834 resultados para Marital


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Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo caraterizar as redes sociais pessoais dos idosos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, relativamente às caraterísticas estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais, analisando-as segundo o estado civil. Metodologia: Para avaliar as variáveis em estudo foram utilizados: o instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal, versão para idosos (IARSP – Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) com o objetivo de avaliar as dimensões da rede social pessoal dos idosos e um inquérito por questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica. Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 446 idosos com idades compreendidas entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos (M = 76,09; DP = 7,59). Os participantes são na sua maioria do sexo feminino (n = 285, 63,9%). A maioria dos idosos é casada/união de facto (n = 230, 51,6%) e em minoria encontram-se os divorciados/separados (n = 21, 4,7%) e têm filhos (n=389, 87,2%). Resultados: Os resultados demonstram que o estado civil apresenta associações estatisticamente significativas com as variáveis sociodemográficas sexo, idade, viver só, parentalidade e escolaridade. Registam-se diferenças significativas relativamente ao estado civil no que diz respeito à maioria das características estruturais da rede, quanto às características funcionais, nomeadamente o acesso a novos vínculos, a reciprocidade de apoio, a satisfação com a rede e com o suporte social, e quanto às características relacionais-contextuais apenas se assinalam relativamente à distância de residência. Conclusões: O nosso estudo revela que as redes sociais pessoais dos idosos se diferenciam a nível estrutural e funcional segundo o estado civil destes idosos. Os idosos casados apresentam redes maiores mais centradas nas relações familiares na rede do que os idosos com outros estados civis. Os idosos solteiros são os que apresentam redes menores, mais investidas nas relações de amizade e de vizinhança e menos nas relações familiares comparativamente com os outros tipos de relacionamento. / Objectives: This study aims to characterize the personal social networks of the elderly aged 65 years or more, for structural, functional and relational-contextual features, analyzing them according to marital status. Methodology: To assess the variables studied the following was used: the analysis tool of the Personal Social Network, version for elderly (IARSP - Elderly) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) in order to assess the dimensions of the personal social network of the elderly and a questionnaire for socio-demographic characterization. Participants: The sample comprises 446 elderly, aged between 65 years and 98 years (M = 76.09, SD = 7.59). Participants are mostly female (n = 285, 63.9%). Most seniors are married / consensual union (n = 230, 51.6%) and a minority is divorced / separated (n = 21, 4.7%) and have children (n = 389, 87. 2%). Results: The results show that marital status has statistically significant associations with the sociodemographic variables, gender, age, living alone, and parenting and education. There are significant differences with regard to marital status relating to most of the structural characteristics of the network, for the functional features, namely access to new links, reciprocal support, satisfaction with the network and social support, and as to the relational-contextual characteristics these only appear in relation to the distance of residence. Conclusions: Our study shows that personal social networks of the elderly are different on a structural and functional level according to the marital status of these seniors. Married elderly have larger networks more centered on family relationships on the network than the elderly with other marital statuses. The single elderly are those with smaller networks, more invested in the relations of friendship and neighborhood and less on family relationships compared to other types of relationship.


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Este estudo teve como principal objetivo a análise dos fatores determinantes que levaram os bombeiros voluntários de uma corporação para a prática de voluntariado. Nesta investigação, começamos por fazer um enquadramento teórico sobre as perspetivas e tipos de motivação do voluntariado, focando-nos depois em alguns aspetos da sua prática em Portugal. A componente empírica deste estudo apoiou-se numa análise quantitativa a 92 questionários realizados a bombeiros voluntários, adaptados de um estudo realizado por Ward e Mckillop (2011) com uma escala do tipo Likert de 1 a 7 pontos. A análise da distribuição por sexo apontou uma proporção de homens superior à das mulheres (63 = 68,5% vs. 29 = 31,5%), com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 71 anos, sendo a média das mesmas de 37,77 anos (dp = ± 12,1). No que concerne ao estado civil, dos inquiridos (35 = 38%) são casados. Quanto à escolaridade, a moda estatística situou-se no secundário (52 = 56,5%). Os itens que compuseram a escala de motivação para o voluntariado apresentaram pontuações superiores a 4 pontos numa escala do tipo Likert de 7 pontos. A escala constituída por 17 itens relaciona os diferentes tipos de motivação, designadamente, social, interesse, prazer, material-egoísta, egoísta, altruísta, necessidade e dever moral. Estes itens foram avaliados nas seguintes variáveis: sexo, classe etária, escolaridade e antiguidade. As conclusões retiradas deste estudo revelaram, dominantemente, motivações do tipo altruísta e social, para a prática do voluntariado. Estes resultados basearam-se nos valores das significâncias estatísticas (p). Quanto à motivação dos elementos do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino, verificaram-se em ambas maiores percentagens no tipo de motivação altruísta. Na análise realizada consoante a classe etária, as respostas que obtiveram maior percentagem foram relativamente ao item altruísta. No que concerne à escolaridade, os inquiridos com ensino básico e secundário apresentaram um maior número de respostas nos itens altruísta e social. Nos licenciados o item com maior percentagem foi o dever moral. Na análise feita relativamente à interseção entre a motivação e os anos de voluntariado, obtiveram-se índices de motivação muito diferenciados, entre os quais interesse, prazer, social, egoísta, material-egoísta e necessidade. / This study aimed to the analysis of the determining factors that led the volunteer firefighters of a corporation to practice voluntary. In this investigation, we begin by making a theoretical framework on the perspectives and types of volunteer motivation, focusing us then in some aspects of their practice in Portugal. The empirical component of the study was supported on a quantitative analysis of 92 questionnaires by volunteer firefighters, adapted from a study by Ward & McKillop (2011) with a Likert scale from 1 to 7 points. The gender distribution, of the analysis indicated a ratio of greater than men to women (63 = 68.5% vs. 29 = 31.5%), aged between 17 and 71 years, and the average of 37 to 77 years (SD = ± 12.1). With regard to marital status (35 = 38%) are married. As for education, the statistical mode stood in the secondary on (52 = 56.5%). The items comprising the motivation scale for volunteering had scores greater than 4 points on a Likert scale of 7 points. The scale consists of 17 items lists the different types of motivation, namely social, interest, pleasure, material-selfish, selfish, selfless, necessity and moral duty. These items were evaluated in the following variables: gender, age group, education level and years of service. Conclusions from this study revealed mainly motivations of altruistic and social type for volunteering. These results were based on the values of statistical significance (p). Both male and female elements replied with the highest percentage for the type of altruistic motivation. In the analysis carried out according to age group, the answers with the greatest percentage were relative to the altruistic item. With regard to education respondents with elementary and high school education had a higher number of responses in altruistic and social items. At University graduate level the item with the highest percentage was the moral duty. In the analysis regarding the intersection between motivation and years of volunteering very different motivation indices were obtained including interest, pleasure, social, selfish, material-selfish and need.


