929 resultados para Mesenchymal Stem Cells


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The present study examines the efficacy of a high strength pulsed magnetic field (PMF) towards bacterial inactivation in vitro, without compromising eukaryotic cell viability. The differential response of prokaryotes Staphylococcus aureus (MESA), Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Escherichia coli], and eukaryotes C2C12 mouse myoblasts and human mesenchymal stem cells, hMSCs] upon exposure to varying PMF stimuli (1-4 T, 30 pulses, 40 ms pulse duration) is investigated. Among the prokaryotes, similar to 60% and similar to 70% reduction was recorded in the survival of staphylococcal species and E. coli, respectively at 4 T PMF as evaluated by colony forming unit (CPU) analysis and flow cytometry. A 2-5 fold increase in intracellular ROS (reactive oxygen species) levels suggests oxidative stress as the key mediator in PMF induced bacterial death/injury. The 4 T PMF treated staphylococci also exhibited longer doubling times. Both TEM and fluorescence microscopy revealed compromised membranes of PMF exposed bacteria. Under similar PMF exposure conditions, no immediate cytotoxicity was recorded in C2C12 mouse myoblasts and hMSCs, which can be attributed to the robust resistance towards oxidative stress. The ion interference of iron containing bacterial proteins is invoked to analytically explain the PMF induced ROS accumulation in prokaryotes. Overall, this study establishes the potential of PMF as a bactericidal method without affecting eukaryotic viability. This non-invasive stimulation protocol coupled with antimicrobial agents can be integrated as a potential methodology for the localized treatment of prosthetic infections. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Toward preparing strong multi-biofunctional materials, poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) conjugated graphene oxide (GO_PEI) was synthesized using poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) as a spacer and incorporated in poly( e-caprolactone) (PCL) at different fractions. GO_PEI significantly promoted the proliferation and formation of focal adhesions in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on PCL. GO_PEI was highly potent in inducing stem cell osteogenesis leading to near doubling of alkaline phosphatase expression and mineralization over neat PCL with 5% filler content and was approximate to 50% better than GO. Remarkably, 5% GO_ PEI was as potent as soluble osteoinductive factors. Increased adsorption of osteogenic factors due to the amine and oxygen containing functional groups on GO_ PEI augment stem cell differentiation. GO_ PEI was also highly efficient in imparting bactericidal activity with 85% reduction in counts of E. coli colonies compared to neat PCL at 5% filler content and was more than twice as efficient as GO. This may be attributed to the synergistic effect of the sharp edges of the particles along with the presence of the different chemical moieties. Thus, GO_ PEI based polymer composites can be utilized to prepare bioactive resorbable biomaterials as an alternative to using labile biomolecules for fabricating orthopedic devices for fracture fixation and tissue engineering.


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A series of bacterial cellulose-poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) nanocomposite films was prepared by in situ radical polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), using variable amounts of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) as crosslinker. Thin films were obtained, and their physical, chemical, thermal, and mechanical properties were evaluated. The films showed improved translucency compared to BC and enhanced thermal stability and mechanical performance when compared to poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA). Finally, BC/PHEMA nanocomposites proved to be nontoxic to human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) and thus are pointed as potential dry dressings for biomedical applications.


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目的 利用微模式化基底研究基底几何微结构对骨髓间充质干细胞增殖、分化及迁移过程的影响.方法 设计制作微模式化基底,用以控制细胞的铺展形态和面积.比较不同模式控制下大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞的增殖、分化和迁移数据.结果 细胞铺展宽度狭小可抑制骨髓间充质干细胞的增殖,细胞铺展形状可以调节其向成骨细胞分化的进程,细胞铺展面积受限时迁移增强,其增殖迁移行为减弱与成骨细胞诱导因子地塞米松的作用有关.结论 细胞铺展的几何形状和面积是骨髓间充质干细胞增殖、分化及迁移过程中的重要调节因子.


