948 resultados para Low signal-to-noise ratio regime
Expression control in synthetic genetic circuitry, for example, for construction of sensitive biosensors, is hampered by the lack of DNA parts that maintain ultralow background yet achieve high output upon signal integration by the cells. Here, we demonstrate how placement of auxiliary transcription factor binding sites within a regulatable promoter context can yield an important gain in signal-to-noise output ratios from prokaryotic biosensor circuits. As a proof of principle, we use the arsenite-responsive ArsR repressor protein from Escherichia coli and its cognate operator. Additional ArsR operators placed downstream of its target promoter can act as a transcription roadblock in a distance-dependent manner and reduce background expression of downstream-placed reporter genes. We show that the transcription roadblock functions both in cognate and heterologous promoter contexts. Secondary ArsR operators placed upstream of their promoter can also improve signal-to-noise output while maintaining effector dependency. Importantly, background control can be released through the addition of micromolar concentrations of arsenite. The ArsR-operator system thus provides a flexible system for additional gene expression control, which, given the extreme sensitivity to micrograms per liter effector concentrations, could be applicable in more general contexts.
This paper reports the development of multiple square wave voltammetry and the possibilities of its use for electroanalytical determinations of organic and inorganic compounds with the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratios and detection limits 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than those obtained with conventional square wave voltammetry. The theoretical aspects and analytical applications were demonstrated as an increased analytical response (current) and application of different pulse modes for different redox processes. Preliminary results obtained for several redox systems using different electrode surfaces are shown, demonstrating also that MSWV represents an excellent alternative for the determination of ultra-traces of organic and inorganic compounds.
Rare-earth based upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) have attracted much attention due to their unique luminescent properties. The ability to convert multiple photons of lower energy to ones with higher energy through an upconversion (UC) process offers a wide range of applications for UCNPs. The emission intensities and wavelengths of UCNPs are important performance characteristics, which determine the appropriate applications. However, insufficient intensities still limit the use of UCNPs; especially the efficient emission of blue and ultraviolet (UV) light via upconversion remains challenging, as these events require three or more near-infrared (NIR) photons. The aim of the study was to enhance the blue and UV upconversion emission intensities of Tm3+ doped NaYF4 nanoparticles and to demonstrate their utility in in vitro diagnostics. As the distance between the sensitizer and the activator significantly affect the energy transfer efficiency, different strategies were explored to change the local symmetry around the doped lanthanides. One important strategy is the intentional co-doping of active (participate in energy transfer) or passive (do not participate in energy transfer) impurities into the host matrix. The roles of doped passive impurities (K+ and Sc3+) in enhancing the blue and UV upconversions, as well as in influencing the intense UV upconversion emission through excess sensitization (active impurity) were studied. Additionally, the effects of both active and passive impurity doping on the morphological and optical performance of UCNPs were investigated. The applicability of UV emitting UCNPs as an internal light source for glucose sensing in a dry chemistry test strip was demonstrated. The measurements were in agreement with the traditional method based on reflectance measurements using an external UV light source. The use of UCNPs in the glucose test strip offers an alternative detection method with advantages such as control signals for minimizing errors and high penetration of the NIR excitation through the blood sample, which gives more freedom for designing the optical setup. In bioimaging, the excitation of the UCNPs in the transparent IR region of the tissue permits measurements, which are free of background fluorescence and have a high signal-to-background ratio. In addition, the narrow emission bandwidth of the UCNPs enables multiplexed detections. An array-in-well immunoassay was developed using two different UC emission colours. The differentiation between different viral infections and the classification of antibody responses were achieved based on both the position and colour of the signal. The study demonstrates the potential of spectral and spatial multiplexing in the imaging based array-in-well assays.