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Introdução: A presença do diagnóstico de autismo numa criança é algo marcante no seio familiar. Implica inúmeros desafios para os seus pais/progenitores, podendo influenciar os objetivos delineados para as suas vidas e a satisfação na relação conjugal. Os nossos objetivos foram: caraterizar progenitores de crianças com autismo quanto aos objetivos de vida e satisfação na vida conjugal e explorar as associações existentes entre estas duas variáveis (e com variáveis sociodemográficas e relativas ao apoio recebido). Não deixamos de explorar os níveis de depressão, ansiedade, e stress, vivenciados por estes pais. Metodologia: 66 progenitores (sexo feminino, n = 52, 78,8%; idade média, M = 40,2, DP = 6,45) de crianças com autismo preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, o Teste dos objetivos de vida/PIL-R, a Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação em Áreas da Vida Conjugal/EASAVIC e a Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21/DASS-21. Resultados: Os progenitores revelaram valores médios de objetivos de vida (PIL-R). Foi na dimensão vivencial (PIL-R) e nas dimensões Comunicação e Intimidade Emocional (satisfação em áreas da vida conjugal/EASAVIC) que os progenitores apresentaram valores médios mais elevados. No caso da DASS-21, foi na escala Stress que os progenitores apresentaram valores mais elevados. Porém, em todas as dimensões da DASS-21, os níveis encontrados foram normais. Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas por sexo em todas as dimensões do PIL-R, da EASAVIC e DASS-21. Ambas as dimensões do PIL-R, dimensional e existencial, bem como a sua pontuação total mostraram estar associadas com todas as dimensões da EASAVIC (satisfação em áreas da vida conjugal). As três dimensões da DASS-21 (Depressão, Ansiedade e Stress) revelaram estar associada (negativamente) com praticamente todas as dimensões da EASAVIC e do PIL-R. Os progenitores que pertenciam a associações de apoio apenas se diferenciaram dos progenitores que pertenciam a um grupo (de apoio e partilha) numa rede social na dimensão Ansiedade, com estes últimos a apresentarem um nível mais elevado. Discussão: Neste estudo (ainda que numa amostra de tamanho reduzido), inovador pelo tema explorado, os níveis dos objetivos de vida e de satisfação em áreas da vida conjugal (bem como de sintomas de psicopatologia) pareceram “não sofrer” o impacto associado ao facto dos progenitores terem um filho com autismo. Os objetivos de vida mantidos por estes pais influenciam a sua satisfação com a vida conjugal e vice-versa, indicando a importância das equipas que trabalham com estes pais não esquecerem a promoção destas variáveis. / Introduction: The presence of the diagnosis of autism in a child is something remarkable in the family. Involves many challenges for parents/progenitors, which can influence the goals they define in their lives and their satisfaction with the marital relationship. Our objectives were to characterize parents of children with autism on the objectives of life and satisfaction with marital life and explore the associations between these two variables (and with sociodemographic and support variables). We will not forget to explore the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, experienced by these parents. Methodology: 66 parents (females, n = 52, 78.8%, mean age, M = 40.2, SD = 6.45) of children with autism completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Test of Life Goals/PIL-R, the Areas of Marital Satisfaction Rating Scale/EASAVIC and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21/DASS-21. Results: Parents showed a mean value of life goals (PIL-R). Was in the experiential dimension (PIL-R) and the Communication and Emotional Intimacy dimensions (satisfaction in areas of marital life/EASAVIC) that the parents presented higher mean values. Regarding DASS-21, Stress was the scale in which the parents had higher values. However, in all the DASS-21, levels were “normal”. There were no statistically significant differences by gender in all the PIL-R, EASAVIC and DASS-21 scales. Both dimensions of the PIL-R, dimensional and existential, as well as the total score were found to be associated with all the dimensions of EASAVIC (satisfaction in areas of marital life). The three dimensions of the DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety and Stress) revealed to be associated (negatively) with virtually all dimensions of the EASAVIC and the PIL-R. Parents who belonged to associations only differed from the parents from a social network group (of support and sharing) in the anxiety dimension, with the later presenting an higher level. Discussion: In this study (even if in a small sample size), innovative by the theme explored, levels of life goals and satisfaction in areas of marital life (as well as symptoms of psychopathology) seemed not to suffer from the impact of the parents having a child with autism. The life goals held by these parents influence their satisfaction with marital life and vice versa, indicating the importance of teams working with these parents of not forgetting the promotion of these variables.


