991 resultados para Maritme collisions


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STAR's measurements of directed flow (v(1)) around midrapidity for pi(+/-), K-+/-, K-S(0), p, and (p) over bar in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV are presented. A negative v(1) (y) slope is observed for most of produced particles (pi(+/-), K-+/-, K-S(0), p, and (p) over bar). In 5%-30% central collisions, a sizable difference is present between the v(1)(y) slope of protons and antiprotons, with the former being consistent with zero within errors. The v(1) excitation function is presented. Comparisons to model calculations (RQMD, UrQMD, AMPT, QGSM with parton recombination, and a hydrodynamics model with a tilted source) are made. For those models which have calculations of v(1) for both pions and protons, none of them can describe v(1()y) forpions and protons simultaneously. The hydrodynamics model with a tilted source as currently implemented cannot explain the centrality dependence of the difference between the v(1)(y) slopes of protons and antiprotons.


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The production of the prompt charm mesons D-0, D+, D*(+), and their antiparticles, was measured with the ALICE detector in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC, at a centre-of-mass energy root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV per nucleon-nucleon collision. The p(t)-differential production yields in the range 2 < p(t) < 16 GeV/c at central rapidity, vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.5, were used to calculate the nuclear modification factor R-AA with respect to a proton-proton reference obtained from the cross section measured at root s = 7 TeV and scaled to root s = 2.76 TeV. For the three meson species, R-AA shows a suppression by a factor 3-4, for transverse momenta larger than 5 GeV/c in the 20% most central collisions. The suppression is reduced for peripheral collisions.


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We simulate top-energy Au + Au collisions using ideal hydrodynamics in order to make the first comparison to the complete set of midrapidity flow measurements made by the PHENIX Collaboration. A simultaneous calculation of nu(2), nu(3), nu(4), and the first event-by-event calculation of quadrangular flow defined with respect to the nu(2) event plane (nu(4){Psi(2)}) gives good agreement with measured values, including the dependence on both transverse momentum and centrality. This provides confirmation that the collision system is indeed well described as a quark-gluon plasma with an extremely small viscosity and that correlations are dominantly generated from collective effects. In addition, we present a prediction for nu(5).


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Unpolarized cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries of single-inclusive positive and negative charged hadrons at midrapidity from p + p collisions at root s = 62.4 GeV are presented. The PHENIX measurement of the cross sections for 1.0 < p(T) < 4.5 GeV/c are consistent with perturbative QCD calculations at next-to-leading order in the strong-coupling constant, alpha(s). Resummed pQCD calculations including terms with next-to-leading-log accuracy, yielding reduced theoretical uncertainties, also agree with the data. The double-helicity asymmetry, sensitive at leading order to the gluon polarization in a momentum-fraction range of 0.05 less than or similar to x(gluon) less than or similar to 0.2, is consistent with recent global parametrizations disfavoring large gluon polarization.


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We investigate how the initial geometry of a heavy-ion collision is transformed into final flow observables by solving event-by-event ideal hydrodynamics with realistic fluctuating initial conditions. We study quantitatively to what extent anisotropic flow (nu(n)) is determined by the initial eccentricity epsilon(n) for a set of realistic simulations, and we discuss which definition of epsilon(n) gives the best estimator of nu(n). We find that the common practice of using an r(2) weight in the definition of epsilon(n) in general results in a poorer predictor of nu(n) than when using r(n) weight, for n > 2. We similarly study the importance of additional properties of the initial state. For example, we show that in order to correctly predict nu(4) and nu(5) for noncentral collisions, one must take into account nonlinear terms proportional to epsilon(2)(2) and epsilon(2)epsilon(3), respectively. We find that it makes no difference whether one calculates the eccentricities over a range of rapidity or in a single slice at z = 0, nor is it important whether one uses an energy or entropy density weight. This knowledge will be important for making a more direct link between experimental observables and hydrodynamic initial conditions, the latter being poorly constrained at present.


