979 resultados para Lyocell cellulose


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Atta sexdens L, ante feed on the Fungus they cultivate on cut leaves inside their nests. The fungus, Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, metabolizes plant polysaccharides, such as xylan, starch, pectin, and cellulose, mediating assimilation of these compounds lay the ants, This metabolic integration may be an important part of the ant-fungus symbiosis, and it involves primarily xylan and starch, both of which support rapid fungal growth. Cellulose seems to be less important for symbiont nutrition, since it is poorly degraded and assimilated by the fungus. Pectin is rapidly degraded but slowly assimilated by L. gongylophorus, and its degradation may occur so that the fungus can more easily access other polysaccharides in the leaves.


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Known for thousands of years, tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of mortality by a single infectious disease due to lack of patient adherence to available treatment regimens, the rising of multidrug resistant strains of TB (MDR-TB) and co-infection with HIV virus. Isoniazid and rifampicin are the most powerful bactericidal agents against M. tuberculosis. Because of that, this couple of drugs becomes unanimity in anti-TB treatment around the world. However, the rifampicin in acidic conditions in the stomach can be degraded rapidly, especially in the presence of isoniazid, which reduces the amount of available drug for absorption, as well as its bioavailability, contributing to the growing resistance to tuberculostatic drugs. Rifampicin is well absorbed in the stomach because of its high solubility between pH 1 and 2 and the gastric absorption of isoniazid is considered poor, therefore it is mostly intestinal. This work has as objective the development of gastro-resistant multiple-systems (granules and pellets) of isoniazid aiming to prevent the contact with rifampicin, with consequent degradation in acid stomach and modulate the release of isoniazid in the intestine. Granules of isoniazid were obtained by wet method using both alcoholic and aqueous solutions of PVP K-30 as aggregating and binder agent, at proportions of 5, 8 and 10%. The influence of the excipients (starch, cellulose or filler default) on the physical and technological properties of the granules was investigated. The pellets were produced by extrusionesferonization technique using isoniazid and microcrystalline cellulose MC 101 (at the proportion of 85:15) and aqueous solution of 1% Methocel as platelet. The pellets presented advantages over granular, such as: higher apparent density, smaller difference between apparent and compaction densities, smoother surface and, especially, smaller friability, and then were coated with an organic solution of Acrycoat L 100 ® in a fluidized bed. Different percentages of coating (15, 25 and 50%) were applied to the pellets which had their behavior evaluated in vitro by dissolution in acidic and basic medium. Rifampicin dissolution in the presence of uncoated and coated isoniazid pellets was evaluated too. The results indicate that the gastro resistance was only achieved with the greatest amount of coating and isoniazid is released successfully in basic step. The amount of rifampicin in the dissolution medium when the isoniazid pellets were not coated was lower than in the presence of enteric release pellets. Therefore, the polymer Acrycoat L 100 ® was efficient for coating with gastro-resistant function and can solve the problem of low bioavailability of rifampicin and help to reduce its dosage


