964 resultados para Mega-agreements
Peasant societies are often seen by neoliberal or Marxist theorists as passive subjects of political-economic transformations occurring at a higher level, only surviving through acculturation to market requirements. By analyzing agricultural work organization in highland communities and a local system of water management called Acuerdos Reciprocos por el Agua (Reciprocal Agreements for Water), developed in 2003 by the Natura Bolivia foundation in Florida Province in Bolivia, we show that, contrary to this perception, traditional reciprocal norms still play an essential role in decision making. This suggests the agency of rural societies and the resilience of traditional reciprocity-based norms in mountain regions.
A scientific challenge is to assess the role of Deccan volcanism in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) mass extinction. Here we report on the stratigraphy and biologic effects of Deccan volcanism in eleven deep wells from the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India. In these wells, two phases of Deccan volcanism record the world's largest and longest lava mega-flows interbedded in marine sediments in the K-G Basin about 1500 km from the main Deccan volcanic province. The main phase-2 eruptions (similar to 80% of total Deccan Traps) began in C29r and ended at or near the KTB, an interval that spans planktic foraminiferal zones CF1-CF2 and most of the nannofossil Micula prinsii zone, and is correlative with the rapid global warming and subsequent cooling near the end of the Maastrichtian. The mass extinction began in phase-2 preceding the first of four mega-flows. Planktic foraminifera suffered a 50% drop in species richness. Survivors suffered another 50% drop after the first mega-flow, leaving just 7 to 8 survivor species. No recovery occurred between the next three mega-flows and the mass extinction was complete with the last phase-2 mega-flow at the KTB. The mass extinction was likely the consequence of rapid and massive volcanic CO(2) and SO(2) gas emissions, leading to high continental weathering rates, global warming, cooling, acid rains, ocean acidification and a carbon crisis in the marine environment. Deccan volcanism phase-3 began in the early Danian near the C29R/C29n boundary correlative with the planktic foraminiferal zone P1a/P1b boundary and accounts for similar to 14% of the total volume of Deccan eruptions, including four of Earth's longest and largest mega-flows. No major faunal changes are observed in the intertrappeans of zone P1b, which suggests that environmental conditions remained tolerable, volcanic eruptions were less intense and/or separated by longer time intervals thus preventing runaway effects. Alternatively, early Danian assemblages evolved in adaptation to high-stress conditions in the aftermath of the mass extinction and therefore survived phase-3 volcanism. Full marine biotic recovery did not occur until after Deccan phase-3. These data suggest that the catastrophic effects of phase-2 Deccan volcanism upon the Cretaceous planktic foraminifera were a function of both the rapid and massive volcanic eruptions and the highly specialized faunal assemblages prone to extinction in a changing environment. Data from the K-G Basin indicates that Deccan phase-2 alone could have caused the KTB mass extinction and that impacts may have had secondary effects.
[cat] En aquest document es descriuen i s'analitzen els conceptes fonamentals relacionats amb l'accés obert al coneixement científic. En primer lloc, es presenta una breu història dels drets d'autor i del copyright (tots esl drets reservats) fins avui. Avui la digitalització ha donat pas a un nou model de llicències copyleft (alguns drets reservats). S'ofereixen respostes a les preguntes més freqüents sobre l'aplicació dels drets d'autor en e l'àmbit acadèmic i la investigació. Es presenten dos models de llicències copyleft: Creative Commons i les llicències d'Universitat (Harvard). A través de diferents declaracions (Budapest, Bethesda i Berlín) es defineixen els principis i acords internacionals en matèria d'accés obert a la comunitat científica i acadèmica en la darrera dècada. Finalment, es defineix el concepte d'"Educació OOberta" i es descriu el paper dels Repositoris Institucionals en l'enmagatzament i difusió del coneixement científic i acadèmic.
Over the last decades, there has been an increasing interest on the chronology, distribution and mammal taxonomy (including hominins) related with the faunal turnovers that took place around the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition [ca. 1.8 mega-annum (Ma)] in Europe. However, these turnovers are not fully understood due to: the precarious nature of the period's fossil record; the"non-coexistence" in this record of many of the species involved; and the enormous geographical area encompassed. This palaeontological information gap can now be in part bridged with data from the Fonelas P-1 site (Granada, Spain), whose faunal composition and late Upper Pliocene date shed light on some of the problems concerning the timing and geography of the dispersals.