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The ALICE Collaboration reports the measurement of the relative J/psi yield as a function of charged particle pseudorapidity density dN(ch)/d eta in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV at the LHC. J/psi particles are detected for p(t) > 0, in the rapidity interval vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9 via decay into e(+)e(-), and in the interval 2.5 < y < 4.0 via decay into mu(+)/mu(-) pairs. An approximately linear increase of the J/psi yields normalized to their event average (dN(J/psi)/dy)/(dN(J/psi)/dy) with (dN(ch)/c eta)/(dN(ch)/d eta) is observed in both rapidity ranges, where dN(ch)/d eta is measured within vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1 and p(t) > 0. In the highest multiplicity interval with (dN(ch)/d eta)(bin)) = 24.1, corresponding to four times the minimum bias multiplicity density, an enhancement relative to the minimum bias J/psi yield by a factor of about 5 at 2.5 < y <4 (8 at vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9) is observed. (C) 2012 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Measurements of the anisotropy parameter v(2) of identified hadrons (pions, kaons, and protons) as a function of centrality, transverse momentum p(T), and transverse kinetic energy KET at midrapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.35) in Au + Au collisions at root s(N N) = 200 GeV are presented. Pions and protons are identified up to p(T) = 6 GeV/c, and kaons up to p(T) = 4 GeV/c, by combining information from time-of-flight and aerogel Cerenkov detectors in the PHENIX Experiment. The scaling of v(2) with the number of valence quarks (n(q)) has been studied in different centrality bins as a function of transverse momentum and transverse kinetic energy. A deviation from previously observed quark-number scaling is observed at large values of KET/n(q) in noncentral Au + Au collisions (20-60%), but this scaling remains valid in central collisions (0-10%).


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Relativistic nuclear collisions data on two-particle correlations exhibit structures as function of relative azimuthal angle and rapidity. A unified description of these near-side and away-side structures is proposed for low to moderate transverse momentum. It is based on the combined effect of tubular initial conditions and hydrodynamical expansion. Contrary to expectations, the hydrodynamics solution shows that the high-energy density tubes (leftover from the initial particle interactions) give rise to particle emission in two directions and this is what leads to the various structures. This description is sensitive to some of the initial tube parameters and may provide a probe of the strong interaction. This explanation is compared with an alternative one where some triangularity in the initial conditions is assumed. A possible experimental test is suggested. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Measurements of the differential cross section and the transverse single-spin asymmetry, A(N), vs x(F) for pi(0) and eta mesons are reported for 0.4 < x(F) < 0.75 at an average pseudorapidity of 3.68. A data sample of approximately 6.3 pb(-1) was analyzed, which was recorded during p(up arrow) + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The average transverse beam polarization was 56%. The cross section for pi(0), including the previously unmeasured region of x(F) > 0.55, is consistent with a perturbative QCD prediction, and the eta/pi(0) cross-section ratio agrees with existing midrapidity measurements. For 0.55 < x(F) < 0.75, the average A(N) for eta is 0.210 +/- 0.056, and that for pi(0) is 0.081 +/- 0.016. The probability that these two asymmetries are equal is similar to 3%.