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Ao pensar na morte há um reconhecimento da vulnerabilidade humana e da própria fragilidade da vida. A morte é universal, mas experienciada de uma forma individualizada por cada um de nós, a partir da personalidade, experiências de vida, variáveis pessoais, idade, sexo, religião. Vivenciar a morte e o morrer poderá conduzir a sensações de medo e ansiedade. Os agentes funerários que lidam diariamente com a morte e com o “luto” (do corpo morto e dos familiares em relação ao ente querido que perderam) poderão estar expostos a sentimentos de ansiedade depressiva pela ativação diária do confronto com a própria morte, ou com a morte de pessoas a quem estão intimamente ligados. É objetivo deste estudo avaliar os níveis de ansiedade em face da morte em agentes funerários, e ainda explorar a eventual associação entre fatores sociodemográficos e profissionais selecionados e esta variável. A amostra é composta por 60 sujeitos de uma empresa funerária em Portugal. Os instrumentos psicométricos utilizados foram a Escala de Ansiedade face à Morte (DAQ), e um questionário sociodemográfico desenhado para o presente estudo. Os resultados globais mostram que os Agentes Funerários apresentam níveis de ansiedade face à morte estatisticamente significativos (M = 35,88; DP = 9,02). O género, a idade, religião, anos de experiência, estado civil, terem filhos, ter morrido alguém próximo ou significativo, especificidade de trabalho: ser comercial ou operacional o número de contatos, não marcam significativamente a forma como os sujeitos em estudo percecionam a sua ansiedade em face da morte. Os níveis de ansiedade aumentam entre aqueles que não tiveram formação específica para lidar com estas situações. / When thinking about death there is recognition of human vulnerability and fragility of life itself. Death is universal but experienced individually by each of us, through personality, life experiences, personal variables, age, sex, religion. Experiencing death and dying can lead to feelings of fear and anxiety. Funeral Agents who daily deal with death and with the "mourning" (the dead body and the family of the deceased) may be exposed to feelings of depressive anxiety activated by the daily confrontation with death itself or death of people who are close to them. The aim of this study is to assess the levels of anxiety in Funeral Agents when facing death, and also explore the eventual association of social-demographic and professional factors with this variable. The sample consisted of 60 subjects of a Portuguese Funeral company. The instruments used were the Death Anxiety Questionnaire (DAQ) and a socialdemographic questionnaire designed for the present study. The overall results show that Funeral Agents present anxiety levels statistically significant when facing death (M = 35.88, SD = 9.02). Gender, age, religion, years of experience, marital status, having children, the death of someone close or important, and the specificity of the job (commercial or operational agent), the number of contacts, show no statistically significant association with anxiety when facing death. However, the levels of anxiety increase among those who had had no specific formation to deal with these situations.


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Introdução: Os trabalhos sobre correlatos psicológicos em Técnicos Superiores de Reinserção Social (TSRS) no nosso país são inexistentes. São nossos objetivos analisar os níveis de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos, stresse, coping e resiliência numa amostra de TSRS; explorar diferenças nestas variáveis por sexo, estado civil, Delegação regional e tipo de competências das equipas de reinserção social; explorar associações entre todas as variáveis referidas nesta amostra (entre si e com a variável sociodemográfica idade e as variáveis profissionais tempo de serviço e horas de trabalho semanal). Metodologia: 89 TSRS (sexo feminino, n = 67; 75,3%), com idades entre os 27 e os 61 anos (M = 47,4; DP = 7,10) preencheram um protocolo composto por questões sociodemográficas e profissionais, a Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, o Brief COPE e a Escala para avaliar as competências na área da Resiliência. Resultados: As mulheres apresentaram níveis maiores de Suporte Emocional e Instrumental comparativamente aos homens. Os profissionais da Delegação do Centro apresentaram pontuação mais elevada de Resiliência vs. da Delegação do Norte e os da Delegação do Norte maiores níveis de Stresse vs. os da Delegação do Sul e Ilhas. Os profissionais com competência mista apresentaram maiores níveis de Ansiedade vs. com competência específica. Encontrámos associações significativas (na amostra total) entre a Depressão e a Negação e o Uso de Substâncias. No sexo masculino o uso de Suporte Emocional e Instrumental associaram-se à Depressão e à Ansiedade. De uma forma geral, em todas as Delegações (consideradas separadamente), maiores níveis de Resiliência associaram-se a estratégias mais positivas de coping (e.g. Coping ativo) e maiores níveis de Depressão, Ansiedade e Stresse a níveis menores de estratégias positivas de coping (e.g. Aceitação) e a níveis maiores de estratégias negativas de coping (e.g. Uso de substâncias). Os técnicos quer de equipas com competência mista quer de equipas com competência específica, com níveis maiores de Ansiedade, apresentaram níveis maiores de estratégias de coping negativas (e.g. Negação). Discussão: Este estudo revelou existirem algumas diferenças por sexo nos TSRS e apresentou dados importantes sobre os construtos psicológicos dos TSRS de diferentes Delegações e de equipas com diferentes competências, apontando possíveis aspetos a considerar num trabalho de intervenção com estes profissionais. Tal como esperado, no geral, maiores níveis de resiliência associaram-se, como noutros profissionais, a estratégias mais positivas de coping e maiores níveis de sintomas a estratégias mais negativas de coping. / Introduction: Studies on psychological correlates on Probation Officers (TSRS) in our country are nonexistent. Our purposes are to analyze the levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms, stress, coping and resilience in a sample of TSRS; to explore differences in these variables by gender, marital status, Regional Delegation and type of responsibility of local organic units; to explore associations between all variables mentioned in this sample (among themselves and with the sociodemographic variable age and the professional variables years of service and weekly hours of work"). Methodology: 89 TSRS (females, n = 67, 75.3 %), aged between 27 and 61 years (M = 47.4, SD = 7.10) completed