965 resultados para Menken, Adah Isaacs, 1835-1868.
Vol. 1- includes reproduction of color plates on microfiche.
1. Th. Island. England, Schottland, Irland. Frankreich. Algerien. Tunis und Karthago.--2. Th. Spanien und Portugal. Zweiter Aufenhalt in Frankreich und England.
Title on added t.p.: Chillán, sus fundaciones y destrucciones.
Peer reviewed
This article revisits the official culture of the early khedivate through a microhistory of the first modern Egyptian theater in Arabic. Based on archival research, it aims at a recalibration of recent scholarship by showing khedivial culture as a complex framework of competing patriotisms. It analyzes the discourse about theater in the Arabic press, including the journalist Muhammad Unsi's call for performances in Arabic in 1870. It shows that the realization of this idea was the theater group led by James Sanua between 1871 and 1872, which also performed Ê¿Abd al-Fattah al-Misri's tragedy. But the troupe was not an expression of subversive nationalism, as has been claimed by scholars. My historical reconstruction and my analysis of the content of Sanua's comedies show loyalism toward the Khedive Ismail. Yet his form of contemporary satire was incompatible with elite cultural patriotism, which employed historicization as its dominant technique. This revision throws new light on a crucial moment of social change in the history of modern Egypt, when the ruler was expected to preside over the plural cultural bodies of the nation. © 2014 Cambridge University Press .
The exhibition, The Map of the Empire (30 March – 6 May, 2016), featured photography, video, and installation works by Toronto-based artist, Brad Isaacs (Mohawk | mixed heritage). The majority of the artworks within the exhibition were produced from the Canadian Museum of Nature’s research and collections facility (Gatineau, Québec). The Canadian Museum of Nature (CMN), is the national natural history museum of (what is now called) Canada, with its galleries located in Ottawa, Ontario. The exhibition was the first to open at the Centre for Indigenous Research Creation at Queen’s University under the supervision of Dr. Dylan Robinson. Through the installment of The Map of the Empire, Isaacs effectively claimed space on campus grounds – within the geopolitical space of Katarokwi | Kingston – and pushed back against settler colonial imaginings of natural history. The Map of the Empire explored the capacity of Brad’s artistic practice in challenging the general belief under which natural history museums operate: that the experience of collecting/witnessing/interacting with a deceased and curated more-than-human animal will increase conservation awareness and facilitate human care towards nature. The exhibition also featured original poetry by Cecily Nicholson, author of Triage (2011) and From the Poplars (2014), as a response to Brad’s artwork. I locate the work of The Map of the Empire within the broader context of curatorship as a political practice engaging with conceptual and actualized forms of slow violence, both inside of and beyond the museum space. By unmapping the structures of slow, showcased and archived violence within the natural history museum, we can begin to radically transform and reimagine our connections with more-than-humans and encourage these relations to be reciprocal rather than hyper-curated or preserved.
En 1865 Narcisa Pérez Reoyo publica en A Coruña su primer poemario, Cantos de la infancia, prologado por Manuel Murguía y que incluye un poema dedicado a Rosalía de Castro. Este artículo se ocupa de las relaciones del matrimonio Murguía-Castro con la escritora novel, en el contexto de la literatura escrita por mujeres en el siglo XIX y de la construcción de la literatura gallega.
La organización del Partido Progresista tiene una configuración abierta, que ensaya fórmulas de elecciones primarias y que con contará con dos núcleos: La minoría parlamentaria y una organización que será permanente desde 1846, en la que se distingue la Junta Central y la Comisión Directiva. Entre los políticos de la generación del progreso Francisco de Luxán será el primero de una nómina muy reducida de ministros con formación científico-técnica, y entre los dirigentes del Partido Progresista y de la Unión Liberal será también el único con formación científico-técnica.
Legislation conferring the exclusive right of printing and publishing certain lectures for the same term of protection provided by the existing copyright legislation (see: Statute of Anne, uk_1710; Copyright Act, uk_1814). This was the first occasion on which the legislature extended copyright protection to works in the oral form. The legislation is of interest in terms of the distinction it draws between lectures delivered within the 'public' and the 'private' spheres (lectures delivered at a University, for example, are not protected), in terms of articulating the nature of the relationship between a speaker and his audience, and in specifically clarifying that newspapers are similarly prohibited from reporting protected lectures. The commentary explores the background to the passing of the Act, and in particular the role which Henry Brougham played in proposing and securing the same.
Programa de doctorado: Historiografía y metodología de la investigación: su aplicación a la historia de Canarias. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835), locally known as Angara in Uganda, is native to fresh water systems in Africa, thriving well in both lacustrine and riverine conditions. It is part of the routine diets of families in northern Uganda, South Sudan, the Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The objective of this study was to determine the proximate composition and mineral contents of A. baremoze fillets according to fish size. The mineral contents of A. baremoze from Lake Albert were analysed using standard procedures. The fish samples were categorised into three size-groups; <1 kg (880–990g), 1-1.5 kg and 1.6-2.5 kg. On wet weight basis, there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in crude protein and ash content among the different fish sizes. However, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in crude fat, carbohydrate, gross energy and vitamin A. Crude fat (0.35%), carbohydrate (0.37%) and gross energy (597.6 Kcal/100 g) were significantly higher in medium sized fish (1 to 1.5 kg) compared with the larger fish category. Vitamin A contents of different fish sizes ranged from 55.1 to75.3 μg RAE/100g. The contents of magnesium and iron were highest in sizes <1 kg (5.34 mg/100 g) and (3.58 mg/100 g), respectively. It was observed that potassium content (339.33 mg/100 g) and calcium (29.75 mg/100 g) were significantly higher (p<0.05) in fish >1.5 kg. These findings suggest that taste, freshness and other related external appearances should not be the only factors to be considered in making choice for marketing and consumption of Alestes baremoze.
La seigneurie de Saint-Augustin de Maur, communément appelée la « seigneurie des pauvres », est propriété des pauvres de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec de 1734 à 1868. Achetée après adjudication (mise aux enchères) avec l’argent des pauvres par leurs dépositaires, les Augustines de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, la seigneurie est mise en valeur avec succès par ces dernières malgré les contraintes physiques que leur impose la clôture perpétuelle. Les pauvres sont les seigneurs de Maur en théorie, mais ils ne le sont pas en pratique puisqu’ils sont une personne morale n’ayant pas la capacité de gérer des biens. C’est une hospitalière (la dépositaire des pauvres) qui assure le rôle de seigneuresse en concédant des terres, en tenant les registres de compte et en engageant les procureurs, meuniers et fermiers. La propriété des pauvres n’étant que théorique, les religieuses sont, dans les faits, les véritables seigneuresses de Saint-Augustin. Pour arriver à gérer le fief de Maur correctement, les Augustines se font conseiller par leurs « amis », par le clergé canadien, par les administrateurs coloniaux et par des procureurs, et elles mettent en place des outils seigneuriaux comme des plans de la seigneurie, des papiers-terriers et des censiers, ce qui leur permet d’atténuer les limites du cloître et de gérer Saint-Augustin aussi minutieusement que les seigneurs masculins du Canada le font pour leurs fiefs (Séminaire de Québec, Sulpiciens et Jésuites). Bien que le cloître restreigne la surveillance et le prélèvement des droits seigneuriaux des Augustines, le régime seigneurial se durcit au XVIIIe siècle à Saint-Augustin. Les Augustines savent réclamer leur dû par un sens aigu des affaires, mais elles n’ont d’autres choix, en toute circonstance, que d’avoir confiance en leurs régisseurs, ce qui n’est pas toujours garant de succès.