971 resultados para LiteSteel beams
Optical frequency comb technology has been used in this work for the first time to investigate the nuclear structure of light radioactive isotopes. Therefore, three laser systems were stabilized with different techniques to accurately known optical frequencies and used in two specialized experiments. Absolute transition frequency measurements of lithium and beryllium isotopes were performed with accuracy on the order of 10^(−10). Such a high accuracy is required for the light elements since the nuclear volume effect has only a 10^(−9) contribution to the total transition frequency. For beryllium, the isotope shift was determined with an accuracy that is sufficient to extract information about the proton distribution inside the nucleus. A Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy on the stable lithium isotopes (6,7)^Li was performed in order to determine the absolute frequency of the 2S → 3S transition. The achieved relative accuracy of 2×10^(−10) is improved by one order of magnitude compared to previous measurements. The results provide an opportunity to determine the nuclear charge radius of the stable and short-lived isotopes in a pure optical way but this requires an improvement of the theoretical calculations by two orders of magnitude. The second experiment presented here was performed at ISOLDE/CERN, where the absolute transition frequencies of the D1 and D2 lines in beryllium ions for the isotopes (7,9,10,11)^Be were measured with an accuracy of about 1 MHz. Therefore, an advanced collinear laser spectroscopy technique involving two counter-propagating frequency-stabilized laser beams with a known absolute frequency was developed. The extracted isotope shifts were combined with recent accurate mass shift calculations and the root-mean square nuclear charge radii of (7,10)^Be and the one-neutron halo nucleus 11^Be were determined. Obtained charge radii are decreasing from 7^Be to 10^Be and increasing again for 11^Be. While the monotone decrease can be explained by a nucleon clustering inside the nucleus, the pronounced increase between 10^Be and 11^Be can be interpreted as a combination of two contributions: the center-of-mass motion of the 10^Be core and a change of intrinsic structure of the core. To disentangle these two contributions, the results from nuclear reaction measurements were used and indicate that the center-of-mass motion is the dominant effect. Additionally, the splitting isotope shift, i.e. the difference in the isotope shifts between the D1 and D2 fine structure transitions, was determined. This shows a good consistency with the theoretical calculations and provides a valuable check of the beryllium experiment.
In dieser Arbeit wird eine kontinuierliche, kohärente Strahlungsquelle bei 121,56nm, der Lyman-alpha Linie in Wasserstoff, vorgestellt. Diese Lyman-alpha Quelle soll zur zukünftigen Laserkühlung von Antiwasserstoff dienen. Die Strahlung wird durch Vier-Wellen-Mischen in Quecksilberdampf produziert. Dabei wird ein Festkörperlasersystem zur Erzeugung der Fundamentalstrahlen eingesetzt. Zur Erhöhung der nichtlinearen Suszeptibilität wird die 6^1S-7^1S Zwei-Photonen-Resonanz ausgenutzt. Zusätzlich wird mit Hilfe eines durchstimmbaren ultravioletten Lasersystems die 6^1S-6^3P Ein-Photon-Resonanz genutzt, was es erlaubt, die nichtlineare Suszeptibilität des Mischprozesses um Größenordnungen zu erhöhen. Um den Einfluss der 6^1S-6^3P Ein-Photon-Resonanz zu untersuchen, wurden zunächst die Phasenanpassungstemperaturen bei verschiedenen Verstimmungen der ultravioletten Strahlung zur 6^3P Resonanz vermessen und festgestellt, dass kleinere Verstimmungen zu niedrigeren Phasenanpassungstemperaturen führen. Es konnte sowohl theoretisch wie auch experimentell gezeigt werden, dass diese niedrigeren Phasenanpassungstemperaturen bei kleinen Verstimmungen der Erhöhung der Lyman-alpha Erzeugung durch die größere