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In reforesting companies (cellulose industry), eucalyptus is usually cultivated in small plastic containers (50 mL). As seedlings remain for about 120 days in these containers-until transplantation-their roots become space restricted, with consequent limitations in water and nutrient absorption. These restrictions may lead to plant stress, decreasing productivity. In this work, we used the photoacoustic technique to evaluate the photosynthetic activity of Eucalyptus grandis, E. urophylla and E. urograndis seedlings subjected to this limited space availability, seeking a correlation with morphological parameters and fluorescence measurements in these seedlings. Photoacoustic, fluorescence, and morphological analysis were conducted every 15 days, from 45 to 120 days after sowing. Fluorescence and photosynthetic rate were evaluated in vivo and in situ, the latter one using the open photoacoustic technique. Data show that root dry matter diminished markedly at 90 and 120 days after sowing; this behavior showed a high correlation with the gas exchange component of the photoacoustic signal, as well as with the fluorescence ratio Fv/Fm. These results indicate that the soil volume of the container becomes insufficient for the roots after 90 days, probably leading to a nutritional deficiency in plants, which explains the decrease observed in the photosynthetic rate of seedlings. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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According to the global framework regarding new cases of tuberculosis, Brazil appears at the 18th place. Thus, the Ministry of Health has defined this disease as a priority in the governmental policies. As a consequence, studies concerning treatment and prevention have increased. Fixed-dose combination formulations (FDC) are recognized as beneficial and are recommended by WHO, but they present instability and loss on rifampicin bioavailability. The main purpose of this work was to carry out a pre-formulation study with the schedule 1 tuberculosis treatment drugs: rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol and pharmaceutical excipients (lactose, cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc), in order to develop an FDC product (150 mg of rifampicin + 75 mg of isoniazid + 400 mg of pyrazinamide + 250 mg of ethambutol). The studies consisted of the determination of particle size and distribution (Ferret s diameter) and shape through optical microscopy, as well as rheological and technological properties (bulk and tapped densities, Hausner Factor, Carr s Index, repose angle and flux rate) and interactions among drugs and drug excipient through thermal analysis (DSC, DTA, TG and your derivate). The results showed that, except isoniazid, the other drugs presented poor rheological properties, determined by the physical characteristics of the particles: small size and rod like particles shape for rifampicin; rectangular shape for pyrazinamide and ethambutol, beyond its low density. The 4 drug mixture also not presented flowability, particularly that one containing drug quantity indicated for the formulation of FDC products. In this mixture, isoniazid, that has the best flowability, was added in a lower concentration. The addition of microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and talc to the drug mixtures improved flowability properties. In DSC analysis probable interactions among drugs were found, supporting the hypothesis of ethambutol and pyrazinamide catalysis of the rifampicin-isoniazid reaction resulting in 3- formylrifamycin isonicotinyl hydrazone (HYD) as a degradation product. In the mixtures containing lactose Supertab® DSC curves evidenced incompatibility among drugs and excipient. In the DSC curves of mixtures containing cellulose MC101®, magnesium stearate and talc, no alterations were observed comparing to the drug profiles. The TG/DTG of the binary and ternary mixtures curves showed different thermogravimetrics profiles relating that observed to the drug isolated, with the thermal decomposition early supporting the evidences of incompatibilities showed in the DSC and DTA curves


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Avaliaram-se os coeficientes de digestibilidade do extrato etéreo (EE), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), hemicelulose (HCEL) e celulose (CEL) de uma ração completa, composta por 44,3% de feno de braquiária, 55% de concentrado e 0,7% de mistura mineral, fornecida a bovinos de diferentes grupos genéticos (Gir, Nelore, Guzerá, Santa Gertrudis e Caracu), pelas metodologias de coleta total de fezes e com indicador interno (lignina em detergente ácido - LDA), em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições por grupo genético, com análise de variância individual dentro de cada metodologia e uma análise de correlação entre as metodologias. Não houve diferença entre grupos genéticos para a digestibilidade de EE, PB, FDN, FDA, HCEL e CEL, pelas metodologias de coleta total de fezes e com LDA, com médias de 44,28 e 40,38%; 52,46 e 49,51%; 57,04 e 54,25%; 37,71 e 34,04%; 71,66 e 69,68%; e 48,27 e 45,20%, respectivamente. As digestibilidades da PB, FDA e CEL não mostraram correlação. A LDA foi eficiente na estimativa da digestibilidades e os nutrientes foram utilizados de forma semelhante pelos diferentes grupos genéticos.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a absorção aparente, estimar as perdas endógenas fecais e a absorção real do Mg e determinar a ingestão ad libitum da água de beber e a concentração de Mg no soro sangüíneo de caprinos da raças Anglonubiana (AN) e Saanen (SN). Foram usados doze caprinos, seis de cada raça, com 19,8 kg PV médio. Dietas semipurificadas (baixo teor de Mg) à base de quirera de arroz, glúten de milho e celulose foram suplementadas com MgO, para se obterem os níveis de 0,05 (sem supplementação) 0,20 e 0,35% Mg (%MS). Os níveis de Mg influenciaram os coeficientes de absorção aparente de Mg e Ca, com valores médios de 57,8; 73,9; e 73,2% para Mg e 55,7; 39,6; e 49,5% para Ca, para dietas com níveis 0,05; 0,20; e 0,35% de Mg, respectivamente. Entretanto, para os coeficientes de absorção aparente de P, Na e K, não houve efeito de níveis de Mg na dieta. Os resultados de absorção real de Mg apresentaram interação de níveis de Mg e raças. A média para raça NA, no nível 0,05% Mg, foi de 61,0% e para os níveis 0,20 e 0,35% Mg, 77,2 e 73,2%, respectivamente. Entretanto, para a raça SN, as médias foram 73,3; 75,5; e 76,0%, para os mesmos níveis, sem diferenças. A digestibilidade de matéria seca, proteína bruta e extrato não-nitrogenado diminuiu com os níveis crescentes de Mg nas dietas. As excreções fecais (7,0; 20,8; e 34,4 mg/kg PV0,75.d) e urinárias (3,9; 30,8; e 44,6 mg/kg PV0,75.d) de Mg elevaram-se com o aumento dos níveis crescentes de Mg nas dietas. Houve, também, influência dos níveis de Mg dietético sobre as concentrações de Mg do soro sangüíneo (1,74; 2,23; e 2,80 mg/dL para níveis de 0,05; 0,20; e 0,35% de Mg, respectivamente).


