948 resultados para Lesões por esforços repetitivos : Diagnóstico : Tratamento : Prevenção


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Introduction: the patients with specials necessities ne ed a singular dentistry treatment because they have limitations due to theirs deficiency. The quality of oral health is related to the clinical situation of patient. The individuals with motor and understanding problems have poor oral health. Aim: this st udy aimed to review the literature about the importance of the early dentistry treatment of pacients with specials necessities. Methodology: the review of literature was made through t he Pubmed and Bireme. Studies about dental caries and periodontal dise a se of patient s with specials necessities had shown high index of caries and periodontal disease. Therefore it is important that there are capacity p rofessionals and multidisciplinary treatment. It is necessary to supply the dificulties of treatment like an xiety of parents, systemic problems and discrimination. Conclusion: the early treatment results in good coperation during the treatment, and the aquisition of cares for all life. The best way is a program of oral health with instructions about diet, oral hygiene, control of bacterials, motivation and interaction between patients and professionals.


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Permanent teeth impaction is highly prevalent among brazilian people. Its etiology is related to local and general factors association. Permanent teeth retention compromises dental occlusion and when anterior teeth are involved, it also brings esthetics impairments which lead to psychological disturbance. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment are extremely important to solve not only occlusal problems but also psychological aspects. Orthodontic traction of impacted teeth can be conducted by using fixed or removable appliances. Although it depends on patient compliance the use of removable appliances provides an anchorage based on the teeth and the palate reducing undesirable side effects. This paper describes the case of a fourteen years old female patient whose right maxillary central incisor was adequately tractioned with a removable orthodontic appliance. Removable orthodontic devices were used at first to reposition teeth in maxillary anterior area what provided adequate space to allow the placement of the impacted incisor and after were also used to traction and position this tooth. The procedure described seemed to be effective, non expensive and a viable treatment to be performed even on the scope of public health services, extending orthodontic treatment to a higher number of patients.


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The pattern of caries lesions has been modified over decades. If the presence or absence of a caries lesion is based upon only a visual examination, its diagnosis might become underestimated since dentinal lesions underneath non cavitated or minimally demineralized enamel is highly frequent in dental clinics. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case of a child with an upper molar with questionable occlusal aspect, presenting asymptomatic pulpal hyperplasia on the distolingual pit. Periapical radiographic examination was essential for diagnosing hidden caries and elaborating the treatment plan. As part of the approach, removal of the decayed tissue and pulpotomy with calcium hydroxide were performed. The association of an accurate visual examination to an adequate oral radiographyis is extremely important in cases which the presence of hidden caries is doubtful. As a result, an early diagnosis and the reduction of more invasive interventions related to the oral health care of pediatric patients can be achieved as well.


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The apnea and hypopnea sleep obstructive syndrome is a disorder that affects part of adult population. Some characteristics can come with this syndrome that cause social problems such as snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness, associated many times with pulmonary hypertension and cardiac insufficiency. The dentist who is inserted into a multidisciplinary team is a professional highly regarded for diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. Among treatments recommended, therapy with intraoral appliance shows an excellent non invasive alternative, achieving satisfactory results.


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The correction of a Class III malocclusion in adult patients is one of the major challenges in orthodontics due to facial deformities occurring during the unfavorable growth of this kind of pattern, as well as the treatment options capable of producing facial changes aesthetically acceptable and adequate for today's beauty standards. One acceptable alternative treatment is the removal of a lower incisor. For a Class III correction through a lower incisor extraction a thorough analysis and planning must be carried out by taking into consideration the amount of overjet and overbite, periodontal condition of the teeth and the possibility of obtaining a good dental occlusion with acceptable facial aesthetics. Will be presented two case reports of patients presenting an anteroinferior crowding, Class III malocclusion condition. The treatment through a lower incisor extraction and the reasons why this treatment was adopted will be discussed.


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Patients with agenesis of maxillary lateral incisor must have in your planning functional and aesthetic considerations, important to the success of the treatment, regardless of whether the choice of treatment is closing or opening and maintenance of space for rehabilitation with prosthesis. This choice will depend on factors such as skeletal and tooth structure and profile. Children and adolescents are the group of individuals most exposed to trauma and fracture of the maxillary lateral incisor due to the activities they perform. Proper diagnosis and good treatment are essential to the success of the treatment. This article aims to report a case of agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisor along with the involvement of a root fracture of the maxillary central incisor. The orthodontic treatment was successfully finished with a favorable prognosis for the fractured incisor to stay in a esthetic and functional position.


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The mandibular and maxillary canines when well positioned in the arch, are important functionally and aesthetically. Although these teeth are frequently malpositioned in the dental arch, their absence of eruption are not common, occuring more frequently with the maxillary canine than the mandibular canine. The canine transmigration is a well-known pre eruptive phenomenon in which the tooth goes thru the facial midline, occurring more frequently in the mandible than in maxila. Females are more susceptible than males and the right side more than the left one. Normally the patients do not show any symptoms, and this condition is observed during radiographic exams to diagnose the late exfoliation of the deciduous canine or for any other purpose. Due to the relationship between impacted canines and pathologic lesions, infection, trauma to the adjacent teeth, pain, ectopic eruption and interference with prosthesis, it´s indicated the surgical extraction of these teeth. The goal of this article is to describe and discuss the surgical treatment of an impacted canine (43) in the chin.