It is well known that, in distributions problems, fairness rarely leads to a single viewpoint (see, for instance, Young (1994)). In this context, this paper provides interesting bases that support the simple and commonly observed behavior of reaching intermediate agreements when two prominent distribution proposals highlight a discrepancy in sharing resources. Specifi cally, we formalize such a conflicting situation by associating it with a `natural' cooperative game, called bifocal distribution game, to show that both the Nucleolus (Schmeidler (1969)) and the Shapley value (Shapley (1953a)) agree on recommending the average of the two focal proposals. Furthermore, we analyze the interpretation of the previous result by means of axiomatic arguments. Keywords: Distribution problems, Cooperative games, Axiomatic analysis, Nucleolus, Shapley value. JEL Classi fication Numbers: C71, D63, D71.
This information is based on Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) rules and policies and does not create an employment contract. Much of the information in this handbook is also covered in the State’s collective bargaining agreements. Where there are differences between a collective bargaining agreement and this handbook, the collective bargaining agreement prevails for employees covered by the agreement. Where there are differences between this handbook and DAS rules and policies, DAS rules and policies prevail.
Purpose: To compare the additional informations obtainedwith axial and sagittal T2 weighted with fat saturation(T2FS) and T1 weighted with Gadolinium iv sequenceswith fat saturation (T1FSGd) to detect degenerativeinflammatory lumbar spine lesions.Materials and Methods: Our retrospective study included73 patients (365 lumbar levels) with lumbar spinedegenerative disease (25 males, 48 females, mean age56 years). MRI protocol was performed with T1 and T2weighted sagittal and T2 weighted axial sequences(standard protocol), axial and sagittal T2FS and T1FSGd.Images were independently analyzed by two musculoskeletalradiologists and a neurosurgeon. Two groups ofsequences were analyzed: standard + T2FS sequences(group 1), standard + T1FSGd sequences (group 2).Degenerative inflammatory lumbar spine lesions werenoted at each level in: anterior column (vertebralendplate), spinal canal (epidural and peri-radicular fat)and posterior column (facet joint with capsular recessand subchondral bone).Results: Degenerative inflammatory lesions were present in18% (66/365) of levels in group 1, and 48% (175/365) oflevels in group 2. In details, lesions were noted in group 1 and2 respectively:-in 44 and 66 levels for anterior column,-in22 and 131 levels for posterior column,-in 0 and 36 levelsfor spinal canal. All these differences were statisticallysignificant. Intra and Interobserver agreements were good.Conclusion: The T1FSGd sequence is more sensitive thanT2FS to show the degenerative inflammatory lumbar spinelesions, especially in spinal canal and posterior column.
The "Yearbook of Private International Law" provides all about the conflict of laws developments of 2012 and 2013 in one book: Volume XIV (2012/2013) includes contributions on the proposed codification of the General Part of Private International Law in Europe, on the reform of the Chinese legal system as well as on defamation and violation of personality rights (the latter in a whole section). Furthermore, the book deals with the application of EU legislation on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgements, the recognition of judgements overturned by another judgement, and the conflict of decisions in international arbitration. Reports and court decisions from the Netherlands, Turkey, India, Finland, Croatia and Switzerland and a summary of two dissertations on the role of sovereignty and choice of courts agreements complete the book.
[cat] Aquest article vol refutar la hipòtesi que els partits decideixen sistemes electorals majoritaris i que decideixen també mantenir-los invariables, sempre que el sistema de partits s"aproximi al bipartidisme i cap dels dos grans partits pugui perdre la seva posició a favor d"un nou competidor. De manera inversa, els sistemes electorals proporcionals són la conseqüència del multipartidisme, en el qual cap partit té opcions de rebre la majoria dels vots. El cas valencià, però, confirma només parcialment la hipòtesi: els partits van aprovar el 1982 regles proporcionals perquè les eleccions dels parlaments autonòmics eren considerades secundàries, no només pel multipartidisme existent aleshores. En canvi, sí que es confirma que el canvi iniciat el 2006 amb la reforma estatutària manté, de moment, l"status quo per no alterar la formació de majories parlamentàries. Encara queda pendent, però, que es modifiqui la Llei Electoral, de la qual depèn quin mínim de vots per entrar a les Corts s"establirà.