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The ALICE experiment has measured low-mass dimuon production in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV in the dimuon rapidity region 2.5 < y < 4. The observed dimuon mass spectrum is described as a superposition of resonance decays (eta, rho, omega, eta', phi) into muons and semi-leptonic decays of charmed mesons. The measured production cross sections for omega and phi are sigma(omega)(1 < p(t) < 5 GeV/c. 2.5 < y < 4) = 5.28 +/- 0.54(stat) +/- 0.49(syst) mb and sigma(phi)(1 < p(t) < 5 GeV/c. 2.5 < y < 4) = 0.940 +/- 0.084(stat) +/- 0.076(syst) mb. The differential cross sections d(2)sigma/dy dp(t) are extracted as a function of p(t) for omega and phi. The ratio between the rho and omega cross section is obtained. Results for the phi are compared with other measurements at the same energy and with predictions by models. (C) 2012 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this conference we report cross sections for elastic collisions of low-energy electrons with the HCOOH…(H2O)n complexes, with n = 1, 2 and 3. The scattering cross sections were computed with the Schwinger multichannel method [K. Takatsuka and V. McKoy, Phys. Rev. A 24 , 2473 (1981); Phys. Rev. A 30 , 1734 (1984)] with pseudopotentials [M. H. F. Bettega, L. G. Ferreira, and M. A. P. Lima, Phys. Rev. A 47, 1111 (1993)] in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization approximations, for energies from 0.5 eV to 6 eV. We considered some diÆerent hydrogen-bonded structures for the complexes that were generated with classical Monte Carlo simulations [K. Coutinho and S. Canuto, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9132, (2000)]. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of the surrounding water molecules on the π* shape resonance of the solute. Previous theoretical and experimental studies carried out in the gas phase reported a π* state for HCOOH at around 1.9 eV. For the n = 1 case and for all complexes, the stabilization of the resonance was observed (it appears at lower energy compared to the value obtained in the gas phase), as reported previously for the CH2O…H2O complexes [T. C. Freitas, M. A. P. Lima, S. Canuto, and M. H. F. Bettega, Phys. Rev. A 80, 062710 (2009)]. This result indicates that the presence of the solvent may affect the processes related to the π* state, such as the molecular dissociation by electron impact. For the n = 2 case we have observed both stabilization and destabilization of the π* resonance, that is associated with the hydrogen bond donor or acceptor role of the water molecules in the complexes. For the n = 3 case, preliminary static-exchange results show the stabilization of the π* state. We propose an explanation of the stabilization/destabilization of the π* state in terms of the polarization of the solute due to the surrounding water molecules and the net charge in the solute.


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The present state of the theoretical predictions for the hadronic heavy hadron production is not quite satisfactory. The full next-to-leading order (NLO) ${cal O} (alpha_s^3)$ corrections to the hadroproduction of heavy quarks have raised the leading order (LO) ${cal O} (alpha_s^2)$ estimates but the NLO predictions are still slightly below the experimental numbers. Moreover, the theoretical NLO predictions suffer from the usual large uncertainty resulting from the freedom in the choice of renormalization and factorization scales of perturbative QCD.In this light there are hopes that a next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) ${cal O} (alpha_s^4)$ calculation will bring theoretical predictions even closer to the experimental data. Also, the dependence on the factorization and renormalization scales of the physical process is expected to be greatly reduced at NNLO. This would reduce the theoretical uncertainty and therefore make the comparison between theory and experiment much more significant. In this thesis I have concentrated on that part of NNLO corrections for hadronic heavy quark production where one-loop integrals contribute in the form of a loop-by-loop product. In the first part of the thesis I use dimensional regularization to calculate the ${cal O}(ep^2)$ expansion of scalar one-loop one-, two-, three- and four-point integrals. The Laurent series of the scalar integrals is needed as an input for the calculation of the one-loop matrix elements for the loop-by-loop contributions. Since each factor of the loop-by-loop product has negative powers of the dimensional regularization parameter $ep$ up to ${cal O}(ep^{-2})$, the Laurent series of the scalar integrals has to be calculated up to ${cal O}(ep^2)$. The negative powers of $ep$ are a consequence of ultraviolet and infrared/collinear (or mass ) divergences. Among the scalar integrals the four-point integrals are the most complicated. The ${cal O}(ep^2)$ expansion of the three- and four-point integrals contains in general classical polylogarithms up to ${rm Li}_4$ and $L$-functions related to multiple polylogarithms of maximal weight and depth four. All results for the scalar integrals are also available in electronic form. In the second part of the thesis I discuss the properties of the classical polylogarithms. I present the algorithms which allow one to reduce the number of the polylogarithms in an expression. I derive identities for the $L$-functions which have been intensively used in order to reduce the length of the final results for the scalar integrals. I also discuss the properties of multiple polylogarithms. I derive identities to express the $L$-functions in terms of multiple polylogarithms. In the third part I investigate the numerical efficiency of the results for the scalar integrals. The dependence of the evaluation time on the relative error is discussed. In the forth part of the thesis I present the larger part of the ${cal O}(ep^2)$ results on one-loop matrix elements in heavy flavor hadroproduction containing the full spin information. The ${cal O}(ep^2)$ terms arise as a combination of the ${cal O}(ep^2)$ results for the scalar integrals, the spin algebra and the Passarino-Veltman decomposition. The one-loop matrix elements will be needed as input in the determination of the loop-by-loop part of NNLO for the hadronic heavy flavor production.