nichtlineare Suszeptibilität bei kleinen Verstimmungen entgegenwirken. Bei immer kleineren Verstimmungen zur 6^3P Resonanz limitiert die Absorption der ultravioletten Strahlung die Lyman-alpha Erzeugung. Ein positiver Effekt der niedrigeren Phasenanpassungstemperaturen ist, dass es möglich wird, auf das bisher nötige Puffergas in der Quecksilber-Dampfzelle zu verzichten, was die Lyman-alpha Erzeugung um einen Faktor 1,7 erhöht. Damit war es möglich, die bisherige Effizienz der Lyman-alpha Erzeugung zu verbessern. Es wurde eine Lyman-alpha Leistung von 0,3nW erreicht. Zusätzlich zum Einfluss der 6^3P Resonanz auf die Lyman-alpha Erzeugung wurde ein weiterer Effekt beobachtet. Durch die Nähe der 6^1S-6^3P Ein-Photon-Resonanz wird auch mehr Besetzung in das obere 7^1S Niveau der Zwei-Photonen-Resonanz gepumpt. Dadurch konnte erstmals eine kontinuierliche Lasertätigkeit auf der 6^1P-7^1S Linie in Quecksilber bei 1014nm beobachtet werden.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Entwicklungen zur Optimierung von Selektivität und Effizienz von Resonanzionisations-Laserionenquellen vorgestellt. Mit der Perspektive auf die Anwendungen radioaktiver Ionenstrahlen in der Grundlagenforschung sowie auf Fragestellungen in der Ultraspurenanalytik wurden verschiedene Methoden entwickelt und erprobt: Auf Seiten der Grundlagenforschung wurden zwei komplementäre Ansätze, die Konstruktion von Ionenquellen aus Materialien niedriger Austrittsarbeit und die Weiterentwicklung der Laserionenquelle und -falle LIST umgesetzt. Hierdurch konnte die Selektivität der Resonanzionisation in on-line Tests um einige Gröÿenordnungen verbessert werden. Für die Ultraspurenanalytik wurden speziell angepasste, hocheffiziente Ionenquellen entwickelt. Mit diesen Ionenquellen wurde für die Resonanzionisation von Gallium eine Ionisationseffizienz von 67 % demonstriert, für den Ultraspurennachweis des im Zusammenhang der nuklearen Endlagerung wichtigen Radioisotops 99g-Technetium wurde auf dieser Grundlage eine Nachweisgrenze von weniger als 10^6 Atomen gezeigt.
In this thesis, a strategy to model the behavior of fluids and their interaction with deformable bodies is proposed. The fluid domain is modeled by using the lattice Boltzmann method, thus analyzing the fluid dynamics by a mesoscopic point of view. It has been proved that the solution provided by this method is equivalent to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible flow with a second-order accuracy. Slender elastic structures idealized through beam finite elements are used. Large displacements are accounted for by using the corotational formulation. Structural dynamics is computed by using the Time Discontinuous Galerkin method. Therefore, two different solution procedures are used, one for the fluid domain and the other for the structural part, respectively. These two solvers need to communicate and to transfer each other several information, i.e. stresses, velocities, displacements. In order to guarantee a continuous, effective, and mutual exchange of information, a coupling strategy, consisting of three different algorithms, has been developed and numerically tested. In particular, the effectiveness of the three algorithms is shown in terms of interface energy artificially produced by the approximate fulfilling of compatibility and equilibrium conditions at the fluid-structure interface. The proposed coupled approach is used in order to solve different fluid-structure interaction problems, i.e. cantilever beams immersed in a viscous fluid, the impact of the hull of the ship on the marine free-surface, blood flow in a deformable vessels, and even flapping wings simulating the take-off of a butterfly. The good results achieved in each application highlight the effectiveness of the proposed methodology and of the C++ developed software to successfully approach several two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction problems.
