1000 resultados para Meier-Graefe, Julius
The circadian clock drives the rhythmic expression of a broad array of genes that orchestrate metabolism, sleep wake behavior, and the immune response. Clock genes are transcriptional regulators engaged in the generation of circadian rhythms. The cold inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRBP) guarantees high amplitude expression of clock. The cytokines TNF and TGFβ impair the expression of clock genes, namely the period genes and the proline- and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper (PAR-bZip) clock-controlled genes. Here, we show that TNF and TGFβ impair the expression of Cirbp in fibroblasts and neuronal cells. IL-1β, IL-6, IFNα, and IFNγ do not exert such effects. Depletion of Cirbp is found to increase the susceptibility of cells to the TNF-mediated inhibition of high amplitude expression of clock genes and modulates the TNF-induced cytokine response. Our findings reveal a new mechanism of cytokine-regulated expression of clock genes.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: To update the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency and to identify factors associated with vitamin D status in the Swiss adult population. METHODS: Data from the 2010-2011 Swiss Study on Salt intake, a population-based study in the Swiss population, was used. Vitamin D concentration in serum was measured by liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry. Major factors that influence vitamin D levels were taken into account. Survey statistical procedures were used to estimate means and prevalences of vitamin D levels and status. Monthly-specific tertiles of vitamin D and ordinal logistic regression were used to determine the associations of covariates of interest with vitamin D status. RESULTS: The prevalences of vitamin D insufficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D: 20-29.9 ng/ml) and deficiency (<20 ng/ml) were the highest in the January-March period; 26.4% (95%CI: 21.6-31.7) and 61.6% (95%CI: 56.0-67.0), respectively. In the same period, more than 9 of ten men were vitamin D insufficient or deficient. Each unit increase of Body Mass Index was associated with an 8% decreased likelihood of being in a higher vitamin D tertiles. Oral contraceptive, altitude, urinary excretion of calcium, use of vitamin D supplement or treatment, high wine consumption, physical activity were associated with vitamin D tertiles. Compared to the French-speaking region, the Italian-speaking region was independently associated with a higher likelihood of being in higher vitamin D tertiles (OR: 1.66, 95%CI: 1.14-2.43). CONCLUSIONS: Low levels of vitamin D are common among Swiss adults, in particular during winter months and outside the Italian-speaking region.
AIM: To determine the long-term prognostic value of SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) for the occurrence of cardiovascular events in diabetic patients. PATIENTS, METHODS: SPECT MPI of 210 consecutive Caucasian diabetic patients were analysed using Kaplan-Meier event-free survival curves and independent predictors were determined by Cox multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Follow-up was complete in 200 (95%) patients with a median period of 3.0 years (0.8-5.0). The population was composed of 114 (57%) men, age 65 +/- 10 years, 181 (90.5%) type 2 diabetes mellitus, 50 (25%) with a history of coronary artery disease (CAD) and 98 (49%) presenting chest pain prior to MPI. The prevalence of abnormal MPI was 58%. Patients with a normal MPI had neither cardiac death, nor myocardial infarction, independently of a history of coronary artery disease or chest pain. Among the independent predictors of cardiac death and myocardial infarction, the strongest was abnormal MPI (p < 0.0001), followed by history of CAD (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 15.9; p = 0.0001), diabetic retinopathy (HR = 10.0; p = 0.001) and inability to exercise (HR = 7.7; p = 0.02). Patients with normal MPI had a low revascularisation rate of 2.4% during the follow-up period. Compared to normal MPI, cardiovascular events increased 5.2 fold for reversible defects, 8.5 fold for fixed defects and 20.1 fold for the association of both defects. CONCLUSION: Diabetic patients with normal MPI had an excellent prognosis independently of history of CAD. On the opposite, an abnormal MPI led to a >5-fold increase in cardiovascular events. This emphasizes the value of SPECT MPI in predicting and risk-stratifying cardiovascular events in diabetic patients.