a protocol consisting of sociodemographic and professional questions, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, the Brief COPE Scale and the Scale to assess resilience skills. Results: Women had higher levels on Use of Instrumental and Emotional Social Support compared to men. The professionals of the Delegation of the Centre had higher scores on Resilience vs. professionals of the Delegation of the North and the North Delegation had higher levels of Stress vs. the Delegation of the South and Islands. The professionals with mixed competence had higher levels of Anxiety vs. those with specific competence. We found significant associations (in the total sample) between Depression, Denial and Substances Use. In males, the use of Emotional Social Support and Instrumental Support was associated with Depression and Anxiety. Overall, in all Delegations (considered separately), higher levels of Resilience were associated with more positive coping strategies (e.g., Active Coping) and higher levels of Depression, Anxiety and Stress with lower levels of positive coping strategies ( e.g. Acceptance) and higher levels of negative coping strategies (e.g. Substances Use). TSRS with higher levels of Anxiety, either in teams of mixed and specific competence, had higher levels of negative coping strategies (e.g. Denial). Discussion: This study revealed that there were some gender differences in TSRS and provided important data on the psychological constructs of TSRS of different Delegations and different types of organic units, pointing to possible issues to be addressed in an intervention work with these professionals. As expected, in general, higher levels of Resilience were associated, as in other professionals, with more positive coping strategies and higher levels of symptoms with more negative coping strategies.


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Objetivos: A música, incomum pela sua ubiquidade e antiguidade, constitui uma das atividades humanas que ocupa um lugar significativo nas diversas culturas e vida diária. Geralmente agradável para grande parte das pessoas, produz numerosos e desmedidos efeitos, na sua maioria positivos para o ser humano. Esta investigação teve como objetivo principal estudar a relação entre alguns dos diferentes géneros musicais e os de traços de personalidade de jovens e de adultos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 38 anos, fluentes em português. A investigação pretendeu descrever as preferências musicais em função da idade, género, estado civil e habilitações literárias; identificar os contextos, os períodos e as atividades mais comuns durante a escuta de música; reconhecer se a música é uma das atividades de lazer mais importantes para o grupo estudado; conhecer quais as razões mais frequentes apontadas pelos sujeitos para ouvir música; estudar a perceção que as pessoas têm sobre a influência da música na violência e no consumo de substâncias; verificar se os sujeitos consideram as preferências musicais como um fator importante e revelador de informações sobre a personalidade; avaliar o impacto e relação das preferências musicais com a personalidade e verificar quais os pares de emoções mais comuns, sentidos durante a escuta musical, e respetiva intensidade. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por 320 indivíduos com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 38 anos sendo a faixa etária mais comum a que se situa entre os 24 a 29 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino, solteiros, de nacionalidade portuguesa, detentores ou a frequentar um curso superior, nas áreas das ciências sociais/serviços ou exatas e tecnológicas. Os participantes aceitaram responder voluntariamente a uma bateria de testes (QCS, EPI, QMQEC e STOMP-PT). Para a caracterização da amostra, determinaram-se frequências absolutas e relativas ou valores médios e desvios-padrão. A normalidade da distribuição das pontuações médias dos instrumentos foi validada com o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov com correção de Lilliefors. A consistência interna estudou-se através do Alpha de Cronbach e da fórmula de Kuder Richarson. As diferenças entre grupos foram avaliadas recorrendo a uma ANOVA, a intensidade e magnitude das relações entre variáveis determinou-se através do coeficiente Eta quadrado (e 2) e com o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson avaliou-se a associação entre as variáveis em estudo. Resultados: Observou-se que a música energética é a mais típica dos escalões etários mais jovens, sendo que a rebelde trespassa todas as gerações, revelando os mais velhos também uma forte preferência pela música reflexiva. As escolhas musicais parecem não ser influenciadas pelo sexo e estado civil. Os indivíduos menos escolarizados parecem preferir músicas do tipo energético, excluindo as convencionais enquanto os detentores de maiores habilitações preferem os estilos reflexivos e rebeldes. É em casa, no quarto, ao fim de semana e quando estão sozinhos que os participantes mais ouvem música, constituindo esta a mais frequente atividade de lazer, por ser uma atividade essencial para a existência, não apelando à violência e ao consumo de substâncias e revelando as preferências musicais aspetos da personalidade. Encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as dimensões da preferência musical e os traços de personalidade, sendo a música energética a que mais se destaca na extroversão e a rebelde no neuroticismo. Não se obtiveram resultados estatisticamente significativos entre os tipos de música e as emoções. Conclusão: Os resultados devem ser vistos a título de ensaio e como introdutórios, seguindo no entanto os referidos na literatura quer ao nível das preferências por idade, sexo e habilitações literárias, quer ao nível do contexto onde é ouvida, quer ainda entre as dimensões de preferência musical e traços de personalidade. / Aims: Music, unusual for its ubiquity and age, is one of the human activities that occupies a significant place in different cultures and daily life. Generally pleasant to most people, produces many and huge positive effects in humans. This investigation aimed to study the relationship between some of the different music preferences and personality types of young and adults aged between 18 and 38 years, fluent in Portuguese. The research intended to describe the musical preferences based on age, gender, marital status and educational attainment; identify contexts, periods and the most common activities during music listening; recognize the music as one of the most important leisure activities for the group studied; know which are the most frequent reasons given by the subjects to listen