995 resultados para LOCAL STRESSES


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We analyze the local equilibrium assumption for interfaces from the perspective of gauge transformations, which are the small displacements of Gibbs' dividing surface. The gauge invariance of thermodynamic properties turns out to be equivalent to conditions for jumps of bulk densities across the interface. This insight strengthens the foundations of the local equilibrium assumption for interfaces and can be used to characterize nonequilibrium interfaces in a compact and consistent way, with a clear focus on gauge-invariant properties. Using the principle of gauge invariance, we show that the validity of Clapeyron equations can be extended to nonequilibrium interfaces, and an additional jump condition for the momentum density is recognized to be of the Clapeyron type. © 2012 Europhysics Letters Association.


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The response to a local, tip-induced electric field of ferroelastic domains in thin polycrystalline lead zirconate titanate films with predominantly (110) orientation has been studied using Enhanced Piezoresponse Force Microscopy. Two types of reversible polytwin switching between well-defined orientations have been observed. When a-c domains are switched to other forms of a-c domains, the ferroelastic domain walls rotate in-plane by 109.5°, and when a-c domains are switched to c-c domains (or vice-versa), the walls rotate by 54.75°. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Successful motor performance requires the ability to adapt motor commands to task dynamics. A central question in movement neuroscience is how these dynamics are represented. Although it is widely assumed that dynamics (e.g., force fields) are represented in intrinsic, joint-based coordinates (Shadmehr R, Mussa-Ivaldi FA. J Neurosci 14: 3208-3224, 1994), recent evidence has questioned this proposal. Here we reexamine the representation of dynamics in two experiments. By testing generalization following changes in shoulder, elbow, or wrist configurations, the first experiment tested for extrinsic, intrinsic, or object-centered representations. No single coordinate frame accounted for the pattern of generalization. Rather, generalization patterns were better accounted for by a mixture of representations or by models that assumed local learning and graded, decaying generalization. A second experiment, in which we replicated the design of an influential study that had suggested encoding in intrinsic coordinates (Shadmehr and Mussa-Ivaldi 1994), yielded similar results. That is, we could not find evidence that dynamics are represented in a single coordinate system. Taken together, our experiments suggest that internal models do not employ a single coordinate system when generalizing and may well be represented as a mixture of coordinate systems, as a single system with local learning, or both.


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The residual stresses in Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3thin films were measured by the \sin^{2}\Psi method using the normal X-ray incidence. The spacing of different planes (hkl) parallel to the film surface were converted to the spacing of a set of inclined planes (100). The angles between (100) and (hkl) were equivalent to the tilting angles of (100) from the normal of film surface. The residual stresses were extracted from the linear slope of the strain difference between the equivalent inclined direction and normal direction with respect to the \sin^{2}\Psi. The results were in consistency with that derived from the conventional \sin^{2}\Psi method.


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The residual stresses in Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 thin films were measured by the sin2 Ψ method using the normal X-ray incidence. The spacing of different planes (hkl) parallel to the film surface were converted to the spacing of a set of inclined planes (100). The angles between (100) and (hkl) were equivalent to the tilting angles of (100) from the normal of film surface. The residual stresses were extracted from the linear slope of the strain difference between the equivalent inclined direction and normal direction with respect to the sin2 Ψ. The results were in consistency with that derived from the conventional sin2 Ψ method. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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This paper reports a detailed analysis of the effect of local lifetime killing (LLK) within the drift region on the reverse recovery (RR) characteristics and on-state performance of 600V Silicon PiN diodes. The paper also discusses the influence of the measurement circuit on the reverse recovery of the high voltage diodes and it proposes a simple and effective mix-mode simulation tool for an accurate assessment of the diode performance in reverse recovery mode. © 2013 IEEE.


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The need to create high-value products for specialist applications, and the search for efficient forming routes that obviate the need for some machining steps, is driving Interest In a novel class of forming processes aiming to create locally thickened features within sheet work- pieces. A number of novel forming processes have been proposed to meet this need, but it is as yet unclear which processes will be most effective in creating local thickening of various geometries, and many process configurations have yet to be tried. This paper aims to provide some basic principles for designing and characterising process behaviour. A simplified generic description of sheet thickening processes is provided, with two tools of variable operating on a sheet workpiece in plane strain, with different tool separations and motions parameterised. A comprehensive numerical study of the behaviour of this class of processes is conducted in Abaqus to predict the main characteristics of the material flow in each configuration. The results are used to classify the different basic behaviours that can be achieved by the sheet-bulk thickening processes and to give guidance on future process development, capability and applicability. © 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim.