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In this paper artificial neural network (ANN) based on supervised and unsupervised algorithms were investigated for use in the study of rheological parameters of solid pharmaceutical excipients, in order to develop computational tools for manufacturing solid dosage forms. Among four supervised neural networks investigated, the best learning performance was achieved by a feedfoward multilayer perceptron whose architectures was composed by eight neurons in the input layer, sixteen neurons in the hidden layer and one neuron in the output layer. Learning and predictive performance relative to repose angle was poor while to Carr index and Hausner ratio (CI and HR, respectively) showed very good fitting capacity and learning, therefore HR and CI were considered suitable descriptors for the next stage of development of supervised ANNs. Clustering capacity was evaluated for five unsupervised strategies. Network based on purely unsupervised competitive strategies, classic "Winner-Take-All", "Frequency-Sensitive Competitive Learning" and "Rival-Penalize Competitive Learning" (WTA, FSCL and RPCL, respectively) were able to perform clustering from database, however this classification was very poor, showing severe classification errors by grouping data with conflicting properties into the same cluster or even the same neuron. On the other hand it could not be established what was the criteria adopted by the neural network for those clustering. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Neural Gas (NG) networks showed better clustering capacity. Both have recognized the two major groupings of data corresponding to lactose (LAC) and cellulose (CEL). However, SOM showed some errors in classify data from minority excipients, magnesium stearate (EMG) , talc (TLC) and attapulgite (ATP). NG network in turn performed a very consistent classification of data and solve the misclassification of SOM, being the most appropriate network for classifying data of the study. The use of NG network in pharmaceutical technology was still unpublished. NG therefore has great potential for use in the development of software for use in automated classification systems of pharmaceutical powders and as a new tool for mining and clustering data in drug development


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Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do envelhecimento dos resíduos vegetais de diferentes espécies [sorgo de cobertura (Sorghum bicolor x S. sudanensis 'Cober Exp'), milheto forrageiro (Pennisetum americanum 'BN2'), capim-pé-de-galinha (Eleusine coracana) e capim-braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha)], no controle de Ipomoea grandifolia, pelos herbicidas diclosulam e imazaquin, aplicados em pré-emergência, foi desenvolvido experimento em casa de vegetação, no período de agosto a dezembro de 2004. Foram realizadas determinações químicas nos materiais vegetais em decomposição. A eficácia do herbicida diclosulam não foi afetada pelo envelhecimento da palha de nenhuma das coberturas estudadas. Pelo contrário, a associação desse herbicida a qualquer dos resíduos vegetais estudados, principalmente o de capim-braquiária, favoreceu o controle da planta daninha. O imazaquin teve o potencial de controle influenciado pelas coberturas de milheto forrageiro e capim-braquiária, aos 90 dias após a deposição dos resíduos vegetais sobre o solo. Tal comportamento pode ser atribuído ao enriquecimento de celulose e lignina nos materiais vegetais de milheto forrageiro e capim braquiária.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of supplementation with different nitrogenous compounds on the activities of carboxymethil cellulase (CMCase) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). In the first experiment, four treatments were evaluated in vitro: cellulose, cellulose with casein, cellulose with urea, and cellulose with casamino acids. After 6, 12 and 24 hours of incubation, CMCase and GDH activity, pH, and concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (AN) and microbial protein were measured. In the three incubation periods, the concentration of AN was higher when urea was used as a supplemental source of nitrogen. The activity of CMCase was higher with the addition of urea and casamino acids when compared with the control and the casein treatment. Supplementation with casamino acids provided higher GDH activity when compared with the control at 6 hours of incubation. At 12 hours of incubation, the GHD activity was also stimulated by casein. At 24 hours, there was no difference in GHD activity among treatments. In the second experiment, three rumen-fistulated bulls were used for in situ evaluation. Animals were fed Tifton hay (Cynodon sp.) ad libitum. The treatments consisted of control (no supplementation), supplementation with non-protein nitrogenous compounds (urea and ammonium sulphate, 9:1) and supplementation with protein (albumin). In treatments with nitrogenous compound supplementation, 1 g of crude protein/kg of body weight was supplied. The experiment was conducted in a 3 × 3 Latin square design. The measurements were performed at 6, 12 and 24 hours after supplementation. No difference in GDH activity was observed among treatments. The control treatment showed higher CMCase activity when compared with the treatments containing supplemental sources of nitrogen. However, urea supplementation provided higher CMCase activity compared to albumin.