to music; study the perception that people have about the influence of music on violence and substance use; check whether the subjects consider the musical preferences as a major factor that reveals information about personality; assess the impact and relationship of musical preferences with the personality and see which pairs of most common emotions are felt during music listening, and its respective intensity. Methods: The sample consisted of 320 individuals aged between 18 and 38 years being the most common age group of between 24 to 29 years, mostly female, single, Portuguese, holders or to attend a higher education in the areas of social / services or exact science. Participants voluntarily agreed to answer a battery of tests (QCS, EPI, QMQEC and STOMP-PT). To characterize the sample, they were determined absolute and relative frequencies and mean values and standard deviations. The normality of the average scores of the instruments has been validated with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction. Internal consistency was studied using Cronbach's alpha and Kuder Richardson formula. Differences between groups were assessed using an ANOVA, intensity and magnitude of the relationship between variables was determined by Eta squared coefficient and the Pearson correlation coefficient evaluated the association between the study variables. Results: It was observed that the energetic music is the most usual among the younger age groups, and the rebel pierces all generations, revealing the older ones a strong preference for reflective music. The musical choices do not seem to be influenced by sex and marital status. The less educated individuals seems to prefer the energetic type songs, excluding conventional, holders of higher qualifications prefer reflective and rebellious styles. It is at home, in the room, on the weekends and when they are alone that participants listen more music, making this the most common leisure activity, the essential for existence, not calling for violence and substance use and revealing aspects of personality. We found significant differences between the dimensions of music preferences and personality traits, with the energetic music standing out in extraversion and neuroticism on rebel. We did not get significant results among the types of music and emotions. Conclusions: The results should be viewed under test and has introductory , however following the reported in the literature both in terms of preferences by age, sex and education level , both in terms of the context in which it is heard, still follows music preference dimensions and personality traits .


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Parece existir uma associação entre solidão e uma pobre qualidade subjetiva do sono. Em reforço desta ideia, alguns estudos mostraram que os sentimentos de solidão se associam a uma menor satisfação do sono, mesmo que a sua duração não esteja diminuída. Outros mostraram que a solidão se associa a sintomas depressivos. Sabe-se que na institucionalização são frequentes os problemas de sono, depressão e solidão. No entanto, falta saber o que se passa nas respostas sociais portuguesas. Assim foram os nossos principais objetivos descrever a qualidade subjetiva do sono e analisar a intensidade dos sintomas depressivos e dos sintomas de solidão em idosos institucionalizados, comparar com uma subamostra de idosos não institucionalizados e analisar a relação entre estas variáveis nas duas subamostras. Cento e quarenta idosos, com 70 institucionalizados e 70 não institucionalizados foram emparelhados por idade, sexo, escolaridade, estado civil e sem défice cognitivo. A média de idades foi de 76,58 (DP = 6,10), sendo 104 mulheres e 36 homens. Como instrumentos para a análise utilizámos um Questionário Sociodemográfico, o Questionário sobre o Sono na Terceira Idade, o Inventário de Depressão Geriátrica e a Escala de Solidão da Universidade da Califórnia, Los Angeles. Verificou-se que os idosos institucionalizados apresentavam mais sentimentos de solidão do que os não institucionalizados. Contudo, não se verificaram diferenças entre as duas subamostras em relação aos sintomas depressivos e à qualidade subjetiva do sono. Através de uma análise correlacional verificou-se nas duas subamostras que quanto pior a qualidade subjetiva do sono mais sintomas depressivos se observavam e quanto mais sintomas depressivos, mais sentimentos de solidão. Concluímos que não houve diferenças na qualidade subjetiva do sono pelo tipo de resposta social ainda que haja mais sintomas depressivos e sintomas de solidão nos idosos institucionalizados. Não encontrámos também relação entre o sono e a solidão nos idosos institucionalizados. / There seems to be an association between loneliness and poor subjective sleep quality. In support of this idea, some studies have shown that feelings of loneliness are associated with less satisfaction sleep, even if your life is not diminished. Others have shown that loneliness is associated with depressive symptoms. It is known that in the institutionalization are frequent problems with sleeping, depression and loneliness. However, lack know what is happening in the Portuguese social responses. So were our main objectives describe the subjective quality of sleep and analyze the intensity of depressive symptoms and loneliness symptoms in institutionalized elderly, compared with a non-institutionalized elderly subsample and analyze the relationship between these variables in both subsamples. One hundred and forty older adults, with 70 institutionalized and 70 non-institutionalized were matched by age, sex, education, marital status and without cognitive impairment. The average age was 76.58 (SD = 6.10), including 104 women and 36 men. As tools for the analysis we used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Questionnaire About Sleep in the Older Adults, Geriatric Depression Inventory and the Loneliness Scale of the University of California, Los Angeles. It was found that the institutionalized older adults had more feelings of loneliness than noninstitutionalized. However, there were no differences between the two subsamples in relation to depressive symptoms and subjective sleep quality. Through a correlational analysis it was found in the two subsamples that the worse the subjective sleep quality more depressive symptoms were observed and the more depressive symptoms, more feelings of loneliness. We concluded that there no differences in subjective sleep quality by the type of social response even though there are more depressive symptoms and symptoms of loneliness in the elderly. Also we did not find relationship between sleep and loneliness in the elderly.