Fracture mechanics plays an important role in the material science, structure design and industrial production due to the failure of materials and structures are paid high attention in human activities. This dissertation, concentrates on some of the fractural aspects of shaft and composite which have being increasingly used in modern structures, consists four chapters within two parts. Chapters 1 to 4 are included in part 1. In the first chapter, the basic knowledge about the stress and displacement fields in the vicinity of a crack tip is introduced. A review involves the general methods of calculating stress intensity factors are presented. In Chapter 2, two simple engineering methods for a fast and close approximation of stress intensity factors of cracked or notched beams under tension, bending moment, shear force, as well as torque are presented. New formulae for calculating the stress intensity factors are proposed. One of the methods named Section Method is improved and applied to the three dimensional analysis of cracked circular section for calculating stress intensity factors. The comparisons between the present results and the solutions calculated by ABAQUS for single mode and mixed mode are studied. In chapter 3, fracture criteria for a crack subjected to mixed mode loading of two-dimension and three-dimension are reviewed. The crack extension angle for single mode and mixed mode, and the critical loading domain obtained by SEDF and MTS are compared. The effects of the crack depth and the applied force ratio on the crack propagation angle and the critical loading are investigated. Three different methods calculating the crack initiation angle for three-dimension analysis of various crack depth and crack position are compared. It should be noted that the stress intensity factors used in the criteria are calculated in section 2.1.
Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato una riformulazione teorica, una modellazione numerica e una serie di applicazioni della Generalized Beam Theory per lo studio dei profili in parete sottile con particolare riguardo ai profili in acciaio formati a freddo. In particolare, in questo lavoro è proposta una riscrittura della cinematica GBT che introduce in una forma originale la deformabilità a taglio della sezione. Tale formulazione consente di conservare il formato della GBT classica e introducendo uno spostamento di warping variabile lungo lo spessore della generica parete della sezione trasversale, garantisce perfetta coerenza tra la componente flessionale e tagliante della trave. E' mostrato, come tale riscrittura consente in maniera agevole di ricondursi alle teorie classiche di trave, anche deformabili a taglio. Inoltre, in tale contesto, è stata messa a punto una procedura di ricostruzione dello sforzo tridimensionale in grado ricostruire la parte reattiva delle componenti di tensioni dovuta al vincolamento interno proprio di un modello a cinematica ridotta. Sulla base di tali strumenti, è stato quindi proposto un approccio progettuale dedicato ai profili in classe 4, definito ESA (Embedded Stability Analysis), in grado di svolgere le verifiche coerentemente con quanto prescritto dalle normative vigenti. Viene infine presentata una procedura numerica per la progettazione di sistemi di copertura formati a freddo. Tale procedura permette di effettuare in pochi semplici passi il progetto dell'arcareccio e dei dettagli costruttivi relativi alla copertura.
This work investigates the influence of chemical reactions on the release of elements from target-ion source units for ISOL facilities. Methods employed are thermochromatography, yield and hold-up time measurements; adsorption enthalpies have been determined for Ag and In. The results obtained with these methods are consistent. Elements exhibit reversible or irreversible reactions on different surfaces (Tantalum, quartz, sapphire). The interactions with surfaces inside the target-ion source unit can be used to improve the quality of radioactive ion beams. Spectroscopic data obtained at CERN-ISOLDE using a medium-temperature quartz transfer line show the effectivity of selective adsorption for beam purification. New gamma lines of 131Cd have been observed and a tentative decay scheme is presented.
GFRP pultruded profiles have shown to be structural profiles with great stiffness, strenght and very low specific weight, making it a great candidate for the rehabilitation of damaged strucutres. To further enhance the strucutral mechanism of these type of beams, the Slimflor composite structural system has lead as basis for this analysis; by replacing the steel beam with a GFRP pultruded profile. To further increase its composite action, a continuous shear connector has been set as part of the beam cross section as well as its needed reinforcement and fire protection.