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L'étude vise à évaluer l'exposition professionnelle au bruit des travailleurs d'une plateforme gazière en Algérie et à mettre en évidence des déterminants influençant cette exposition. Des groupes d'exposition homogène (GEH) ont été constitués sur la base de ressemblances quant à l'exposition au bruit, aux titres d'emploi et aux lieux de travail. Deux stratégies d'échantillonnage ont été suivies, la première selon la norme internationale ISO 9612 : 2009 et la seconde selon la stratégie aléatoire de l'AIHA. Pour les deux approches, les niveaux de bruit (Lex, 8h, niveaux d'exposition au bruit pondéré (A) ajustés à une journée de travail de 8 heures) des opérateurs et des superviseurs étaient généralement > 85 dB(A) alors que pour les techniciens-tableau, les niveaux de bruit (Lex, 8h) étaient en tout temps < 85 dB(A). Pour les trois GEH du titre d'emploi des maintenanciers, il y a eu régulièrement des dépassements de la valeur de référence. Plusieurs travailleurs oeuvrant sur les plateformes gazières sont exposés à des niveaux importants de bruit et sont à risque de développer des problèmes auditifs.
A novel approach to multiclass tumor classification using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) was introduced in a recent paper cite{Khan2001}. The method successfully classified and diagnosed small, round blue cell tumors (SRBCTs) of childhood into four distinct categories, neuroblastoma (NB), rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and the Ewing family of tumors (EWS), using cDNA gene expression profiles of samples that included both tumor biopsy material and cell lines. We report that using an approach similar to the one reported by Yeang et al cite{Yeang2001}, i.e. multiclass classification by combining outputs of binary classifiers, we achieved equal accuracy with much fewer features. We report the performances of 3 binary classifiers (k-nearest neighbors (kNN), weighted-voting (WV), and support vector machines (SVM)) with 3 feature selection techniques (Golub's Signal to Noise (SN) ratios cite{Golub99}, Fisher scores (FSc) and Mukherjee's SVM feature selection (SVMFS))cite{Sayan98}.
Imagiologia por Ressonância Magnética (IRM) é uma modalidade de imagem médica que está a recuperar o interesse como uma técnica não invasiva no estudo da pele. Tipicamente campos magnéticos de elevada densidade e quipamentos específicos são usados. Este facto limita o usos da técnica a laboratórios e centros de investigação especializados. Neste trabalho estudou-se a viabilidade do uso da IRM no estudo da pele e da sua vasculatura usando equipamento convencional disponível em contexto clínico. Sequências IRM para imagem estrutural e veascular foram optimizadas e testadas para obtenção de imagens da pele do punho de 6 voluntários saudáveis. As sequências observáveis dos vasos, razão sinal-ruído, e razão contraste-ruído. Foi observado que duas sequências volumétricas baseadas em eco de gradiente e com ponderações T1 e T2 forneciam informação complementar em respeito à vasculatura da pele com resoluções espaciais da ordem dos micrómetros, podendo ainda esta informação ser fundida com imagens estruturais das cadamas da pele. Foi igualmente observado que estas sequências fornecem informação útil usando equipamento convencional e perspectiva-se a sua utilização no estudo das vasculatura de tumores cutâneos e na doença vascular periférica.
We perform a multimodel detection and attribution study with climate model simulation output and satellite-based measurements of tropospheric and stratospheric temperature change. We use simulation output from 20 climate models participating in phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. This multimodel archive provides estimates of the signal pattern in response to combined anthropogenic and natural external forcing (the finger-print) and the noise of internally generated variability. Using these estimates, we calculate signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios to quantify the strength of the fingerprint in the observations relative to fingerprint strength in natural climate noise. For changes in lower stratospheric temperature between 1979 and 2011, S/N ratios vary from 26 to 36, depending on the choice of observational dataset. In the lower troposphere, the fingerprint strength in observations is smaller, but S/N ratios are still significant at the 1% level or better, and range from three to eight. We find no evidence that these ratios are spuriously inflated by model variability errors. After removing all global mean signals, model fingerprints remain identifiable in 70% of the tests involving tropospheric temperature changes. Despite such agreement in the large-scale features of model and observed geographical patterns of atmospheric temperature change, most models do not replicate the size of the observed changes. On average, the models analyzed underestimate the observed cooling of the lower stratosphere and overestimate the warming of the troposphere. Although the precise causes of such differences are unclear, model biases in lower stratospheric temperature trends are likely to be reduced by more realistic treatment of stratospheric ozone depletion and volcanic aerosol forcing.