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RESUMO Objetivos: A presente investigação teve como principais objetivos descrever a qualidade subjetiva do sono e as perturbações do sono e analisar a intensidade dos sintomas depressivos e dos sentimentos de solidão em idosos institucionalizados; comparar estes dados com um grupo de idosos não institucionalizados e analisar a relação entre estas variáveis nos dois grupos. Métodos: Este estudo insere-se no Projeto Trajetórias do Envelhecimento de Idosos em Resposta Social de onde foi retirada uma amostra de cento e quarenta idosos sem défice cognitivo, com 70 institucionalizados e 70 não institucionalizados emparelhados por idade, sexo, escolaridade e estado civil. A média de idades foi de 76,58 (DP = 6,10), incluindo 104 mulheres e 36 homens. Como instrumentos foram utilizados um Questionário Sociodemográfico, o Questionário sobre o Sono na Terceira Idade, a Escala Geriátrica de depressão e a Escala de Solidão da Universidade da Califórnia, Los Angeles. Resultados: Verificou-se que os idosos institucionalizados apresentavam mais sentimentos de solidão do que os não institucionalizados. Contudo, não se verificaram diferenças entre os dois grupos em relação aos sintomas depressivos, qualidade subjetiva do sono ou perturbações do sono, com algumas exceções: os idosos residentes na comunidade mostraram ter a perceção de demorar mais tempo a adormecer, de acordar mais cedo e de ter mais pesadelos. Através de uma análise correlacional verificou-se, na amostra global, que quanto pior a qualidade subjetiva do sono mais sintomas depressivos se observavam e quanto mais sintomas depressivos, mais sentimentos de solidão, não havendo, contudo, relação entre o sono e a solidão. Conclusões: Concluímos que a situação de institucionalização se acompanha de mais sentimentos de solidão, mas não de sintomas depressivos ou de pior qualidade de sono. Por esse motivo, sugere-se que se desenvolvam programas de intervenção dirigidos à solidão em idosos institucionalizados. ABSTRACT Aims: The main objectives of this investigation were to describe the subjective quality of sleep and sleep disorders and analyze the intensity of depressive and loneliness symptoms in institutionalized elderly people; compare these data against a non-institutionalized elderly people subsample and analyze the relationship between these variables in both subsamples. Method: This study is part of Trajectories of Elderly Aging in Social Response Project from which a sample of one hundred and forty elderly people with no cognitive impairment was taken, with 70 institutionalized and 70 non-institutionalized matched by age, sex, education, and marital status. The average age was 76.58 (SD = 6.10), including 104 women and 36 men. The tools used for this analysis were a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Questionnaire About Sleep in the Older Adults, Geriatric Depression Scale, and the Loneliness Scale of the University of California, Los Angeles. Results: The study confirmed that institutionalized elderly people had more feelings of loneliness than those non-institutionalized. However, there were no differences between the two subsamples regarding depressive symptoms and subjective sleep quality or sleep disturbances, with some exceptions: Elderly people living in the community showed to have the perception of taking more time to fall asleep, waking up earlier, and having more nightmares. Through a correlational analysis it was found, in both subsamples, that the worse the subjective sleep quality the more depressive symptoms were observed; and the more depressive symptoms, the more feelings of loneliness, despite of not existing a relation between sleep and loneliness. Conclusions: We concluded that institutionalization is linked to more feelings of loneliness but not to depressive symptoms nor to worse quality of sleep. For this reason, it is suggested that intervention programs are developed with a focus on elderly institutionalized populations.


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RESUMO Objetivos. O défice mnésico é uma das alterações cognitivas que mais afeta as pessoas idosas. A idade é considerada um dos fatores de relevo nas alterações de memória, inclusivamente pelas próprias pessoas idosas. A investigação tem mostrado que existem outros fatores além da idade que afetam a memória das pessoas idosas. Contudo, fica por esclarecer qual o real papel da idade sobre a memória quando é controlada a influência de outras variáveis. Assim, o presente estudo pretende analisar o impacto da idade no funcionamento mnésico de pessoas idosas e verificar se, ao controlar o papel de outras variáveis (sexo, escolaridade, profissão, situação civil, situação residencial e situação clínica), esse potencial impacto se mantém. Métodos. A amostra global foi constituída por 1126 participantes (283 homens e 843 mulheres; 226 residentes na comunidade e 900 em resposta social dirigida à população idosa) com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 100 anos. A avaliação foi realizada com recurso aos itens do Mini-Mental State Examination (memória de trabalho), o fator do Montreal Cognitive Assessment (memória declarativa verbal) e Figura Complexa de ReyOsterrieth (memória visuoespacial). Resultados. Globalmente, a idade, escolaridade, profissão, situação civil, residencial e clínica influenciaram a memória de forma diferenciada consoante o tipo de memória. As análises de regressão hierárquica mostraram que a idade é um fator preditivo em todos os tipos de memória. Emergiram ainda outros fatores preditivos com coeficientes de regressão superiores à idade conforme o tipo de memória (exceto na memória de trabalho). Conclusões. A idade, a escolaridade e a profissão influenciam a memória, assim como os fatores que potencialmente estimulam cognitiva e socialmente (como ter um companheiro e residir na comunidade). Os resultados apontam para a importância de intervir em pessoas em respostas sociais, mais idosas, sem companheiro, com baixa escolaridade e profissão manual. ABSTRACT Goals. Memory impairment is one of the types of cognitive impairment that most affects the elderly. Age is considered one of the major factors in memory impairment, including by the elderly themselves. Research has shown that there are other factors affecting memory of elderly persons. It remains, however, unclear what is the real impact of age in memory when controlling the influence of other variables. Thus, this study aims to analyze the impact of age on memory functioning of elderly persons and check if the potential impact remains when controlling the role of other variables (sex, education, profession, marital status, residential status, and clinical situation). Methods. The global sample comprised 1126 subjects (283 men and 843 women, 226 residents in the community and 900 institutionalized elderly) aged from 60 to 100 years. The assessment included items from the MiniMental State Examination (working memory), the Montreal Cognitive Assessment factor (verbal declarative memory), and Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (visuospatial memory). Results. Overall, age, education, profession, marital, residential, and clinical condition have differently influenced memory, depending on the type of memory. The hierarchical regression analysis showed that age is a predictive factor in all types of memory. However, other predictors have emerged with higher regression coefficients compared to age, according to the type of memory (except in working memory). Conclusions. Age, education and profession influence memory, as well as factors that potentially stimulate cognitively and socially (like having a partner and living in the community). The results indicate the importance of intervening, especially among institutionalized elderly, older, unmarried, with low education, and manual profession.


