871 resultados para Leite materno


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O presente relatório tem por objectivo apresentar e descrever de forma detalhada o projecto “Optimização de rotas na recolha de leite”. Este projecto foi conduzido no âmbito do estágio curricular, realizado na parte não-lectiva do Mestrado em Sistemas de Informação de Gestão, do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra, tendo decorrido na empresa Lacticoop entre 03 de Outubro de 2011 e 27 de Julho de 2012. O projecto surge da necessidade da empresa optimizar as suas rotas de recolha de leite. Essa optimização pode ser subdividida em duas partes distintas: i) a recolha de dados, características e processos relativos à empresa e aos sistemas com que labora; ii) e o desenvolvimento do software necessário para a optimização de uma componente desses sistemas, associada ao processo de recolha de leite. O primeiro ponto envolve a recolha de informação sobre a política interna da empresa, a recolha de dados acerca dos veículos, rotas, consumos e condutores, assim como o levantamento de procedimentos e tecnologias utilizadas. O segundo ponto envolve a modelação do problema em estudo, o levantamento das necessidades de software para implementar o sistema de informação, a avaliação de soluções de software e desenvolvimento/adaptação da aplicação informática, assim como a implementação do software desenvolvido / adaptado e testes. Actualmente a empresa não dispõe de qualquer automatismo para a definição de rotas, sendo o processo de escalonamento de rotas feito manualmente. Este processo é bastante moroso e complexo, envolvendo a troca de informações entre o gestor e os condutores das viaturas. É um processo gradual, numa sequência de detecção de erros e correcção desses mesmos erros. Esta metodologia conduz a soluções bastante ineficientes, desde logo pela desactualização das soluções relativamente à efemeridade dos dados, especialmente ao nível de quantidades de recolha do produto. A razão da escolha de um sistema informático que permita optimizar as rotas prende-se essencialmente com a rapidez na obtenção de soluções e na capacidade de integração de dados actualizados. Este processo recorre a técnicas e modelos de optimização que envolvem o problema de Rotas de Veículos (Vehicle Routing Problem), sendo, em geral, um problema de difícil resolução em função do número de clientes envolvidos. Todavia, trata-se de um sistema que traz enormes benefícios no apoio ao processo de decisão por parte do gestor. Neste estágio pretendeu-se, como objectivo principal, desenvolver uma aplicação que permita optimizar as rotas dos veículos envolvidos no processo de recolha de leite. Os benefícios do sistema na diminuição de distâncias percorridas pelas viaturas de recolha e no aumento da eficiência do sistema de transportes, serão evidenciados no trabalho desenvolvido. A aplicação foi criada no software Eclipse (utilizando a linguagem Java). Na primeira fase do projecto estava previsto monitorizar as rotas e consumos dos veículos através da tecnologia de geo-posicionamento por satélite (GPS), de forma a atribuir comissões sobre a poupança de combustível aos condutores dos veículos. Não foi possível concluir esta fase devido à inexistência dessa tecnologia nas viaturas e pelo facto de a empresa ter retirado essa prioridade a esse investimento.