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In dieser Arbeit werden Quantum-Hydrodynamische (QHD) Modelle betrachtet, die ihren Einsatz besonders in der Modellierung von Halbleiterbauteilen finden. Das QHD Modell besteht aus den Erhaltungsgleichungen für die Teilchendichte, das Momentum und die Energiedichte, inklusive der Quanten-Korrekturen durch das Bohmsche Potential. Zu Beginn wird eine Übersicht über die bekannten Ergebnisse der QHD Modelle unter Vernachlässigung von Kollisionseffekten gegeben, die aus ein­em Schrödinger-System für den gemischten-Zustand oder aus der Wigner-Glei­chung hergeleitet werden können. Nach der Reformulierung der eindimensionalen QHD Gleichungen mit linearem Potential als stationäre Schrö­din­ger-Gleichung werden die semianalytischen Fassungen der QHD Gleichungen für die Gleichspannungs-Kurve betrachtet. Weiterhin werden die viskosen Stabilisierungen des QHD Modells be­rück­sich­tigt, sowie die von Gardner vorgeschlagene numerische Viskosität für das {sf upwind} Finite-Differenzen Schema berechnet. Im Weiteren wird das viskose QHD Modell aus der Wigner-Glei­chung mit Fokker-Planck Kollisions-Ope­ra­tor hergeleitet. Dieses Modell enthält die physikalische Viskosität, die durch den Kollision-Operator eingeführt wird. Die Existenz der Lösungen (mit strikt positiver Teilchendichte) für das isotherme, stationäre, eindimensionale, viskose Modell für allgemeine Daten und nichthomogene Randbedingungen wird gezeigt. Die dafür notwendigen Abschätzungen hängen von der Viskosität ab und erlauben daher den Grenzübergang zum nicht-viskosen Fall nicht. Numerische Simulationen der Resonanz-Tunneldiode modelliert mit dem nichtisothermen, stationären, eindimensionalen, viskosen QHD Modell zeigen den Einfluss der Viskosität auf die Lösung. Unter Verwendung des von Degond und Ringhofer entwickelten Quanten-Entropie-Minimierungs-Verfahren werden die allgemeinen QHD-Gleichungen aus der Wigner-Boltzmann-Gleichung mit dem BGK-Kollisions-Operator hergeleitet. Die Herleitung basiert auf der vorsichtige Entwicklung des Quanten-Max­well­ians in Potenzen der skalierten Plankschen Konstante. Das so erhaltene Modell enthält auch vertex-Terme und dispersive Terme für die Ge­schwin­dig­keit. Dadurch bleibt die Gleichspannungs-Kurve für die Re­so­nanz-Tunnel­diode unter Verwendung des allgemeinen QHD Modells in einer Dimension numerisch erhalten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der dispersive Ge­schwin­dig­keits-Term die Lösung des Systems stabilisiert.


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The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) of the ATLAS experiment at CERN is placed in the TAN of the LHC collider, covering the pseudorapidity region higher than 8.3. It is composed by 2 calorimeters, each one longitudinally segmented in 4 modules, located at 140 m from the IP exactly on the beam axis. The ZDC can detect neutral particles during pp collisions and it is a tool for diffractive physics. Here we present results on the forward photon energy distribution obtained using p-p collision data at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV. First the pi0 reconstruction will be used for the detector calibration with photons, then we will show results on the forward photon energy distribution in p-p collisions and the same distribution, but obtained using MC generators. Finally a comparison between data and MC will be shown.