The goal of this follow-up study was to assess the long-term survival of all patients having undergone a first PTCA between 1981 and 1990 and to relate the outcome to the baseline clinical and angiographic state. Although PTCA has become a widely accepted therapeutic choice for revascularization, the authors lacked information on long-term outcome. Data was collected by questionnaire, the end points being a second PTCA, MI, CABG, death or any of these events. The survival curves were constructed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariate analysis was performed by a Cox proportional hazards model. Complete follow-up data were collected for 1,071 patients for a mean period of 7.4 years (SEM +/- 1.98 months) with a range of 0 to 14 years. Mean age was 57 years. PTCA was successful in 85% of patients. In-hospital event rates were death 1.3%, MI 4.4%, and emergency CABG 2.9%. Overall survival at 14 years was 69% (SEM +/- 9.6%) and event-free survival was 47% (SEM +/- 5.8%). MI rate was 11%, CABG 15%, and 20% of patients underwent repeat PTCA. Presence of cardiovascular risk factors, poor left ventricular ejection fraction, and prior CABG were significantly associated with poorer event-free survival. The short-term observations are consistent with results reported by the other follow-up studies. In addition, the study found a total survival rate 14 years after a first PTCA of 69% and 47% of the cohort remained event free.
Contexte : La prise en charge de l'artériopathie périphérique et de l'ischémie critique a fortement évolué depuis plusieurs années en faveur des traitements endovasculaires. En effet, la revascularisation chirurgicale a prouvé son efficacité à moyen et long terme mais reste invasif avec un temps de séjour hospitalier prolongé. Plusieurs études ont démontré l'intérêt de la prise en charge endovasculaire afin de réduire la morbidité et diminuer la durée de séjour. Néanmoins, elle n'offre pas des taux de succès à moyen et long terme équivalent à la chirurgie. Une approche hybride chirurgicale et endovasculaire cherchant à utiliser les avantages des 2 techniques pourrait permettre d'obtenir des taux de succès élevé avec un taux de complication plus faible. Objectifs : Nos objectifs sont d'analyser rétrospectivement la population de patients ayant bénéficié d'une approche hybride pour la revascularisation des membres inférieurs pour une claudication intermittente ou une ischémie critique. Le taux de mortalité à 30 jours ainsi que les complications locales et systémiques seront relevés. Les taux de perméabilité à 12 mois seront également analysés. Finalement, le taux de sauvetage de membre ainsi que le pourcentage de déambulation seront reportés. Méthodes : La cohorte de patients ayant bénéficié d'une approche hybride dans le service de chirurgie thoracique et vasculaire du CHUV de janvier 2008 à janvier 2011 seront systématiquement inclus dans l'analyse. L'ensemble des données démographiques et angiologiques seront reportés dans un cahier d'observation. De plus, tous les événements liés à des complications locales ou systémiques seront également analysés. Les décès seront reportés. Un appel téléphonique au patient et à son médecin traitant permettra de connaître l'état de santé actuel du patient ainsi que sa capacité à la marche. Une analyse statistique comportant une courbe de survivre selon Kaplan Meier permettra d'analyser le taux de perméabilité ainsi que la survie à moyen terme. Résultats escomptés : Les résultats devraient nous démontrés un taux de perméabilité supérieur ou équivalent à la prise en charge séparée chirurgicale ou endovasculaire. De plus les complications locales devraient être inférieures au taux obtenus dans la prise en charge chirurgicale. Le taux de sauvetage de membre et de déambulation pourrait être identique à la prise en charge chirurgicale. Plus value escomptés : L'approche hybride pour la revascularisation des membres inférieurs reste peu décrite dans la littérature. Cette étude permettra de décrire de manière globale une grande cohorte de patients homogène ayant bénéficié de cette approche dans un seul centre. Elle démontrera aussi l'éventuel intérêt de ce type de prise en charge pour les patients souffrant d'une artériopathie périphérique multiétagée.