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BACKGROUND: Rwanda has made remarkable progress in decreasing the number of maternal deaths, yet women still face morbidities and mortalities during pregnancy. We explored care-seeking and experiences of maternity care among women who suffered a near-miss event during either the early or late stage of pregnancy, and identified potential health system limitations or barriers to maternal survival in this setting. METHODS: A framework of Naturalistic Inquiry guided the study design and analysis, and the 'three delays' model facilitated data sorting. Participants included 47 women, who were interviewed at three hospitals in Kigali, and 14 of these were revisited in their homes, from March 2013 to April 2014. RESULTS: The women confronted various care-seeking barriers depending on whether the pregnancy was wanted, the gestational age, insurance coverage, and marital status. Poor communication between the women and healthcare providers seemed to result in inadequate or inappropriate treatment, leading some to seek either traditional medicine or care repeatedly at biomedical facilities. CONCLUSION: Improved service provision routines, information, and amendments to the insurance system are suggested to enhance prompt care-seeking. Additionally, we strongly recommend a health system that considers the needs of all pregnant women, especially those facing unintended pregnancies or complications in the early stages of pregnancy.


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In recent years there has been a resurgence of gender inequality in China. Today, women are pressured to get married by the state and their social surroundings, as they told if they remain unmarried and have the "three highs"; high age, education and salary, they will become leftovers on the marriage market. Previous research on the concept of labelling women as "leftover" has 4 shown that labelling women as "leftover" can have several different negative impacts. In this thesis, both the theory of masculine hegemony and the theory of symbolic interaction have been used. The concept creates a hegemonic masculinity as it is a normative practice that promotes the subordination of women. However, as the concept is based on the notion that all Chinese men, or at least those of relevant social standing, would find the "three highs" undesirable, it is relevant to see how Chinese men in fact do position themselves in relation to the hegemonic masculinity on an individual level. In symbolic interaction, the concept of gender is created through social construction when people attach special meanings to the sex of a person, a process which is called "doing gender". Therefore symbolic interaction is used to see what special meaning Chinese men attach to women having the "three highs" and masculine hegemony to put their answers into a larger context. If it could be shown that Chinese men do not comply with the hegemonic masculinity, Chinese women would not have to feel obliged to adjust to the hegemonic masculinity and thereby making it easier for them to pursue higher education, high paying jobs and marrying at a later age. However, as this thesis is a qualitative study, and therefore a limited number of data subjects, the generalizability of the result should not be exaggerated. The interviews that were conducted for this thesis showed that the data subjects were familiar with the concept and that they considered it to be natural for there to be women China labelled as "leftover". Nevertheless, in relation to their own marital choices, the data subjects did not attach the negative meaning as set out by the hegemonic masculinity, a result which to some extent was confirmed by the data subjects’ experiences and other control questions. The result is interesting, and enforces Connell and MesserSchmidt’s theory, that even though a hegemonic masculinity is normative, not everyone has to comply with it. As the cornerstone of the concept is that Chinese men find women with the "three highs" undesirable, the result of the study shows that there is a need for the concept to be further examined and questioned.


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Nonadherence to treatment is a worldwide problem among people with severe mental disorders. Patient treatment adherence may be supported with simple reminding methods e.g. text message reminders. However, there is limited evidence of its benefits. Intervention evaluation is essential in mHealth research. Therefore, this evaluative study was conducted. This study aimed to evaluate text message reminder use in encouraging patients’treatment adherence among people with antipsychotic medication. The data were collected between September 2011 and December 2013. First, a systematic literature review revealed that text message reminders were widely used in healthcare. However, its impacts were conflicting. Second, a sub-sample (n = 562) analysis showed that patients preferred humorous text message reminders and preferred to receive them in the morning, at the beginning of the week. Age, gender and marital status seemed to have different effects on the preferred amount and timing of the selected reminders. Third, a cross-sectional survey revealed that people with antipsychotic medication (n = 408) expressed overall satisfaction towards the reminder system. Finally, the evaluative design showed that patient recruitment for a randomized controlled trial concerning people with antipsychotic medication was challenging due to low rates of eligible participants. Follow-up drop-out rates varied depending on the data collection method. Participants’ demographic characteristics were associated with the risk of dropping out from the trial. This study suggests that text messages are a potential reminder system in healthcare services among people with antipsychotic medication. More research is needed to gain a comprehensive picture of the impacts and effectiveness of text message reminders.