Hypernuclear physics is currently attracting renewed interest, due tornthe important role of hypernuclei spectroscopy rn(hyperon-hyperon and hyperon-nucleon interactions) rnas a unique toolrnto describe the baryon-baryon interactions in a unified way and to rnunderstand the origin of their short-range.rnrnHypernuclear research will be one of the main topics addressed by the {sc PANDA} experimentrnat the planned Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research {sc FAIR}.rnThanks to the use of stored $overline{p}$ beams, copiousrnproduction of double $Lambda$ hypernuclei is expected at thern{sc PANDA} experiment, which will enable high precision $gamma$rnspectroscopy of such nuclei for the first time.rnAt {sc PANDA} excited states of $Xi^-$ hypernuclei will be usedrnas a basis for the formation of double $Lambda$ hypernuclei.rnFor their detection, a devoted hypernuclear detector setup is planned. This setup consists ofrna primary nuclear target for the production of $Xi^{-}+overline{Xi}$ pairs, a secondary active targetrnfor the hypernuclei formation and the identification of associated decay products and a germanium array detector to perform $gamma$ spectroscopy.rnrnIn the present work, the feasibility of performing high precision $gamma$rnspectroscopy of double $Lambda$ hypernuclei at the {sc PANDA} experiment has been studiedrnby means of a Monte Carlo simulation. For this issue, the designing and simulation of the devoted detector setup as well as of the mechanism to produce double $Lambda$ hypernuclei have been optimizedrntogether with the performance of the whole system. rnIn addition, the production yields of double hypernuclei in excitedrnparticle stable states have been evaluated within a statistical decay model.rnrnA strategy for the unique assignment of various newly observed $gamma$-transitions rnto specific double hypernuclei has been successfully implemented by combining the predicted energy spectra rnof each target with the measurement of two pion momenta from the subsequent weak decays of a double hypernucleus.rn% Indeed, based on these Monte Carlo simulation, the analysis of the statistical decay of $^{13}_{Lambda{}Lambda}$B has been performed. rn% As result, three $gamma$-transitions associated to the double hypernuclei $^{11}_{Lambda{}Lambda}$Bern% and to the single hyperfragments $^{4}_{Lambda}$H and $^{9}_{Lambda}$Be, have been well identified.rnrnFor the background handling a method based on time measurement has also been implemented.rnHowever, the percentage of tagged events related to the production of $Xi^{-}+overline{Xi}$ pairs, variesrnbetween 20% and 30% of the total number of produced events of this type. As a consequence, further considerations have to be made to increase the tagging efficiency by a factor of 2.rnrnThe contribution of the background reactions to the radiation damage on the germanium detectorsrnhas also been studied within the simulation. Additionally, a test to check the degradation of the energyrnresolution of the germanium detectors in the presence of a magnetic field has also been performed.rnNo significant degradation of the energy resolution or in the electronics was observed. A correlationrnbetween rise time and the pulse shape has been used to correct the measured energy. rnrnBased on the present results, one can say that the performance of $gamma$ spectroscopy of double $Lambda$ hypernuclei at the {sc PANDA} experiment seems feasible.rnA further improvement of the statistics is needed for the background rejection studies. Moreover, a more realistic layout of the hypernuclear detectors has been suggested using the results of these studies to accomplish a better balance between the physical and the technical requirements.rn
The thesis work concerns X-ray spectrometry for both medical and space applications and is divided into two sections. The first section addresses an X-ray spectrometric system designed to study radiological beams and is devoted to the optimization of diagnostic procedures in medicine. A parametric semi-empirical model capable of efficiently reconstructing diagnostic X-ray spectra in 'middle power' computers was developed and tested. In addition, different silicon diode detectors were tested as real-time detectors in order to provide a real-time evaluation of the spectrum during diagnostic procedures. This project contributes to the field by presenting an improved simulation of a realistic X-ray beam emerging from a common X-ray tube with a complete and detailed spectrum that lends itself to further studies of added filtration, thus providing an optimized beam for different diagnostic applications in medicine. The second section describes the preliminary tests that have been carried out on the first version of an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), integrated with large area position-sensitive Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) to be used on board future space missions. This technology has been developed for the ESA project: LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing), a new medium-class space mission that the European Space Agency has been assessing since February of 2011. The LOFT project was proposed as part of the Cosmic Vision Program (2015-2025).
