997 resultados para Literacy books


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Information literacy has become an important skill for undergraduate students due to societal changes that have seen information become a valuable commodity, the need for graduates to become lifelong learners to remain effective across their working lives, and the recognition by many stakeholders that information literacy is an underpinning generic skill for effective learning in higher education. Important elements in the design and delivery of information literacy training include the collaborative process between library and academic staff, the need to link generic information literacy skills into the specific discipline context of the students, and catering for a wide diversity in the student body including off-campus students. This paper describes a sequence of activities designed to help students learn and practice information literacy skills that have been purposefully designed and integrated into a first-year engineering and technology study unit as a core element of the unit syllabus.


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One of the principal strands of postcolonial theory and critical practice is the interrogation of received versions of colonial history. This paper investigates the extent to which three contemporary picture books, Gavin Bishop's The House that Jack Built, John Marsden and Shaun Tan's The Rabbits, and Thomas King and William Kent Monkman's A Coyote Columbus Story, mobilise postcolonial strategies in their representations of place. In particular, it focuses on how postcolonial textuality unsettles and transgresses notions of "homeliness" in narratives involving the displacement of colonised and colonising peoples. As the shifting power relations of colonialism render unhomely what has previously been homely (especially for colonised peoples), so they involve a contrary move in which unhomely spaces are changed into simulacra of lost or abandoned homes. Drawing upon Walter Benjamin's formulation of materialist historiography, Homi Bhabha describes what he terms 'the unhomely moment' as that in which personal and psychic histories intersect with the violent dislocations of colonialism. This paper will argue that such unhomely moments shape the visual and verbal narratives of The House that Jack Built, The Rabbits and A Coyote Columbus Story, all of which deal with the trauma which occurs when cultures previously geographically and psychically distant are brought into close contact with each other. Written to and for children who are citizens of postcolonial cultures, these texts disclose the unease which persists in contemporary societies where colonial histories are rehearsed and revisioned. However, the paper will argue that the three texts position readers in quite different ways; for instance, while the verbal text of The Rabbits constructs an implied author capable of speaking for the colonised and offering readers a very circumscribed subject position, Thomas King's narrative in A Coyote Columbus Story engages in a dialogic playfulness which allows readers to adopt a variety of reading positions. For each text, some key representations of unhomely moments will be considered, and the paper will explore the extent to which they construct forms of temporality which negotiate the space between history and its significances within crosscultural and intercultural formations.


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Engaging students' lifeworlds and the concerns of their communities in globalised, semiotic and information societies is imperative in New Times. As youth continue to exhibit their proficiency with new literacies emerging from Internet communication technologies (leTs), education-particularly curriculum and instruction-remains largely focused around monomodal, print-only literacy practices, often ignoring students' hybrid multiple voices. This paper reports on two curricular interruptions to the progressive reading and writing workshop that acknowledged adolescents' engagement with digital technologies and their new multimodalliteracy practices in a year eight public classroom within a small urban academy of technology.


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In education, there is much rhetoric about a school's capacity to prepare learners for 'the future'. For example, there have been 'Schools of the future', 'Lighthouse schools of the future' and many claims from schools around the world that their roles encompass 'educating students for the future' and developing 'citizens of the future'. However, as 'futures educators', the questions must be asked: 'whose future?' and 'what future?'. Considering texts which promote this educational premise require tools and philosophical understandings, in order to deconstruct and articulate the future for which we prepare our young. This paper describes the way in which foresight literacy can be developed through engagement with explicit futures education tools and concepts. It highlights a number of futures texts indiscriminately presented within culture and society, and exposes some of the ways in which foresight (futures) understandings can be achieved. This reading, writing and articulation of a multiplicity of futures is referred to as foresight literacy. This paper does not address the 'future of literacy', but rather the way in which futures education equips students to engage with texts assuming, and describing a future.


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In New Times (Hall, 1996), there has been much rhetoric about school’s role in equipping students for the future. Multiliteracies pedagogy allows individual teachers to reconceptualise pedagogy and curriculum thereby addressing adolescents’ complex and demanding literacy needs (New London Group, 1996). As a result of the advent of widespread computer use and Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs), this paper presents new and emerging virtual contexts and environments for adolescent literacy instruction. The paper highlights one teacher’s curricular initiatives/interruptions where Multiliteracies pedagogies and the incorporation of multimodal digital and multimedia design, replaced the progressive monomodal reading and writing workshop. In conclusion, new perspectives on research related to the education of teachers in the 21st century are presented to contribute to the public knowledge base of teacher education in post-typographic societies.


