946 resultados para Leukemia, Myeloid


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We have isolated the promoter region and determined the start sites of transcription for the gene encoding the chicken m2 (cm2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. Transfection experiments, using cm2-luciferase reporter gene constructs, demonstrated that a 789-bp genomic fragment was sufficient to drive high level expression in chicken heart primary cultures, while an additional 1.2-kb region was required for maximal expression in mouse septal/neuroblastoma (SN56) cells. Treatment of SN56 cells with the cytokines ciliary neurotrophic factor and leukemia inhibitory factor increases expression of endogenous muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and results in a 4- to 6-fold induction of cm2 promoter driven luciferase expression. We have mapped a region of the cm2 promoter that is necessary for induction by cytokines.


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Cells of most tissues require adhesion to a surface to grow. However, for hematopoietic cells, both stimulation and inhibition of proliferation by adhesion to extracellular matrix components have been described. Furthermore, it has been suggested that progenitor cells from chronic myelogenous leukemia show decreased β1 integrin-mediated adhesion to fibronectin, resulting in increased proliferation and abnormal trafficking. However, we show here that the chronic myelogenous leukemia-specific fusion protein p210bcr/abl stimulates the expression of α5β1 integrins and induces adhesion to fibronectin when expressed in the myeloid cell line 32D. Moreover, proliferation of both p210bcr/abl-transfected 32D (32Dp210) cells and untransfected 32D cells is stimulated by immobilized fibronectin. Cell cycle analysis revealed that nonadherent 32D and 32Dp210 cells are arrested in late G1 or early S phase, whereas the adherent fractions continue cycling. Although both adherent and nonadherent p210bcr/abl-transfected and parental 32D cells express equal amounts of cyclin A, a protein necessary for cell cycle progression at the G1/S boundary, cyclin A complexes immunoprecipitated from 32D cells cultured on immobilized fibronectin were found to be catalytically inactive in nonadherent but not in adherent cells. In addition, as compared with untransfected 32D cells, cyclin A immunoprecipitates from 32Dp210 cells exhibited a greatly elevated kinase activity and remained partially active irrespective of the adhesion status. The lack of cyclin A/cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 2 activity in nonadherent 32D cells appeared to result from increased expression and cyclin A complex formation of the CDK inhibitor p27Kip1. Taken together, our results indicate that adhesion stimulates cell cycle progression of hematopoietic cells by down-regulation of p27Kip1, resulting in activation of cyclin A/CDK2 complexes and subsequent transition through the G1/S adhesion checkpoint.


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β1-integrin engagement on normal (NL) CD34+ cells increases levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (cdki), p27Kip, decreases cdk2 activity, and inhibits G1/S-phase progression. In contrast, β1-integrin engagement on chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) CD34+ cells does not inhibit G1/S progression. We now show that, in CML, baseline p27Kip levels are significantly higher than in NL CD34+ cells, but adhesion to fibronectin (FN) does not increase p27Kip levels. p27Kip mRNA levels are similar in CML and NL CD34+ cells and remain unchanged after adhesion, suggesting posttranscriptional regulation. Despite the elevated p27Kip levels, cdk2 kinase activity is similar in CML and NL CD34+ cells. In NL CD34+ cells, >90% of p27Kip is located in the nucleus, where it binds to cdk2 after integrin engagement. In CML CD34+ cells, however, >80% of p27Kip is located in the cytoplasm even in FN-adherent cells, and significantly less p27Kip is bound to cdk2. Thus, presence of BCR/ABL induces elevated levels of p27Kip and relocation of p27Kip to the cytoplasm, which contributes to the loss of integrin-mediated proliferation inhibition, characteristic of CML.