We present a new technique for obtaining model fittings to very long baseline interferometric images of astrophysical jets. The method minimizes a performance function proportional to the sum of the squared difference between the model and observed images. The model image is constructed by summing N(s) elliptical Gaussian sources characterized by six parameters: two-dimensional peak position, peak intensity, eccentricity, amplitude, and orientation angle of the major axis. We present results for the fitting of two main benchmark jets: the first constructed from three individual Gaussian sources, the second formed by five Gaussian sources. Both jets were analyzed by our cross-entropy technique in finite and infinite signal-to-noise regimes, the background noise chosen to mimic that found in interferometric radio maps. Those images were constructed to simulate most of the conditions encountered in interferometric images of active galactic nuclei. We show that the cross-entropy technique is capable of recovering the parameters of the sources with a similar accuracy to that obtained from the very traditional Astronomical Image Processing System Package task IMFIT when the image is relatively simple (e. g., few components). For more complex interferometric maps, our method displays superior performance in recovering the parameters of the jet components. Our methodology is also able to show quantitatively the number of individual components present in an image. An additional application of the cross-entropy technique to a real image of a BL Lac object is shown and discussed. Our results indicate that our cross-entropy model-fitting technique must be used in situations involving the analysis of complex emission regions having more than three sources, even though it is substantially slower than current model-fitting tasks (at least 10,000 times slower for a single processor, depending on the number of sources to be optimized). As in the case of any model fitting performed in the image plane, caution is required in analyzing images constructed from a poorly sampled (u, v) plane.
To facilitate the design of laser host materials with optimized emission properties, detailed structural information at the atomic level is essential, regarding the local bonding environment of the active ions (distribution over distinct lattice sites) and their extent of local clustering as well as their population distribution over separate micro- or nanophases. The present study explores the potential of solid state NMR spectroscopy to provide such understanding for rare-earth doped lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) ceramics. As the NMR signals of the paramagnetic dopant species cannot be observed directly, two complementary approaches are utilized: (1) direct observation of diamagnetic mimics using Sc-45 NMR and (2) study of the paramagnetic interaction of the constituent host lattice nuclei with the rare-earth dopant, using Pb-207 NMR lineshape analysis. Sc-45 MAS NMR spectra of scandium-doped PLZT samples unambiguously reveal scandium to be six-coordinated, suggesting that this rare-earth ion substitutes in the B site. Static Pb-207 spin echo NMR spectra of a series of Tm-doped PLZT samples reveal a clear influence of paramagnetic rare-earth dopant concentration on the NMR lineshape. In the latter case high-fidelity spectra can be obtained by spin echo mapping under systematic incrementation of the excitation frequency, benefiting from the signal-to-noise enhancement afforded by spin echo train Fourier transforms. Consistent with XRD data, the Pb-207 NMR lineshape analysis suggests that statistical incorporation into the PLZT lattice occurs at dopant levels of up to 1 wt.% Tm3+, while at higher levels the solubility limit is reached. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
This paper describes 96- and 384-microzone plates fabricated in paper as alternatives to conventional multi-well plates fabricated in molded polymers. Paper-based plates are functionally related to plastic well plates, but they offer new capabilities. For example, paper-microzone plates are thin (similar to 180 mu m), require small volumes of sample (5 mu L per zone), and can be manufactured from inexpensive materials ($0.05 per plate). The paper-based plates are fabricated by patterning sheets of paper, using photolithography, into hydrophilic zones surrounded by hydrophobic polymeric barriers. This photolithography used an inexpensive formulation photoresist that allows rapid (similar to 15 min) prototyping of paper-based plates. These plates are compatible with conventional microplate readers for quantitative absorbance and fluorescence measurements. The limit of detection per zone loaded for fluorescence was 125 fmol for fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled bovine serum albumin, and this level corresponds to 0.02 the quantity of analyte per well used to achieve comparable signal-to-noise in a 96-well plastic plate (using a solution of 25 nM labeled protein). The limits of detection for absorbance on paper was aproximately 50 pmol per zone for both Coomassie Brilliant Blue and Amaranth dyes; these values were 0.4 that required for the plastic plate. Demonstration of quantitative colorimetric correlations using a scanner or camera to image the zones and to measure the intensity of color, makes it possible to conduct assays without a microplate reader.