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A fibrose hepática é o resultado de uma resposta cicatrizante frente a repetidas lesões no fígado, e é caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de proteínas da matriz extracelular (MEC) no parênquima hepático, incluindo colágeno, fibronectina, elastina, laminina e proteoglicanos, com a participação de diferentes populações celulares do fígado. As principais células responsáveis pela síntese de proteínas da MEC na fibrose hepática são as células estreladas hepáticas ativadas e os miofibroblastos, que surgem após estímulo inflamatório e são caracterizadas pela expressão de alfa-actina de músculo liso (α-SMA). Sabe-se que durante a progressão da fibrose hepática, ocorre a morte de hepatócitos e sua substituição por células fibrogênicas α-SMA+. A apoptose dessas células fibrogênicas é de grande relevância para a regressão da fibrose e regeneração hepática. Nos últimos anos, a terapia com células tronco de medula óssea tem sido utilizada para estimular a regeneração hepática em diferentes modelos experimentais e protocolos clínicos. A fração mononuclear da medula óssea adulta possui duas populações de células-tronco importantes no tratamento de diversas doenças hepáticas: células-tronco hematopoiéticas e células-tronco mesenquimais. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a expressão de α-SMA e o processo de apoptose de células hepáticas durante a fibrose hepática induzida por ligadura do ducto biliar (LDB) e após o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea (CMMO). Os fígados foram coletados de ratos dos seguintes grupos: normal, 14 dias de LDB, 21 dias de LDB e animais que receberam CMMO após 14 dias de LDB, e foram analisados após 7 dias (totalizando 21 dias de LDB). Para quantificar a expressão de α-SMA por células fibrogênicas nos grupos experimentais, foi realizada imunoperoxidase para α-SMA, seguida de morfometria no programa Image Pro Plus. Para analisar a apoptose nas células hepáticas, foi realizada imunoperoxidase e Western Blotting (WB) para caspase-3 (proteína apoptótica) e imunofluorescência com dupla-marcação para caspase-3 e α-SMA, seguida de observação em microscópio confocal. Os resultados da quantificação de α-SMA por morfometria mostraram que a expressão de α-SMA aumentou significativamente 14 e 21 dias após a LDB. Entretanto, essa expressão diminuiu significativamente no grupo tratado com CMMO, que apresentou parênquima hepático mais preservado em relação ao grupo com 21 dias de LDB. Os resultados de imunoperoxidase, WB e microscopia confocal para expressão de caspase-3 demonstraram que essa proteína diminuiu nos animais fibróticos com 14 e 21 dias de LDB com relação ao grupo normal, e estava significativamente elevada no grupo tratado com CMMO. A análise por microscopia confocal demonstrou que algumas células coexpressaram α-SMA e caspase-3 nos animais tratados com CMMO, sugerindo a morte de células fibrogênicas e remodelamento do parênquima hepático.


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A medula óssea adulta possui duas populações de células-tronco importantes no tratamento de diversas doenças hepáticas: células-tronco hematopoiéticas (CTHs) e células-tronco mesenquimais. A regeneração do fígado após a hepatectomia é um processo complexo que requer a proliferação de todas as células hepáticas. Fatores de crescimento, citocinas e componentes da matriz extracelular são elementos-chave nesse processo. As lamininas são uma família de proteínas de matriz extracelular, com funções adesivas e quimiotáticas pelo recrutamento de integrinas e outros receptores de superfície celular. No fígado normal, a laminina é expressa nas veias porta e centrolobular. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a expressão de laminina durante a regeneração hepática induzida por hepatectomia parcial e após o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea. As células mononucleares de medula óssea foram obtidas dos fêmures e tíbias de ratos, isoladas, marcadas com DAPI e injetadas pela veia porta em ratos recém-hepatectomizados. Os fígados foram coletados 15 minutos, 1 dia e 3 dias após a hepatectomia e o transplante de células de medula óssea e congelados. Os cortes foram imunomarcados com anticorpos primários anti-CD34 e anti-laminina de rato e observados em microscópio confocal de varredura a laser. Os resultados mostraram que 15 minutos após a hepatectomia parcial, as células-tronco hematopoiéticas CD34+ transplantadas foram encontradas em contato com a laminina localizada nas veias porta e centrolobular, indicando que a laminina poderia participar na adesão inicial das células-tronco a esses vasos logo após o seu transplante. Além disso, 1 e 3 dias após a hepatectomia, as células mononucleares de medula óssea transplantadas foram observadas nos sinusóides hepáticos expressando laminina. Esses resultados sugerem que a laminina pode ser um componente da matriz extracelular importante para a adesão e enxerto de células de medula óssea no fígado após uma lesão. Nós também analisamos a expressão de osteopontina (OPN) em células de medula óssea e CTHs. Os resultados por microscopia confocal demonstraram que a maioria das células mononucleares de medula óssea recém-isoladas expressa quantidades variáveis de OPN. Além disso, algumas CTHs CD34+ também expressam OPN. Após 1 e 4 dias de cultura, observamos uma diminuição de células expressando CD34, e um aumento na expressão de OPN pelas células mononucleares de medula óssea.


