956 resultados para Maitland, William, 1528-1573.
A la informacion sobre la distribucion por edades en las muertes registradas a partir de la edad de 5 anos en Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama y Peru, se aplican los dos metodos propuestos para evaluar la cabalidad de los registros de defunciones. Los resultados obtenidos de aplicar estos metodos se presentan en graficos y cuadros, con aplicaciones hechas en los 5 paises
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Documento de trabajo para el Panel de América Latina, Santiago, 16-20 julio 1979
Neste artigo tratamos da participação de Sir William Thomson na instalação do cabo telegráfico submarino entre Pernambuco e o Pará realizada pela Western and Brazilian Telegraph Company nos meses de agosto e setembro de 1873.
Sob a influência de seu predecessor mais forte, John Milton, o poeta, pintor e gravurista William Blake reage a essa influência incorporando-a dinamicamente à sua poesia. Porém, a reação à influência poética é mais abrangente que a incorporação do Paradise Lost, de John Milton, ao seu poema Milton: a Poem in Two Books e conduz o autor a criar uma linguagem poética na qual as referências extratextuais verbais e visuais são transferidas, por meio de metalinguagem, para o interior do próprio poema. Sem referências claras para ajudá-lo, o leitor é induzido a criar suas referências subjetivas e dar sentido ao texto, transformando-se, assim, de leitor passivo, em leitor/criador ativo. Palavras-chave: William Blake; iluminuras; John Milton; influência; reação; sistema verbal/visual.
Introduction: The low back pain are a problema of health. Objective: to evaluate the effects of the Maitland´s manipulation in pain, fl exibility, functional capacity and quality of life of the patients with chronic low back pain. Method: Sxteen subjects, of both genders, with the age from 23-68 years old (48.69,± 11.61 years old) were evaluated by test sit and reach (TSA), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and answered the questionnaires of the quality of life Medical Outcomes Study 36- Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Roland-Morris Disability functional incapacity (RMDQ). The treatment was carried out twice a week, totaling 10 sessions. Each session lasted 30 minutes and consisted by Maitland´s techniques, applied as the symptoms evaluated at the beginning of each session. After 10 session, the subjects were re-evaluated. The data obtained in the assessments concerning the TSA and VAS were analyzed by Student t test, the data relating to the questionnaire were analyzed using the Wilcoxon non-parametric statistics test. For the interpretation was used signifi cance level of 5% (p≤0,05). Results: A signifi cant improvement was in the intensity of pain, disability, fl exibility and quality of life. Conclusion: The Maitland´s therapy showed effective, which suggests be an appropriate strategy for intervention for patients with chronic low back pain.
This work presents intricacies of "truth" in the historical novel Confessions of Nat Turner, by William Styron, considering the point-of-view of the novel's narrator. When speaking about the black, Styron somehow keeps the white's perspective, and also perpetuates the distance created by the slavery and segregationist system of the United States of America.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The William Boyce White, Jr. Papers consists of his genealogical research as well as his research related to the history of York County and Rock Hill, SC. The papers also include records and manuscripts relating to several of his published works. Mr. White is a Rock Hill native and taught at the Winthrop Training School (WTS) from 1958-1965 and taught at Rock Hill High School following the closing of the high school portion of the WTS. He also taught in Clover before coming to Winthrop. He was the organist at First Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill from 1945 until he moved to Virginia. His interest in local history covers the Rock Hill train depot (included in the collection is a tintype of the original depot ca. 1860s), Colonel William Hill, the Catawba River, Catawba Indians, Rock Hill and York County schools, historic homes (includes several photographs, many of which were used by Elizabeth Reed in her long running series on historic homes in Rock HillEvening Herald), local churches, as well as Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Blackstocks, and York County in general. Of special interest is a copy of the Indian Land Chronicle dated January 21, 1859. Only three copies of the Chronicle are known to exist in the state of South Carolina. The genealogical research conducted by Mr. White covers many of the prominent names of York County and of South Carolina in general. Below is a list of the prominent family names covered in Mr. White’s research: Anderson; Bankhead; Barringer; Bell; Black; Button; Campbell; Carpenter; Coffey; Cowan; Crawford; Culp; Davis; Fennell; Fewell; Graham; Hanna; Hayes; Hill; Hutchison; Irwin/ Erwin; Johnson; Lee; Martin; Massey; McClain; McConnell; McCullough; McFadden; Miller; Mobley; Morrow; Neely; Neil; Patton; Pettus; Plexico/Plaxco; Rives; Robinson; Roddey; Setzer; Stephenson; Strait; Sturgis; Sutton; Templeton; Waggoner; Wallace; Wherry; White; Williams; Williamson; Workman; Wylie.
The William Douglas Beer Journals collection consists of photocopied journals which are accounts of Mr. Beer’s preparation for and participation in World War I. The journal gives an account of the hardships of war and its effects on American soldiers. Willie Beer was born in Columbia, Missouri on September 20, 1891 and died on February 4, 1950.