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Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is associated with chromosomal translocations always involving the RARα gene, which variably fuses to one of several distinct loci, including PML or PLZF (X genes) in t(15;17) or t(11;17), respectively. APL in patients harboring t(15;17) responds well to retinoic acid (RA) treatment and chemotherapy, whereas t(11;17) APL responds poorly to both treatments, thus defining a distinct syndrome. Here, we show that RA, As2O3, and RA + As2O3 prolonged survival in either leukemic PML-RARα transgenic mice or nude mice transplanted with PML-RARα leukemic cells. RA + As2O3 prolonged survival compared with treatment with either drug alone. In contrast, neither in PLZF-RARα transgenic mice nor in nude mice transplanted with PLZF-RARα cells did any of the three regimens induce complete disease remission. Unexpectedly, therapeutic doses of RA and RA + As2O3 can induce, both in vivo and in vitro, the degradation of either PML-RARα or PLZF-RARα proteins, suggesting that the maintenance of the leukemic phenotype depends on the continuous presence of the former, but not the latter. Our findings lead to three major conclusions with relevant therapeutic implications: (i) the X-RARα oncoprotein directly determines response to treatment and plays a distinct role in the maintenance of the malignant phenotype; (ii) As2O3 and/or As2O3 + RA combination may be beneficial for the treatment of t(15;17) APL but not for t(11;17) APL; and (iii) therapeutic strategies aimed solely at degrading the X-RARα oncoprotein may not be effective in t(11;17) APL.


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Retroviral DNA integration is mediated by the preintegration complex, a large nucleoprotein complex derived from the core of the infecting virion. We previously have used Mu-mediated PCR to probe the nucleoprotein organization of Moloney murine leukemia virus preintegration complexes. A region of protection spans several hundred base pairs at each end of the viral DNA, and strong enhancements are present near the termini. Here, we show that these footprints reflect a specific association between integrase and the viral DNA ends in functional preintegration complexes. Barrier-to-autointegration factor, a cellular protein that blocks autointegration of Moloney murine leukemia virus DNA, also plays an indirect role in generating the footprints at the ends of the viral DNA. We have exploited Mu-mediated PCR to examine the effect of mutations at the viral DNA termini on complex formation. We find that a replication competent mutant with a deletion at one end of the viral DNA still exhibits a strong enhancement about 20 bp from the terminus of the mutant DNA end. The site of the enhancement therefore appears to be at a fixed distance from the ends of the viral DNA. We also find that a mutation at one end of the viral DNA, which renders the virus incompetent for replication, abolishes the enhancements and protection at both the U3 and U5 ends. A pair of functional viral DNA ends therefore are required to interact before the chemical step of 3′ end processing.


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Elucidation of mechanisms that regulate hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation would be facilitated by the identification of defined culture conditions that allow these cells to be amplified. We now demonstrate a significant net increase (3-fold, P < 0.001) in vitro of cells that are individually able to permanently and competitively reconstitute the lymphoid and myeloid systems of syngeneic recipient mice when Sca-1+lin− adult marrow cells are incubated for 10 days in serum-free medium with interleukin 11, flt3-ligand, and Steel factor. Moreover, the culture-derived repopulating cells continued to expand their numbers in the primary hosts at the same rate seen in recipients of noncultured stem cells. In the expansion cultures, long-term culture-initiating cells increased 7- ± 2-fold, myeloid colony-forming cells increased 140- ± 36-fold, and total nucleated cells increased 230- ± 62-fold. Twenty-seven of 100 cultures initiated with 15 Sca-1+lin− marrow cells were found to contain transplantable stem cells 10 days later. This frequency of positive cultures is the same as the frequency of transplantable stem cells in the original input suspension, suggesting that most had undergone at least one self-renewal division in vitro. No expansion of stem cells was seen when Sca-1+TER119− CD34+ day 14.5 fetal liver cells were cultured under the same conditions. These findings set the stage for further investigations of the mechanisms by which cytokine stimulation may elicit different outcomes in mitotically activated hematopoietic stem cells during ontogeny and in the adult.


