999 resultados para Luis Gutiérrez
BACKGROUND Histologic experimental studies have reported incomplete neointimal healing in overlapping with respect to nonoverlapping segments in drug-eluting stents (DESs), but these observations have not been confirmed in human coronary arteries hitherto. On the contrary, angiographic and optical coherence tomography studies suggest that DES overlap elicits rather an exaggerated than an incomplete neointimal reaction. METHODS Optical coherence tomography studies from 2 randomized trials including sirolimus-eluting, biolimus-eluting, everolimus-eluting, and zotarolimus-eluting stents were analyzed at 9- to 13-month follow-up. Coverage in overlapping segments was compared versus the corresponding nonoverlapping segments of the same stents, using statistical pooled analysis. RESULTS Forty-two overlaps were found in 31 patients: 11 in sirolimus-eluting stents, 3 in biolimus-eluting stents, 17 in everolimus-eluting stents, and 11 in zotarolimus-eluting stents. The risk ratio of incomplete coverage was 2.35 (95% CI 1.86-2.98) in overlapping versus nonoverlapping segments. Thickness of coverage in overlaps was only 85% (95% CI 81%-90%) of the thickness in nonoverlaps. Significant heterogeneity of the effect was observed, especially pronounced in the comparison of thickness of coverage (I(2) = 90.31). CONCLUSIONS The effect of overlapping DES on neointimal inhibition is markedly heterogeneous: on average, DES overlap is associated with more incomplete and thinner coverage, but in some cases, the overlap elicits an exaggerated neointimal reaction, thicker than in the corresponding nonoverlapping segments. These results might help to understand why overlapping DES is associated with worse clinical outcomes, both in terms of thrombotic phenomena and in terms of restenosis and revascularization.
Es war bisher unbekannt, dass die deutschsprachige Musikhistoriographie dem Komponisten Tomás Luis de Victoria relativ viel Beachtung geschenkt hat. Als iberischer Counterpart des Heroen Palestrina spielt er bei der Gestaltung eines Geschichtsbildes der musikalischen Renaissance daher eine viel wichtigere Rolle als bisher vermutet. Die Auseinandersetzung deutscher Musikwissenschaftler mit Victoria spielte eine zentrale Rolle bei der Würdigung des Komponisten durch die spanische Historiographie.
After myocardial infarction in humans, lost cardiomyocytes are replaced by an irreversible fibrotic scar. In contrast, zebrafish hearts efficiently regenerate after injury. Complete regeneration of the zebrafish heart is driven by the strong proliferation response of its cardiomyocytes to injury. Here we show that, after cardiac injury in zebrafish, telomerase becomes hyperactivated, and telomeres elongate transiently, preceding a peak of cardiomyocyte proliferation and full organ recovery. Using a telomerase-mutant zebrafish model, we found that telomerase loss drastically decreases cardiomyocyte proliferation and fibrotic tissue regression after cryoinjury and that cardiac function does not recover. The impaired cardiomyocyte proliferation response is accompanied by the absence of cardiomyocytes with long telomeres and an increased proportion of cardiomyocytes showing DNA damage and senescence characteristics. These findings demonstrate the importance of telomerase function in heart regeneration and highlight the potential of telomerase therapy as a means of stimulating cell proliferation upon myocardial infarction.
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F06878
Este trabajo indaga en torno a la atracción por el suburbio y sus personajes más característicos –tal el compadrito- que se manifiesta en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges. En primer lugar, analiza la presencia del barrio como tema central en la poesía posmodernista de Enrique Banchs, Evaristo Carriego y Baldormero Fernández Moreno, quienes realizan la incorporación del mundo suburbano a la poesía argentina. A continuación se centra en una original hipótesis que ahonda en la razón afectiva que pudo mover al escritor políglota, erudito y cosmopolita a sentir esa fascinación por el mundo del arrabal y del tango porteño.
Fil: Acosta, Emiliano.
Fil: De Marinis, Dora. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseño
Fil: Ramaglia, Dante.
Este video es un homenaje al mendocino Luis Politti, quien fue una destacada figura del teatro, el cine y la televisión. Su talento como actor es recordado por colegas y amigos mendocinos quienes comentan su historia de vida. Luis Politti se convirtió en una de las primeras figuras de la naciente televisión mendocina y en uno de los actores más importantes del teatro provincial. Sin embargo, y en busca de nuevos horizontes, se radicó en Buenos Aires y en poco tiempo se convirtió en una de las figuras más importantes de la actividad artística nacional. Tras el proceso militar de 1976, Politti se exilia en México pero no es reconocido artísticamente y decide radicarse en España donde llegó a ocupar un lugar importante en el cine, teatro y la televisión española.
Fil: Comas de Guembe, Dolores. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Fil: Flawiá de Fernández, Nilda Ma.. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Fil: Guzmán Pinedo, Martina.