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Objetivo: documentar o percurso realizado ao longo do estágio profissionalizante, de acordo com o previsto no regulamento do 2º ciclo de estudos da Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP), com vista à conclusão do curso de mestrado em enfermagem de saúde materna e obstetrícia (MESMO). Introdução: sendo o âmbito das competências e áreas de atuação do Enfermeiro especialista em saúde materna e obstetrícia (EESMO) muito abrangentes, torna-se impossível reproduzir todas as experiências de crescimento pessoal e profissional vivenciadas ao longo deste processo formativo. Por esse motivo é dado destaque às áreas que mais privilegiamos ao longo da prestação de cuidados e às atividades desenvolvidas que suscitaram maior reflexão de acordo com os objetivos do estágio. Foi, também, focada com especial atenção uma problemática transversal a todos os contextos de estágio e com interesse peculiar: o aleitamento materno (AM). A escolha desta temática foi baseada na importância que a amamentação representa, não só para as mães, mas também para o EESMO, pelo impacto que podem ter os seus saberes e a sua partilha, para ajudar os casais, tendo como objetivo o sucesso e a eficácia do processo de amamentação, numa dupla perspetiva que privilegie o binómio mãe-filho. Metodologia: considerando a pertinência e a mais-valia de uma prática baseada na evidência, procedeu-se à descrição e fundamentação teórica das atividades realizadas nos diferentes contextos formativos proporcionados, com base nesta metodologia. Na prática clinica, um dos focos de atenção transversal a todos os contextos formativos de estágio foi o aleitamento materno. Com o objetivo de identificar os fatores que contribuem para o seu abandono precoce e perceber que contributo preventivo pode ser dado pelo EESMO, realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura na qual se contemplou a análise crítica de publicações científicas indexadas em bases de dados de saúde. Resultados: embora o ato de amamentar seja visto como um comportamento inato e natural constatou-se que diversas condicionantes interferem no seu decurso. Da análise dos resultados concluiu-se que diversos fatores pessoais, sociais, culturais, demográficos e biológicos contribuem para o abandono precoce do aleitamento materno nos primeiros meses de vida do bebé. Ressalta-se, também, que, ao nível preventivo, o contributo dos enfermeiros em geral, e em particular do EESMO, diz respeito à importância da atenção dada não só ao foco da amamentação e às atividades diagnosticas para a identificação dos fatores condicionantes, mas também, às necessidades fisiológicas e psicológicas das mulheres durante a gravidez, parto e período pós-parto. Dos resultados emergentes é, ainda, identificada a necessidade da capacitação e aperfeiçoamento contínuo dos profissionais de saúde para que cada mulher receba suporte e assistência individualizados que permitam um olhar humanizado, considerando-se a mulher como o principal interveniente no processo de amamentar.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Esta pesquisa retratou o processo de comunicação e marketing político na vida pública de Wenceslau Braz, presidente do Brasil de 1914 a 1918. Ela abordou a política brasileira daquela época e mostrou as estratégias de convencimento usadas para indicação do mineiro ao cargo, revelando de que maneira a imprensa da época reagiu nesse período eleitoral. A metodologia que norteou essa dissertação foi a de Estudo de Caso , baseado nos conceitos básicos de Robert Yin, onde foram realizados vários estudos bibliográficos, documentais e entrevistas com familiares e amigos de Wenceslau. Complementarmente quatro publicações da imprensa brasileira foram analisadas. Conclui-se que a participação da imprensa nesse processo foi bem irrelevante e o processo eleitoral foi ditado pelo regime político da época.


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The soursop (A. muricata) is a fruit rich in minerals especially the potassium content. The commercialization of soursop in natura and processed has increased greatly in recent years. Drying fruit pulp in order to obtain the powdered pulp has been studied, seeking alternatives to ensure the quality of dehydrated products at a low cost of production. The high concentration of sugars reducing present in fruits causes problems of agglomeration and retention during fruit pulp drying in spouted bed dryers. On the other hand in relation to drying of milk and fruit pulp with added milk in spouted bed, promising results are reported in the literature. Based on these results was studied in this work drying of the pulp soursop with added milk in spouted bed with inert particles. The tests were based on a 24 factorial design were evaluated for the effects of milk concentration (30 to 50% m/m), drying air temperature (70 to 90 °C), intermittency time (10 to 14 min), and ratio of air velocity in relation to the minimum spout (1.2 to 1.5) on the rate of production, of powder moisture, yield, rate of drying and thermal efficiency of the process. There were physical and chemical analysis of mixtures, of powders and of mixtures reconstituted by rehydration powders. Were adjusted statistical models of first order to data the rate of production, yield and thermal efficiency, that were statistically significant and predictive. An efficiency greater than 40% under the conditions of 50% milk mixture, at 70 ° C the drying air temperature and 1.5 for the ratio between the air velocity and the minimum spout has been reached. The intermittency time showed no significant effect on the analyzed variables. The final product had moisture in the range of 4.18% to 9.99% and water activity between 0.274 to 0.375. The mixtures reconstituted by rehydration powders maintained the same characteristics of natural blends.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of the supply of five types of native and exotic cacti Brazilian semiarid northeast on the sensory characteristics of milk of Saanen goats. Five multiparous goats were used with nine weeks of lactation, average live weight of 50 kg ± 4 kg., confined and distributed in a Latin square design 5 x 5 with five experimental diets and five periods. Each period lasted 17 days, with 10 days of adaptation to the diets of the animals and seven days for the data collection. The treatments were defined based on dry matter consisted of: 47.33 to 50.12% of a cactus (“Xiquexique”, “Mandacaru”, “Facheiro” or two species of forage cactus “Miúda” or “Orelha de Elefante Mexicana”) more 18.78 to 19.79% hay of plant “Sabiá” and 31.10 to 32.89% of concentrate. There was not effect of the experimental diets in the physical and chemical composition of milk for fat, total solids and salts, which showed mean values of 3.24%; 11.30% and 0.66%, respectively. However the protein, lactose, nonfat dry extract and freezing point were affected by diets. In the profile of fatty acids was higher concentration of fatty short and medium chain fatty acids, however, there were not changes between treatments, except for the butyric acid (C4:0), with mean values of 4.24% (“Orelha de Elefante Mexicana”) to 6.05% (“Facheiro”). The diets also did not provide sensory changes in milk for the parameters: odor, flavor, aftertaste and overall assessment. The use of the five cactus in the diet of dairy goats do not influence the sensory characteristics and lipid profile of milk. The physical and chemical composition of milk was showed within the minimum requirements of current legislation, except for nonfat dry extract and freezing point.