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Human T cell leukemia/lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) induces adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL). The mechanism of HTLV-I oncogenesis in T cells remains partly elusive. In vitro, HTLV-I induces ligand-independent transformation of human CD4+ T cells, an event that correlates with acquisition of constitutive phosphorylation of Janus kinases (JAK) and signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) proteins. However, it is unclear whether the in vitro model of HTLV-I transformation has relevance to viral leukemogenesis in vivo. Here we tested the status of JAK/STAT phosphorylation and DNA-binding activity of STAT proteins in cell extracts of uncultured leukemic cells from 12 patients with ATLL by either DNA-binding assays, using DNA oligonucleotides specific for STAT-1 and STAT-3, STAT-5 and STAT-6 or, more directly, by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody for JAK and STAT proteins. Leukemic cells from 8 of 12 patients studied displayed constitutive DNA-binding activity of one or more STAT proteins, and the constitutive activation of the JAK/STAT pathway was found to persist over time in the 2 patients followed longitudinally. Furthermore, an association between JAK3 and STAT-1, STAT-3, and STAT-5 activation and cell-cycle progression was demonstrated by both propidium iodide staining and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation in cells of four patients tested. These results imply that JAK/STAT activation is associated with replication of leukemic cells and that therapeutic approaches aimed at JAK/STAT inhibition may be considered to halt neoplastic growth.


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Epidemiological evidence has suggested that some pediatric leukemias may be initiated in utero and, for some pairs of identical twins with concordant leukemia, this possibility has been strongly endorsed by molecular studies of clonality. Direct evidence for a prenatal origin can only be derived by prospective or retrospective detection of leukemia-specific molecular abnormalities in fetal or newborn samples. We report a PCR-based method that has been developed to scrutinize neonatal blood spots (Guthrie cards) for the presence of numerically infrequent leukemic cells at birth in individuals who subsequently developed leukemia. We demonstrate that unique or clonotypic MLL-AF4 genomic fusion sequences are present and detectable in neonatal blood spots from individuals who were diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at ages 5 months to 2 years and, therefore, have arisen during fetal hematopoiesis in utero. This result provides unequivocal evidence for a prenatal initiation of acute leukemia in young patients. The method should be applicable to other fusion genes in children with common subtypes of leukemia and will be of value in attempts to unravel the natural history and etiology of this major subtype of pediatric cancer.


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We performed a genome-wide analysis of gene expression in primary human CD15+ myeloid progenitor cells. By using the serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) technique, we obtained quantitative information for the expression of 37,519 unique SAGE-tag sequences. Of these unique tags, (i) 25% were detected at high and intermediate levels, whereas 75% were present as single copies, (ii) 53% of the tags matched known expressed sequences, 34% of which were matched to more than one known expressed sequence, and (iii) 47% of the tags had no matches and represent potentially novel genes. The correct genes were confirmed by application of the generation of longer cDNA fragments from SAGE tags for gene identification (GLGI) technique for high-copy tags with multiple matches. A set of genes known to be important in myeloid differentiation were expressed at various levels and used different spliced forms. This study provides a normal baseline for comparison of gene expression in myeloid diseases. The strategy of using SAGE and GLGI techniques in this study has broad applications to the genome-wide identification of expressed genes.


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Low folate intake as well as alterations in folate metabolism as a result of polymorphisms in the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) have been associated with an increased incidence of neural tube defects, vascular disease, and some cancers. Polymorphic variants of MTHFR lead to enhanced thymidine pools and better quality DNA synthesis that could afford some protection from the development of leukemias, particularly those with translocations. We now report associations of MTHFR polymorphisms in three subgroups of pediatric leukemias: infant lymphoblastic or myeloblastic leukemias with MLL rearrangements and childhood lymphoblastic leukemias with either TEL-AML1 fusions or hyperdiploid karyotypes. Pediatric leukemia patients (n = 253 total) and healthy newborn controls (n = 200) were genotyped for MTHFR polymorphisms at nucleotides 677 (C→T) and 1,298 (A→C). A significant association for carriers of C677T was demonstrated for leukemias with MLL translocations (MLL+, n = 37) when compared with controls [adjusted odd ratios (OR) = 0.36 with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.15–0.85; P = 0.017]. This protective effect was not evident for A1298C alleles (OR = 1.14). In contrast, associations for A1298C homozygotes (CC; OR = 0.26 with a 95% CI of 0.07–0.81) and C677T homozygotes (TT; OR = 0.49 with a 95% CI of 0.20–1.17) were observed for hyperdiploid leukemias (n = 138). No significant associations were evident for either polymorphism with TEL-AML1+ leukemias (n = 78). These differences in allelic associations may point to discrete attributes of the two alleles in their ability to alter folate and one-carbon metabolite pools and impact after DNA synthesis and methylation pathways, but should be viewed cautiously pending larger follow-up studies. The data provide evidence that molecularly defined subgroups of pediatric leukemias have different etiologies and also suggest a role of folate in the development of childhood leukemia.