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Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com diferentes fontes de energia e de compostos nitrogenados sobre o crescimento e produção de bacteriocinas de bactérias ácido-láticas in vitro. As incubações foram conduzidas utilizando-se fluido ruminal originado de um novilho Holandês-Zebu fistulado no rúmen. O animal foi mantido em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens recebendo 200 g/dia de proteína bruta suplementar. Os substratos e o inóculo foram acondicionados em frascos de vidro considerando-se oito tratamentos: celulose, celulose e caseína, celulose e peptona de soja, celulose e ureia, amido, amido e caseína, amido e peptona de soja e amido e ureia. Incubações sucessivas foram conduzidas para seleção dos microrganismos em função das fontes energéticas e de compostos nitrogenados. O amido favoreceu o crescimento de bactérias ácido-láticas em comparação à celulose. A suplementação com proteína verdadeira (peptona de soja e caseína) estimulou o crescimento dessas bactérias em comparação ao controle (sem suplementação com compostos nitrogenados). A adição de ureia não estimulou o crescimento de bactérias ácido-láticas. Nenhuma atividade antimicrobiana foi detectada a partir das colônias de bactérias ácido-láticas isoladas. Fontes de proteína verdadeira incrementam a competição entre bactérias fermentadoras de carboidratos estruturais e não-estruturais.


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Com objetivo de determinar o consumo e a digestibilidade in vivo, bem como a composição química de dietas com níveis crescentes (0, 50 e 100%) de feno de catingueira (FC), utilizaram-se 15 ovinos Morada Nova, durante um período de 22 dias. Foi usado delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e cinco repetições. O FC apresentou 91,5% de matéria seca (MS), 93,89% de matéria orgânica (MO), 11,25% de proteína (PB), 4,31% de extrato etéreo (EE), 45,47% de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), 37,08% de fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), 8,39% de hemicelulose (HE), 24,37% de celulose (CE), 12,52% de lignina e 6,30% de tanino condensado. Os consumos de MO e MS, em g/dia, g/kg0,75 e %PV; energia bruta (EB), em kcal/kg/dia e kcal/kg0,75; e dos componentes da parede celular foram reduzidos linearmente pelo aumento de FC na dieta. Os consumos de PB, proteína digestível (PD) e EE aumentaram linearmente com o aumento do FC na dieta. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, PB e EB das dietas não foram afetados pela inclusão do FC. No entanto, observou-se redução linear para os coeficientes de digestibilidade da FDN, FDA, CE e EE e efeito quadrático para o coeficiente de digestibilidade da HE. Os consumos médios de MS e PB verificados nos níveis intermediários de FC atenderam as exigências de mantença dos animais.


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O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a composição química e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (MS) do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar contendo 60% de MS submetido a doses crescentes de hidróxido de sódio (NaOH) (0; 2,5; 5 e 7,5% de uma solução 2:1 de água:NaOH na MS) em diferentes períodos de tratamento (1, 3, 5 e 7 dias). Foram utilizados baldes plásticos com capacidade de 10 L, mantidos em uma câmara climática à temperatura constante de 25ºC. Não foi verificado efeito dos tratamentos (dose de NaOH e dias de tratamento) sobre os teores de PB, que apresentaram valor médio de 1,6%. A MS aumentou com os dias de tratamento, não sendo observadas alterações para essa variável em relação às doses crescentes de NaOH. Foi observada redução das frações de FDN, FDA, celulose (CEL), hemicelulose (HEM) e lignina (LIG). A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e o teor de sódio aumentaram quando o bagaço de cana foi submetido a doses crescentes de NaOH, mas não foi observado efeito do período de tratamento sobre essas variáveis. O valor nutritivo do bagaço de cana é melhorado com a adição de NaOH, comprovado pela redução nos constituintes da parede celular e pelo aumento na DIVMS.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)