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OBJECTIVE: to identify a profile of the main causes of inappropriate referrals from primary care to specialized services, as strategy for the curriculum development of core competencies related to maternal health. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was performed using document analysis of all referrals of pregnant women from primary care to the high-risk pregnancy service, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. All pregnant women referred from June to December 2014 (n = 771) were included. According to their causes the referrals were categorized as adequate, inadequate or inconclusive. RESULTS: a total of 188 referrals were classified as inadequate (24.4%) and 93 inconclusive (12.1%) totalizing 36.5% of inappropriate referrals. The main causes identified in these inappropriate referrals were: low-risk pregnancy (12.8%), unconfirmed hypertension (12.1%), risk of abortion (8.9%), teenage pregnancy (7.1%) , toxoplasmosis (5.3%), Rh incompatibility (4.6%) and urinary tract infection (4.3%). These data contributed to the formulation of the following products: 1) a continuing education program for health professionals working in primary care, undergraduate students and residents; and 2) development of a virtual platform to support professionals who need to refer patients to high-risk pregnancy service. CONCLUSION: the results of this study are relevant in the current context of education of health professionals, with potential for positively impact not only in the development of skills related to maternal health in undergraduate and graduate education, as well as contributing for improvement of the health care of the population.


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Maternal and infant mortality have become a serious public health problem in Brazil, especially in northeasternand northern regions.In RioGrande do Norte, the high rates ofdeathsofmothersandbabies haveconcerned not onlythehealthauthorities andjusticeagenciessuch as the prosecution service. In 2011, State Public Ministry (MPE) has developed a proposition which was called “Nascer com Dignidade”, focused on the monitoring ofcare givenin prenatal, childbirth andpost childbirthin the cities. The aim of thisstudy was toinvestigate how the intervention of MPE works in maternal and child care. The method adopted to survey data was the case study by analyzing the skills of the reports which were carried out in four of the eight Public Health Regional Units (URSAP).A total of 26municipalities were chosenand the results showfragilityparticularly inprenatal care which can result in complicationsin childbirthand postpartumlike:incomplete health family teams(in05cities), lack of access orinaccessibility to laboratory tests(16 cities) and lack of the pregnant woman'sattachment to thebirthing place(in26 cities). Based on this reality, MPE has adopted relevant attitudes as filing public civil suits, compliance of Conduct Adjustment Declaration in the municipal management and performing interventions in heath care centers and maternity clinics of the state. Thereforeit is known thatPublic Ministryis of paramount importanceto indicatethe necessaryadjustmentsto addressinfant and maternalmortalityin the state (mean of 65/100,000 and16/100,000respectively) and give the city hall the responsibility for the health care quality provided to their citizens. These factors demand theprinciples ofuniversality and integrality to be performed in order to reduce social inequities.