Esta reflexão teve como objetivo compreender a Epidemiologia como referencial teórico-metodológico para a prática da Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva. O método de pesquisa foi uma investigação bibliográfica, com a análise de artigos e livros de estudiosos que apontam as possibilidades e limites das Epidemiologias clássica, social e crítica, com intuito de aproximar suas concepções à prática do enfermeiro. Discute-se que a articulação dos conhecimentos advindos das supracitadas visões de Epidemiologia possibilita a construção de intervenções de Enfermagem para a transformação de realidades de saúde. A Epidemiologia Crítica ampara-se no reconhecimento dos processos protetores e de desgastes determinantes do processo saúde-doença vividos por grupos de classes sociais distintas. Assim, cabe ao enfermeiro planejar a intervenção em saúde para além do adoecimento identificado, propondo intervenções comprometidas com a mudança de processos históricos e sociais, nas dimensões singular, particular ou estrutural, que acabam por determinar o processo saúde-doença em indivíduos ou grupos.
Litanies de S. Victor de Marseille (1). - Vie de s. Trophyme (5). - Philippus Cabassole, de B. M. Magdalena (7). - Lettres sur l'ancienne division de la Gaule (9 v°). - Notice de Besly sur la chronique de Julius Florus (15). - Antiquité des séparations dans les églises (17). - Commencement d'un traité historique sur les évêchés d'Angleterre (22). - Notes autographes de Peiresc sur des antiquités chrétiennes de Vienne (28). - Mémoires sur Embrun (32, 55 v°, 94 v°), le Dauphiné, le Comtat, la Provence, le Languedoc, les évêques de Digne (60 v°), de Sisteron (63) et de Vence (68 v°), Avignon (76), les évêques de Marseille (92), et ceux de Fréjus (95). - Vita b. Lamberti, ep. Venciensis (68 v°). - Origines de l'église de Reims (96). - Antiquités d'Orange (110). - Droits du roi en Bourgogne (140). - Pont du S. Esprit (153). - Seigneurie de Sault (154 v°). - Notes et documents généalogiques. - Copies de lettres et de documents du XVII s. - Idea sive designatio aliquot operum quae Jo. Ba. Donius partim absolvit partim incaepit (236). - Copie des anciens priviléges de l'église d'Arles (254).
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Emergency room (ER) interpretation of the ECG is critical to assessment of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Our aim was to assess its reliability in our institution, a tertiary teaching hospital. METHODS: Over a 6-month period all consecutive patients admitted for ACS were included in the study. ECG interpretation by emergency physicians (EPs) was recorded on a preformatted sheet and compared with the interpretation of two specialist physicians (SPs). Discrepancies between the 2 specialists were resolved by an ECG specialist. RESULTS: Over the 6-month period, 692 consecutive patients were admitted with suspected ACS. ECG interpretation was available in 641 cases (93%). Concordance between SPs was 87%. Interpretation of normality or abnormality of the ECG was concordant between EPs and SPs in 475 cases (74%, kappa = 0.51). Interpretation of ischaemic modifications was concordant in 69% of cases, and as many ST segment elevations were unrecognised as overdiagnosed (5% each). The same findings occurred for ST segment depressions and negative T waves (12% each). CONCLUSIONS: Interpretation of the ECG recorded during ACS by 2 SPs was discrepant in 13% of cases. Similarly, EP interpretation was discrepant from SP interpretation in 25% of cases, equally distributed between over- and underdiagnosing of ischaemic changes. The clinical implications and impact of medical education on ECG interpretation require further study.
O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar o padrão de aleitamento materno exclusivo nos primeiros seis meses de vida de crianças nascidas em um Hospital Amigo da Criança e os fatores que contribuíram para o desmame precoce. Estudo de coorte prospectivo com 261 mães e crianças. Os dados foram avaliados utilizando-se a análise de sobrevivência através da construção da curva de Kaplan-Meier e teste de Log-Rank para a análise univariada. Foi realizada análise multivariada utilizando-se o modelo de Regressão de Cox com riscos proporcionais. Ao longo dos seis meses, o aleitamento materno exclusivo praticado com 30, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias foi 75%, 52%, 33%, 19% e 5,7%, respectivamente. Na análise multivariada, as variáveis que mostraram risco para o desmame precoce foram a intercorrência mamária hospitalar e, na consulta de retorno, a posição inadequada e a associação das duas anteriores. A Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança favoreceu o aleitamento materno exclusivo.