2-Aminothiazole covalently attached to a silica gel surface was prepared in order to obtain an adsorbent for Hg(II) ions having the following characteristics: good sorption capacity, chemical stability under conditions of use, and, especially, high selectivity. The accumulation voltammetry of mercury(II) was investigated at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with silica gel functionalized with 2-aminothiazole (SIAMT-CPE). The repetitive cyclic voltammogram of mercury(II) solution in the potential range -0.2 to + 0.6 V versus Ag/AgCl (0.02 mol L-1 KNO3; V = 20 mV s(-1)) show two peaks one at about 0.1 V and other at 0.205 V. The anodic wave peak at 0.205 V is well defined and does not change during the cycles and it was therefore further investigated for analytical purposes using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry in differents supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. The precision for six determinations (n = 6) of 0.02 and 0.20 mg L-1 Hg(II) was 4.1 and 3.5% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The detection limit was estimated as 0.10 mu g L-1 mercury(II) by means of 3:1 current-to-noise ratio in connection with the optimization of the various parameters involved and using the highest-possible analyser sensitivity. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydraulic fracturing is an operation in which pressurised fluid is injected in the geological formation surrounding the producing well to create new permeable paths for hydrocarbons. The injection of such fluids in the reservoir induces seismic events. The measurement of this reservoir stimulation can be made by location these induced microseismic events. However, microseismic monitoring is an expensive operation because the acquisition and data interpretation system using in this monitoring rely on high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). In general, the sensors are deployed in a monitoring well near the treated well and can make a microseismic monitoring quite an expensive operation. In this dissertation we propose the application of a new method for recording and location of microseismic events called nanoseismic monitoring (Joswig, 2006). In this new method, a continuous recording is performed and the interpreter can separate events from noise using sonograms. This new method also allows the location of seismic sources even when P and S phases onsets are not clear like in situations of 0 dB SNR. The clear technical advantage of this new method is also economically advantageous since the sensors can potentially be installed on the surface rather than in observation well. In this dissertation field tests with controlled sources were made. In the first test small explosives using fire works at 28 m (slant distances) were detected yealding magnitudes between -2.4 ≤ ML ≤ -1.6.. In a second test, we monitored perforation shots in a producing oil field. In this second test, one perforation shot was located with slant distances of 861 m and magnitude 2.4 ML. Data from the tests allow us to say that the method has potential to be used in the oil industry to monitor hydrofracture
The first LHC pp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 0.9 and 2.36 TeV were recorded by the CMS detector in December 2009. The trajectories of charged particles produced in the collisions were reconstructed using the all-silicon Tracker and their momenta were measured in the 3.8 T axial magnetic field. Results from the Tracker commissioning are presented including studies of timing, efficiency, signal-to-noise, resolution, and ionization energy. Reconstructed tracks are used to benchmark the performance in terms of track and vertex resolutions, reconstruction of decays, estimation of ionization energy loss, as well as identification of photon conversions, nuclear interactions, and heavy-flavour decays.
We investigate the existence of anomalous Higgs boson couplings, H gamma gamma and HZ gamma, through the analysis of the process e(+)e(-) gamma gamma gamma at LEP2 energies. We suggest some kinematical cuts to improve the signal to background ratio and determine the capability of LEP2 to impose bounds on those couplings by looking for a Higgs boson signal in this reaction.