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The unstable non acid milk (UNAM) is characterized by coagulation in the alcohol test and wanted acidity (14-18°D). Among Brazilian regions, the South and Southeast have the highest occurrence of LINA, which has been causing problems for both producers and for industries, due to the disposal or undervaluation of milk. In the Northeast there are few studies that indicate their occurrence and quality. The objective of this study was to identify the occurrence of unstable non-acid milk in the west and central mesoregions of Rio Grande do Norte, determine their physicochemical characteristics, test alcoholic graduations and evaluate their correlation with the quality of milk. 176 raw milk samples were analyzed in the period from September to December /2014 from 23 APASA’s cooling tanks, located in 7 cities of west and central mesoregions RN. The samples were collected in duplicate, one sample used for alcohol testing at 68, 72 and 76%, measurement of pH, acidity, electrical conductivity and boiling proof, made in LABOLEITE / UFRN; and the other sample containing Bronopol® preservative, was sent to the APCBRH (Cattle Breeders Association Paranaense Holstein) laboratory in Curitiba-PR, which were analyzed fat, protein, total solids, lactose, casein, urea nitrogen and somatic cell count. The test alcohol samples disapproved 31.82%, of which 30% proved to be non-acid, and 30% had high acidity. The samples were divided into three classes: Stable Milk, UNAM and acid milk. 3% Tukey test was used for comparison of stable milk components and UNAM and there was no significant difference between them. Both classes obtained averages within the standard required by IN 62. The average value of electric conductivity was 4.84 mS/cm for stable milk, 4.55 mS/cm for unstable and acid milk and 4.53 mS/cm for non-acid unstable milk. The electrical conductivity was positively correlated with alcohol stability of milk and negative correlation with acidity and pH. Could not observe direct relationship between the electrical conductivity and the somatic cell count.The boiling test was negative for all samples UNAM. It can be concluded that the incidence of UNAM in the studied region is low, although the predisposing factors such as heat stress, drought and nutritional deficiency. In conclusion, the UNAM has quality similar to stable milk, conform the norms required by Agriculture Ministry, and with adequate thermal stability, which proves that there is no reason to reject this milk by industry.


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The birth or delivery under 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered a global public health problem, since it is seen as one of the main risk factors for neonatal morbidity and mortality, particularly in the first week of life. This study had the objective of analyzing the profile of mothers of premature and full-term babies for the outcome of birth. This is an analytical-descriptive and cross-sectional study, with a sample of 109 mothers of all the premature babies and 135 mothers of the randomly selected full-term babies, by drawing, occurred in the period from April to September 2015, in a public maternity. Data were organized on Microsoft Excel 2013; subsequently, there was the analysis of the analytical-descriptive statistics, through Statistica 10, through which the frequencies, proportions, p values, with 5% significance level, through the Chi-square test, were identified. The project was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, receiving a favorable opinion (nº 1047431/2015). This study has enabled us to identify that the socioeconomic profile of mothers of premature and full-term babies showed, in both, low schooling level and low income. In addition, our data point out in the two groups, before and during pregnancy, a high prevalence of sedentariness; statistical significance for overweight and obesity before and during pregnancy, with 42,22% prevalence before pregnancy of mothers of premature babies and 48,62% of mothers of full-term babies; with high blood pressure during pregnancy in 32,11% of mothers of premature babies and 17,04% of mothers of full-term babies. Moreover, pregnancy was only planned in 33,33%, and also unwanted by 21,1% of mothers of premature babies, while 40,37% of mothers of full-term babies planned pregnancy and 17,78% had unwanted pregnancy. With respect to the aggravating factor “illicit drugs”, there was consumption during pregnancy on the part of 8,26% of mothers of premature babies. The most frequent complications were: vaginal bleeding (in 43,12% of mothers of premature babies and 20% of mothers of full-term babies); urinary infection (in 44,95% of mothers of premature babies and 40% of mothers of full-term babies); and stressful pregnancy (in 62,96% of mothers of premature babies and 47,41% of mothers of full-term babies). Accordingly, babies were born with health problems in 58,10% of premature births and there was healthy birth in 96,30% of full-term babies. Therefore, the profile of mothers with obesity and overweight, unwanted pregnancy, user of illegal drugs during pregnancy, stressful pregnancy and vaginal bleeding may be associated with the birth of premature baby as unfavorable and hazardous event for the child’s health.