzir consequentes resultados eficientes, eficazes e efetivos na sua aplicação.
INTRODUCTION: In the past two decades members of the genus Enterococcus have emerged as important nosocomial pathogens worldwide. This study prospectively analyzed the distribution of species and trends in antimicrobial resistance among clinical isolates of enterococci in a Brazilian tertiary hospital from 2006-2009. METHODS: Enterococcal species were identified by conventional biochemical tests. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile was performed by disk diffusion in accordance with the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). A screening test for vancomycin was also performed. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for vancomycin was determined using the broth dilution method. Molecular assays were used to confirm speciation and genotype of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). RESULTS: A total of 324 non-repetitive enterococcal isolates were recovered, of which 87% were E. faecalis and 10.8% E. faecium. The incidence of E. faecium per 1,000 admissions increased significantly (p < 0.001) from 0.3 in 2006 to 2.3 in 2009. The VRE rate also increased over time from 2.5% to 15.5% (p < 0.001). All VRE expressed high-level resistance to vancomycin (MIC >256µg/ mL) and harbored vanA genes. The majority (89.5%) of VRE belonged to E. faecium species, which were characteristically resistant to ampicillin and quinolones. Overall, ampicillin resistance rate increased significantly from 2.5% to 21.4% from 2006-2009. Resistance rates for gentamicin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, and erythromycin significantly decreased over time, although they remained high. Quinolones resistance rates were high and did not change significantly over time. CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained show a significant increasing trend in the incidence of E. faecium resistant to ampicillin and vancomycin.
INTRODUCTION: Zoonotic kala-azar, a lethal disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania is considered out of control in parts of the world, particularly in Brazil, where transmission has spread to cities throughout most of the territory and mortality presents an increasing trend. Although a highly debatable measure, the Brazilian government regularly culls seropositive dogs to control the disease. Since control is failing, critical analysis concerning the actions focused on the canine reservoir was conducted. METHODS: In a review of the literature, a historical perspective focusing mainly on comparisons between the successful Chinese and Soviet strategies and the Brazilian approach is presented. In addition, analyses of the principal studies regarding the role of dogs as risk factors to humans and of the main intervention studies regarding the efficacy of the dog killing strategy were undertaken. Brazilian political reaction to a recently published systematic review that concluded that the dog culling program lacked efficiency and its effect on public policy were also reviewed. RESULTS: No firm evidence of the risk conferred by the presence of dogs to humans was verified; on the contrary, a lack of scientific support for the policy of killing dogs was confirmed. A bias for distorting scientific data towards maintaining the policy of culling animals was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Since there is no evidence that dog culling diminishes visceral leishmaniasis transmission, it should be abandoned as a control measure. Ethical considerations have been raised regarding distorting scientific results and the killing of animals despite minimal or absent scientific evidence
In this thesis a CMOS low-power and low-voltage RF receiver front-end is presented. The main objective is to design this RF receiver so that it can be powered by a piezoelectric energy harvesting power source, included in a Wireless Sensor Node application. For this type of applications the major requirements are: the low-power and low-voltage operation, the reduced area and cost and the simplicity of the architecture. The system key blocks are the LNA and the mixer, which are studied and optimized with greater detail, achieving a good linearity, a wideband operation and a reduced introduction of noise. A wideband balun LNA with noise and distortion cancelling is designed to work at a 0.6 V supply voltage, in conjunction with a double-balanced passive mixer and subsequent TIA block. The passive mixer operates in current mode, allowing a minimal introduction of voltage noise and a good linearity. The receiver analog front-end has a total voltage conversion gain of 31.5 dB, a 0.1 - 4.3 GHz bandwidth, an IIP3 value of -1.35 dBm, and a noise figure lower than 9 dB. The total power consumption is 1.9 mW and the die area is 305x134.5 m2, using a standard 130 nm CMOS technology.
INTRODUCTION: Melanin production by species of Cryptococcus is widely used to characterize C. neoformans complex in mycology laboratories. This study aims to test the efficacy of methyldopa from pharmaceutical tablet as a substrate for melanin production, to compare the production of melanin using different agar base added with methyldopa, and to compare the melanin produced in those media with that produced in Niger seed agar and sunflower seed agar by C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. albidus. Two isolates of each species, C. neoformans, C. laurentii, and C. albidus, and one of Candida albicans were used to experimentally detect conditions for melanin production. METHODS: The following media were tested: Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA), brain and heart infusion agar (BHIA), blood agar base (BAB), and minimal medium agar (MMA), all added with methyldopa, and the media Niger seed agar (NSA) and sunflower seed agar (SSA). RESULTS: All isolates grew in most of the culture media after 24h. Strains planted on media BAB and BHIA showed growth only after 48h. All isolates produced melanin in MMA, MHA, SSA, and NSA media. CONCLUSIONS: Methyldopa in the form pharmaceutical tablet can be used as a substrate for melanin production by Cryptococcus species; minimal medium plus methyldopa was more efficient than the BAB, MHA, and BHIA in the melanin production; and NSA and SSA, followed by MMA added with methyldopa, were more efficient than other media studied for melanin production by all strains studied.