981 resultados para Landscapes.


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This paper addresses the representation of landscape complexity in stated preferences research. It integrates landscape ecology and landscape economics and conducts the landscape analysis in a three-dimensional space to provide ecologically meaningful quantitative landscape indicators that are used as variables for the monetary valuation of landscape in a stated preferences study. Expected heterogeneity in taste intensity across respondents is addressed with a mixed logit model in Willingness to Pay space. Our methodology is applied to value, in monetary terms, the landscape of the Sorrento Peninsula in Italy, an area that has faced increasing pressure from urbanization affecting its traditional horticultural, herbaceous, and arboreal structure, with loss of biodiversity, and an increasing risk of landslides. We find that residents of the Sorrento Peninsula would prefer landscapes characterized by large open views and natural features. Residents also appear to dislike heterogeneous landscapes and the presence of lemon orchards and farmers' stewardship, which are associated with the current failure of protecting the traditional landscape. The outcomes suggest that the use of landscape ecology metrics in a stated preferences model may be an effective way to move forward integrated methodologies to better understand and represent landscape and its complexity.


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A timely, and uniquely historical, look at how war turns soldiers, and all of us, into tourists. Holidays in the Danger Zone exposes the mundane and everyday entanglements between two seemingly opposed worlds—warfare and tourism. Debbie Lisle shows how a tourist sensibility shapes the behavior of soldiers in warespecially the experiences of Western military forces in “exotic” settings. This includes not only R&R but also how battlefields themselves become landscapes of leisure and tourism. It further explores how a military sensibility shapes the development of tourism in the postwar context, from “Dark Tourism” (engaging with displays of conflict and atrocity) to exhibitions of conflict in museums and at memorial sites, as well as in advertising, film, journals, guidebooks, blogs, and photography. Focused on how war and tourism reinforce prevailing modes of domination, Holidays in the Danger Zone critically examines the long historical arc of the war-tourism nexus from nineteenth-century imperialism to World War I and World War II, from the Cold War to globalization and the War on Terror.


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Understanding the spatial distribution of organisms is a central topic in ecology. The European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population is in Portugal and Norway at the southwestern and northern edge of its distribution, respectively. Understanding the factors that act on these populations enlightens both local aspects concerning their conservation and wider scale aspects of the species bioclimatic envelope, which is crucial for being better able to predict the impacts of environmental change. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate roe deer distribution in Portugal and Norway, two countries with contrasting landscapes, seasonality and with different anthropogenic pressure. The interspecific relationship with sympatric ungulates was also analysed. By using pellet group counts, we investigated habitat use of roe deer, identifying the major environmental descriptors, to understand the importance of forest structure, vegetation characteristics, landscape structure and human disturbance on their distribution. The analyses were based on presence – absence data and were carried out at two spatial scales. The results showed that habitat use of roe deer was different across countries. In Portugal, at the local scale, roe deer distribution was positively associated with high density of shrubs, especially heather and brambles, while the presence of red deer had a negative effect on their distribution. At a broad scale, roe deer was negatively associated with spatial heterogeneity, namely mean shape index and made less use of areas close to agricultural fields. In Norway, at the local scale, roe deer made more use of areas with high cover of deciduous trees and patches containing juniper and Vaccinium sp.. At a broad scale, roe deer use patches near edges between fields and forest. In both countries, roe deer make use of areas further away from roads. While in Norway roe deer in both summer and winter are always close to houses, in Portugal they are either far (summer) or indifferent (winter). Anthropogenic disturbance is better tolerated in Norway, where the importance of the critical season seems to be higher. Human disturbance may contribute to roe deer habitat loss in Portugal, while roe deer are able to persist close to humans in managed landscapes in Norway. In fact, some of the differences observed could be more due to the indirect impacts of human exploitation (e.g. presence of free-ranging dogs and hunting regulation) rather than the actual human presence or land-use per se. I conclude that the methodology and tools developed here are readily expandable to address similar questions in different contexts. Wildlife management would benefit greatly from a more holistic/integrative approach and that should include human aspects, as human disturbance is expected to continue increasing.