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The etiology of gingival smile is multifactorial and the correct diagnosis eill determine a successful treatment planning. Altered passive eruption occurs during the final stages of tooth eruption, when apical migration of the periodontal tissues does not occur, resulting in a distance > 2mm between the alveolar crest and the cement-enamel juncrion. This change leads to the shortening of the clinical crown and even further may lead to excessive gingival exposure. For treatment, there is a necessity for the combined removal of gingiva and bone tissue. This article discusses the literature on the issue and reports a case where periodontal plastic surgery was performed for the correcrion of a gingival smile.


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Temporomandibular joint disorders causing limitation of mouth opening and pain may be related to the restriction of slipping or forward displacement of the mandibular condyle. Temporomandibluar arthrocentesis is the lavage of the joint and is regarded as a simple method that produces good results in patients with these symptoms. This article reports a case of disc displacement and closed lock in a patient who reported limited mouth opening and pain as the main symptoms. The treatment proposed was arthrocentesis and lavage, combining a corticosteroid with a sodium hyaluronate solution. It is concluded that arthrocentesis is a simple, efficient and barely invasive method for particular types of temporomandibular joint disorders and should be considered before opting for more invasive surgical procedures.


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Destruction of bone and periodontal ligament as a result of periodontal disease can lead to anatomical defects in the furcation area. Treatment of these lesions is a major challenge to the clinician. Periodontal instruments have limited access to this area and plaque and calculus removal from root surfaces are extremely difficult. For proper treatment planning a number of factors must be taken into consideration to achieve immediate and long term success. Surgical therapy associated with bone grafts may be a viable option in the treatment of class II furcation defects, aiming to restore lost tissues. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case where a simplified surgical approach with the use of autogenous graft was used to treat a class II furcation defect Twelve months after the surgery, an increase in clinical attachment level and pocket depth reduction resulted in a complete closure of the furcation lesion.


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Introduction: The Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor (KCOT) is a benign odontogenic tumor with an infiltrative and potentially aggressive behavior with high recurrence rates. The KCOT occurs more often in men than women, with a frequency of 2:1, being more frequent in the mandible with a predilection for the body and branch. Treatment of KCOT remains controversial. Treatment usually includes enucleation, marsupialization, peripheral ostectomy, curettage associated with Carnoy solution and resection. Objective: To report a case of a KCOT located in the mandible. Case report: male patient, 15 years, with a KCOT on the right side of the mandible treated by enucleation and peripheral ostectomy, with four years of preservation, with no signs of recurrence. Final Comments: The treatment by enucleation associated with peripheral ostectomy reduces the relapse rate, preserves anatomical structures and can avoid a second surgical procedure for reconstruction of bone defects generated in surgery en bloc resection.


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The aim of this paper was to search though a revision of the literature the cares before, during and after the orthodontic treatment in patients with a periodontal disease. The literature shows that the orthodontical treatment in healthy patients brings no risk to the periodontium, although the presence of an active periodontal disease counter indicates the dental movement. Thus, it is extremely important to execute a correct diagnosis of any periodontal alteration and treat them before the beginning of the orthodontical treatment. Besides, during the whole orthodontical treatment is also important to have a periodontal control with periodic reevaluations and at the end of the orthodontical treatment, a new oral hygiene orientation may be needed to finally establish the follow-up of the patient according to the risk of periodontal disease.


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The correct distinguishment of microorganisms involved in the periodontal disease pathogen, it is important in the understanding of its progression and adequate treatment planning. Considering this fact, some molecular methods of identification and quantification were developed and are extremely sensitive and precise in the characterization of different bacteria species. The present study aimed to realize a literature review, including studies that realized a comparative analysis between bacterial culture and real time PCR methods in the identification of pathogens. The bacterial culture method can possibly identify new microorganisms and realize antibiotics sensitivity tests. The real time PCR is a microbiologic test that identifies and quantifies bacterial species, through gene amplification of predetermined DNA fragments, with high sensitivity and specificity, and need a shorter operation time of the operator when compared to the bacterial culture method. In this way, to determine a specific diagnostic test, should be considered not only its precision in the identification of microorganisms, but the cost-benefit relationship as well.


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The knowledge of the etiology of any disease or condition is paramount to a safe and effective treatment. This literature review aims to show some options to treat dentine hypersensitivity (HSDC). The loss of cervical enamel and cementum exposure of tubules leads to a painful condition and patient discomfort, called HSDC. This loss of tooth structure occurs due to formation of cervical lesions in cases of gingival recession, abrasion, erosion, or abfraction by the association of two or more factors. Some treatments are not effective, but there are effective therapies, such as: application of ferric oxalate, potassium oxalate, potassium nitrate, fluoride varnish, solutions of calcium phosphate, adhesives and Bonding procedures. Therefore, the identification and removal of etiological factors is essential to successful treatment of HSDC normally associated to tubules obliterate and consequent reduction of fluid motion within the dentin.


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The objective was to assess in women with children under 5 years old what happened to your pregnancy in relation to dental care, coupled with a probable correlation between the level of their knowledge on dental health and possible reasons which lead or have led to a late seeking such treatment. The interviews were conducted in an environment of health center in the city center and the Odontoly Faculty in Araraquara. Among the interviews mothers, 57% refused the dental treatment during pregnancy. It appears on mothers that are afraid to perform a dental treatment during pregnancy. The misinformation on this issue often associated with this belief in the medical field that dental care during the first three months of pregnancy is harmful to the baby. Such information passed on to mothers leads to a hesitancy with dental treatment during this period. The educational level of mothers did not interfere in this pursuit, and 24.5% of them avoid treatment during pregnancy. The difference, however, is between those mothers of high educational level, performing oral prevention before pregnancy.