In the race to obtain protons with higher energies, using more compact systems at the same time, laser-driven plasma accelerators are becoming an interesting possibility. But for now, only beams with extremely broad energy spectra and high divergence have been produced. The driving line of this PhD thesis was the study and design of a compact system to extract a high quality beam out of the initial bunch of protons produced by the interaction of a laser pulse with a thin solid target, using experimentally reliable technologies in order to be able to test such a system as soon as possible. In this thesis, different transport lines are analyzed. The first is based on a high field pulsed solenoid, some collimators and, for perfect filtering and post-acceleration, a high field high frequency compact linear accelerator, originally designed to accelerate a 30 MeV beam extracted from a cyclotron. The second one is based on a quadruplet of permanent magnetic quadrupoles: thanks to its greater simplicity and reliability, it has great interest for experiments, but the effectiveness is lower than the one based on the solenoid; in fact, the final beam intensity drops by an order of magnitude. An additional sensible decrease in intensity is verified in the third case, where the energy selection is achieved using a chicane, because of its very low efficiency for off-axis protons. The proposed schemes have all been analyzed with 3D simulations and all the significant results are presented. Future experimental work based on the outcome of this thesis can be planned and is being discussed now.
In dieser Arbeit wird eine kohärente, kontinuierliche Strahlungsquelle im vakuum-ultravioletten (VUV) Spektrum vorgestellt. Sie basiert auf einem Vierwellenmischprozess in Quecksilberdampf mit Fundamentalstrahlen bei 253,7 nm, 407,9 nm und 545,5 nm Wellenlänge. Diese fundamentalen Strahlen werden durch frequenzverdoppelte bzw. frequenzvervierfachte Festkörperlasersysteme bereit gestellt. Durch das Ausnutzen der 6^1S-7^1S Zweiphotonenresonanz und zusätzlich der 6^1S-6^3P Einphotonenresonanz kann der Vierwellenmischprozess deutlich effizienter betrieben werden als zuvor. Eine nahe Einphotonenresonanz verringert die optimale Phasenanpassungstemperatur des Vierwellenmischprozesses, wodurch Druck- und Stoßverbreiterungen des Quecksilbers verkleinert und damit der nichtlineare Prozess effizienter wird. So können Leistungen bis zu 0,3 nW bei 121,56 nm, dem 1S-2P Lyman-alpha Übergang von Wasserstoff, erzeugt werden. Diese Lyman-alpha Quelle soll für die zukünftige Laserkühlung von Antiwasserstoff genutzt werden. rnrnNeben der Generierung von Strahlung bei Lyman-alpha kann, durch Veränderung der dritten Fundamentalwellenlänge, auch Strahlung in der Nähe zu einer Einphotonresonanz im VUV bei dem 6^1S-12^1P Übergang in Quecksilber durch Vierwellenmischen erzeugt werden. Durch diese weitere Einphotonresonanz kann die nichtlineare Suszeptibilität, verantwortlich für das Vierwellenmischen, stark vergrößert werden, ohne Einfluss auf die Phasenanpassung zu haben. Damit lässt sich der Mischprozess um drei Größenordnungen effizienter gestalten und Leistungen von 6 µW im VUV konnten realisiert werden. Dies entspricht einer Leistungsteigerung um einen Faktor 30 im Vergleich zu früheren Quellen. rnrnDarüberhinaus konnte die Zweiphotonenresonanz in Quecksilber ausführlich untersucht werden. Man erhält bei kleinen Rabifrequenzen der Fundamentalstrahlen eine geschwindigkeitsselektive Doppelresonanz, die den gleichen Ursprung wie Dunkelresonanzen in Lambda-Systemen hat. Bei hohen Rabifrequenzen kann die Anregung in das Zweiphotonenniveau so stark werden, dass auf dem 7^1S-6^1P Übergang ein Laserprozess initiiert wird. Dieser Prozess wurde hier zum ersten Mal mit kontinuierlichen Fundamentallasern nachgewiesen. Es wird gezeigt, dass der zusätzliche Laserprozess das Vierwellenmischen nicht beeinträchtigt.