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The statistical behaviours of the instantaneous scalar dissipation rate Nc of reaction progress variable c in turbulent premixed flames have been analysed based on three-dimensional direct numerical simulation data of freely propagating statistically planar flame and V-flame configurations with different turbulent Reynolds number Ret. The statistical behaviours of N c and different terms of its transport equation for planar and V-flames are found to be qualitatively similar. The mean contribution of the density-variation term T1 is positive, whereas the molecular dissipation term (-D2) acts as a leading order sink. The mean contribution of the strain rate term T2 is predominantly negative for the cases considered here. The mean reaction rate contribution T3 is positive (negative) towards the unburned (burned) gas side of the flame, whereas the mean contribution of the diffusivity gradient term (D) assumes negative (positive) values towards the unburned (burned) gas side. The local statistical behaviours of Nc, T1, T2, T 3, (-D2), and f(D) have been analysed in terms of their marginal probability density functions (pdfs) and their joint pdfs with local tangential strain rate aT and curvature km. Detailed physical explanations have been provided for the observed behaviour. © 2014 Y. Gao et al.


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This paper reports the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of silicon carbide (3C-SiC) thin films grown on silicon substrates. Using bulge testing combined with a refined load-deflection model of long rectangular membranes, which takes into account the bending stiffness and prestress of the membrane material, the Young's modulus, prestress, and fracture strength for the 3C-SiC thin films with thicknesses of 0.40 and 1.42 mu m were extracted. The stress distribution in the membranes under a load was calculated analytically. The prestresses for the two films were 322 +/- 47 and 201 +/- 34 MPa, respectively. The thinner 3C-SiC film with a strong (111) orientation has a plane-gstrain moduli of 415 +/- 61 GPa, whereas the thicker film with a mixture of both (111) and (110) orientations exhibited a plane-strain moduli of 329 +/- 49 GPa. The corresponding fracture strengths for the two kinds of SiC films were 6.49 +/- 0.88 and 3.16 +/- 0.38 GPa, respectively. The reference stresses were computed by integrating the local stress of the membrane at the fracture over edge, surface, and volume of the specimens and were fitted with Weibull distribution function. For the 0.40-mu m-thick membranes, the surface integration has a better agreement between the data and the model, implying that the surface flaws are the dominant fracture origin. For the 1.42-mu m-thick membranes, the surface integration presented only a slightly better fitting quality than the other two, and therefore, it is difficult to rule out unambiguously the effects of the volume and edge flaws.


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The mechanical properties and fracture behavior of silicon nitride (SiNx) thin film fabricated by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition is reported. Plane-strain moduli, prestresses, and fracture strengths of silicon nitride thin film; deposited both oil a bare Si substrate and oil a thermally oxidized Si substrate were extracted using bulge testing combined with a refined load-deflection model of long rectangular membranes. The plane-strain modu i and prestresses of SiNx thin films have little dependence on the substrates, that is, for the bare Si substrate, they are 133 +/- 19 GPa and 178 +/- 22 MPa, respectively, while for the thermally oxidized substrate, they are 140 +/- 26 Gila and 194 +/- 34 MPa, respectively. However, the fracture strength values of SiNx films grown on the two substrates are quite different, i.e., 1.53 +/- 0.33 Gila and 3.08 +/- 0.79 GPa for the bare Si substrate a A the oxidized Si substrate, respectively. The reference stresses were computed by integrating the local stress of the membrane at the fracture over the edge, Surface, and volume of the specimens and fitted with the Weibull distribution function. For SiNx thin film produced oil the bare Si Substrate, the Volume integration gave a significantly better agreement between data and model, implying that the volume flaws re the dominant fracture origin. For SiNx thin film grown on the oxidized Si substrate, the fit quality of surface and edge integration was significantly better than the Volume integration, and the dominant surface and edge flaws could be caused by buffered HF attacking the SiNx layer during SiO2 removal. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on the positive maps separability criterion, we present a method for the detection of quantum entanglement of a shared bipartite quantum state, within the "distant labs" paradigm, using only local operations and classical communication.


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We present a method for checking the Peres separability criterion in an arbitrary bipartite quantum state rho(AB) within local operations and classical communication scenario. The method does not require noise operation which is needed in making the partial transposition map physically implementable. The main task for the two observers, Alice and Bob, is to measure some specific functions of the partial transposed matrix. With these functions, they can determine the eigenvalues of rho(T)(AB)(B), among which the minimum serves as an entanglement witness.


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We present a parametrically efficient method for measuring the entanglement of formation E-f in an arbitrarily given unknown two-qubit state rho(AB) by local operations and classical communication. The two observers, Alice and Bob, first perform some local operations on their composite systems separately, by which the desired global quantum states can be prepared. Then they estimate seven functions via two modified local quantum networks supplemented a classical communication. After obtaining these functions, Alice and Bob can determine the concurrence C and the entanglement of formation E-f.


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We arrive at a necessary and sufficient criterion that can be readily used for interconvertibility between general, all-tripartite Gaussian states under local quantum operation. The derivation involves a systematic reduction that converts the original complex conditions in high-dimensional, 6n x 6n matrix space eventually into 2 x 2 matrix problems.