983 resultados para Mascagni, Pietro, 1863-1945.


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The welfare state concepts in Eastern Europe under state socialism (1945-1990) were based on the conviction that only the state was responsible for solving all social problems. The 'bourgeois' manners of individual care were substituted by general measures in the field of labour- and family politics, as well as urban development. The experience showed however that this way of substitution was an illusion, because certain target groups were still in need of help (for example ill or handicapped children and adults, elderly people etc). Nevertheless, most of the Eastern European countries - with the exception of Yugoslavia - decided to abolish the existing forms of professional social work and the training for social workers. Instead, they invented 'surrogate structures' to manage the care for the 'needy': Various institutions and occupational groups (schools, hospitals and ambulances, employees groups etc.) took over the tasks of social workers and were trained to fulfil this as a kind of 'social practice'. Therefore, it is wrong to claim that social work was completely abolished under state socialism, But: as social work 'as such' did not exist any longer, it is more reasonable to speak of welfare state concepts, including social policy on one hand, and non- or paraprofessional social practice on the other. To characterize the effect of these welfare state concepts three parameter of interpretation seem to be useful: 'traditions', 'visions', and 'deconstructions' - embedded in a system of repression as well as incentives. Traditions: The huge 'social laboratory' that was installed was not a totally new one - it still carried on the heritage of the bygone: some bourgeois traces as well as elements out of the fascist heritage and -last but not least - the traditions of their own socialist movement. Visions: The socialist traditions included visions of social justice, the creation of a 'new mankind', a classless society, the end of exploitation and a peaceful living together of all people. Although the 'real existing socialism' has destroyed most of these visions, the power of these utopian ideas has outshined a lot of the every day’s misfortune and injustice for quite a long time. Deconstructions: The term of 'deconstruction' has a threefold meaning: the deconstruction of professional welfare, the deconstruction - in the sense of reinterpretation - of the socialist ideals such as social justice and social security, making an instrument of inclusion and exclusion out of it. And the deconstruction that is necessary to free the history of social work under state socialism from the prejudices and distorting practices, from both sides, the east and the west. In the contribution these three parameter of interpretation are applied on the following issues: The gaps in the 'overall system' of social security; working morale and education for work; mass organisations as an instrument of egalitarianism and general prevention; de-professionalisation by 'surrogating' social work; the 'transparent client'; church as refuge or 'state organ'; women’s politics as bio-politics.


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This paper studies the representation of a drought period that affected Central Europe from 1945 to 1949 in the “Twentieth Century Reanalysis” (20CR). We analysed temperature and precipitation fields in 20CR and compared them to other data products. From the monthly precipitation rate at a 20CR grid point in the Swiss Plateau, the Standardised Precipitation Index over six months (SPI6) was calculated and compared with the corresponding index calculated from station data. For additional analyses, 20CR soil moisture, run off, and evaporation data were used. 20CR well reproduces the temperature and precipitation anomalies over Central Europe during this period, although during 1947, the precipitation anomaly is shifted to the east as compared to observations. With respect to the SPI6 index, the agreement between 20CR and station data is good except again for 1947 (conversely, drought was overestimated in 20CR for 1945 and 1949). Low SPI values in 20CR are accompanied by negative soil moisture anomalies and a negative water balance. Thus, apart from the shift in the spatial drought pattern in 1947, the drought is depicted in a realistic way in 20CR.


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La philanthropie joue actuellement un rôle très important en Suisse. On estime que la moitié des personnes domiciliées en Suisse est active dans le champ d’action du bénévolat. Toutefois, cet objet d’études a longtemps été délaissé par les historiens. Ces deux panels viseront à rendre compte des recherches récentes en s’intéressant à la dimension comparative et transnationale de la philanthropie en Suisse de 1880 à nos jours. Deux dimensions seront privilégiées. D’une part, l’accent sera mis sur les rapports entre les associations philanthropiques privées et l’Etat social. Les études tendent le plus souvent à mettre l’accent sur l’opposition, dans le domaine social, entre activités de bienfaisance ou de bénévolat et les politiques publiques. Or, les relations entre ces deux pôles ne se résument pas à cette opposition et oscillent, selon les lieux et les périodes, entre coopération étroite et concurrence acharnée, à moins que ne s’instaure, comme cela semble le cas de la Suisse, une division du travail plus ou moins institutionnalisée. D’autre part, une attention toute particulière sera mise sur les jeux d’échelle. Les activités des associations philanthropiques couvrent des espaces géographiques très différents : certaines se concentrent sur un quartier urbain, d’autres se focalisent sur l’ensemble de la planète. Toutefois, nous postulons que cette spatialisation ne se confine pas à un antagonisme local/global. Bien au contraire, les différentes échelles – locale, nationale, globale ou transnationale – interagissent étroitement. Des contributions d’historiens étrangers permettront d’inscrire le cas suisse dans une perspective comparative.


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La réflexion et la pratique linguistique en Suisse dépassent, de loin et de manière significative, le saussurisme et «l’école genevoise de linguistique»: la présente étude montre, à partir d’un examen détaillé de l’émergence et de l’évolution de la linguistique romane en Suisse, dans ses rapports étroits avec la philologie et la linguistique générale, comment les linguistes suisses ont apporté une contribution fondamentale et durable à la linguistique historico-comparative, à la sémantique et l’onomasiologie, à la dialectologie, à la lexicologie et lexicographie, voire à une sociolinguistique avant la lettre. C’est l’histoire de la linguistique en Suisse pendant les deux derniers siècles qui est retracée ici à travers une analyse minutieuse des programmes universitaires, des enseignements et des publications des linguistes romanistes ayant déployé leur activité dans une des sept universités suisses. L’étude comporte 4 chapitres: «Saussure et les autres»; «Un système universitaire en mutation»; «Deux déesses jalouses? Philologie et linguistique. Le découpage du savoir au XIXe siècle: Enjeux institutionnels et épistémologiques»; «Les chaires de philologie romane en Suisse: émergence, généalogie et constellation». Une importante bibliographie et un index des noms et des concepts clôturent l’ouvrage.


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