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Esta investigação tem por objetivo perceber os protagonismos associados à música raiz na região do Sul de Minas, estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais. Desenvolvido no âmbito da etnomusicologia, trata-se de um estudo etnográfico realizado entre os anos de 2009 e 2012 no município de Jacutinga, localizado no Vale do Sapucaí. Como música raiz entende-se nesse contexto um universo musical que engloba vários “ritmos”, “formas” ou “estilos”, como a moda-de-viola, o pagode-de-viola, a querumana, a guarânia, dentre outros, performado por uma dupla cantando em dueto com acompanhamento da viola caipira. O termo engloba os segmentos música caipira e música sertaneja no sentido em que, para os protagonistas, as classificações convergem. O conceito de paisagem cantada é adotado como principal ferramenta de análise uma vez que no romance – gênero cantado e central da música raiz - a poética-narrativa atua como testemunha da história de um universo associado ao modo de vida rural do centro-sudeste brasileiro. A memória é portanto entextualizada na moda – unidade mínima musical de análise – que ao ser performada evoca um catálogo de elementos identificadores de uma cartografia humana, territorial e sonora, associadas a um universo designado por caipira. O sentido de pertencimento e de identificação com este paradigma promove uma recontextualização destes elementos fazendo emergir novas paisagens e novas práticas onde eles são ressignificados, adquirindo, em alguns casos, o valor de marcos sonoros (ex: o carro-de-boi, o berrante e o monjolo). Paralelamente, o processo de materialização da música que conduziu à sua fixação em disco e ao aparente desaparecimento da situação de performance participativa, transformou a própria música raiz num marco sonoro através do qual a caipiridade é representada.


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Short film/video art (mini DV 2’.10’’) featuring urban landscapes and domestic housing previously displayed as part of the 2nd Athens Video Art Festival 2006.7, 8, 9 April 2006 Aggelon Vima.


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An experimental study aimed at assessing the influence of redundancy and neutrality on the performance of an (1+1)-ES evolution strategy modeled using Markov chains and applied to NK fitness landscapes is presented. For the study, two families of redundant binary representations, one non-neutral family which is based on linear transformations and that allows the phenotypic neighborhoods to be designed in a simple and effective way, and the neutral family based on the mathematical formulation of error control codes are used. The results indicate whether redundancy or neutrality affects more strongly the behavior of the algorithm used.


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Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Religião e do Simbólico), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia da Conservação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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The article engages with theory about the processes of spatialization of fear in contemporary Western urban space (fortification, privatization, exclusion/seclusion, fragmentation, polarization) and their relation to fear of crime and violence. A threefold taxonomy is outlined (Enclosure, Post-Public Space, Barrier), and “spaces of fear” in the city of Palermo are mapped with the aim of exploring the cumulative large-scale effects of the spatialization of fear on a concrete urban territory. Building on empirical evidence, the author suggests that mainstream theories be reframed as part of a less hegemonic and more discursive approach and that theories mainly based on the analyses of global cities be deprovincialized. The author argues for the deconstruction of the concept of “spaces of fear” in favor of the more discursive concept of “fearscapes” to describe the growing landscapes of fear in contemporary Western cities.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2013


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Contemporary cities are frequently surrounded by transitional landscapes: ambiguous lands, non-places on the urban edge, commonly experienced under the condition of speed. Although variously shaped by processes of urbanisation, logistics of road engineering, safety and ownership, and local people's lives, for travellers such landscapes are usually perceived in a state of disappearance. This condition presents a major challenge for the traditional methods used in architecture and urban design. For designers interested in the organisation and design of such mobility routes for the engagement of the traveller, a method of scripting based on notation timelines would provide a helpful supplement to traditional master plans. This paper explores the development of such a method and its roots in time-based arts, such as dance, music and film, as well as in the recent history of architecture and urban design. It does so through the presentation of an experimental study based on a real route, the train journey from London to Stansted airport.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-03


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A review article of three recent books on suburbanization and suburbia in the USA: Andrew Friedman, Covert Capital: Landscapes of Denial and the Making of the US Empire in the Suburbs of Northern Virginia. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2013. 416pp. £19.95 pbk. Elaine Lewinnek, The Working Man's Reward: Chicago's Early Suburbs and the Roots of American Sprawl. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 239pp. 20 b&w illustrations. £30.99 hbk. Benjamin Ross, Dead End: Suburban Sprawl and the Rebirth of American Urbanism. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 249pp. £20.99 hbk.


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Eugénio de Andrade (1923-2005) é um dos mais celebrados e traduzidos poetas portugueses contemporâneos, com mais de trinta volumes de poesia, e vários prémios nacionais e internacionais. Como poeta atento e turista curioso, Andrade viajou com frequência para Espanha, França, Itália e Grécia, ao encontro de outros escritores (Vicente Aleixandre, Dámaso Alonso, etc.), e visitou diversas cidades e locais históricos. Recorrentemente, menciona Madrid, Valverde del Fresno, Roma, Delfos, Tebas, Súnion, Veneza, Brindisi, Corfu, etc. Em resultado destas viagens, existem, na sua poesia, poemas em prosa e crónicas, abundantes referências aos países, cultura e paisagem natural do Mediterrâneo. Eugénio de Andrade captura poeticamente o ―genius loci‖, realçando os laços entre os povos, a fauna, a flora e o clima. Desde os primeiros escritos até ao seu último livro, o poeta coerentemente apresenta uma ―visão mediterrânica‖. Recorrendo às suas obras e a excertos de algumas das entrevistas que concedeu, este artigo exemplifica, analisa e avalia estes aspectos, explorando uma faceta menos conhecida da obra eugeniana.