The Standard Model of elementary particle physics was developed to describe the fundamental particles which constitute matter and the interactions between them. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva was built to solve some of the remaining open questions in the Standard Model and to explore physics beyond it, by colliding two proton beams at world-record centre-of-mass energies. The ATLAS experiment is designed to reconstruct particles and their decay products originating from these collisions. The precise reconstruction of particle trajectories plays an important role in the identification of particle jets which originate from bottom quarks (b-tagging). This thesis describes the step-wise commissioning of the ATLAS track reconstruction and b-tagging software and one of the first measurements of the b-jet production cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. The performance of the track reconstruction software was studied in great detail, first using data from cosmic ray showers and then collisions at sqrt(s)=900 GeV and 7 TeV. The good understanding of the track reconstruction software allowed a very early deployment of the b-tagging algorithms. First studies of these algorithms and the measurement of the b-tagging efficiency in the data are presented. They agree well with predictions from Monte Carlo simulations. The b-jet production cross section was measured with the 2010 dataset recorded by the ATLAS detector, employing muons in jets to estimate the fraction of b-jets. The measurement is in good agreement with the Standard Model predictions.
The present thesis focuses on elastic waves behaviour in ordinary structures as well as in acousto-elastic metamaterials via numerical and experimental applications. After a brief introduction on the behaviour of elastic guided waves in the framework of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) and on the study of elastic waves propagation in acousto-elastic metamaterials, dispersion curves for thin-walled beams and arbitrary cross-section waveguides are extracted via Semi-Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) methods. Thus, a novel strategy tackling signal dispersion to locate defects in irregular waveguides is proposed and numerically validated. Finally, a time-reversal and laser-vibrometry based procedure for impact location is numerically and experimentally tested. In the second part, an introduction and a brief review of the basic definitions necessary to describe acousto-elastic metamaterials is provided. A numerical approach to extract dispersion properties in such structures is highlighted. Afterwards, solid-solid and solid-fluid phononic systems are discussed via numerical applications. In particular, band structures and transmission power spectra are predicted for 1P-2D, 2P-2D and 2P-3D phononic systems. In addition, attenuation bands in the ultrasonic as well as in the sonic frequency regimes are experimentally investigated. In the experimental validation, PZTs in a pitch-catch configuration and laser vibrometric measurements are performed on a PVC phononic plate in the ultrasonic frequency range and sound insulation index is computed for a 2P-3D phononic barrier in the sonic frequency range. In both cases the numerical-experimental results comparison confirms the existence of the numerical predicted band-gaps. Finally, the feasibility of an innovative passive isolation strategy based on giant elastic metamaterials is numerically proved to be practical for civil structures. In particular, attenuation of seismic waves is demonstrated via finite elements analyses. Further, a parametric study shows that depending on the soil properties, such an earthquake-proof barrier could lead to significant reduction of the superstructure displacement.
Advances in metastability exchange optical pumping (MEOP) of 3He at high laser powers, with its various applications, but also at high gas pressures p3 and high magnetic field strengths B, have provided strong motivation for revisiting the understanding and for investigating the limitations of this powerful technique. For this purpose, we present systematic experimental and theoretical studies of efficiency and of relaxation mechanisms in B≤30 mT and p3=0.63−2.45 mbar. 3He nuclear polarisation is measured by light absorption in longitudinal configuration where weak light beams at 1083 nm parallel to magnetic field and cell axis with opposite circular polarisations are used to probe the distribution of populations in the metastable state. This method is systematically tested to evaluate potential systematic biases and is shown to be reliable for the study of OP dynamics despite the redistribution of populations by OP light. Nuclear polarisation loss associated to the emission of polarised light by the plasma discharge used for MEOP is found to decrease above 10 mT, as expected, due to hyperfine decoupling in highly excited states. However, this does not lead to improved MEOP efficiency at high laser power. We find clear evidence of additional laser-induced relaxation instead. The strong OP-enhanced polarisation losses, currently limiting MEOP performances, are quantitatively investigated using an angular momentum budget approach and a recently developed comprehensive model that describes the combined effects of OP, ME and relaxation, validated by comparison to experimental results.