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Currently, in Australia, the age pension, paid for out of Commonwealth government taxes, forms the basis of Australia’s retirement income system, however, given the reality of an ageing population has compelled the government to undertake a number of measures to shift the responsibility for saving to the individual, forcing them to accept an increasing level of responsibility for their financial decision-making. In the light of the changing retirement environment, it would be expected that Australians’ would ensure that they became financially literate, however, despite the amount of information and advice available in the market place, this is not the case, and they do not appear to be appropriately prepared for their retirement. Recognising the importance of financial literacy, an increasing number of government agencies, employers, superannuation funds and schools are implementing financial literacy programs in Australia. This article provides an overview of the impact that attending a financial education seminar has on the retirement decisions and settings of participants. Evidence is provided from this research that in the short term, providing financial education programs make a difference to an individual’s intended retirement settings. However, the impact of these education programs in changing investment behaviour is less conclusive.


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In Australia, financial literacy is not given prominence within the education system, and it is a general view that financial literacy is gained through ‘hands on’ experience in earning and spending money; further, financial education seems to occur only when people take a loan or experience financial difficulties (Hajaj, 2002). This is not sufficient if people need to make informed decisions about their investments and, because of a number of social factors, it has become necessary to educate the majority of the adult population in Australia in Financial Literacy over a relatively short period of time. Given the large numbers requiring such an education, the seminar approach is being widely used, however is it effective? Drawing on the adult education literature, this study examined the effectiveness of the seminar approach by surveying adult participants in a Financial Literacy seminar. The survey found that while a majority of participants (50%) expressed none or weak financial knowledge prior to attending the seminar and 45% expressed that they only had a moderate rate of financial knowledge, a majority of 63% strongly agreed or agreed to the seminar improving their knowledge of the need for retirement savings. Furthermore, 58% of participants were either confident or very confident of being able to apply what they learned in the seminar to achieving their retirement savings goal. These findings suggest that the seminar approach was effective in educating adults and improved their level of financial literacy. Future research could investigate whether the level of financial knowledge gained during the seminar is retained over a considerable period of time.


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Although multiliteracies have been well theorised in recent years, few studies have researched the practical aspects of developing a curriculum of multiliteracies. This article examines multiliteracies as a crossdisciplinary curriculum practice, drawing on data from a 3-year study in an urban middle school. The data show possibilities for students to engage in critique and to move toward designing multimodal texts. Using Bourdieusian concepts of social capital and academic field, we explore the struggles around learning to inhabit certain school discourses.


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Many school literacy practices ignore adolescents' new digitally mediated subjectivity as it has been shaped by the new media age. Youth possess often unappreciated repertories of practice which allow them to use their imagination and creativity to combine print, visual and digital modes in combinations that can be applied to new educational, civic, media and workplace contexts. This paper reports on research in two middle years classrooms in New York City's Chinatown, where students' design skills were recognised and validated when they were encouraged to critically re-represent curricular knowledge through multimodal design. The curriculum, rather than privileging print-only representations, recognised the linguistic, social, economic and cultural capital that different students brought to school. The findings suggest schools should harness youths' creativity – that often manifests itself through their capital resources – as they integrate and adapt to the new digital affordances acquired through their out-of-school literacy practices.


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Much of the current discourse of adolescence is best described as emblematic of modernity, as colonial, as gendered, and as administrative (Lesko, 2001) working to maintain “progressive” school literacy practices that ignore adolescents’ new “cyber-techno subjectivity” (Luke & Luke, 2001) and creativity in the “new media age” (Kress, 2003). School curricula often do not acknowledge the range of skills adolescents acquire outside formal education. Youths’ new multimodal social and cultural practices—as they fashion themselves creatively in multiple modes as different kinds of people in “New Times” (Luke, 1998)— oints to the liberating power of new technologies that embrace their imagination and creativity. In two middle years classes, adolescents’ creativity was recognised and validated when they were encouraged to re-represent curricular knowledge through multimodal design (New London Group, 1996). The results suggest the changed classroom habitus (Bourdieu, 1980) produced new and emergent discursive and material practices where creativity, through imaginative collaboration, emerges as capital in an economy of practice (Bourdieu, 1996). The findings suggest schools should recognize adolescents’ creativity—that often manifests itself through their cultural and social capital resources—as they integrate and adapt to the new affordances acquired through their out-of-school literacy practices.


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The past ten years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of educational ‘innovations’ designed to respond to the contemporary literacy needs of boys in schools. Intense public anxiety about the apparent under-achievements of boys in literacy can make it difficult for those at the heart of these innovations—teachers, parents, boys themselves—to identify the extent to which the solutions they are offered actually are able to make a sustainable, long-term difference to the literacy achievements of the specific boys they are concerned about. Acknowledging the contested nature of the masculinity and literacy terrains this paper explores contemporary responsibilities for academics engaged in gender based, literacy interventions in the 21st century.