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Retrovirus infection is initiated by receptor-dependent fusion of the envelope to the cell membrane. The modular organization of the envelope protein of C type retroviruses has been exploited to investigate how binding of the surface subunit (SU) to receptor triggers fusion mediated by the transmembrane (TM) subunit. We show that deletion of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) from SU of Friend murine leukemia virus (Fr-MLV) abolishes infection that is restored by supplying RBD as a soluble protein. Infection by this mechanism remains dependent on receptor expression. When membrane attachment of the virus lacking RBD is reestablished by inserting the hormone erythropoietin, infection remains dependent on the RBD/receptor complex. However, infection increases 50-fold to 5 × 105 units/ml on cells that also express the erythropoietin receptor. Soluble RBD from Fr-MLV also restores infection by amphotropic and xenotropic MLVs in which RBD is deleted. These experiments demonstrate that RBD has two functions: mediating virus attachment and activating the fusion mechanism. In addition, they indicate that receptor engagement triggers fusion by promoting a subgroup-independent functional interaction between RBD and the remainder of SU and/or TM.


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p75/AIRM-1 is a recently identified inhibitory receptor expressed by natural killer and myeloid cells displaying high homology with CD33. Crosslinking of p75/AIRM-1 or CD33 has been shown to sharply inhibit the in vitro proliferation of both normal myeloid cells and chronic myeloid leukemias. In this study, we analyzed acute myeloid leukemic cells for the expression of p75/AIRM-1. p75/AIRM-1 marked the M5 (11/12) and M4 (2/2) but not the M1, M2, and M3 subtypes according to the French–American–British classification. Cell samples from 12 acute myeloid leukemias were cultured in the presence of granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Addition to these cultures of anti-CD33 antibody resulted in ≈70% inhibition of cell proliferation as assessed by [3H]thymidine uptake or by the recovery of viable cells. Anti-p75/AIRM-1 antibody exerted a strong inhibitory effect only in two cases characterized by a high in vitro proliferation rate. After crosslinking of CD33 (but not of p75/AIRM-1), leukemic cells bound Annexin V and displayed changes in their light-scattering properties and nucleosomal DNA fragmentation, thus providing evidence for the occurrence of apoptotic cell death. Remarkably, when anti-CD33 antibody was used in combination with concentrations of etoposide insufficient to induce apoptosis when used alone, a synergistic effect could be detected in the induction of leukemic cell death. These studies provide the rationale for new therapeutic approaches in myeloid leukemias by using both chemotherapy and apoptosis-inducing mAbs.


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The recurrent t(1;22)(p13;q13) translocation is exclusively associated with infant acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. We have identified the two genes involved in this translocation. Both genes possess related sequences in the Drosophila genome. The chromosome 22 gene (megakaryocytic acute leukemia, MAL) product is predicted to be involved in chromatin organization, and the chromosome 1 gene (one twenty-two, OTT) product is related to the Drosophila split-end (spen) family of proteins. Drosophila genetic experiments identified spen as involved in connecting the Raf and Hox pathways. Because almost all of the sequences and all of the identified domains of both OTT and MAL proteins are included in the predicted fusion protein, the OTT-MAL fusion could aberrantly modulate chromatin organization, Hox differentiation pathways, or extracellular signaling.