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A fibrose hepática é o resultado de uma lesão crônica, com a ativação de células inflamatórias e fibrogênicas no fígado, as quais levam a um acúmulo excessivo de proteínas de matriz extracelular (MEC). Essas alterações resultam na morte de células do fígado, com desorganização e perda da função do parênquima hepático. A cirrose é o estágio avançado da fibrose, e culmina na falência hepática, uma condição potencialmente fatal cujo único tratamento efetivo é o transplante de fígado, o qual é limitado pela disponibilidade de órgãos. Na busca por terapias alternativas visando a regeneração hepática, o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea (CMMO) mostrou resultados benéficos e promissores em modelos animais e alguns protocolos clínicos. Entre essas células, estão as células-tronco hematopoiéticas e mesenquimais, que apresentam potencial regenerativo e modulador da resposta inflamatória. Este estudo pretendeu avançar na compreensão dos mecanismos pelos quais as CMMO podem ajudar na regeneração hepática. Ratos com fibrose hepática induzida por ligadura do ducto biliar (LDB) foram transplantados com CMMO e comparados com ratos com fibrose sem transplante e ratos normais. Parâmetros hepáticos como componentes da MEC (colágeno total, colágenos tipos I e IV, laminina, metaloproteinases de matriz MMPs), componentes celulares (células fibrogênicas, células de Kupffer e colangiócitos) e enzimas hepáticas foram analisados por microscopia de luz, microscopia confocal, western blotting e espectrofotometria. Os resultados mostraram que o transplante de CMMO contribui para a regeneração hepática de maneira global, (a) diminuindo o acúmulo de colágeno e laminina; (b) aumentando a produção de MMPs que favorecem o remodelamento da MEC, principalmente por células de Kupffer; (c) normalizando a quantidade de colangiócitos e diminuindo a quantidade de células fibrogênicas; e (d) normalizando os níveis sanguíneos das enzimas hepáticas. Portanto, nós sugerimos que as CMMO podem ajudar na regeneração hepática através de mecanismos parácrinos e se diferenciando em células de Kupffer, contribuindo para a secreção de fatores antiinflamatórios e anti-fibrogênicos no fígado com fibrose.


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The large-scale production of cardiomyocytes is a key step in the development of cell therapy and tissue engineering to treat cardiovascular diseases, particularly those caused by ischemia. the main objective of this study was to establish a procedure for the efficient production of cardiomyocytes by reprogramming mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue. First, lentiviral vectors expressing neoR and GFP under the control of promoters expressed specifically during cardiomyogenesis were constructed to monitor cell reprogramming into precardiomyocytes and to select cells for amplification and characterization. Cellular reprogramming was performed using 5'-azacytidine followed by electroporation with plasmid pOKS2a, which expressed Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4. Under these conditions, GFP expression began only after transfection with pOKS2a, and less than 0.015% of cells were GFP(+). These GFP(+) cells were selected for G418 resistance to find molecular markers of cardiomyocytes by RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. Both genetic and protein markers of cardiomyocytes were present in the selected cells, with some variations among them. Cell doubling time did not change after selection. Together, these results indicate that enrichment with vectors expressing GFP and neoR under cardiomyocyte-specific promoters can produce large numbers of cardiomyocyte precursors (CMPs), which can then be differentiated terminally for cell therapy and tissue engineering.


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The clinical use of stem cells, such as bone marrow-derived and, more recently, resident cardiac stem cells, offers great promise for treatment of myocardial infarction and heart failure. The epicardium-derived cells have also attracted attention for their angiogenic paracrine actions and ability to differentiate into cardiomyocytes and vascular cells when activated during cardiac injury. In a recent study, Chong and colleagues have described a distinct population of epicardium-derived mesenchymal stem cells that reside in a perivascular niche of the heart and have a broad multilineage potential. Exploring the therapeutic capacity of these cells will be an exciting future endeavor.