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Le présent mémoire doctoral a comme principal objectif de déterminer si la dynamique d’attachement entre les deux conjoints (i.e., le pairage des styles d’attachement de chacun : sécure, préoccupé, craintif et détaché) permet de mieux rendre compte de l’insatisfaction sexuelle que le style d’attachement de chacun, pris séparément. Afin d’y parvenir, les conjoints seront pairés quant à leur style d’attachement afin de créer des pairages (3 et 16 pairages). Par la suite, ces pairages seront comparés sur le plan de leur insatisfaction sexuelle tout en tenant compte du genre des conjoints et de certaines covariables (durée de la relation et statut marital). L’échantillon de l’étude se compose de 1078 individus hétérosexuels qui consultent en psychothérapie conjugale (539 couples). Deux questionnaires (le Questionnaire sur les expériences d’attachement amoureux (QEAA) (Experiences in close relationships (ECR) ; Brennan, et al., 1998; traduit par Lafontaine & Lussier, 2003) et le Questionnaire de Hudson (Index of Sexual Satisfaction (ISS); Hudson, 1978; traduit par Comeau & Boisvert, 1985)) sont utilisés afin de mesurer les représentations d’attachement des participants et le degré de l’insatisfaction d’un individu par rapport à sa relation avec un partenaire. Dans un premier temps, une analyse factorielle exploratoire permet de vérifier que le Questionnaire de Hudson comporte une seule composante dans sa structure. Ensuite, une ANOVA à mesures répétées pour le genre des participants (3 (pairage) X 2 (femmes vs hommes)) détermine s’il existe des différences de moyennes entre les dyades d’attachement, et ce, selon le sexe. Les résultats montrent que les pairages vivant le plus d’insatisfaction sexuelle sont celles composés de deux conjoints insécures et ceux étant plus satisfaits sont ceux unissant deux partenaires sécures. Enfin, une ANOVA à mesures répétées pour le genre des participants (16 (pairage) X 2 (femmes vs hommes)) est employée dans le but de déterminer s’il existe des différences de moyennes entre les dyades d’attachement des participants. Les femmes les plus satisfaites sont les femmes préoccupées jumelées à un homme sécure et celles les plus insatisfaites sexuellement sont dans un pairage craintive-craintif. Chez les hommes, les satisfaits sexuellement sont issus du pairage composé d’une femme préoccupée et d’un homme préoccupé et ceux étant les plus insatisfaits de leur sexualité sont les détachés jumelés à une femme détachée. Les analyses présentement également les taux de prévalence des types d’attachement, mais aussi des pairages de ces mêmes représentations, et ce, dans une population clinique. Le type d’attachement sécure semble donc avoir un effet protecteur pour l’insatisfaction sexuelle, tout comme le style préoccupé. Toutefois, la détresse sexuelle apparaît être plus présente au sein des types détaché et craintif.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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An increasingly older population will most likely lead to greater demands on the health care system, as older age is associated with an increased risk of having acute and chronic conditions. The number of diseases or disabilities is not the only marker of the amount of health care utilized, as persons may seek hospitalization without a disease and/or illness that requires hospital healthcare. Hospitalization may pose a severe risk to older persons, as exposure to the hospital environment may lead to increased risks of iatrogenic disorders, confusion, falls and nosocomial infections, i.e., disorders that may involve unnecessary suffering and lead to serious consequences. Aims: The overall aim of this thesis was to describe and explore individual trajectories of cognitive development in relation to hospitalization and risk factors for hospitalization among older persons living in different accommodations in Sweden and to explore older persons' reasons for being transferred to a hospital. Methods: The study designs were longitudinal, prospective and descriptive, and both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Specifically, latent growth curve modelling was used to assess the association of cognitive development with hospitalization. The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to analyse factors associated with hospitalization risk overtime. In addition, an explorative descriptive design was used to explore how home health care patients experienced and perceived their decision to seek hospital care. Results: The most common reasons for hospitalization were cardiovascular diseases, which caused more than one-quarter of first hospitalizations among the persons living in ordinary housing and nursing home residents (NHRs). The persons who had been hospitalized had a lower mean level of cognitive performance in general cognition, verbal, spatial/fluid, memory and processing speed abilities compared to those who had not been hospitalized. Significantly steeper declines in general cognition, spatial/fluid and processing speed abilities were observed among the persons who had been hospitalized. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis showed that the number of diseases, number of drugs used, having experienced a fall and being assessed as malnourished according to the Mini Nutritional Assessment scale were related to an increased hospitalization risk among the NHRs. Among the older persons living in ordinary housing, the risk factors for hospitalization were related to marital status, i.e., unmarried persons and widows/widowers had a decreased hospitalization risk. In addition, among social factors, receipt of support from relatives was related to an increased hospitalization risk, while receipt of support from friends was related to a decreased risk. The number of illnesses was not associated with the hospitalization risk for older persons in any age group or for those of either sex, when controlling for other variables. The older persons who received home health care described different reasons for their decisions to seek hospital care. The underlying theme of the home health care patients’ perceptions of their transfer to a hospital involved trust in hospitals. This trust was shared by the home health care patients, their relatives and the home health care staff, according to the patients. Conclusions: This thesis revealed that middle-aged and older persons who had been hospitalized exhibited a steeper decline in cognition. Specifically, spatial/fluid, processing speed, and general cognitive abilities were affected. The steeper decline in cognition among those who had been hospitalized remained even after controlling for comorbidities. The most common causes of hospitalization among the older persons living in ordinary housing and in nursing homes were cardiovascular diseases, tumours and falls. Not only health-related factors, such as the number of diseases, number of drugs used, and being assessed as malnourished, but also social factors and marital status were related to the hospitalization risk among the older persons living in ordinary housing and in nursing homes. Some risk factors associated with hospitalization differed not only between the men and women but also among the different age groups. The information provided in this thesis could be applied in care settings by professionals who interact with older persons before they decide to seek hospital care. To meet the needs of an older population, health care systems need to offer the proper health care at the most appropriate level, and they need to increase integration and coordination among health care delivered by different care services.