916 resultados para Local-regional space


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The research is centred on economic growth and it adopts a regional view focused on European regions (NUTS 2). Under analysis is the undergoing convergence process in Europe to evaluate if there is an increase in regional economic growth and a simultaneous decrease in regional disparities. The empirical evidence shows signs of transience on the regional convergence process, along with the formation of several clusters of regions. Considering this evidence it is of interest to assess the profiles of such clusters, and evaluate the homogeneousness of its regions and their spread across European space. As suggested in the literature, space is a relevant factor in the spread of clusters, according to the different variables (regions profiles, diversity measures and growth indicators). Regional disparities across Europe are, on average, large and persistent, with a high degree of stability among the relative rankings of European regions. Such results cast shadows about the impact of European structural funding in diminishing regional disparities. Such an approach is of interest due to the growing need to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of public policies implemented. The fact that there is an undergoing process of economic integration in Europe increases the usefulness of such an analysis, especially in a context in which European public funds are negotiated and granted.


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Tese de dout., Economia (Economia da Informação), Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2004


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Dissertação de mest., Turismo e Culturas Urbanas, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Univ. do Algarve, 2013


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At a time when the traditional major airlines have struggled to remain viable, the low-cost carriers have become the major success story of the European airline industry. This paper looks behind the headlines to show that although low-cost airlines have achieved much, they too have potential weaknesses and face a number of challenges in the years ahead. The secondary and regional airports that have benefited from low-cost carrier expansion are shown to be vulnerable to future changes in airline economics, government policy and patterns of air service. An analysis of routes from London demonstrates that the low-cost airlines have been more successful in some markets than others. To attractive and historically under-served leisure destinations in Southern Europe they have stimulated dramatic growth and achieved a dominant position. To major hub cities however they typically remain marginal players and to secondary points in Northern Europe their traffic has been largely diverted from existing operators. There is also evidence that the UK market is becoming saturated and new low-cost services are poaching traffic from other low-cost routes. Passenger compensation legislation and possible environmental taxes will hit the low-cost airline industry disproportionately hard. The high elasticities of demand to price in certain markets that these airlines have exploited will operate in reverse. One of the major elements of the low-cost business model involves the use of smaller uncongested airports. These offer faster turn-arounds and lower airport charges. In many cases, local and regional government has been willing to subsidise expansion of air services to assist with economic development or tourism objectives. However, recent court cases against Ryanair now threaten these financial arrangements. The paper also examines the catchment areas for airports with low-cost service. It is shown that as well as stimulating local demand, much traffic is captured from larger markets nearby through the differential in fare levels. This has implications for surface transport, as access to these regional airports often involves long journeys by private car. Consideration is then given to the feasibility of low-cost airlines expanding into the long-haul market or to regional operations with small aircraft. Many of the cost advantages are more muted on intercontinental services.


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O trabalho aqui proposto tem como objectivo central, a realização de análises ao conjunto dos recipientes cerâmicos pertencentes ao povoado da Sala nº1. Repertório esse, que se baseou no acervo retirado do sítio arqueológico Sala nº1, intervencionado pelo Professor Victor S. Gonçalves (1988, 1989 e 1995). As análises e descrições efectuadas foram sempre norteadas para a tentativa de estabelecer uma sequência de formas que se pudesse verificar quanto à sua normalização e frequência nos contextos presentes ao povoado da Sala nº1. Traduzindo nessa realidade, a diacronia transversal entre os estratos arqueológicos pertencentes ao Neolítico final e os estratos pertencentes ao Calcolítico. Tendo sempre como parâmetros de análise, as metodologias e critérios descritivos dos recipientes cerâmicos, presentes nos trabalhos publicados sobre as realidades cronológicas semelhantes no Sul de Portugal. O próprio conjunto de recipientes cerâmicos aqui analisado foi submetido a essas metodologias, com fim de obter primordialmente as formas e as tipologias a que pertencem. Nesse sentido procurei criar um quadro de referência local e regional, e posteriormente coloca-lo num enquadramento geral do Neolítico final e início do Calcolítico do Alentejo Médio, tentando verificar as similitudes nos quadros tipológicos existentes, como os estabelecidos por Carlos Tavares da Silva e Joaquina Soares. Sendo este um estudo que abrange um tempo cronológico de praticamente 1500 anos, premiei através da amplitude dos contornos que moldaram esta análise, algumas perspectivas possíveis. Quer ao nível das tipologias, quer ao nível das estratégias de ocupação do território, aplicáveis para o espaço e o tempo em análise. Verificando a realidade escassa nos contextos alentejanos (publicados), em que a cultura material se integra numa estratigrafia e cronologias com uma diacronia semelhante à do povoado da Sala nº1. Tentei integrar este povoado num estudo que não sendo comparativo, tivesse essa componente em relação às tipologias e formas cerâmicas identificadas. Procurou-se dar enfase à realidade artefactual das taças carenadas, e à sua possível evolução para formas mais adaptáveis ao uso e consumo quotidiano das comunidades contemporâneas das fases Calcolíticas do povoado.