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In vitro human tissue engineered human blood vessels (TEBV) that exhibit vasoactivity can be used to test human toxicity of pharmaceutical drug candidates prior to pre-clinical animal studies. TEBVs with 400-800 μM diameters were made by embedding human neonatal dermal fibroblasts or human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in dense collagen gel. TEBVs were mechanically strong enough to allow endothelialization and perfusion at physiological shear stresses within 3 hours after fabrication. After 1 week of perfusion, TEBVs exhibited endothelial release of nitric oxide, phenylephrine-induced vasoconstriction, and acetylcholine-induced vasodilation, all of which were maintained up to 5 weeks in culture. Vasodilation was blocked with the addition of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-N(G)-Nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME). TEBVs elicited reversible activation to acute inflammatory stimulation by TNF-α which had a transient effect upon acetylcholine-induced relaxation, and exhibited dose-dependent vasodilation in response to caffeine and theophylline. Treatment of TEBVs with 1 μM lovastatin for three days prior to addition of Tumor necrosis factor - α (TNF-α) blocked the injury response and maintained vasodilation. These results indicate the potential to develop a rapidly-producible, endothelialized TEBV for microphysiological systems capable of producing physiological responses to both pharmaceutical and immunological stimuli.


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Adult tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs) have demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in treating diseases or repairing damaged tissues through mechanisms thought to be mediated by either cell replacement or secretion of paracrine factors. Characterized, self- renewing human ESCs could potentially be an invariable source of consistently uniform MSCs for therapeutic applications. Here we describe a clinically relevant and reproducible manner of generating identical batches of hESC- derived MSC ( hESC- MSC) cultures that circumvents exposure to virus, mouse cells, or serum. Trypsinization and propagation of HuES9 or H1 hESCs in feeder- and serum-free selection media generated three polyclonal, karyotypically stable, and phenotypically MSC-like cultures that do not express pluripotency- associated markers but displayed MSC- like surface antigens and gene expression profile. They differentiate into adipocytes, osteocytes, and chondrocytes in vitro. Gene expression and fluorescence- activated cell sorter analysis identified CD105 and CD24 as highly expressed antigens on hESC- MSCs and hESCs, respectively. CD105+, CD24- monoclonal isolates have a typical MSC gene expression profiles and were identical to each other with a highly correlated gene expression profile ( r(2) >.90). We have developed a protocol to reproducibly generate clinically compliant and identical hESC- MSC cultures.


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The objectives of this study were to develop a three-dimensional acellular cartilage matrix (ACM) and investigate its possibility for use as a scaffold in cartilage tissue engineering. Bovine articular cartilage was decellularized sequentially with trypsin, nuclease solution, hypotonic buffer, and Triton x 100 solution; molded with freeze-drying process; and cross-linked by ultraviolet irradiation. Histological and biochemical analysis showed that the ACM was devoid of cells and still maintained the collagen and glycosaminoglycan components of cartilage. Scanning electronic microscopy and mercury intrusion porosimetry showed that the ACM had a sponge-like structure of high porosity. The ACM scaffold had good biocompatibility with cultured rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells with no indication of cytotoxicity both in contact and in extraction assays. The cartilage defects repair in rabbit knees with the mesenchymal stem cell-ACM constructs had a significant improvement of histological scores when compared to the control groups at 6 and 12 weeks. In summary, the ACM possessed the characteristics that afford it as a potential scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering.


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Hyperglycemia-induced damage to the glomerular podocyte is thought to be a critical early event in diabetic nephropathy. Interventions that prevent podocyte damage or loss have been shown to have potential for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. New data show that conditioned medium from adipocyte-derived mesenchymal stem cells has the potential to protect podocytes from high-glucose-induced damage. Furthermore, epidermal growth factor may be the critical ingredient mediating this effect. These data suggest that components of the conditioned medium of mesenchymal stem cells, in addition to the cells themselves, may have potential for the treatment of diseases such as diabetic nephropathy.


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A number of animals have evolved to produce silk-based composite materials for a variety of task-specific applications. The review initially focuses on the composite structure of silk fibers produced naturally by silkworms and spiders, followed by the preparation and applications of man-made composite materials (including fibers, films, foams, gels and particulates) incorporating silk proteins in combination with other polymers (both natural and synthetic) and/or inorganic particles. 


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Silks are protein-based fibers made by arthropods for a variety of task-specific applications. In this article, we review the key features of silk proteins. This article initially focuses on the structure and function of silk proteins produced naturally by silkworms and spiders, followed by the biological and technical processing of silk proteins into a variety of morphologies (including capsules, fibers, films, foams, gels and spheres). Finally, we highlight the potential applications of silk-based materials.