The Iowa Department of Education collects information on joint enrollment in Iowa’s 15 community colleges. Jointly enrolled students are high school students enrolled in community college credit coursework. Most jointly enrolled students enroll through Senior Year Plus programs such as PSEO (Postsecondary Enrollment Options) and concurrent enrollment. Others enroll independently by paying tuition or enrolling in courses delivered through contractual agreements that do not meet the definition of concurrent enrollment. For more information about Senior Year Plus programs, please refer to the department’s website. This report consists of fiscal year and trend data on joint enrollment including headcount enrollment, credit hours, student demographics, and enrollment by program type and offering arrangement. All data included in this report is taken from the Community College Management Information System (MIS) and confirmed by each college, unless otherwise noted.
The objectives of this work were to evaluate the genotype x environment (GxE) interaction for popcorn and to compare two multivariate analyses methods. Nine popcorn cultivars were sown on four dates one month apart during each of the agricultural years 1998/1999 and 1999/2000. The experiments were carried out using randomized block designs, with four replicates. The cv. Zélia contributed the least to the GxE interaction. The cv. Viçosa performed similarly to cv. Rosa-claro. Optimization of GxE was obtained for cv. CMS 42 for a favorable mega-environment, and for cv. CMS 43 for an unfavorable environment. Multivariate analysis supported the results from the method of Eberhart & Russell. The graphic analysis of the Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model was simple, allowing conclusions to be made about stability, genotypic performance, genetic divergence between cultivars, and the environments that optimize cultivar performance. The graphic analysis of the Genotype main effects and Genotype x Environment interaction (GGE) method added to AMMI information on environmental stratification, defining mega-environments and the cultivars that optimized performance in those mega-environments. Both methods are adequate to explain the genotype x environment interactions.
This information is based on Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) rules and policies and does not create an employment contract. Much of the information in this handbook is also covered in the State’s collective bargaining agreements. Where there are differences between a collective bargaining agreement and this handbook, the collective bargaining agreement prevails for employees covered by the agreement. Where there are differences between this handbook and DAS rules and policies, DAS rules and policies prevail.
Iowa Department of Public Health SFY 2015 Annual County Service Contract Listing. This publication strives to identify all service contracts administered by the Iowa Department of Public Health during the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. Contracts may have been increased or decreased, and contract titles changed during the published period. Contracts listed in this summary are shown in alphabetical order by contractor within the county. Interdepartmental Agreements with state government agencies are at the back of the listing. Each page is divided into eight columns which identify the following: column 1: the county of the contractor; column 2: the contractor; column 3: the contract number; column 4: the contract title; column 5: the contract amount; column 6: the funding source; column 7: the start date of the contract and column 8: the end date of the contract.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de dietas com diferentes relações entre ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ômega-6 e ômega-3 nos parâmetros hematológicos e lipídeos plasmáticos de tilápias-do-nilo, antes e após estímulo pelo frio. Foram utilizados 320 alevinos invertidos para macho (±7,5 g), distribuídos aleatoriamente em 40 tanques (250 L) e alimentados com oito dietas: basal (sem adição de óleo), 6% de óleo de girassol (OG), 5% de OG + 1% de óleo de linhaça (OL), 4% de OG + 2% OL, 3% de OG + 3% de OL, 2% de OG + 4% de OL, 1% de OG + 5% de OL e 6% de OL. Os parâmetros hematológicos e os lipídeos plasmáticos foram determinados ao final de 85 dias de cultivo e após três dias de estímulo pelo frio. Não houve efeito das dietas sobre nenhuma das variáveis analisadas no período anterior ao estímulo. O número de leucócitos foi reduzido em peixes alimentados com a dieta 6% de OL, após estímulo pelo frio. O estímulo pelo frio provocou um declínio do estado geral de saúde, como leucopenia. Tilápias-do-nilo alimentadas com dietas com 6% de OL apresentaram menor resistência ao frio.
[spa] La Unión Europea se encuentra actualmente inmersa en un proceso de cambio de su sistema de gobernanza económica. Este artículo analiza por qué los Estados miembros están siendo capaces de cooperar en temas que en los años 1990s eran tabú en la arena comunitaria. En base a una metodología cualitativa y un marco teórico nutrido por los enfoques neofuncionalista e intergubernamental, concluimos que los acuerdos sobre gobernanza económica a los que se está llegando en la actualidad responden más a la necesidad que a la voluntad de hacer avanzar la integración.