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Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Geodinâmica Interna), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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In this article, I contribute to recent debates about the concept of neoliberalism and its use as an explanatory concept, through the analysis of urban planning and regeneration policy in Lisbon amidst crisis and austerity. Suggesting a look at neoliberalization from a threefold perspective—the project, governmentalities, and policymaking—I analyze how current austerity-policy responses to the European economic crisis can be understood as a renewed and coherent deployment of neoliberal stances. The article presents implications for urban planning in Lisbon and thus suggests an exploration of the negotiations and clashes of hegemonic neoliberal governmentalities and policies with the local social and spatial fabric. For this exploration, I select a “deviant” case—the Mouraria neighborhood, a “dense” space in which the consequences of policies diverge sharply from expectations. In conclusion, I suggest that neoliberalization (in times of crisis) should be understood as a coherent project compromised by a set of highly ambiguous governmentalities, which bring about contradictory policymaking at the local level.


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Ecological studies that examine species-environment relationships are often limited to several meteorological parameters, i.e. mean air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, vapour pressure deficit and solar radiation. The impact of local wind, its speed and direction are less commonly investigated in aerobiological surveys mainly due to difficulties related to the employment of specific analytical tools and interpretation of their outputs. Identification of inoculum sources of economically important plant pathogens, as well as highly allergenic bioaerosols like Cladosporium species, has not been yet explored with remote sensing data and atmospheric models such as Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT). We, therefore, performed an analysis of 24 h intra-diurnal cycle of Cladosporium spp. spores from an urban site in connection with both the local wind direction and overall air mass direction computed by HYSPLIT. The observational method was a volumetric air sampler of the Hirst design with 1 h time resolution and corresponding optical detection of fungal spores with light microscopy. The atmospheric modelling was done using the on-line data set from GDAS with 1° resolution and circular statistical methods. Our results showed stronger, statistically significant correlation (p ≤ 0.05) between high Cladosporium spp. spore concentration and air mass direction compared to the local wind direction. This suggested that a large fraction of the investigated fungal spores had a regional origin and must be located more than a few kilometers away from the sampling point.


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Tese de doutoramento, Geografia (Planeamento Regional e Urbano), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2016


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This is a critical reading of the current literature on law and geography. The article argues that the literature is characterized by an undertheorization of the concept of space. The focus is either on the specific geography of law in the form of jurisdiction, or as a simple terminological innovation. Instead, the article suggests that law’s spatial turn ought to consider space as a singular parameter to the hitherto legal preoccupation with time, history and waiting. This forces law into dealing with a new, peculiarly spatial kind of uncertainty in terms of simultaneity, disorientation, materiality and exclusionary corporeal emplacement. The main area in which this undertheorization forcefully manifests itself is that of spatial justice. Despite its critical potential, the concept has been reduced by the majority of the relevant literature into another version of social, distributive or regional justice. On the contrary, if the peculiar characteristics of space are to be taken into account, a concept of justice will have to be rethought on a much more fundamental level than that.


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There are no exact boundaries of what constitutes Central Europe, but it is nevertheless very evident as a zone of interloping forces stretching across Europe. The result has been negotiated, conflictual and contested processes defining an essentially virtual, discursive, yet also actually existing, space of ‘Central Europe’. Yet, and this is the particular message of this collection of essays, ‘transition’ has not merely been a process ‘on the ground’ as object of investigation and discussion, but has also affected the observers, especially academic commentators and analysts – both within Central Europe, but also outside. This includes a growing interaction between discussions and analyses ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ Central Europe on the phenomenon of ‘transition’. The result has been mutual learning processes and changes of ways of looking at things and interpreting them. The book is divided into two parts, roughly reflecting the two key research questions.The first part (A) is devoted to transitions in regional science. Part B focuses on changes in variety of territorial structures and developmentissues caused by Central-European transitions and which are resulting in differential pathways of regional development in the region.


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This paper introduces the concept of ‘dual transition’ in relation to the notion of ‘smartness’ in city-regional governance. This consists of two intersecting dimensions, a broader change in political-economic and societal circumstances which surround city-regions, and a more detailed, local change towards ‘smartness’ in policy practices. Although ‘smart’ seems to have become a somewhat ubiquitous adjective in urban policy, it seeks to project policies that seek to go beyond a one-dimensional ‘growth agenda’ by addressing also the multifaceted quest for social, economic and environmental sustainability. The underlying shift in discourse, rationality and suggested policy responses in both dimensions may be captured by the concept of ‘transition’ in relation to policies and governance. Originally developed in conjunction with broad political-economic regime change, such as post-authoritarian democratisation, the idea of ‘transition’ has also been applied to the more specific concept of sustainability as ‘sustainability transition’.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Geografia e Planeamento Regional